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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 14

by Dinia Steel

  “According to all the indicators, he's low functioning, but he's psychic, James. If you can get him to sense you, you'll be part of the way there.”

  “I really don't want to do this, Josephine. I'm so out of my comfort zone. What about his parents?”

  “They don't enter into it, James. They dumped him on the State and haven't even been to see him in years.”

  Josephine had him really feeling sorry for the boy. “Who do I need to contact to even be in the same room with him?” James was whining again, and he knew it.

  “Well, we're lucky there, since I know his caseworker and have already discussed the experiment that you've wanted to try with people like Harry Jones. She just happens to be a fan of yours and has read the two books you've published.”

  James could almost hear her beaming at him through the phone. “What would you have done if I'd refused to do this, Josephine?”

  “You wouldn't have. I saw you doing it. James, you can do this. You will do this. It may take some time, but it happens. I've seen it.” Josephine's voice rose in volume.

  Sighing, James raised his hands in surrender. It's all he could do once Josephine started in with that attitude. “When do I meet the caseworker? What's her name?”

  “Suzanne Young. She said she's even written you a couple of fan letters.” A bubbly sound rippled in her happy voice.

  “I didn't get many, but I don't remember her name. Anyway, when and where am I to meet this Ms. Young?”

  “Next week in Seattle. Leo and I'll meet you at your hotel the night before, so we can have dinner and catch up. That should give you time to make arrangements for someone to be with Reggie.”

  “I have a live in nurse that sees to Reggie's every need. That's the only way I could get approval for the living arrangement, and the other reason why I had to buy a larger house,” he explained to Josephine, exasperated that he needed to. They said their goodbyes and James sat for a while thinking about the entire idea.


  James heard a squeal that could only belong to one human on the planet. The next thing he knew he was being accosted by a pixie!

  “Josephine, Baby. Let go of James!” Leo laughed at the expression on James’ face and that of his now wife. Leo gave James the one armed man-hug.

  James returned the hug with two arms, as he was actually very glad to see him. He held Leo out and looked into his eyes. “Josephine, what have you done to this man? He looks happy!”

  Josephine punched him on the shoulder, and then hugged him. James hugged her back, smiling the entire time.

  James was staying at the Heathman and arranged to have a private room for their dinner date since they were going to be discussing very private matters. He’d already told the wait staff to knock before they come inside. The staff all gave him a “knowing” look, which he didn’t even bother to refute as they would find out soon enough, there wasn’t going to be any hanky-panky going on here tonight.

  Once they were seated, and the beverages ordered, Josephine brought out two file folders, one much thicker than the other.

  James opened the narrower one first and saw a picture of a curly haired, blue eyed blonde. He read what Ms. Suzanne Young's education was and how long she'd been Harry Jones' caseworker. He put that one down and picked up the thicker file which was of course, was Harry's.

  What it all boiled down to was Harry, 15 years old had spent the majority of his life in one hospital or another. His parents never came to see him, nor did any other members of his family listed in his file. It was understandable. He wasn’t easy to be around. It seems he made everyone around him uncomfortable. It was this more than anything else which caused Ms. Young to feel Harry had some psychic functions. Suzanne was fearful when Harry reached his 18th birthday they would lock him up in a mental ward and not continue to give him the attention he required. Ms. Young suggested that perhaps if a psychic stronger than Harry were to come into contact with him, perhaps Harry could be reached.

  Interrupting James’ reading, the hotel waiter knocked on the door to take their order and then left.

  James sat there probing into that spot in his subconscious he’d learned to work with over his lifetime. “Ok, Josephine. I'll do it. Oh yeah, you already knew that though didn't you? So when is my appointment with Ms. Young, exactly?”


  Chapter 29

  James was sitting in front of his fireplace, holding a bottle of Yuengling Amber Lager and just staring into the fire. Images were appearing in his mind and then fading only to reappear once more only slightly different.

  He remembered reading somewhere, that if you burned cedar that you would be able to read the past and future in its flames. He'd ordered a load of cedar firewood, along with oak and some pine just for quiet times to contemplate ‘things.’ Earlier, before he sat down, he tossed some sandalwood incense and juniper branches onto the banked area within the fireplace.

  He hadn't realized he was doing it until he was holding his cell phone in his hand and it was buzzing. Without even looking to see who it was, or if he recognized the number, he'd pushed the answer button. “Hello, this is James Franklin.”

  “Mr. Franklin, this is Suzanne Young. I believe that Josephine Wallace talked to you about one of my clients, Harry Jones.”

  “Yes she did, Ms. Young. When would it be convenient for me to come see Harry and yourself?”

  “This is so exciting, Mr. Franklin. I've read all the papers you've published. It seems there's only one other individual who has the same experiences that you've had and I can't find anything else on... Dr. Regina Adams.” Suzanne's voice had risen in volume and pitch as she spoke.

  By the time she finished her sentence, James was holding his phone away from his ear. “Yes, I know who Dr. Adams is. She—she's not well currently.” The mention of Reggie's name brought a sharp sting to James’ chest. He needed to change the subject quickly. “I'd like to set an appointment to meet with you and Harry as soon as possible, Ms. Young. I have other commitments and I really need to get started with Harry to see if I'll be able to reach him.”

