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Highland Healer

Page 23

by Florence Love Karsner

  "Oh, Millie," said Wabi. "Do come here, child. All is well. Don't be afraid."

  Wabi had an understanding of new mothers that came from observing animals in the wild. He had learned quickly you should NEVER interfere with a new mother and especially not her new pup, or fledgling, or kitten. It didn't seem to matter what the species, new mothers were just not to be tinkered with.

  Millie came to Caitlin's side and kneeled down to look at her. Then, her voice changed, and it was almost a whisper. She looked at Alex.

  "What's happening? I thought I heard a tornado, and a woman screaming, and there was a blinding light!" Her cheeks were rosy from the cold, and her eyes flashed as she looked at the two men.

  Jack could not take his eyes off the woman that had just entered the stable. He remembered the fire in her eyes as she came tearing down the stairs screaming like a banshee. There as so much determination in her face he thought she was going to attack him with all her might. But, of course, all she wanted was her child.

  He looked at her still and could not stop staring. She was certainly beautiful and her voice belied the rest of her. The voice was soft, unlike the one she used when she screamed at him to give her babe to her.

  He finally got to his feet as this vision came in his direction. He was not sure whether to run or stand his ground. Their last encounter was still fresh in his mind. She gently lay a hand on his arm and looked up at him. And her eyes were only a few inches below his.

  "I do apologize. I do not usually behave in such an ill manner, but I thought you were taking my child. But, obviously, you are a friend of Caitlin's, so you are a friend of mine."

  He had told Wabi he could talk, but at the moment his tongue didn't behave in its usual manner. Maybe the old man had fried it! Whatever, it didn't seem to have any connection to his brain, so he was mute for the moment. It was the first time he had ever met a woman who could look him in the eye without tilting her head at some great angle. And all six feet of her were breathtaking! Still unable to make any coherent response, he just nodded and looked back to Caitlin and Wabi.

  Wabi had decided the first order of business would be to get Caitlin inside to find out what, exactly, her wounds might be. At the moment, she was being brave and only making the smallest noises that would indicate she as in pain. But, Wabi knew this woman. She always downplayed any illness or difficulty. It seemed to be a lifetime pattern with her. Alex and Jack, too, could see Caitlin was in a bad way.

  These men had seen enough wounds in battle to know she had a broken leg and maybe more issues than that, but of that they were certain. Alex very slowly lifted her and, with one look at Wabi, they had a moment of non-verbal communication. Wabi also saw the angle from which her left leg was jutting out. So, with a nod of his head, Alex lifted her body and Wabi tried to hold the leg up and keep it from falling below the level of her body. Even with their combined efforts, however, Caitlin let out a loud cry of anguish that was painful to everyone's ears. Millie was leading the way, trying to keep the baby covered and opening the door for the two men to come through, carrying their most precious cargo.

  "Here, Alex. Let's put her here by the fire for the moment," Jack called.

  They placed Caitlin on blankets in front of the fireplace in the great hall. At some point, however, it appeared Caitlin had lost consciousness and was as limp as a rag doll.

  "Ah, she's out. That's good. Now we can set her leg without her being in such agony. Alex, you hold her, tightly, and I'll give the leg a proper jerk. If we don't it'll never heal properly, and she'll have limited use of it."

  In another moment of silent communication, Wabi and Alex agreed this was a welcome event. This positioning of the leg was a painful procedure for the patient. Wabi had set many legs for his animals over the years, and began at once to go about making sure Caitlin would have full use of her leg once the healing had completed. It was at moments like this he was so tempted to use some of his extraordinary powers. But he knew nature would take care of this problem. He never used his powers unless there was no other solution. It was an agreement he had with the Creator.


  "Good God! Did I lose a day somewhere? What day is this? Am I going the right way?" Lord Warwick had lost track of time. Rather a new experience for him.

