Murder Mysteries
Page 16
The three investigators had an early dinner as Stacy had an interview at around 6 pm. At the local Denny's they ate while Stacy related her visit with Hazel Alberts. After she was finished, she dove into her cob salad and French bread. Rory said, "We seem to building a case against Pastor Arnold. I think tomorrow I'll put him on the hot seat and see what happens. Ben here can interview Felix Weber and the bookkeeper Zack Brown. After that let's drive down to Port Orford and interview the Wise family. I guess that leaves the old woman writer Emily Dewart for you Stacy."
"Sounds fine to me," she said with a mouthful of French bread. Rory had finished his mountain of food and was staring at a slice of bread next to her salad. "Go ahead Rory. I hate to see a grown man drool over food. I think we also need to interview the minister who had dinner with the pastor and his wife Saturday night. I forgot his name."
Rory flipped through his pocket not book with a mouthful of bread. He chewed like crazy and then said, "Bobby Richards is his name."
After dinner, with a storm beginning, Stacy drove down to Bandon to chat with Robin Welch. By the time she arrived in Bandon the car wipers were working overtime. It was dark out and Stacy had both hands on the wheel hearing the spray off the tires hit the fender wells. Stacy drove slowly through Old Town and turned up the hill near the jetty to the Beach Loop Road where just off of Oregon Street lived the spinster Robin Welch.
Stacy had no trouble with finding the house as it was lighted up like Christmas. A bright light shown off the garage as Stacy pulled into the drive way and stopped. It was only a short ways to the front door, but by the time she arrived her coat was really wet. Robin was standing in the doorway as Stacy rushed in. Robin said, "Nasty night, but typical of Bandon this time of year; don't you agree Stacy?"
"Yes I do agree. Why we live here is beyond me Ms. Welch."
"Call me Robin please. Like you I've lived here all my life. Formal is not what this town is about. Now I've got warm cookies and coffee or tea for you. Follow me please to the kitchen."
The kitchen was spacious and very nice. It looked like it had been remodeled not so long ago. Stacy appraised Robin and found a nice looking fifty something former nurse preparing tea for both of them. Well, thought Stacy, this should be interesting.
After a plate of cookies sat in between the two of them at the large kitchen table, Stacy asked, "What do you think happened at the church yesterday Robin?"
"I think Pastor Jonas murdered Jonas Fielder. It's that simple. The man is no damn good. Not only that, he's a thief and womanizer. Also he very well could be a perverted child molester."
"You don't beat around the bush Robin," said Stacy.
"Let me tell you some stories. At first I overheard, not intentional, that intentional came later, some phone conversations between Arnold and whoever was on the other end. The first time was when I heard him say that he would do his best to send the payment soonest he could. He needed time. Then silence for a minute or so and then he said, 'I can't keep making these blackmail payments Leo. It has to end. I'm totally out of funds.' And then he hung up.
"What happened the next time you overheard some conversation," asked Stacy.
"It wasn't two weeks later and I'm sweeping the hallway floor near his office. He thinks the church is empty so he leaves the door open to his office. I heard him say, 'look, I can make your daughter a famous singer. However, a little gratitude would be the small fee for my help.' I almost threw up on the floor Stacy. Then about a month later, I sneak in the back door quietly just in case I might hear something or see something. I hear loud vices arguing in his office. I make myself scarce away from the noise and then I see and hear Jonas come stomping out of his office and out the back door. No I don't know what they were arguing about, but I realized it was time I told somebody in power. The next time I saw Albert Wise I told him and his wife all about what I'd heard."
"What did they say about what you'd told them?"
"They didn't seem shocked. I expected them to be very concerned but the only thing he said was they were aware of some things and were doing all they could to correct a bad situation."
"What can you tell me about him, Pastor Arnold being a thief," asked Stacy.
"Zack told Albert that some funds were missing from the bank account that was unexplainable. The last I heard from Zack was some of the missing funds had been recovered."