  “I just knew you'd be able to help Harry, Mr. Franklin!” Suzanne enthused.

  “Whoa! Please, Ms. Young, I didn't say I'd be able to help Harry. That…I won't know until I meet with him. It may take months to make any kind of progress.” If at all James thought.

  They set up a time for the following Monday. They would meet at her office since she needed to be present to make sure Harry wasn't being taken advantage. James worried that Ms. Young's mind would cause a great deal of noise and slow the process down.

  After they hung up, James got an idea. He called Josephine to see if she might be able to join him and Ms. Young. That way, Josephine could distract the enthusiastic Ms. Young. He would take his video camera and feed lines so the entire session he would have with Harry would be recorded and could be observed without Ms. Young actually having to be in the same room at the same time.

  James got to Seattle in plenty of time, found a parking place not too far away, and made his way to the building that Ms. Young's office was in; Josephine was waiting for him on the steps.

  He'd already explained to her what he wanted to do and why. Josephine understood perfectly. She thought Suzanne Young was annoying and didn't really care for her, but under the circumstances, it was necessary for them to have to deal with her.

  Right on time, Josephine and James walked into Suzanne's office and presented themselves to the receptionist.

  The door to the receptionist area flew open and a woman a little taller than Josephine came flying out all bubbly, pumping James’ arm and hugging Josephine.

  Josephine just rolled her eyes so only James could see.

  James explained to Ms. Young what he proposed to do with the recording equipment he brought with him.

  She thought it was a brilliant idea and helped him set everything up. She and Josephine could go get coffee and the receptionist would have the monitor, so she could
check what was going on within Ms. Young's office.

  Once everything was set up, Suzanne and Josephine left Harry and James to themselves.

  James sat a chair in front of Harry and began the rhythmic breathing and relaxing exercises.

  Slowly and carefully, James opened his mind to Harry. At first, there was just a buzzing noise. James probed a little deeper. The buzzing got louder and louder until James felt as if he would have to stop. Suddenly, it got very quiet and then James was overwhelmed by several different voices all talking at the same time.

  It took James a while to realize it, but the voice was just one voice saying everything at the same time.

  Gradually and with much focus, James managed to separate the different thoughts of that one voice. With a great deal of effort, James asked permission to speak with Harry.

  What happened next was something James never, ever heard of before. An extremely authoritative voice James had heard before, but had forgotten, spoke to him, “Ah! Light Bearer. Again, you seek our Presence. Welcome!”

  “Brother in Light! Glad is my heart to once again be in Thy Presence,” James spoke the opening password.

  Enter, my Brother in Light! What is it Thy seeks?

  “I seek to be able to communicate with the young man seated before me. It is possible?”

  Are you aware that this young man is in fact a Keeper of the Flame as are Thee?

  “I did not realize until just this moment. He appears to be locked within himself, Brother in Light. Is it possible that I should not be seeking an audience with him? Is he better locked within himself? Is there strong Karma at work here?” James asked.

  Yes, my Brother, there is strong Karma at work here. I will tell you this only because we know that you only seek to help and to serve. In one of his last sojourns on the material plane, the one you know as Harry was not as careful with his words as he should have been. However, if he chooses to end his silence and know his debt is paid then, he will respond to you. It is his choice and his choice alone. This penance was his choice. The Keepers all agree that it could be time for him to end it, but again, it's his choice. I shall withdraw now and allow you to contact his mind. Good luck to you, my Brother in Light – Fellow Keeper.

  The atmosphere changed.

  James looked again into Harry's brown eyes.

  Harry. Pause. I am James Franklin. Pause. I'm speaking to your mind.

  There was a slight glimmer from Harry.

  I am a telepath Harry. James paused once more to allow what he was saying to be absorbed and understood. I've been informed by the Brotherhood, that your time has been served and that if you wish to, you may resume with your own voice.

  James watched closely and listened to Harry's mind.

  There was a slight shift of weight and movement of Harry's head. “Art Thou a Brother in Light?”

  James knew this voice was Harry's. Yes, I am. I seek to know in order to serve – just as you. James’ response was clear and concise.

  The darkness left Harry's eyes, and a light that had been missing before appeared. Harry closed his eyes and opened them once more. The Brother in Light was there, but in the background.

  Before James, was Harry the teen aged boy. “Hello. Where's my mama?”


  Chapter 30

  “Just who are the Keepers of the Flame, James?” Josephine asked.

  “Where did you hear that name Josephine?” James asked back.

  “I was looking into your future, and I saw you talking to someone about them.”

  James took a deep breath and let it out. “Well, that's a complex question,” he answered honestly.

  “Is there any way you can answer without it being too complex?”

  “No, I'm afraid not,” he answered with a smirk.

  Sighing, only as Josephine could sigh, she replied. “All right then, I'm all ears. Explain, because I think it's important that I know and understand, so I'll know if something I see is relevant or not.”

