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Layers Peeled

Page 16

by Lacey Silks

  Tristan pulled the toboggan along what he said was a path, although to me the white snow all looked the same. I held onto the wooden seat at least as firmly as if I’d been riding a motorcycle for the first time, and I was glad Tristan was turned so he wouldn’t see silly me, a black-belt master, scared and excited as if she had just flown to the moon. But I hadn’t felt like a kid in a long time, and I hadn’t realized this would be such a wonderful idea until Tristan started pulling on the rope.

  Snow squeaked underneath Tristan’s boots. Light gusts of wind lifted the flakes off trees and carried them back toward the heavens. After a while, the flakes would find their way down, some to the ground, others to neighboring pines. The sound of chirping birds carried in every direction, and a bald eagle passed overhead.

  After a fifteen-minute walk, I said, “Tristan, you’ll tire out.”

  “Are you suggesting a break?”


  He let go of the reins. I lowered my feet to the side and made space for him to sit. A few feet away, a track of footprints weaved between the trees.

  “Deer prints?” I asked.

  “Those ones are bear.”

  “You’re trying to scare me.”

  “Why do you think I’m carrying this?” He opened his jacket. Inside was a strapped pistol. I don’t know why that made me excited. The tiny swirl of adrenaline in my tummy began to tickle.

  “I like a man who’s prepared.” I bit my lip.

  “And I like a woman who’s not afraid of a weapon,” he growled possessively, and I swear my body temperature just shot up by a few degrees.

  “Have you ever seen a bear out here?”

  “Yes, but they tend to stay away from the house.”

  “I’m glad we got some time to ourselves.” I leaned my head on his shoulder.

  “Me too. I’ve been meaning to catch you since this morning.”

  Even from a side angle, that lopsided smile I couldn’t resist compelled me. Tristan’s scar soared into its sexy lift.

  “Except for my nightmares.” I’d had the same one every morning and couldn’t fall asleep afterwards.

  “You sneak off downstairs too quickly, Allie. Are you all right?”

  No! But I didn’t want to worry Tristan, not before his cousin’s wedding.

  “Well, we can’t really have sex every hour.” I rolled my eyes, acutely aware I was teasing him because nothing would make me happier than staying in bed with Tristan Cross all day long. Sex with him was always earth-shattering. Our connection and mutual rhythm never ceased to amaze me.

  “Says who? I could make it my priority to have you every hour. Like right now sounds good.”

  Judging from the hungry look on his face, he was serious, too!

  “It’s too cold.”

  “I bet I can get your heart rate going just like that.” He snapped his fingers.

  By the way my body was reacting to his unbelievable invitation, I knew he’d win. That earlier swirl in my tummy was beginning to turn at the speed of an ocean whirlpool, sucking all my hormones down to between my legs.

  “Is that a challenge Mr. Cross?” I got off the toboggan and Tristan’s weight tipped him over into the snow.

  He sat in the white puff still serious while I laughed.

  “If it gets you to lower your pants, hell yeah.”

  “You can’t mean it...” I held onto my tummy instead of paying attention to his swift move. In one pounce Tristan had me in his arms, merging his lips with mine, insisting that I comply with his craving. And how could I resist those warm lips and his persistent tongue? I could still smell the remnants of his morning aftershave mixed with that intoxicating cologne of Tristan. I weaved my fingers into his hair, pressing his head to mine. I couldn’t get enough of him. Every breath felt sharper and wanton. Every nerve awakened with a need to be stirred and satisfied. And within seconds Tristan managed to turn this snowy day into a paradise. With my eyes closed and Tristan’s body melting into mine, I imagined us on the hottest beach – because admitting snow lay at our feet would be a lie. His hands were all over my body, searching for an entrance from underneath the layers of clothing.

  My back pressed against the tree. The rough bark dented into my ass, and for a moment I wished I’d worn thicker pants. Tristan pinned me and gripped my engorged breasts in his palms, molding them hard enough that I felt my tight nipples peak even higher in search of his touch.

