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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

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by Dinia Steel

  Carrying The Torch

  Dinia Steel

  Published by Butterfly Publishings

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resembled to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental or with the permission of the person. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  Carrying the Torch

  Copyright © by Carol O’Brien writing as Dinia Steel 2016

  All rights reserved.

  As permitted under the U.S Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any print or electronic form without permission Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  Cover created and copyrighted by JC Clarke

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  Published in the United States of America


  Of course, this book didn’t happen overnight. I wish to dedicate this book to my fanfiction editors Susan Polizzi, John-Mark Keel, Rebecca Turley and Jyl Way and the ladies who pre-read for me, Gail Gaber, Nancy Stewart, Amy Chronister, and Lynda Kimpel for their diligence and compassion for my writing style. Way to go ladies. Without them I would never have reached this stage at all.

  I also wish to thank Liz Desmond for her nagging me until I finally started writing. Also a very special “thank you” to Ronald Polizzi for our “bitch session” about writing and his encouragement to “just keep writing”.

  I want to thank my husband, Harry O’Brien for his support and allowing me the privacy I needed to write, and for just listening to me carry on when the characters stopped talking to me or just left the building.

  Finally, I want to thank Butterfly Publishing, NJ Cole and Kathleen Rivest for their belief in my story. Last and certainly not least, my thanks to my editor, Leanore Elliott for her patience and keeping me on the straight and narrow, grammar wise that is. I hope we have a long a profitable future together.

  Dinia Steel

  January 2016


  Part One

  Parapsychology 101

  In the absence of light, darkness prevails…

  Derived from Buddhist Sayings.


  Chapter 1

  Day One

  The first day of the semester was exciting and James couldn't wait to get to his first class; Parapsychology 101 with Dr. Regina Adams. She was one of the most published experts in the field of parapsychology today. He’d read all of her books and he couldn't wait to meet her face to face. She was his hero ever since he'd read her first book on the subject. The whole book was devoted to Dr. Adams's work with the paranormal. She was the reason James enrolled here.

  From what he'd read about her, they were close in age. He was maybe a year or two older. He wasn't sure why this fact was important to him, but it was.

  The click of a door opening to the right of the lecture platform echoed in the classroom. A petite young woman with long chestnut hair pulled into a messy bun and huge, chocolate brown eyes entered. It was Dr. Adams, wearing what looked like a Chanel business suit. Everything about Dr. Adams screamed class.

  James could smell her perfume from where he sat right smack in the center of the second row. He didn't know the name of it, but it sure did smell good. He knew it wouldn't be a cheap brand.

  As Dr. Adams removed her suit jacket it became apparent the blouse beneath was made of a very soft feminine fabric and it clung to her body without being suggestive. She hung the jacket on the back of the chair behind the lecture table, tucked in the tail of the silk-like blouse into the waistband of her pencil skirt, and turned to the assembled students.

  Stunning. That was the only description of Dr. Adams James could surmise…absolutely stunning. The photographs James had seen of Dr. Adams didn't do her justice. He now felt even more attracted to her in person. He really hoped he could get to know her better.

  “Good morning class.” Professor Adams greeted in a rich melodic voice and even it carried very well through the lecture hall. “This is Parapsychology 101 and I am Professor Adams.” She paused to see if there were any ‘oh shit, I’m in the wrong lecture hall’ remarks.

  There were none.

  “Well, that's a first,” she muttered as she pushed away from the lecture table. Her hands were now on her hips as she paced up and down the raised platform. “If any of you, as of yet, have not acquired a copy of the class syllabus, there are some here on the edge of the lecture table. Please take one and be sure to have the required textbooks by the next lecture period, as there will be a discussion on the material in the first chapter.” Her eyes scanned and assessed the class as she spoke, “For today, we will devote our time to exploring what you hope the lecture topics will be. This will be just about your only chance to indulge yourselves in class.” She leaned back against the table again and crossed not only her ankles but also her arms just below her breasts. “So please raise your hands for recognition. There will be no calling out of subjects. That will be met with dismissal from this class at once.”

  This statement silenced the muttering beginning within the lecture hall.

  “Yes, you, the blonde girl in second row, to my right, second seat from the isle.”

  The blonde student looked flustered. “Uhh, Professor Adams, will we be discussing past-life regression?”

  Professor Adams, smiled and looked down as if she were trying to not laugh out loud. “Is that a subject near and dear to you?”

  “Well, yes ma'am. You seem to have written the book on how to do that. I just wanted to know how hard it was to learn to do.”

  “I think what is so difficult to accomplish, as I wrote in that chapter, is gaining the complete trust of the subject and remaining in control of the emotional environment of the session,” she answered pointedly. “Next, is determining, to your satisfaction, the honesty of the subject. You must be comfortable with the reasons the subject wishes to be regressed.”

