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Carrying the Torch: Complete Trilogy

Page 23

by Dinia Steel

  “Ok, Love. Let’s go see what we can find to eat.” He stood and offered her his hand and pulled her up into his chest encircling her small body with his arms not wanting her to fall, and also not wanting to relinquish her warmth just yet.

  They shared one bed that first night and never left each other's presence from that time onward. They showered, dressed and ventured from their room, into the house. Holding hands, the couple left the comfort of the bedroom and walked down the hall into the kitchen area.

  There, they found Joyce sitting at the kitchen table with her father David Williams, Chief of the Tribal Police, each with cups of coffee sitting in front of them. Joyce, stood smiling. “Can I get you two something?”

  “Yes, please! I’m so hungry. I think I forgot to eat last night.” Reggie giggled, smiling at Joyce.

  James smiled as well, first at Reggie and then to Joyce, nodding. “Yes, I think I forgot to eat too.”

  "Luckily, I have pot roast in the fridge, or if you’d like, I can make you some breakfast. Scrambled eggs? Bacon and toast?” Joyce moved into the food preparation area, looking expectantly at the couple.

  Together, they hummed approval as they sat down at the table.

  Chief Williams started to get up to leave, but James spoke up, “No, please stay David. I’d like to visit with you. It’s been awhile since we’ve talked.”


  Chapter 56

  “I know you’re curious about what happened that night…" James started.

  The Chief nodded and waited for him to continue.

  "First, let me ask you how much you are aware of."

  Chief Williams took a deep breath and let it out. "Officially, I know that a group of unknown persons for unknown reasons came here to burn you out and more than likely to kill everyone in your house due to the number of perps and the time of night."

  James nodded.

  The Chief continued, "However, I know that there is 'power' here on your lands and that you radiate power," he paused and glanced at Reggie before going on, "And I feel a power just as strong now coming from Reggie as comes from you, so what I feel coming from the two of you together is the strongest I've ever felt from humans. I don't understand it, but I feel it."

  Reggie and James smiled at the Chief. From his mind, they could hear that he was a good man; an old soul as they say. Also that he could be trusted with everything and he would understand it according to his ability or by his lights. "Reggie and I can see that you are an old soul David, so we will tell you this: many lifetimes ago we did battle with a group whose only objective was to bring the darkness fully into the world and now it’s our job to try to maintain a balance,” James explained. “Those who died here that night were members of that same group now based in San Francisco. Hopefully, we will have a while to rest and gather our strength, so we can gain our full combined power before having to bring it back to the physical plane."

  The Chief nodded, it seemed obvious he understood. "I do understand you, James. Our Tribe has been working to maintain a balance with the forces of nature around here. There's a tremendous amount out of balance currently. Anytime you need some assistance, just call. We'll be here to supply it."

  "The same goes for you, David. If you need our help, please don't hesitate to call upon us."


  About six weeks later, Tribal Chief David Williams, came to the house asking to speak with the couple in confidence. He was ushered into the library. Reggie and James sat on the couch.

  David chose to sit across from them in one of the high winged back chairs across from them. "I'm sorry to have to bring this to you but we, the Tribe, have a favor to ask..." His mind seemed chaotic, filled with horrible images of mangled animal bodies, and one other image that might be even more horrific.

  Reggie shuddered as she and James shared the images, in tune with each other as they were all the time now. They understood what it must be costing David to feel the need to ask for help outside of the Tribe.

  "Of course, whatever you need. If we're able to give it to you, it's yours."

  Taking a deep breath and then letting it out, David began to telling what the concern was, "About 3 weeks ago, a very large fire was seen on the high bluff over the ocean. By the time I heard about it and got there, the fire was gone," he paused again with a pained expression on his face. "..There was no sign of where a fire might ever have been." He sounded very upset. "But, the feeling of a power having been present was very distinct." He stopped and looked directly at both of them. "At first, I thought it might have been you up there and had just forgotten to tell us you'd be up there, so we wouldn't be concerned, however, what I saw really worried me."

  "Come on David, don't leave us hanging," James urged looking deeply into his eyes. Both James and Reggie could feel his pain and revulsion. "I can tell how disturbed you must have been from your expression." He couldn't tell David he was able to read thoughts and already knew what it was, because he needed to get it out.

  "There were about twenty-five dead animals scattered around James," the Chief finally said sighing deeply. "They were all horribly mutilated. Some were torn to pieces and hardly recognizable."

  "Do you want..." James started.

  David raised his hand. "Let me finish," he pleaded.

  Reggie and James knew what was coming next as they could see the images in his mind. They nodded for him to continue. James reached for Reggie's hand.

  "Last night, there was another fire on the cliffs in the very same spot," he gulped and had tears forming in his black eyes, "We found little Jill Wilson. At least we think it was Jill—her little body was torn apart just as the animals had been three weeks before. She was such a sweet child—I don't know how to tell her parents about how we f-found her,” David admitted while having a hard time forming his words. “T-they just reported her missing and we were organizing a search party, when I saw the—fire."