  The sound of a zipper danced through the air. I didn’t care whether it was his or mine, because the second one followed like an arousing echo.

  “Turn around,” he asked.

  I complied, bracing my hands on the tree as Tristan lowered my pants. The cold air assaulted my skin, but as soon as his hot firm flesh touched my ass I was lost. He reached between my legs, spreading my wetness.

  “Perfect, always perfect,” he murmured into my ear.

  That little note of praise made my heart drum against the tree as if it wanted to send the message up and out to the whole world.

  Placing his foot on the inside of my soles, he tapped gently to part my legs wider. And I listened, anxiously awaiting him. The moment his hot tip touched my opening, all my patience evaporated in the air. I burned for him to be inside me. The ache broke through my belly in a carnal need I didn’t know I possessed. But being out here in the wild, the primitive instincts of two primates surfaced all on their own.

  “Fuck me, Tristan.”

  “As you please.”

  It took one swift lunge and he was deep inside me. The warmth of his cock swooshed back and forth, slowly at first allowing me to appreciate his width all over again. As I braced my hands against the tree, Tristan’s grasped my hips, centering me on him, pulling me deeper each time he advanced. And I was so ready and drenched in my need, his slick cock entered me in a suave motion.

  Once his tempo sped, Tristan lowered his hand to my front and rubbed my cleft with perverse strokes. My body couldn’t refuse the oncoming orgasm, and I knew it would happen fast and it would be strong. And I’d forgotten we were in the middle of the woods; in fact, it felt as if I’d left my body and nothing around us mattered. If that bear came by right now, I wouldn’t even care.

  Tristan’s front slapped against my ass, and my tits bounced back and forth. It felt liberating to relinquish my body to him, to let him control us both. Tristan took over the timing of my release with his. We would come together, I knew that for sure. His fingers knew their way around my pussy so expertly, as if he’d studied me day and night for the past hundreds of years. They slithered back and forth, flicking in between. I jerked and twisted along with Tristan, as the spasms began to roll in.

  Tristan’s heavy breaths formed white puffs in the air.

  “You can scream out here, Allie. No one will hear.”

  And with his permission I let out my delight, fearing I might cause an avalanche.


  The chalet transformed into an elegant venue. Paper snowflakes the size of basketballs held up by nearly invisible fishing lines from above floated in the air. Ice-blue and white streamers hung from the roof beams, connecting the structure in an intricate design. White lights had been wrapped around every column, corner, doorway, and railing. Hydrangea bouquets filled empty nooks, tables, and counters. Their aroma floated from one room to another with a gentle breeze from the back yard. Pulling on my sweater straps, I wrapped it tighter around my body and ventured toward the patio door that led to the back yard. I felt like I’d stepped into a fairy tale.

  The day was sunny, which was a good thing since Gabe and Sam decided to have the official ceremony outside. And if I’d thought the indoor decorations were elaborate, I didn’t expect to see the magic behind the house. The outdoor heated pool, which could have been used all year long, had been covered with Plexiglas. Steam rose from underneath through random holes that had been drilled specifically for the occasion. Not only did the pool glow blue from underneath, but with the hovering steam it appeared
you were walking among stray clouds up in heaven. A tent had been assembled over the pool as well. Even if the sky didn’t hold a single white mark, the guests could use the area later at night for dancing. The morning sun shone brightly, reflecting the snow, which overnight seemed to have covered every inch possible with a dusty layer.

  A pair of blue jays sat on a spruce tree, jeering between each other and ruffling their feathers. I wrapped my arms around my front, feeling intrusive during their private moment.

  At the end of the pool, where the infinity ledge seemed to connect it with open space, a white gazebo had been erected for the main ceremony. Tangled in sparkling lights, flowers, and delicate white streamers, the space overlooked a village in the valley below. The view was absolutely breathtaking and couldn’t have been more perfect if it had been drawn on paper.

