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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 10

by Dinia Steel

  After a car trip back to Leo’s place, Josephine, Leo and James were seated around Leo's small kitchen table with the three books open before them, each taking notes.

  A couple of hours later, they stopped and closed the books. They knew considerably more now than they ever believed possible about how the mind worked in regards to pain.

  All Leo had to do was learn how to deflect negative energies away from himself.

  Yeah, right!

  Drolly, Leo said, “Well, I think this will be a piece of cake!”

  Leo's comment made Josephine dissolve into tears once again.

  “Now, Darlin' dry those pretty eyes of yours. I'm serious, I think I understand what I have to do. The problem will be recognizing when I need to put my defenses up!”

  “Leo, I think you're the bravest man in the whole wide world!” With that said, Josephine launched herself into Leo's willing arms and covered his face and neck with kisses.

  James gathered up the books and left quietly.


  Chapter 20



  James sat alone in his condo holding a very watered down bourbon since all the ice melted. Images and thoughts flicking through his mind, he began to formulate a plan.

  What if he could block Mike and Pat's thoughts for both Josephine and Leo? Just as Reggie seemed to be able to do. How does one go about practicing that feat? Should he ask Reggie how she did it? He chuckled…there's no way she'd tell me how she does it. She would have to be able to do it when she was around the twins – as she referred to them in her notes - especially if the testing she’d done already was any indication to the scope of their combined abilities.

  James already knew he could block people's thoughts, even Reggie's when he tried very hard. He needed to practice more of that around her. Without her having any clue about what he was up to.

  There was no way he was going to let Josephine and Leo out of his sight when there was any testing going on. He also needed to be aware of what Reggie's schedule was. He did have Susan’s confidence already. He should play on that to make sure he knew where Reggie was at all times, and most importantly, who she was with. Even if when she was with her old college chum. He didn't believe for one minute Vivian was an old friend of Reggie’s. He suspected now quite strongly that she was either CIA or maybe NSA. Hell, she could even be from the private industry, shopping to acquire some talent to add to their corporate spy roster.

  He remembered reading that during the 60's and 70's both types of organizations were actively seeking psychics and others who scored highly on the psi testing being used at the time. Many of those college students who participated in those programs dropped off the face of the planet. Whether they were killed, or just swallowed up into “the system” within a part of the government, no one would never know.

  Even the Russians actively recruited within the United States. He knew of a few contemporaries who'd been contacted by several governments. The majority had refused, realizing what would probably happen to them. Many had been followed, had their phones tapped, and all because they'd refused government advances wanting to exploit their abilities. Eventually, the surveillance would disappear, but you had to really stay strong and not cave into the pressure.

  Apparently, the government had gotten smart and started having everyone they contacted sign nondisclosure agreements. Some people were prosecuted for talking about the advances made to them to the full extent of the law. It was treated like a National Security issue.

  Many of the very talented psi's were driven underground, or just kept their mouths shut about their abilities. Getting anyone to talk about parapsychology during the 90's and early 2000's was very difficult. It'd only been since 9/11 that people were being open again about what they'd felt just before that event. Now the subject was once again being discussed openly and the recruitment of psychics once again, appearing to be more open on college campuses.

  James didn't feel this Vivian was representing anything but a private group. Especially from the way Reggie's mind was skirting and blocking when the subject of those private groups was raised. She was less guarded when the governments were mentioned.

  So, why would a private firm need psychics? Especially ones that were able to do the things Reggie's notes indicated? The only thing that came to mind was their abilities would be useful for assassination. It made him physically ill to think Reggie could be involved with something like that.

  There'd been something else he’d gotten from Reggie's mind the time when they'd finally made love, and her mental barriers were down. A very special moment when their minds were joined and he glimpsed a darker side of Reggie's mind he had no idea was there. When she felt him there, her walls came vaulting back up.

  He now recalled what he’d seen. It made very little sense, but he dwelt on those images now. A great number of people who were dressed in dark brown garments that looked like Renaissance Faire costuming. He knew from the point of view, Reggie had actually been there, but the angle was strange, like she'd been laying down. She was not comfortable, but there was no fear in the memory. James couldn't tell for sure but he felt that she knew her life was in danger.

  But from who?

  Die Zauberei?

  Remembering that name now, he quickly moved to his study, fired up his desktop computer and did a search.

  Two hours later, he felt stunned and terrified for Reggie, and everyone connected with her. James felt he knew for sure now, just whom it was Vivian represented. If his fears were correct, they were all in a great deal of danger and would have to tread very carefully over the next several days.

  Reggie, what have you done?

  His heart clenched, not in fear for himself, but for Reggie. He loved her and had been in love with her for a long time. He’d let that tidbit of information slip when they made love. At least for James, it was love and not just sex. He knew Reggie didn't feel this way, but he wanted her to come to feel that for him—now he didn't think it was possible. She was going to a place that would be impossible for him to follow.

  He also very much needed to be able to not show or think about what he just came to realize.

  How could he tell Leo and Josephine?

  He couldn't tell them.

