Book Read Free


Page 22

by Marshall Huffman

“You can take her back,” he said to the female officer outside the door.

  She came in the room and cuffed her and started leading her down the hall.

  “You suck, Logan. I hope you never get the guy. I sure the hell won’t help you,” she spat out.

  “No problem. Oh, and I hope you enjoy your new cellmate. Her name is Kishnia Johnson. Big black girl from what I understand. Likes to watch TV a lot.”

  “Wait,” she said, spinning around, “You can’t do that. It’s blackmail. She will kill me. She has been on my ass since I got there,” she said.

  “Hey, you play hardball and sometimes you get beaned.”

  “This ain’t right.”

  Logan leaned over and whispered in Anderson’s ear. She said something back and he turned, “We both agree, the offer is off the table as soon as you step through that door,” he said.

  It was silent in the room for several seconds. Even the background noise seemed to quiet down.

  “This sucks but it’s better than going back to that jail,” she said at last.

  They lead her back into the room and she took her chair again. Alice settled into hers and Logan sat in his place.

  “Look. I don’t know the guy’s name. Not really, but I know who he is,” she said.

  “What are you trying to pull here?” Logan asked, slamming his big hand down on the desk.

  Alice jerked her head up and Marcia sat back in her chair.

  “I mean, I saw him on the television. Look, I was watching the news last night and bigger than shit, he came on the tube. My eyes just about fell out of my head,” she offered.

  “And you don’t know who he is?”

  “He had on the same sunglasses as the man that came to see me. It was him. I could clearly see that it was the same guy, just without the goatee and wig,” she insisted.

  “What channel were you watching?”

  “I don’t know. A local station, they don’t have cable,” she replied.

  “Why didn’t you pick him out of the University Photo Book?”

  “He wasn’t in there. I am sure of it,” she said.

  “That’s convenient.”

  “That’s the truth,” she said defiantly.

  “We will get the news from last night and you will point him out to us. No bullshitting, no ‘I think’, got it?”

  “Got it,” she replied.

  “Randy, get the local stations to send over the news tape from last night’s program. Tell them we need it yesterday. Go pick it up if you have to. I want that tape,” he said.

  He looked over to the DA and said, “This works for you?”

  “If she picks him out, it’s a go,” Alice confirmed.

  Randy rushed to call the local stations.


  “Flight 349 to Atlanta has been delayed due to a mechanical problem with the aircraft. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will keep you informed of our rescheduled departure time,” the husky female voice said over the speaker system.

  The Doctor slammed his paper down on the seat next to him. Damn it, all he wanted to do was get out of this damn place, now he was going to be stuck here longer. He stormed up to the attendant at the check-in counter. Several other people were there as well.

  “What kind of a delay,” he said butting in over the others.

  “Mechanical, sir,” she replied.

  “How long are we talking about,” he demanded.

  “Sir, I have no way of knowing that at this time. We just received word. I am trying to check on that but I need to stop answering questions and try to get some answers,” she replied.

  “Can’t they just get us another plane?”

  “Sorry, if we could, it would have already been done. Now please, let me get some more information and then I will make an announcement,” she said, picking up a phone.

  “Incompetent boobs,” he said and went back to his seat. He sat a few minutes and then decided to go to the bar just across the way from the gate. He might as well have something to drink if he was going to be stuck in this hellhole.

  * * *

  Logan loaded the tape in the machine and they all sat and watched the television screen. The room was crowded now. The DA, Randy, Marcia, the Captain and Logan were all crowded around the thirteen inch screen. Logan fast forwarded through the commercials and they watched.

  “There. That’s him,” she shouted and Logan stopped the frame.

  “You’re sure? I mean you are really sure?” the Captain said with a surprised look on his face.

  “As sure as I’m sitting here,” she said.

  “Good God,” he whispered.

  “No mistake about it?” the DA asked.

  “I said I was sure. Look, those are the glasses, see that little doohickey on the frame?” she asked, “That’s the guy and those are the glasses,” she said.

  “That makes no sense at all,” the Captain said.

  “Maybe it does,” Logan said, “We kept asking ourselves, ‘who had the most to gain from the murders.’ The real question was who had the most to lose if all of this became public. It fits,” Logan said.

  “It would be a public relations nightmare, but to murder over it? I just can’t believe that. I mean, he could have found some other way to get rid of the problem,” the Captain said, shaking his head.

  “I think he tried but it just got out of hand. He panicked and the rest followed,” Logan replied.

  “What do you think Ms. Anderson,” the Chief asked.

  “I think we had better issue a warrant for his arrest but it should be done as discreetly as possible. I don’t want the news to get wind of this,” she said.

  “Want us to use Judge Clark?” Logan asked.

  “He would be the best one. He is honest and understands the necessity of discretion in a matter like this. Nothing will leak out of his office,” she replied.

  “Come on Randy,” Logan said, heading out the door, “Take Marcia to the holding cell downstairs. I’ll be back after we get the warrant.”


  “Are you absolutely sure about this?” Judge Clark said, looking up from his massive desk, most of which was filled with files.