  The snow was still falling, and he wrapped his blanket tightly around his shoulders. His greatcoat was of the finest wool to be found in all of England. His Hessians were especially handmade for him; even his undergarments were of the best quality. In addition to his greatcoat, he had a woolen cape that reached to the ground and, presently, he was wrapped in it trying to stay warm. He was hoping to reach Millie's family's home soon as it was getting bloody cold out here and his backside was tired of sitting on this animal.

  He had left his coach in a tiny village some ways back as one of the wheels had gotten stuck in a large rut and he, in his inebriated state, couldn't quite figure out how to manage it. With a few coins he was able to buy a decent horse from the farmer just across the bridge from where his coach sat stuck. Damn that coachman anyway! Just leaving him without a word! He'd take care of him when he got back to England. But, most probably the man would never show his face at Warwick Castle again. So be it. So, he had been on horseback for some time now and was ready for a rest.

  He didn't know exactly what he might find when he arrived at the castle. Henri had reported to him the two women were taken care of, and he had not seen another soul when he was there. But, that didn't mean the place would be vacant when Lord Warwick arrived. For certainly, the morning after the women were "dealt with" as he thought of it, the household staff would come early to prepare food and run the household as usual. What would they think when they found the two bodies? Would the local law enforcement, whatever they might have, be looking into the matter? After all, two women smothered to death would cause quite a stir in a small village, and the entire populace would likely be afraid themselves.

  "Well, good, let them be afraid. When the property is mine, they'll learn to be afraid of me as well."

  He believed if your servants and workers feared you, then they would never be stupid enough to cross you. Of course, it usually took at least one example of his punishment to make an impression on the staff. His father had tried to teach him you could gain loyalty by treating servants with respect and by being fair in your dealings with them. Warwick disregarded this advice as he had all other such ridiculous ideas his father had passed on to him. He had no doubt that a few whippings with the lash or a few days locked in the lower chambers, with only water, would gain him all the loyalty he required. Plus, he found these events to be quite pleasurable. But, of course, his stupid wife accused him of being an animal with no compassion for others.

  "Well, I've had enough of her whining also. Once she has had my son, and I have possession of her lands and estate in Scotland, then I'll have her taken care of also. I wonder what old Sinclair will have to say about that!" He laughed a hollow laugh that lingered in the quiet of his surroundings, where no other person was to be found. Traveling alone was at least better than sitting in his vacant castle. Since Millie had left, the servants stayed as far away from his as possible, leaving him quite alone in the empty, hollow place.

  Warwick Castle was rather medium-sized, as far as castles go, but Lord Sinclair had led him to believe the Scottish estate was very large and the lands extensive. But, then of course, old Sinclair could well be bluffing about those holdings also. He had been known to exaggerate when speaking about his own personal wealth. Warwick had plenty of cash, but land was what was important in order to be recognized as a great lord.

  Stopping and dismounting for a short while, just to give his back and legs a break, he broke out his flask and had several more gulps of his brew. His mind became even more clouded than usual. He felt sure he would find Millie at the Cameron castle, grieving for her grandmother and aunt. And, he would be understanding and promise to find whomever it as that had caused the death
s of her family. Certainly, she would realize she couldn't take care of herself and his son alone, so would be glad to see him and be ready to return to England and Warwick Castle. After all, she was only a woman and most dependent on him for her every bit of sustenance.

  "Well, I'll be there shortly and have the necessary papers drawn up, and we'll be on our way home." He as not even aware he was speaking aloud and no one was listening, except the owl that had been following along the entire way.


  Millie was learning rather quickly how to take care of her bundle of joy. And this child did bring joy to Millie. Here was something that was hers, something that belonged to her. And she cherished this babe like all new mothers do.

  She started back down the stairs after feeding the baby and making herself a bit more presentable. Of course, this was difficult as she only had a few items of clothing in her bag. But, she would make do. Sleep had done wonders for her, and she felt light as air. Even though she knew that was really not true, but being pregnant had made her feel so unwieldy and clumsy. It was heaven just to be able to bend over and lace her shoes. And, Caitlin and Wabi had been so kind to her. How would she ever repay them?