  The elaborate decoration was too much to take in all at once; I would have to admire the work Emma and Mrs. Cross had done for a while longer. A week of preparations for a few hours just seemed like too much.

  The rest of the house was still quiet. Some were sleeping, others had begun getting ready. No doubt Kendra was helping Sam prepare. Within hours, this home would be bursting with music and lively family conversations, celebrating Gabe’s and Sam’s marriage. Even with only family present at the ceremony, there’d be almost twenty people here. Wanting to enjoy a moment of peace, I left Tristan in bed before tiptoeing downstairs.

  I stepped into the kitchen where Olivier, along with an entourage of staff, was preparing the artful lunch and dinner. It seemed Tristan wasn’t the only one fond of the chef.

  “Breakfast is ready in the dinette, Allie.”

  I took a whiff, smelling fresh pastries. My stomach grumbled.

  “Thank you, Olivier.”

  “Would you like some tea?” he asked.

  “Yes, please.”

  And with a nod to one of the servers my tea was being poured. It looked like Olivier was preparing food for one hundred, and he must have read my mind.

  “It was the bride and groom’s wish to make sure everyone’s favorite dish was available.”

  “That’s a lot of work.”

  “It doesn’t feel like work when you love what you do.”

  I could definitely understand that. I missed New York and Laura, and wondered how she would be spending her Christmas. I hoped she’d received my little gift I’d sent her: an almost identical pink scarf to the one I’d ruined when she used it to wrap my wound in the alley. I also wondered whether she’d found out anything about the guy who pimped Marissa.

  I held both my hands around the mug and went to sit by the fireplace. In one of the chairs, Kendra had curled her legs underneath her and seemed mesmerised by the dancing flames in the fireplace. She looked much healthier than the last time I’d seen her. Her cheeks were no longer sagging, and the dark circles under her eyes had disappeared. I remembered her dry skin full of blotches. Those were gone too. A hint of well hidden fear still remained, though.

  “Hey, I thought you’d be upstairs helping Sam.” I sat down in the chair beside her.

  “She’s just taking a shower. But I’m glad you’re here.”

  You are? I thought to myself.

  “We never got a chance to talk when I got here.”

  I wondered what she wanted to talk about. Tristan? Maybe she wanted to tell me she wasn’t over him? Kendra must have sensed my confusion because she continued.

  “I wanted to say thank you, though I don’t think that’s nearly enough for what you’ve done for me.”

  I felt the tension let go in my shoulders. Feeling Kendra was about to share much more, I kept quiet.

  “You saved my life in that hotel. You didn’t have to, but you did.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong. I did have to. I couldn’t disappoint Tristan. It would break him if he didn’t get you out. He really cares about you.”


  Had I just opened a can of worms?

  “Yes. He felt responsible for your...”

  Shit, Allie, this isn’t the time to bring up the maid of honor’s past!

  “It’s all right. You can say it. Drugs, drinking, a downward spiral into hell where I didn’t care about my friends or family. All that mattered was forgetting the pain of rejection. And instead of having a tub of cookie-dough ice cream like a normal woman, I chose to damage my body, my self-respect, and place everyone around me in danger. I was the Queen of Bitches, Allie. For God’s sake, my best friend almost died.”

  She leaned her head back, searching through what must have been some painful memories.

  Wow! Whatever Julian was doing with Kendra must have worked. Apparently, instead of staying at a clinic, she’d been at Julian’s house the entire time. This was the most honest self-assessment I’d ever heard from anyone.

  I took her hand into both of mine. My heart ached for her in similar way it had for Marissa. It amazed me how a few simple decisions could change a person’s life. We’ve all been guilty of it, some to greater extent than others. Thankfully, with Julian’s help, Kendra was now able to learn how to make the right choices.

  “You’ve gone through a lot, and you have a wonderful family that cares about you.”

  “That’s just it. I’m not even family, and the Crosses have always been there for me. Ever since my parents passed, they treated me as if I was one of their children.”