  “I wish I wasn’t. The DA sent me to you because she has a great deal of trust in your office,” Logan replied.

  “She does, does she? I suppose you want a warrant to search the residence as well,” the Judge said.

  “And his office and car,” Logan said.

  “Anything else?” he said, looking over the top of his glasses.

  “I think that will just about do it,” Logan said, trying not to smile.

  “I want to warn you Detective Logan, you had better be damn sure on this one. He is very well connected, not only in this town but the entire state.”

  “I understand. We will take every precaution and handle this with kid gloves,” he assured the Judge.

  The Judge filled out all of the appropriate information, signed the documents and handed them over to Logan.

  “I wouldn’t want to be you if you’re wrong on this,” the Judge said.

  “I won’t want to be me either,” Logan assured him as he left.

  Randy was waiting outside the Judge’s chambers as Logan came out.

  “Got it?”

  “I do. Let’s get over to his house and pick him up,” Logan said.

  “You want backup?”

  “No. He has no way of knowing we are coming. I don’t see any problem,” Logan replied.

  They drove across town. The traffic was light and it only took them a short time to get to his residence. The house was huge, built during a time when houses were really put together well. Nothing like the ones they slap up today that looked good for three or four years before they start to fall apart. They parked in the circular drive and rang the doorbell.

  “Yes,” an older woman said as she opened the front door.

  “Hi, I’m Detective Logan and this is Detective Nelson. We need to
speak with the Doctor for a moment,” Logan said.

  “Oh, I’m awfully sorry. The Doctor has left for vacation,” she told them.

  “When?” Logan asked.

  “About two hours or so ago. He went to the airport,” she replied.

  “Do you know which airline? Where he was going or what time his flight left?” Logan asked.

  “Oh dear, I really don’t know. I did overhear him talking on the phone about some Island. Grand Canyon. No that isn’t it. Grand something. It starts with a C or K, I think.”

  “Grand Cayman?” Randy asked.

  “Why yes. I do believe that was it. Grand Cayman,” she muttered again.

  “Did he drive?”

  “No. He took a cab. He sold his car a few days ago. I thought it was a bit strange but he is somewhat eccentric,” she said and covered her mouth like it slipped out.

  “Thank you,” Logan said, sprinting for the car.

  Randy was surprised at how fast he moved for his age. Logan jumped behind the steering wheel and Randy resigned himself to meeting his maker. Logan floored the car and started the siren and lights.

  “Call the airport security. Find out what flights are going to the Cayman Islands and the gates. Have them get to those gates and hold all flights,” Logan said, swerving across two lanes of traffic.

  “Can they do that?”

  “Hell, I don’t know. Just tell them to do it and let’s see what happens. Tell them it might be a terrorist. That will get them moving,” he said, swerving and blowing his horn.

  “You know it won’t do much good if we die on the way?” Randy said.

  “Don’t be a baby. I’m just getting warmed up,” Logan said, almost rear-ending a slower moving car.

  “How comes it took Marcia so long to come up with this? Why didn’t she pick him out of the book we showed her?” Randy asked.

  “I thought about that. The book was four years old, almost five. They are getting ready to do a new one this year,” Logan replied.


  “So, Winegardner has only been the President of the University for three years. He came from North or South Carolina before taking over here. That’s why he didn’t mind giving the book to Bull. He knew his picture wasn’t in it,” Logan told him.

  “Damned sly,” Randy said

  The radio blared and Randy grabbed the microphone.

  “6-2, base 2.”

  “Go ahead base 2.”

  “Security will meet you at the Delta terminal. They have a spot in front of the main door waiting for you. Only two airlines have flights at this time. Delta and Cayman Airways. The perp is on the Delta flight.”

  “When are they scheduled for take-off,” Randy asked.

  “Twenty minutes ago. They are still on the ground due to mechanical problems. Security is at the gate,” the reply came back.

  “We will be there in five minutes if we arrive alive,” Randy said.

  “Logan must be driving,” was the comeback.

  “That’s not nice,” Logan said, swerving across four lanes of traffic to take the International Airlines Terminal Expressway.

  They pulled up to the Delta entrance and jumped out. Security guards met them at the door and ushered them to the Delta gateway.

  * * *

  Winegardner knew something was up. He was sitting on one of the barstools, drinking a dry martini when he looked over and saw a flurry of activity. At first he thought they were getting ready to board the flight and he started to pay for his drink. When he looked back over, he noticed five or six security guards were gathered around the service desk.

  They were scrutinizing the passengers sitting at the gate. What the hell, he thought and sat back down and watched. After a few more minutes several more security personal arrived. They were starting to talk to the passengers. How in the hell could they know about him? Was he just being paranoid?

  The lady at the desk picked up the microphone and announced, “Passenger Winegardner. Dr. Winegardner, please come to the service desk. Your flight is ready to board.”