"What do you know about Pastor Arnold's wife?"
"Mrs. Westerfield is very rarely seen outside the house. I'm told, or we church members are told, she is not well. What the illness is or whatever, we don't know. I've only seen her twice in three years," said Robin.
"When you mention that Arnold could be a child molester, where does your information come from," asked Stacy.
"Hazel alluded to the fact one time and then she quickly shut her mouth. I asked her to explain, but she just shook her head. You know Stacy, we've almost twenty kids age sixteen and under at our church. A pastor has a lot of influence and power over the congregation and especially the kids. Innocent children think a pastor or minister is next to God. If a leader of a church touches a child inappropriately, he should be sent away to prison. However, it's so hard to prove and the legal system needs facts not hearsay. I'm really depressed Stacy. Could we do this some other day," asked Robin.
Stacy went home struggling with two things: one the weather and driving in the dark; the other was the strong case building against Pastor Arnold. She needed someone to talk about this case with. She was thrilled to see her father home and the lights on the porch just for her.
"Dad I'm home," she yelled as she entered the door shaking like a dog the rain off her coat.
"I’m in the kitchen as usual Stacy," answered her father.
"I'll be right there after a quick shower." She ran to her bedroom, shucked off her clothes, put on her bathrobe, hustled to the bathroom and took a ten minute hot shower to relieve the ache and grim from the autopsy.
"What's up for dinner pops," she asked smiling and giving him a hug.
"Wow, why am I so lucky tonight to receive a hug from my grown up daughter," he asked with a pleased look on his face.
"I'm not sure dad. I've both a good feeling and a bad one about this case and needed a reassuring hug."
"How's that, if you want to talk about it."
"Well, today when Marsha performed the autopsy it was evident that Jonas was full of cancer. He must have been in some serious pain. However, it has been known to explode without causing undue pain until almost time to pass on."
"That's a surprise. I've never known him to see a doctor. Put that on your list of to-do things. Now belly up as we're having breaded chops Stacy style."
After dinner, Stacy was cleaning up, father sitting at the table listening to his daughter talk about the mounting evidence against Pastor Arnold. After she told him about the interviews with Robin and Hazel he said, "Stacy, its one thing to steal and another to be a sexual pervert, but being a murder is not usually part of that program. Now I'm not saying that a parent, brother or some relative could end the life of someone who violated a family member, but usually they just go to prison."
"Yes, indeed dad---- and here we have no reported molestation charges or rape or anything of a violent nature. Therefore, it must mean there's another reason he was killed. If so, then there's another suspect out there we've missed."
"Let's go see the end of that movie I fell asleep watching last night," he said while standing up.
"I'll be along in a minute. I've to start the dish washer. Great dinner dad. I'll keep you around for a long time if you keep this up," she said. He laughed and went to his easy chair.
Father was waiting for Stacy to come before he started the movie. She came in and he saw she was in deep thought. She snapped her fingers and said, "Dad, I forgot all about the person who discovered the body. We need to interview him. His name was Otis something…… help me out here dad," she asked.
"Otis Longger
is his name. Very quiet guy and family. You know quiet guys see and hear a lot. However, getting them to talk about it is a horse of another color. Good luck. But, tell you what I'll do---I'll see him and tell him you want some information."
"Thanks and start the movie please," she said knowing or not knowing where she left off last night. As a matter of fact, she had no idea what the movie was about.
It was sometime later when her father shook her awake. They both went to bed preparing for a new day.
Both Rory and Ben drove down for North Bend. They parked at the Bandon Police Station where they'd agreed to meet Stacy to begin the interviews. Stacy was at the street window watching the two men run to the door to escape the relentless downpour. Flo was standing next to Stacy and said, "Here comes your love sick partner. That guy has it bad. I wish someone had a crush on me. I'd even lose a few pounds if I thought it might help." Both laughed as the men came in.
"What's so funny," Rory asked. "Did I forget to zip up," and he looked down.