  “You grew up without a father or a mother?”

  “It’s a long story.” She waved her hand, “One I don’t quite understand myself When we come back home I’ll give you a call to tell you all about it.”

  It sounded like I wasn’t the only one with a complicated past.

  “Well, from what I know about the Crosses, you don’t have to be blood-related to be part of their family.”

  She smiled with the kindest smile I wasn’t expecting.

  “I think you’re right. That’s what Julian’s been saying the entire time.”

  “So you and Julian...”

  I wanted to ask her whether they were together, but I didn’t have the nerve. In truth, I guiltily needed to know her intentions toward Tristan. A faint hint of rose covered her cheeks.

  “We’re taking things slowly. The last thing I want is to jump into something I’m not comfortable with or don’t understand. At least that’s what my counselor is saying. She comes to see me at the house every second day.”

  “Whatever they’re doing, looks like it’s working.”

  “It’s a process. Allie, I wouldn’t have gotten another chance at life if it hadn’t been for you. For that, I will be forever grateful and forever in your debt. Whatever you need, please know you will always find a friend in me.” She now lowered her hand to encase my palms, squeezing gently.

  “The same goes for you,” I said.

  “I may have to take you up on that in the New Year.”

  I wondered what she meant by that. I had a feeling what happened in that hotel room, what I’d seen and knew she had gone through, our fight to survive in the bathroom and alley, connected us at a level neither one of us would ever understand. Perhaps she wanted to talk some more—I truly wouldn’t mind that at all. As much as Kendra said she owed me her life, I also owed mine to her. After all, she could have left me with Martinez, free to run and save herself. Yet she chose to come back for me. Kendra was a stronger woman than many probably gave her credit for.


  “Have you seen the decorations downstairs? I thought this was supposed to be low key.” I tried to concentrate as I adjusted Tristan’s bow tie. In his full wedding ensemble he looked ready to step onto a movie set of Sexy and Hot, and I found it difficult not to imagine taking his clothes off already.

  “This is low key. It’s just the family.”

  “So you haven’t seen the indoor winter wonderland?”

  “I have. What can I say, Emma and my mother like to decorate.” He shrugged and then took me by my hips. “Now how long before
I can get this dress off you?” He tugged at my lilac strap.

  “Too long. I don’t know how I’m going to resist all this.” I slid my hands down his back and squeezed his tight behind.

  “You keep doing that and I’ll need to get dressed all over again.” That spark in his eyes seemed too inviting, but with five minutes to spare that wasn’t nearly enough time to do to Tristan all the things that were brewing in my mind.

  “You need to go see your cousin and give him some sort of a pep talk.”

  “The two of them are so in love, they don’t need a single guy to give them advice.”

  “Single, you say?”

  “Well, not married at least. Yet.”

  “Yet?” The comment got me nervous for a moment. What was going on in that head of his?

  “One day, maybe. But not yet.”

  I brushed the nerves aside and decided to go back to a safer topic. “I may have to tie you down if you keep calling yourself single.”

  “That sounds more like a promise than a threat.”

  “I don’t mean with rope.”

  “I know, Allie.”

  “Does it scare you?” I asked. “Thinking about the future?”

  “Not when you’re in it.” He pulled me in for a smooch-fest, and I forgot where I was. Why was it that every single time Tristan kissed me, the world around us seemed to disappear? I felt my body mold against his, my breasts pressing into his chest, rising higher with each breath. Tristan held his arms around me, one hand on the back of my head, gently guiding me deeper toward him. The smell of his aftershave and taste of coffee mixed with a hint of mouthwash made me open my mouth that much wider. Within seconds I felt his arousal harden against my belly.

  When he pulled away, we were both breathing heavily, our foreheads resting against each other, heaving as if we’d just climbed the Alps.

  “I promise to have you all to myself before the night is over,” he said into my mouth.

  “Good, and I’ll make sure you keep that promise.”


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