  Oh right, he though. How dumb do they think I am? Sure, I’ll just walk over and say, ‘here I am’, he thought. He put money on the bar and walked slowly to the other side and started down the hall. He was going to just casually walk out of the place. If he ran, he knew it would give him away. He wanted to be just another passenger on his way out of the terminal. This had gotten so far out of hand. That damned Lewis woman. Getting through college wasn’t good enough. Oh no. She wanted to be an honor graduate. Honor, what a joke. Threatening me, the president of the University. No conniving student was going to end his career and the reputation of the University. She had to be stopped. The stupid male instructors were too weak to stand up to her. Ryan was the only one with the courage but then he was going to cause this all to come out. My career may be over but I am not going to jail.

  Winegardner was halfway down the hall he saw several security guards running toward the gate. He spotted Logan. Damn. He was just yards from him.

  He decided to turn into a men’s room but Logan had spotted him and yelled, “Dr. Winegardner.”

  He looked at Logan, dropped his bags and ran for the nearest gate. The flight to St. Louis was just loading passengers and he barged past the ticket collector. She made a grab for him but he pulled loose and ran down the Jetway. When he got near the door that exits the Jetway, he threw it open and ran down the stairs. Logan and Randy fought their way through the crowd and headed down the Jetway. They ran into the jet cabin.

  “Quick,” Logan said, flashing his badge. Did a tall man in a brown tweed coat just board?”

  “No. I didn’t see anyone like that?”

  “We need to take a quick look,” he said, pushing past her. Logan scanned the isles. Winegardner was where to be seen.

  “Where the hell is he?” Randy asked.

  “Back to the gate,” Logan said, yelling a quick thanks to the attendant.

  As he was rushing out he noticed the Jetway door and yanked it open. Nothing.

  He was just about to close it when he heard someone yell, “What the hell are you doing down here?”

  Logan stepped out on to the ramp and looked down. Over by one of the service carts, a man was crouching down.

  “Winegardner,” Logan yelled and took off down the stairs.

  Winegardner jumped up and started running toward a door on the side of the terminal. Logan jumped the last few steps, stumbled and kept on going. Winegardner flung the door open and dashed inside. Logan soon followed. Stairs lead up and down. Logan only hesitated a second before heading up the stairs. He didn’t think Winegardner would let himself get trapped in a basement. Logan was puffing by the time he reached the top of the landing. He pulled open the door and searched the terminal. Nothing. He ran his eyes over the crowd but he couldn’t make out Winegardner. A few minutes later, Randy came panting up beside him.

  “Damn, old man. You’re a lot tougher than you look,” he panted.

  “I live right,” Logan said, still searching around the room.

  He walked quickly over to the service desk and said, “Can you connect me with security?”


  “Just do it lady,” he said, pulling out his badge.

  She picked up the phone and dialed.


  “This is Detective Logan, IPD. Our suspect got away. Can you alert all of the security people to be on the lookout for Dr.Winegardner?” Logan gave them a description and what he was wearing.

  “We’re on it.”

  “Now what?” Randy asked?

  “He can’t be too far. If he made it out of the terminal we should be able to find him. His house lady said he came by cab. Security will be checking cabs and busses,” Logan said.

  “What about rental cars?”

  “He isn’t going to stand in line for a car but he just may jump on one of the shuttles,” Logan said, heading up another flight of stairs.

  He rushed ou
t of the terminal and over to the island where the rental car shuttles circulated. He ran one way down the sidewalk and Randy headed down the other.


  Winegardner had jumped the last few steps from the Jetway and started running. He wasn’t sure where he was headed for but he needed to get out of the vicinity. He ran across the tarmac toward the terminal, looking back over his shoulder. He saw Logan step out onto the landing of the Jetway. He ducked down quickly. If he could just stay still, maybe Logan wouldn’t spot him.

  He heard someone yell out ‘what the hell are you doing down here.”

  Logan looked right at him so he bolted for the nearest door to the terminal. Once inside he saw that the stairs went both up and down. He started up then changed his mind and ran down the lower stairs. He found himself in a small basement area that was obviously used by the maintenance crews.

  Jumpsuits, mop buckets, brooms and the like were all around the place. He froze as he heard the door open. Footsteps in the entrance way made him duck down behind a fifty five gallon barrel of some rank smelling cleaning fluid. All he could do was hold his breath.

  It seemed like a lifetime before he heard the footsteps heading up the stairs to the terminal. He stripped off his jacket and started going through the jumpsuits hanging from hooks. It took several tries before he found one that fit him. It said ‘AL’ on the pocket. He put it on, pulled a hat down over his head and grabbed a mop and bucket. He slowly crept up the stairs to the landing. He went back outside and down to the next door. The inside was much the same as the one he had just left. This time he went up the stairs and carefully entered the terminal.

  He looked to his right and saw the two detectives about thirty feet away, talking. He waited until they started across the terminal before he walked out and slowly started down the hall towards the exit. No one even looked at him, not even the security guards.

  He walked out the front of the terminal with his broom and bucket still in hand. Now what do I do, he thought? I don’t know how to hotwire a car and I can’t just keep walking around. He saw the security guards standing by the taxi and bus islands. He looked across the street and saw the rental vans. If he could get on one of those and get to the car lots, maybe he could rent a car or at least get away from the terminal.


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