"No big guy. It was a girl thing. Relax and let's get to our business," said Stacy taking charge of the moment.
Sitting at a small conference table, Stacy gave them a rundown on her interviews with Hazel and Robin. Even though she'd done Hazel before the autopsy, she'd only given the two detectives a brief overview. Now she gave a detailed account.
After a few minutes she summarized by saying, "So it appears our pastor likes females regardless of age and is most likely being blackmailed. Also, if the bookkeeper Zeke can confirm, Arnold is a thief as well. It's evident that he and Jonas were not friends, but really didn't like one another. One more thing; we, or I, forgot to include the person who found the body, Otis Longger for an interview."
"Before we begin, cause I'm single and totally lazy, anyone want to have breakfast with me," asked Rory.
"I'm off to see Felix Weber," said Ben. "You don't need my help to eat. However, if you're still around at lunch time, I'd gladly have lunch with you."
Stacy said, "I could eat a pile of toast. After that I think Rory and I should drop in on the good Pastor Arnold at the church office this am. I called his home and a creaky voice told me that he just left for church."
Rory said, "Did you guys know today is a holiday for Oregon?"
"No, what holiday is it," asked Stacy.
"It's the date of Oregon statehood. It just began this year. Banks and schools are closed. Most government offices are shuttered also," said Rory.
"They let's go down and see the Albert Wise family," said Stacy.
"First some eggs for my daily fix of cholesterol if you don't mind," said Rory walking to the door.
At the restaurant, where the trio, but now only two, were becoming regular customers, Stacy sat down saying, "Rory what do you think of the evidence piling up against Pastor Arnold?"
"It appears a lot of circumstantial evidence is being accumulated. At this point a jury would have to weigh the evidence very carefully. Be that as it may, he's our prime suspect at the moment. I've come to trust you gut instinct Stacy. Both previous cases we thought we had a slam dunk case and you blew it sideways both times. Now what does that midriff tell you about this case?"
"I'm not sure Rory. I'm on the fence with this call. The evidence supports the accusation, but until we complete our interviews and review let's keep an open mind. God I love strawberry jam," she said while opening a half dozen of those miserable small plastic jam and jelly containers.
Ben was, at the same time, sitting down at the kitchen table with Felix Weber. His house overlooked the jetty and Pacific Ocean. However, this morning rivulets of rain water ran down the giant plate glass window making vision difficult.
Coffee was offered and accepted. Then Felix said, "Ask anything you want to detective. I for one liked Jonas and would like to see his killer put away."
Ben saw a confident man and asked, "What do you think happened at the church Mr. Weber?" Ben was watching him closely. He could tell this very fit looking senior was no man's dummy. His grey eyes penetrated to the very marrow of the person he was talking to.
"To speculate might be foolish detective. However, if Jonas was murdered and apparently you think so, then your work is cut out for you. I've heard some disturbing things recently about the church. I'm an elder of the church. It's been brought up some church funds are missing. Zack Brown hasn't named the reason for the loss as of yet. In addition, our good pastor has an eye for the ladies both young and old. The old ladies we can live with, but if he drops below the line to exploit our young, then he's in big trouble. I tried to run a check on him and found he'd been kicked out of Montana under accusations of child abuse. Nothing was confirmed or proven, but it was strongly suggest some impropriety was voiced by church members.
Our head office in Portland denies any wrong doing and said he was well liked wherever he resided. Also, it was told to me that he might have fondled one of our choir members. That's difficult to prove as you well know.
Pastor Arnold and Jonas were always at each other throats for what reason is beyond me. Our former pastor and Jonas were best of friends. It seemed from the beginning they were at odds with each other. Maybe it was the drinking; maybe it was the friendship Jonas had with other members; maybe it was the way the whole of the congregation loved the man. I can tell you this, after a year being here, Pastor Arnold was like Bush in the end: hated by most.
Now having said all of that, why someone would kill the fat man is not hard to understand. Underneath all of this you'll find some motive to justify his death by violent means," said Felix.