  They could see what David couldn't say. He'd seen the fire and knew what he would find when he got there. He took Harvey Brown with him because it's never safe to go to where you suspect a crime has been committed without backup.

  David was thinking and remembering the scene: "Honestly Chief, I don't know why I can't help in the search for Jill," Harvey complained as the 4x4 they were using as a police car pulled up to the bottom of the trail that led to the top of the cliffs.

  "I need you for back up Jake. You bitch and complain all the time about not being included, so now you are. Just shut the fuck up and let's get this over with, so we can get back to the search."

  When we reached the top of the trail, we could see the full moon's reflection on the Pacific that stretched out before us. Our flashlights played on the ground in front of us, and suddenly we all froze in our tracks.

  There on the ground, scattered about, were two arms, two legs, pieces of what must have been a torso, and a head with blank staring eyes. The pieces were of a small child.

  Harvey and I both lost our suppers.

  After what seemed like an eternity to us both, we realized who the torn child was. I sat down on the ground and began to weep.

  Harvey kept repeating, "No. No. No. No. NO."

  I finally had presence of mind enough to radio for Dr. Gerandy to be brought to our location.

  My son, Charles, brought the doctor.

  It took the four stunned and grieving men about an hour to get pictures taken and the pieces picked up. If it hadn't been for the doctor, we would not have been able to get it done.

  James put his hand on David's shoulder and Reggie was hugging him trying to give him some comfort.

  David stared at both of them as if they'd gone nuts.

  "It's okay, we know what you saw," James spoke very softly.

  Looking at him with warmth in her eyes, Reggie nodded.

  "How—how do you know?" David asked the question much more sharply than he meant to.

  "You know both Reggie and I are different, you've said so yourself," James

  "Yes, I know you both are, powerful. I can," he replied hesitantly.

  "We can hear your mind," Reggie stated softly.

  David nodded, accepting this fact the same as if he was being told, ‘the sun is rising.’ "Yes, that make sense. Thank you for not making me retell it— I-I don't think I could tell it again. If it hadn't been for the doc, Jill's parents would still think she was lost in the woods. As it is, all I could tell them was that a bear or mountain lion must have gotten ahold of her and tore her up. I just couldn't tell them the truth," David was sobbing by the time he finished.

  "So, would you like for Reggie and me to go up to the cliffs, to the scene where it happened, and see what we can pick up?" James asked softly.

  Tears were streaming down his face. "Yes, please."

  They followed David to the place just below the trail that led up to the top of the bluffs.

  The ground was soaked in blood. The feeling was one of immense pressure on the solar plexus of their bodies. Reggie gasped, and James cringed from the onslaught of feelings which were not clean feelings.

  Here, in what used to be a beautiful place, were the perfect conditions for a powerful ritual. They were standing on earth, high in the air, with the seawater before them…where they'd created the fire. What had been done here was a perversion of the worst kind.

  The ones who'd done this might have been the Die Zauberei, but it just didn't feel like their work. It was more of an amateur... a want-to-be. That was the vibe James was picking up, and Reggie felt the same.

  Quickly, James formed a mental picture in his mind of what he thought must have happened.

  Reggie nodded her agreement.

  "Yes, David. Reggie and I will look into this further,” James finally spoke. “In fact, we'll get our friends Josephine, Leo, Suzanne and Harry to join us. We all work very well together. You just continue along as you would normally and don't mention our involvement, if you don't mind."

  "Thank you. Both of you. I know how unpleasant seeing this must be for you. You have my cell number. I just don't know how long I can keep this from the Tribe," sighing, David was nodding to us and to himself at the same time.


  "Josephine. We need to call our monthly meeting a week early." James told her over the phone, but he figured she already had some idea of why he was calling.

  "Yes, Leo and I were just saying we needed to come see you two sooner than our regularly scheduled visit. Do you want me to call Suzanne?” Josephine paused to breathe then finished, “We'll see the three of you soon."

  Then before he could make any further comment, she hung up.

  Turning to Reggie, he spoke, "I suspect we'll see them by nightfall.”


  Chapter 57

  James was correct in his assessment of when the others would get to the house. By seven p.m. Josephine, Leo and Suzanne pulled up in the circular driveway behind the car James had bought for Harry.

  Harry was outside to greet them when they arrived. Since he was now the youngest member of the Franklin household, he'd taken on the job of ‘official greeter.’ Josephine and Suzanne greeted him with squeals and hugs. Harry was used to this behavior now and frankly, he looked forward to it. No one could ever get enough hugs, Harry thought as James and Reggie came out to greet their friends.

  Josephine threw her arms around Reggie's shoulders. "You look radiant Reggie! It's so wonderful to have you back completely with us!"

  Reggie smiled warmly at Josephine and then embraced Suzanne and Leo in turn.

  They all filed into the house with Harry in the lead carrying a couple of the soft sided bags showing the guests to their rooms.

  After eating the light supper Joyce had prepared for them, the ages long friends gathered in the library. Time to discover just what was going on out on the bluffs above the ocean on the Reservation.