  They couldn't know.

  It wouldn’t mean to them what it should, though Josephine might see the truth of his conclusions, but he didn't think it would help anything. It might cause them to not trust him. Josephine was already so terrified by what she'd seen.

  That reminded him, he’d forgotten to check and see if the vision had changed any since they’d gotten together and did the research.

  By the time the sun came up, he’d formulated a plan he was going to test today with Josephine and Leo. If he could somehow cover them with his mind, or show them how to protect themselves, maybe they’d all survive.

  James would have to wait and see. He couldn't tell them what he planned. It had to be a blind test.

  He got dressed for the day, then called Josephine and told her he needed to talk to her and Leo before they left for classes. They set up a meeting in a coffee shop just off the campus grounds. Neutral territory it might be called. The next few hours would tell James what he needed to know.


  Chapter 21

  A Good Defense...


  “So what is it you want us to do James?” Leo asked with Josephine sitting beside him.

  James waited for the waitress to deliver their coffees before I answering, “I’ve already told you that the last couple of times I touched Reggie, umm, Dr. Adams's mind, the names Mike and Pat were attached to the name of this Vivian and some secret project they were working on together. I had the clearest picture that it involved you two primarily and me as collateral damage,”

  They both nodded in acknowledgment.

  “But what I've only just been able to work through is what that project is from the fragments I've been able
to piece together. The big test is either today or tomorrow.”

  Josephine's sharp intake of breath confirmed she was seeing the event.

  “Josephine? Did you just see something to confirm what I've felt?”

  Josephine's eyes were huge. “Yessss,” she hissed.

  “Can you tell where we are and what we're doing?”

  Her eyes are unfocused, her pupils dilated. “We're sitting in the lecture hall listening to Dr. Adams's lecture about forming clear images in the mind.” Her eyes focused on James again and fill with tears. “That's when Leo collapses, you stand up and try to stagger to Dr. Adams and then collapse yourself, and I start screaming 'they're dead!'”

  James sighed. “That's what I thought. That lecture is tomorrow unless she changes her mind. Just in case, I've picked up on what's going on, so we need to be prepared both days. Ok, I need to share a little more of what I've felt and seen in Reggie's mind. She's got the ability to shield her mind from both Pat and Mike's abilities. I think I understand how that works, and I think I can imitate it, but I need to test it and I need you both right now to help me do that.”

  They both looked at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  “Never mind, just go with me on this. Josephine come over here and sit next to me.” While he waited for her to move next to him in the booth, he reached deep within himself and found that little web he’d been working on.

  Once Josephine sat next to him, he concentrated on pulling on the web of light and creating a bubble of light. He saw it stretching and expanding as he pulled it up over his head. All on its own, it formed into a perfect bubble, golden in color. Part of his mind acknowledged that gold projects while silver would absorb. The bubble traveled to hover directly between Josephine and James. He then visualized it expanding out, down and around them. He made sure it completely encompassed them… solid and thick as he could get it. “Ok Leo. Try to reach us. Project some emotion to us and tell us what you experience.”

  Leo stared at where they sat for a moment, and then blinked rapidly. “You're not there, neither of you. You're just not there!”

  “Excellent!” James shouted.

  His yelling startled Josephine who jumped and let out a squeal. “What the hell, James? Don't do that!” She punched his arm.

  The reality of what just happened also dawned on Leo's face.

  “Your turn now Leo, trade places with Josephine and come sit next to me.”

  They both stood and changed places.

  While they exchanged places, James performed his bubble visualization again. Leo then settled next to James and he nodded at Josephine. “Now try to see what's in store for us if you can.”

  Josephine's face sets in with a strong determination and she smiled with confidence. Her expression soon changed to uncertainty, then frustration, and lastly fear. She stared at Leo with tears forming in her wide eyes.

  James nudged Leo with his elbow. “Go to her Leo.” James then changed his focus across the table. “Josephine. it’s okay, calm down. I just shielded us both. That's all. It works, and the more I've use it, the easier and stronger it seems to be.” He and Leo now watched realization dawn fully on Josephine's face.

  Josephine leapt into Leo's arms. “I was so terrified! I couldn't find you or see you in the future! It was awful!”

  “James! You did it! You can do it! How?”

  “I’m not sure Josephine, but I think coming into contact on such an 'intimate' level with Reggie allowed me to pull part of her ability out with me. I didn't mean to do it, but I'm sure glad I did. Or, it could be something I was able to do in a prior life and thinking about helped me regain the ability.” James downed the rest of his now cold coffee and looked for the waitress for a refill. After she refilled their cups, he tried to explain to both Josephine and Leo what he’d been able to do and how he went about it.

  “So you combined a couple of techniques that you've learned over the years,” Leo surmised with understanding.

  “Yes, but I think as much as anything, the golden color of the 'bubble' was the main factor along with the intention of protection.”

  “Because gold projects while silver would absorb,” Josephine finished.


  “So, following that, if Josephine and I can surround ourselves with a golden bubble, that should help prevent an invasion of our auras!” Leo added.