  As she started down the stairs, with the babe sleeping on her shoulder, she stopped, remembering just earlier this morning when she discovered her child was gone. She had literally flown down these same stairs and screeched at the man holding her infant. As she saw in her mind's eye the same scene playing over again, she recalled that the giant was holding the babe in one large hand, and was saying something, something very soothing, and the small babe was snuggled up to his neck as if perfectly satisfied and at home. She smiled at the thought of this giant of a man, obviously at home with a babe in his arms. She was embarrassed when she remembered her actions at the time. Well, all seemed to have worked itself out, so she would try to keep her emotions on a tight rein after that incident.

  Jack was a most capable man, apparently. He had taken care of the soldier and had helped Wabi set Caitlin's leg. Never once did he behave as if it were anything but usual for him. She must learn more about him. He was quite a man, now that she thought about it. His height alone would make him stand out in a crowd. And he certainly had an arrogance to that sharply chiseled jaw and nostrils that flared when he was excited, as well as blue eyes that had narrowed when she screamed at him. And his auburn hair was almost as red as Caitlin's and in need of a trim. And, had he blushed when he had seen her in the stable? What was that about?


  Wabi, Millie, Alex and Jack had all had their turn caring for Caitlin. As soon as she regained consciousness, Caitlin became the worst patient ever.

  "Why did you not wait until I got back to my senses? I could have instructed you as to what needed to be done!"

  The four of them just looked at each other and smiled indulgently, as they all knew she could not have done any better than they had, and so did Caitlin.

  Wabi grinned, leaned down and kissed her on top of her head. Caitlin's behavior following any kind of ailment had not changed from the time she was a child. She had so disliked being care for when she was small. Even then, she knew she was to be a healer and being on the receiving end of these ministrations was not to her liking.

  "Ah, Caitlin. 'Tis great to see you feeling better," laughed Wabi. He couldn't recall when he was so relieved. Just knowing that infernal soldier was no longer a threat to his niece brought peace to the old man. Now, perhaps, her life would get back to some sort of normalcy again.

  After assuring himself that Caitlin was as comfortable as she could be, Wabi called a gathering of the five of them. They brought up chairs and made a circle around her in order that they could have a much needed discussion, a meeting of the minds. Wabi watched quietly as Caitlin administered her own pain medication, and he saw she was careful not to take too much. If he knew Caitlin, he knew she would actually rather have some pain than be totally addled on medication. As it was, he was glad she was alert and almost back to herself.

  Leaning forward with his arms resting on his knees, his hands held together in a prayer-like fashion, Wabi started the conversation.

  "It is most regrettable that a man lost his life today. I believe if one looks hard enough, one can usually find at least one redeeming quality about another to justify their being on this earth. And I have no doubt this man must have been given some worthwhile attributes at one time; however, it appears that life had taken much from him also, and he had become unhinged, I do believe. Let us pray he is at peace."

  With that, Wabi bowed his head momentarily, and then looked at the others. Then he started up again.

  "Let us also give thanks that you, Caitlin, no longer have to worry over some madman pursuing you across the countryside. This ordeal is over and, perhaps, now you can get your life back on track and live it in peace. You must heal first, of course, but time will take care of that. So, where do we go from here? Back to Skye, I presume?" Wabi looked at the others hoping they may have some suggestions.

  Wabi looked at the two brothers. Alex and Jack. They remained silent. Next he turned to Caitlin, who hesitated a moment, but finally responded.

  "Oh, I haven't had time to give it much thought," she stammered, looking to Alex who was sitting next to her.