  Blondie continued, “Surely, everyone would want to know about a past life time...?”

  “It's been my personal experience that 7 out of 10 regressed…” Professor Adams’s voice sounded very serious as she answered, “Are out to give themselves license to have a sexual affair with an individual they aren't married to, while married to someone else.”

  “Why would they need to be regressed for that?” The blonde asked.

  A smattering of laughter rippled in in the lecture hall to be quickly silenced by a look from Dr. Adams.

  She's no nonsense. I like that. James thought.

  “To ease guilt.” Professor Adams replied, Then breathlessly as if mimicking someone, “But we were married/lovers/priest/priestess in a prior life, so it's OK to have sex in this lifetime, even if we're married to other people.” A look of disgust passed over her face, but swiftly faded. “Next question, please,”

  “Have you ever been regressed?”

  “Yes. Next question please.” Dr. Adams leveled her eyes with the lecture hall, “The next person to speak out of turn or without my personal permission, will be expelled from this lecture series and not readmitted until next term. Do I make myself clear?” She looked around the large lecture hall, “Now, to continue. Next question.”

  Half of the classes’ hands shot up.

  James’ went up slower and wasn't raised as high as the others.

  “You, with the messy hair.” She
was pointed directly at James.

  He pointed to himself and mouthed me?

  “Yes, you. What's your question?”

  “Not so much a question as a personal observation followed by a question,” James managed to get out.

  Dr. Adams, arched her eyebrows to infer, “Well?”

  James rose and soldiered on, “I've done a bit of 'ghost busting' and I've had totally different experiences with poltergeists than what you have described in your books. I was wondering why that is, that's all.” He sat back down intimidated by Dr. Adams's stare.

  “What's your name?” she asked. He told her and she jotted it down on a pad next to her briefcase on the lecture table. “Come to my office after the lecture and see my secretary. Next question?”

  And so it went until the period ended. James wondered what he'd done wrong, but dutifully went to Dr. Adams's office and told her secretary his name.

  She told him to have a seat.

  Not five minutes later, Dr. Adams came breezing into her office.

  “Oh good, Mr. Franklin, I'm glad you decided to see what you did wrong.” She wore a brilliant smile on her lips. “Please, won't you come into my parlor?” She unlocked her office door, and opened it. “Take a seat and I'll be there in a minute.” She turned to her secretary seeming to have already forgotten about James.

  He rose from his seat and walked into her office. What met his eyes astonished him. Three of the four walls were ceiling to floor bookcases jam packed with books and manuscripts. He wanted to run his hands over all the books, to see what hidden treasures were stored there, but since he felt he was in enough trouble – for reasons unknown – he took a seat as he'd been instructed.

  “I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Franklin. I would like to thank you for wanting to be in my lecture series, but what I don't understand is why. You are a recognized amateur with standing in the parapsychology community. You have more actual field time than even I do. There's not much you'll learn in this lecture. Wouldn't you rather wait until next semester and take the next series? I'll allow it and I'll give you full credit for this semester.”

  James started to speak, but she quickly held up one well manicured finger, indicating she wasn't finished, “This semester, you can be my lab assistant.” She finished her sentence with a large smile and raised eyebrows.

  James couldn't quite believe what he just heard, “Be your lab assistant this semester and receive credit?”

  Dr. Adams nodded. “Yes, that's correct.”

  “I thought I was in trouble and you were going to kick me out of the class. Wow. You really know how to surprise a guy.” James sat back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair.

  “I'd be the complete idiot my father thinks I am, Dr. Adams if I didn't take you up on it!” James stood and extended his hand across her desk.

  She took it, but didn't turn it loose. “I'm not really doing you any favors here, James. May I call you James?” she asked as an afterthought and after he nodded his consent, she continued, “You may call me Reggie or Regina in private, but in front of anyone else, and I mean anyone, it will be Dr. Adams, understood?” Again, she waited for his acknowledgment before continuing, “You're going to catch a lot of flack not only from the students, but also from the staff in this department. And probably the rest of the school as well.” Once again, she paused to make sure he understood what she was saying. “You'll do all my leg work for me, as well as grade the 101 test papers and essays. Sorry. I know it's an awful job and one I'm so ready to hand off to someone else. It's been too long since I've had an assistant.”

  James couldn’t believe he was actually going to be her assistant. His hero and idol.

  She finally released his hand and motioned for him to sit. “Now, what I want you to do is write down for me everything you can remember about your own personal experiences with poltergeists and hauntings. Please include any other psychic experiences you may have had over the years as well. Be sure to keep them separate. I want you to put them all into a 3 ring binder clearly labeled. Make sure you keep copies for yourself in a safe place as an insurance policy in case I decide to claim them as my own experiences.” The last comment was made with a smile which didn't quite make it to her eyes.