  “Exactly,” James replied.

  “If Leo and I can perform that visualization, then it would help to keep them out?” Josephine asked.

  “I think so. Want to test it?”

  “Ok,” Leo was the first to answer. “Give me a moment,” His face took on an expression of deep concentration. He then turned to Josephine. “Ok Darlin' take your best shot. Can you see my future?”

  A huge grin breaks out on Josephine's face. “It's like looking at you through reversed telescope! I can see you, but you're very, very far away from me!” She was so excited she was wiggling in the seat. “My turn!”

  Leo stared at Josephine, as he flushed and laughed. From his expression something different has happened.

  “Talk to me Leo. Don't keep me in suspense.” James laughed.

  He cleared his throat. “I tried to send sexual thoughts to Josephine and they seem to have rebounded on me and I now have a massive erect—”

  “I get it Leo, I get it!” James laughed. “So, now we know we can at least attempt to defend ourselves a little and hopefully more than just a little. I'm too young to die!” James felt a little of the weight of all this lift from his shoulders. “Ok. Let's go beard the lion. Remember, we can't let our guard down for one second the entire time we're in that lecture hall.”

  Leo slid out of the booth and extended his hand to Josephine to assist her.

  Josephine beamed.

  James dropped enough money on the table to pay the tab as well as a generous tip for the waitress and followed Josephine and Leo out of the coffee shop.


  Chapter 22

  More Fun with Mike, Pat, Vivian and Reggie


  Before Josephine, Leo and James walked into the lecture hall they stepped into a smaller unused room close to prepare for what might happen today. Taking a deep cleansing breath, James began the visualization of the golden sphere with the intention of protecting the three of them, but that wasn’t enough. He needed to also include in this sphere what he’d learned from Dr. Adams's own mind.

  They knew from the experiment in the Coffee Shop this morning the deflection factor was good for at least the small space around them. James was wishing they'd had time to see just how far that extended, but they didn't. In order for this to work, right now, they needed to be close together. That meant James couldn’t take his usual place in the front row ready to assist Dr. Adams if she required it. She would just have to deal for the next two mornings.

  Reggie wasn’t going to like this.

  Opening the door as quietly as possible, they slid into the last row of the lecture hall, taking the first 3 seats there. The class was actually small with only 23 students on the roll, but today there seemed to be additional people James didn’t recognize. Could these three be Vivian, Pat and Mike?

  Reggie glanced up and made eye contact with James. He could hear her being pissed at him for being late, confused as to why he sat in the back row and even more confusion about why he was with Josephine and Leo. She wanted them separated—needed them separated. James knew instantly that today was the day and he could feel a cold creep over him. Was that coming from Reggie? However, she was much too ‘professional’ to stop her lecture in order scold him publicly.

  James hoped the expression on his face was one of unconcern as he slouched down in his chair and reached for both Josephine and Leo's hands; as much for him as for them. He made sure, mentally, that the bubble of light was as strong as he could get it and prayed fervently that both Josephine and Leo just created their own.


“Where the hell is James?” Reggie shouted at her assistant/secretary. “I can't find some of my notes.” Today is far too important to screw up. Damn him. Isn't this just like him to not be here on the day that Mike and Pat will demonstrate their collective talents to Vivian. Reggie frantically searched through her notes. Oh, there they are. I remember now that I was reading this yesterday. Sigh. Wait until I get my hands on James, I'll skin him alive!

  Reggie straightened her notes and put them into the leather bound notebook she carried for her class lectures. It was a beautiful purple, and embossed with gold lettering, her name... Dr. Regina Adams. It was a gift from the head of her department when she was chosen for this teaching position. Of course, Dr. Randall McCormick had no idea that Reggie had helped him think of doing it in the first place. Reggie smiled to herself, what an idiot. For someone who was supposed to have psychic powers, he was useless.

  How stupid most of humanity is. They are so easily maneuvered into doing whatever I want them to do. Well... that wasn't entirely true. There was James. Since that night she'd tried to control him, to make him have sex with her, she'd not been able to reach his mind easily. It was as if there was a thick fog between them. The thought made Reggie uneasy. She didn't like the feeling, so she just ignored it. He’s a stupid male, just like all the rest who don't think women have any intelligence and are only good to fuck. Well, she would show them all.

  Finally having her notes organized for the lecture, Reggie closed her notebook, zipped it up and placed it into her briefcase, stood, and left her office, making sure to lock the door. Nodding to Susan, Reggie breezed through the short hallway that led to her lecture hall.

  Just like every morning she had lectures, Reggie set her briefcase down on the lectern, opened it and took out her beautiful notebook, zipped it closed, then set the briefcase on the floor under the lectern, out of her way. She opened her notebook and then, and only then, looked up at those assembled there. She quickly took note who was there and who was not, the latter being the most important. She didn't allow more than two missed lectures before she would either fail or dismiss a student from her class. It was bad enough she had to fulfill this requirement of “teaching” in order to be eligible for the department chair, and eventually chancellor and so forth!


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