"You didn't leave me much opportunity to ask questions Mr. Weber. I thank you and most likely will return with a few more follow up questions," said Ben Razor.
While Rory and Stacy were driving south in a headwind full of rain, Ben went to find Zack Brown. He found the bookkeeper at his downtown office. It wasn't easy to find as it was down a narrow path between the charter fishing company building and a restaurant. At the end of the path, a door with Zack Brown Accountant made the seeker happy to find his office. Ben knocked and then entered.
Zack was standing behind a lovely myrtle wood desk. Somebody had done a wonderful job designing a one of a kind desk. Ben couldn't take his eyes of it. He knew that myrtle wood only grew in this region of Southwest Oregon. That uniqueness was noted by a lot of myrtle wood factories south of Bandon to Port Orford.
Zack held out his hand as Ben, finally, told him who he was. Zack said, "Never mind detective, this desk is my pride and joy. It's a real conversation piece, but not many new customers come my way anymore. Never mind, how can I assist you?"
"We're investigating the homicide at the church. It's been reported to us that you suspect church funds have been embezzled. Can you be more specific Mr. Brown," asked Ben.
"I've been their bookkeeper for many years detective. The church never has a lot of money in the bank. However, I discovered a few thousand missing when I balanced the books a few months ago. As it was the end of the quarter, I was fairly busy with my other clients. So I didn't pursue the issue. When the finance committee met after the quarter ended, I made my report. I wanted authorization to see the bank manager and see what happened to the funds. I was given the go ahead by the committee and went to the Umpqua Bank to see what had happened.
A long story short Detective. Pastor Arnold had withdrawn $2000 and then a few weeks after that deposited $1000 back to the account. As of this date, the remaining balance is still missing. I've been told to let things ride for the time being. What the church doesn't need is a local scandal."
"I think that's good for now Mr. Brown. Any follow up questions I'll call first. Thank you for your time. Oh, by the way, have you ever witnessed an argument between Jonas and the pastor, asked Ben.
"Its common knowledge they didn't get along very well. Recently, I can't remember the date or day, for that matter. I drove up to the church for some paper work. I saw, but didn't hear much, Jonas and Arnold in each other face with
arms flying. It was clearly an argument; of what topic, I don't know."
"One more question. Have you seen Pastor Arnold do anything inappropriate to his congregation; especially children."
"No, I've never witnessed anything such as you are talking about. However, I've heard some parents complain he should keep his hands to himself."
Driving in the storm, discussing what should come next, the 27 miles went by rather quickly. Soon they were in the town of Port Orford. It wasn't hard to find the hardware store as it was on the highway almost in the middle of town. Flanking it was a family restaurant and across the street a real estate office.
Rory didn't park right in front. That was reserved for customers. He parked around the corner and they hurried through the rain to the store. Like many old stores, the bells over the door rang alerting the store customers had arrived. However, the weather most likely prevented a lot of shoppers from going out on a day like this.
Albert Wise with a small smile came around from the counter and shook Rory's hand saying hello to Stacy. Rory said, "If we aren’t interrupting something important, do you have time for a few questions?"
"Sure I've time. I've a small office in the back and my employee can man the counter and tend the customers, if any come in on a day like today," he said leading them behind the counter through an open doorway to his office just behind the doorway.
Stacy thought, well, he was right when he said small. With Albert behind the desk, and the two sitting across from him, they pretty well filled the room. Stacy took notes as Rory asked, "You've had some time to think about what happened in the church last Sunday. Since then I'd like to share with you the results so far on the autopsy. Jonas Fielder was being consumed by cancer. He wouldn't have lived much longer according to the pathologist Dr. Stone. Cause of death was asphyxiation. We're noting the death as a homicide, but haven't ruled out suicide either. We've substantiated the fact Jonas and Pastor Arnold had severe arguments. Those arguments are facts. Additionally we've heard about his fondness for the opposite sex regardless of age. What can you tell us Mr. Wise?"