  James and Reggie gave the group all the information they’d gotten from David Williams, although neither expressed any opinions about what they thought was happening. They would find out soon enough from a much higher authority than themselves.

  Since they'd been meeting on a regular basis now, it took them very little time to establish the rapport necessary for this deep work.


  The light blue mist cleared and revealed bright sunlight as they approached the small pillared temple on the hill. This temple overlooked a sea of night stars; if they'd been anywhere except the Astral Plane, they would not be able to see night stars in broad daylight.

  The flames flickering from the center of the tile covered floor within the circle of the many rayed sun design seemed to rise higher and dance upon the entrance of The Keepers. Taking only moments, they arranged themselves around the leaping flames.

  These flames radiated no heat, only a kind of power and life which could only be used by those who knew its secrets.

  Upon no visible sign, they all stepped as one into those living flames.

  A disembodied voice spoke, "So be it".

  A horrific scene unfolded...

  A man was running from a group of small houses clutching a squirming bag to his chest. He threw the sack into the trunk of his car and sped away, leaving only dust particles turning in the air.

  When he arrived at the designated area there were already about twenty cars parked within the trees, well out of sight. A figure in a white robe with the hood covering its face approached him.


  "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy! Where are you? I can't see anything. What's happening to me? Where are you? I'm so scared." Little five year old Jill was crying, terrified and not able to breathe well with something covering her head.

  She felt so frightened that she'd already wet herself and she was afraid her mommy would punish her. All she could feel was hands, "touching" her in places that no one had ever touched her before and they were hurting her. "Let me go! You're hurting me..." she screamed.

  All that could be heard was the sound of a low chanting of words she didn't understand.

  The night's darkness was filled with screams of so much terror and pain that all the animals of the forest stopped in their tracks and cowered.


  Everyone who'd been on the bluffs and participated in the ritual were covered in the child's blood. Suddenly, all who were present were covered by a dark pulsing cloud hovering outside the ring of fire light.

  The feeling of the pulsing cloud as it worked to suck the blood off the bodies of the celebrants was like being submerged within a pool of slime and mud.

  When every last drop of the child's blood was gone so was the feeling of it being on their bodies. What replaced it was a feeling of accomplishment, power and of well being. Yes, the sacrifice of the child's life had been well worth this feeling of elation.

  There was the promise of more to come.


  Earlier that night...

  Veronica handed a thick envelope of cash to the man standing in front of her. "This is half of what we agreed upon." When the man jerked his hand back, Veronica smiled. "Idiot, the other half will be given to you upon delivery of the child," She had nothing but contempt for this man, but unfortunately he was necessary.

  The man in the shadows nodded, grasped the envelope, turned and walked away. He got into his big black SUV and sped off.

  Veronica watched the tail lights disappear before climbing into her beautiful little silver sports car. It was having to deal with this kind of scum that she really detested, but if she was going to get rid of the Franklin dreck, as she'd been ordered to, she would do whatever was necessary.

  Starting her car, she turned on the GPS system and followed the directions until she was at a location in a group of trees that would hide her vehicle from view. She waited there until the others arrived. She'd already put on her soft, white woolen robe while she'd been waiting. The hood covered her face from view, but she could see quite well through the eye holes cut in it.

sp; In all, about thirty others came to participate in the bloody rite. They too, were clad in the traditional white robes of sacrifice of the order they all belonged to.

  The last to arrive was the "shadow man" as Veronica had come to think of the scum hired to kidnap the child. The one who’d been chosen to be used had been picked out days before hand. This was the child who needed to die and to die horribly for the proper amount of power to be called up.

  She'd been a pretty little thing. If she'd been allowed to live, Jill Wilson would have been such a force of the Light that she would have been instrumental in the complete breaking of the hold the Dark was beginning to establish again, upon the physical and mental planes.

  Those who called themselves Keeper’s of the Flame were such fools. If they'd been as all powerful and knowing as they thought they were, they would have known to keep this child safe, but of course, they weren't and didn't.

  Veronica laughed to herself. When the time came to end Franklin, Veronica would be there. Maybe she would even plunge the sacrificial dagger into him and his little bitch herself. Without those two, the Keeper’s feeble attempts would be ending for a time to come. Veronica hugged herself with the hopes it would be she who'd be rewarded for accomplishing that service for The Dark.

  Laughing wildly, she climbed into her car and drove off into the night.


  Chapter 58

  The horrific scene faded from their inner vision and they found themselves still in the Temple on the Hill standing in the Eternal Flames. It was times like this when their training came into play. As much as the very human part of them wanted to be sick at what they'd witnessed unfolding before them, they kept their minds on the problem at hand. There would be plenty of time for tears later.

  "You have seen," the disembodied voice announced.

  James answered in a strong commanding voice, "Yes, we have seen. Please show us who's responsible for this crime."

  In their minds an image of a very beautiful woman with long red hair appeared. Veronica Wells. With the picture came the name and location of this woman, along with the images, names and locations of the others involved in the murder of little Jill. There were several different paths suggested that could be taken to bring those dark souls to justice as well.


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