  “I understand Josephine. I really do, but this is a subject that isn’t easily explained...okay, let see if I can start somewhere so the ‘who’ thing will make sense to you. You should sit down Josephine. This will take a while….Have you heard the saying, ‘as above, so below'?” James gave her a chance to comment.

  Josephine chose simply to nod her head.

  “There is a hierarchy that maintains an unbroken line of perfect understanding for all the Esoteric Truths that have been since the beginning of time. I'm not just talking Earth time here either. There are Earth Truths, Solar Truths, and Cosmic Truths. We humans can, with training, in line with our inborn abilities, tap into those Truths. However, it's much easier for mortals on the earth plane to 'reach up' and contact the Individualities that have evolved to higher planes of consciousness who are focused upon the Earth Plane. These Individual Consciousnesses are legion in number and they all are there for different purposes. Some are called gods, angels, teachers, etc. The ones we are interested in are called Keepers of the Flame. Now, a little understanding of what a 'flame' can represent is needed. For example, Knowledge: Being able to keep the ‘knowledge’ going through the consciousness as someone who tends to a fire to keep it going. Back when the priesthood was truly understood, there were individuals whose only job was to tend to the altar fires and the candles or lamps.” James paused to let this sink in.

  Josephine stayed silent as she listened.

  “The open flame has many esoteric meanings and usages. Human beings require pictures in the consciousness in order to be able to access their subconscious. We don't think in words. We think in pictures. That's what psychism is really, picture gathering and putting it into words, and vice versa. For instance, I say 'cow' and you see in your mind the picture of a cow. If you'd never seen a cow, you have no point of reference. Or, if you've seen a cow, but no one called it that, you'd have no point of reference either. This is how we learn foreign languages. This is how we learn language period; through mind pictures. A Keeper of the Flame is someone who can tap into knowledge and store that knowledge for retrieval at a later date. They are humans who travel a certain path and have learned and practiced what they've learned from that path. These Keepers are willing to share that knowledge with others who want to know so they too can serve Humanity.” James paused for a minute.

  Josephine now sat there with her mouth open.

  “The Flame/Fire of Consciousness is that spark that comes from the Creator. Knowledge from lifetime after lifetime, in service to the Divine in every way possible and can be tapped into by these individuals, once they reach a stage in their personal evolution. These Keepers of the Flame are not necessarily members of any established church or religion, but they are nevertheless, very spiritual people without working at it. Someone like Harry who has evidently spent many, many of his life times in the priesthood is one such individual. He felt the need to serve a penance, for either not speaking up or speaking too much about something. Therefore, he's punishing himself for that infraction. That's Karma in action. We don't usually get choose what happens, so Harry must indeed be a very special individual.”

  Josephine’s eyes looked as if she was watching something in the distance. “Oh, yes! James... I understand what I was seeing so much better now. It's all about context.” Then very excitedly she added, “Melchizedek and Prometheus make more sense to me now and the reason for their place in mythology. Of course!”

  “What did you see?” James was the one who felt shocked this time.

  She ignored him and asked, “James, do you remember any past lives?”

  He laughed. “Only when I'm in deep meditation. Then everything is clear to me, but sadly, when I come back from it, the memory fades away quickly. You when you're dreaming and wake up.”

  “Okay, one more question, just how will all this help you get Reggie back?” Josephine eyes were sad.

  Running his hand through his already messy hair, he answered, “I wish I knew, beca
use I don't believe that Reggie is a Keeper, but I could be wrong. God knows, I've been wrong before.”

  “Maybe Harry will be able to help you with Reggie. I think I could get what's-her-face to approve you bringing Harry here for a short stay. That is, if you're up for it?”

  “You might be onto something Josephine. Let's see if we can get Ms. Young to approve it. Harry has no interested family and only the State of Washington to support him, and that's going to stop when he reaches 18.” He sighed. “I just don't want that young lady to think I'm open to any kind of a relationship with her. I think she's going to be a pest Josephine. Do you see anything about her?”

  “As a matter of fact, you're correct, but somehow it doesn't really happen. Somehow, you or someone introduces her to someone who's more in tune with her,” Josephine stated simply.


  Later that night, James brought Reggie down into his study. He sat her in an overstuffed chair in front of the open fire place and sat down in an identical chair across from her.

  For some time, James just sat and watched Reggie.

  She's so beautiful, but none of her fire is there. The part that makes Reggie, Reggie.

  James began to slip into that state of consciousness where everything material slipped away. He was standing in a thick mist unable to see anything around him, but the mist. He remembered something about controlling where and when he was when in this state of consciousness, so he thinks, ‘Mist clear’ and it does.

  Now, he could see himself standing at the edge of a placid lake. There was a full moon hanging above the lake, and its light was reflected upon the water. The lake looked so still and the moonlight so bright, it seemed like you could walk upon its reflection.

  Entranced with the scene, James didn't realize at first that it changed slightly.

  Two figures approached him. They are walking on lake’s surface on the moonlight's reflection.

  He observed them quietly, waiting.

  Both figures appeared to be female. One was leading the other. Before they get to him, James realized that the one being led was Reggie. The one in the lead was someone James wasn’t consciously recognizing.


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