  "But, Uncle Wabi, I'm not sure I should return to Skye, at least not just yet. I'm most grateful that Commander Campbell will no longer be at my heels, but there were numerous other young men that died also, all to malaria just as the commander's son. Might not some of their families also think I was responsible? There is so much grief in this entire area, what with Culloden having happened so recently. It takes a long time for families to accept their loss, and some never do. I feel I should stay away for a while longer. Plus, if I return to Skye, Thomas will most certainly be searching for me, and probably that lord also. With those worries still out there, I think I'll move on to higher land. And, there is always need for a healer, so I know I can be of service somewhere."

  Wabi looked at his very dear niece. For some reason, she had always felt she should serve mankind. This was surely the Creator's work. Wabi had cared for Caitlin most of her life and felt honored to have been chosen for that purpose. He had waited so long for her to come into her own, realizing her special status, and now it was time to allow her to do so, with only a little help from him. Yes, she could move along now, and he would fade into the background, but always be available.

  "Caitlin. Always one to think rationally. Of course, I believe you should follow your intuition, as always. But, as to Thomas, when you see him next, I believe you will find a much changed man, and one more to everyone's liking."

  Wabi looked next at Millie, who couldn't seem to say seated. He had watched as she had gotten up and down several times in the last few minutes. Saying she was anxious would be an understatement. She pulled at a strand of hair that fell over her shoulder. It had curled slightly from her constantly wrapping it around her finger. And, the more anxious she got, the more the baby seemed to squirm in her arms. Obviously, she babe could sense the unrest in her mother.

  The wizard was not surprised when Jack stepped in, and was actually pleased to watch the interactions between the two.

  "Here, Millie." Jack looked directly into her eyes and held out his hands, in supplication maybe, and she returned his look. Wabi knew Millie was not sure what he was asking. Was he asking to hold the babe? Jack nodded to her.

  "May I hold that little midge again?" Millie smiled at him and handed the small, squirming body over to him. Jack brought the child up to his neck again, and by the look on his face it was obvious to Wabi that the Highlander had taken in the scent that was unique to babes. The wizard had seen this same reaction in the animal world also. Mother Nature had a way of creating a smell that makes all infants alluring to others, but he found it especially interesting that Jack was taken in so easily. The female will almost always respond, but the male sometimes takes longer. But not this time. Jack
obviously was more than just a large physical man; he apparently was rather special also. The child let out a sigh and snuggled close to Jack's neck. And the old wizard understood, whether anyone else did or not, that these three were destined for many more interactions.

  Wabi had to keep himself from getting up and coming to Millie's assistance. She began to pace again, and Wabi smiled as Jack found a way to help her without being obvious. The big man went to the stove and brought over a pot of tea and poured everyone a cup, easily holding the little lass with one very large hand on her back and pouring the tea with the other.

  "My Mam thought a 'cuppa' would soothe anyone's nerves," said Jack, and Wabi thought that may just be the thing now. He studied Millie as she sat down and held the cup in both hands. How many times had he done the same thing? He watched as the warmth from the cup seeped into her body, easing some of the tension. Ah, Jack to the rescue again, thought Wabi.

  Millie looked at Caitlin, Wabi, Alex and finally to Jack. He nodded to her, and she understood he was trying to help her put words to her feelings.

  "I hardly know where to start," she began.

  "As it is, I appear to have put you all in a very precarious position, and I would never had done so willingly." Her voice was beginning to crack, and she feared she might break down into tears at any moment.

  "This castle and estate belong to my mother's family, members of the Cameron clan. It is a place I visited many times when I was a child. But in the last three years, I have had no correspondence from my grandmother or my aunt, the only ones that were living when I last heard from them. My grandfather, Laird Cameron, passed away several years ago, and Aunt Moira, my mother's sister, was running the estate with the help of some workers and ladies who have been here most of their lives. But, when I married, some three years ago, I lost contact with them. I have written, many times, but I have never had a reply. Only recently has it finally dawned on me that my husband Edward, Lord Edward Warwick, probably disposed of any letters from them.


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