  She must have been accused of that before, thought James. “You do know, don't you Dr. Adams, that I have a series of papers already written about everything you've just mentioned...?”

  “Ah, yes. I'd forgotten James. Could you get me a set of those too please? Be sure to record it somewhere officially that you've given me a set.”

  So, ending the interview, Regina—Reggie, uh—Dr. Adams stood and walked around her desk until she was right next to James. She laid a hand on his shoulder. “I'd also like to ask you, if you would have dinner with me tonight...”

  James’ mouth dropped open and refused to close of its own accord and he forced it to do so.

  Regina laughed a tinkling laugh. “Well, would you like to? Have dinner with me, tonight? It's rude to make a lady ask twice James.”

  “Yeah, sure. When? Where?” James managed to get out.

  “My house about seven. Do you know where I live?”

  James shook his head no.

  “Here, let me give you the address and simple directions.”

  Five minutes later, James left Dr. Regina Adams's office for his apartment with detailed instructions on how to get to Dr.—err Reggie's house.

  James felt very fortunate he didn't have to work while going to school full time. His grandfather left him three quarters of his very large estate, being his only grandchild. Something which really ticked off his father, Jack who felt he should have gotten everything. When the lawyers told Jack he couldn't touch a penny of James’ trust fund unless he gave both verbal and written permissions for the withdrawal of funds as well as having it countersigned by the trustee, Jack had almost gone ballistic. James’ grandfather knew his son all too well.

  So, when James decided to go to school and get some kind of an education, the trustee for his trust fund was tickled to grant him a rather large amount of money for each semester to cover housing, food, clothing, transportation, whatever he needed. It did not, however, cover tuition, as that was paid directly by the trust itself. All the school needed to do was submit the necessary forms and like magic, it’d been taken care of. When James hit his fortieth birthday, everything in the trust fund would go directly to him to do with as he saw fit.

  Needless to say, James being an unmarried adult going to college, had gotten himself a very nice condo complete with a housekeeper/cook. She came in 4 times a week, cleaned and cooked up a bunch of food she put into the freezer with instructions on how to heat it up. She always left a menu attached to the side of the fridge so he would know what she’d fixed.

  He didn't have any other classes today, so all he had to do was go to the library and look some things up, take notes and come home. He finished and all his errands were done by four. After he got back to the complex where his condo was located, he went for 100 laps in the indoor pool, then a slow jog around the indoor track in the gym. By the time he'd finished his exercise routine, it's was time to shower, shave and change with just enough time leftover to stop and grab a couple of bottles of wine. He decided on getting one red, one white and a zinfandel.

  At seven on the dot, he was ringing Dr. Adams's doorbell.


  Chapter 2

  Dinner with Dr. Adams

  It took ringing the doorbell twice before Dr. Adams opened the door holding a telephone to her ear, listening intently to whoever was speaking. Dressed in jeans and a Kings of Leon tee-shirt and no shoes. She actually looked like a college student herself. Dr. Adams motioned for James to come in and shut the door behind him. She indicated for him to follow her into the next room, where she pointed to a chair. Then holding up one finger at him, she turned and walked into the next room closing the door between the rooms.

  James couldn't hear what was being said
, but it didn't sound like Dr. Adams was very happy from her side of the conversation.

  Moments after the talking stopped, she came back into the living room. She stood in front of James and apologized for having to take that call. “A small disagreement between me and the publisher of my latest book.” she offered, but continued, “I see you brought some wine with you. I'm sure one of those will work. I've made a Boeuf Bourguignon.” she examined the label of the red wine, “Ah, yes. This Shiraz will be perfect. Please bring the others and come with me.”

  Dutifully James picked up the remaining two bottles of wine and followed Dr. Adams into her kitchen. This room looked larger than most people's whole apartments. All tile, stainless steel, wooden worktables and cabinets. In one corner, a small table with two chairs looked set up for a meal.

  “Please, James. Have a seat. I just need to get a corkscrew and a couple of wine glasses. Sorry, I didn't even think about a bottle of wine with our dinner. I'm pleased that you did.” She rummaged through a drawer, found the corkscrew, held it up victoriously, then walked over to the small table.

  James waited until she was seated, then he did so himself.

  Dr. Adams seemed impressed with his courtly mannerisms and smiled at him. “Why, thank you James.”

  “My pleasure, Dr. Adams.”

  “Reggie, or Regina tonight, please James. This is a casual setting and there is no one else present. Shall we?” she asked indicating that he should serve himself.

  Again, his breeding wouldn't allow him to serve himself first.

  Reggie accepted this with a nod of her head and expression of praise for his upbringing, “Manners, like so many things, seem to have passed into the mists of time. Thank you, James. Please thank your mother for me as well. She did an excellent job with you. Now, let's eat and enjoy this wonderful wine you've brought for us.”


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