Is That All There Is?
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“He tried”: Fred Apollo to JG, May 16, 2012.
“She had a joke”: William Luce to JG, Nov. 8, 2011.
“I never heard”: Lee Ringuette to JG, June 28, 2011.
“detested”: Stella Castellucci to JG, Aug. 22, 2012.
perfect for Peggy: Max Bennett to JG, Oct. 28, 2010.
“The eternal struggle”: Leonard Feather, “Peggy Lee”: An Open Mind and Eager Ear for Today,” Los Angeles Times, Mar. 7, 1971.
“effect of belting”: Henry Pleasants, The Great American Popular Singers, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974, p. 351.
“those provocatively”: Don Bailer, “Peggy Sets a Feverish Pace!” New York Daily Mirror, Aug. 20, 1958.
“The young people”: Ibid.
“free the sexual slaves”: “Burning Desire,” The Fifties, History Channel, 1997.
“a definite danger”: Nick Redfern, Celebrity Secrets: Official Government Files on the Rich and Famous, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007, p. 97.
“unacceptably light”: Chris Fujiwara, The World and Its Double: The Life and Work of Otto Preminger, New York: Faber & Faber, Inc., 2008, p. 144.
“truly a composite”: George Metalious and June O’Shea, The Girl from Peyton Place, New York: Dell, 1965.
“People were outraged”: “Burning Desire,” The Fifties.
“My mother was”: Sidney Myer to JG, Jan. 2, 2013.
“A year ago”: “Flynn Replaces Martin in ‘Cavalry Patrol,” Hartford Courant, May 26, 1957.
“Peggy would wake”: Joe Harnell to JG, Mar. 13, 1999.
“exaggerated”: Fred Apollo to JG, May 16, 2012.
“infectious”: “Peggy Lee, III, May Be Sent to Hospital Today,” Los Angeles Times, July 26, 1958.
“glandular fever”: Don Bailer, “Peggy Sets a Feverish Pace!”
“a truckload of things”: PL to Alan Dell, BBC Radio 2 interview, rec. 1992.
“grievous mental suffering”: “Singer Peggy Lee Sues to Divorce Third Mate,” Los Angeles Times, Sept. 11, 1958.
“hostile and moody”: “Singer Divorces Actor,” source unknown, June 18, 1959.
“extremely jealous”: “Peggy Sings Blues, Exes 3d,” New York Daily News, June 18, 1959.
“vile language”: “Third Mate Divorced by Singer Peggy Lee,” Los Angeles Times, June 17, 1959.
“he always tried”: “Singer Divorces Actor.”
“Nobody wanted”: Max Bennett to JG, Oct. 28, 2010.
“They were her family”: Fred Apollo to JG, May 16, 2012.
“Mary told me”: Max Bennett to JG, Oct. 28, 2010.
“occasional beneficiary . . . the block”: George S. Jacobs with William Stadiem, Mr. S: My Life with Frank Sinatra, New York: It Books, 2003, p. 75.
“an acute virus”: “Peggy Lee Stricken,” Washington Post and Times-Herald, Mar. 15, 1959.
“She stopped”: Video, Joe Williams, Society of Singers tribute to Peggy Lee, 1994.
“He wasn’t”: André Previn to JG, Nov. 30, 2012.
“She owned”: William Harbach to JG, Dec. 1, 2010.
“Oh, she was”: André Previn to JG, Nov. 30, 2012.
“very reclusive”: Clark Burroughs to JG, Apr. 2, 2012.
“worship of mediocrity”: Sean O’Neal, “R.I.P. ‘Sing Along with’ Mitch Miller,”, Aug. 2, 2010.
“one step from fascism”: “Pop Goes the Little Old Music Maker,” New York Daily News, Sept. 20, 2004.
“one of the largest”: William Barlow, Voice Over: The Making of Black Radio, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1998, p. 187.
“There we were”: Yahoo! Latin jazz group, date unknown.
“because George”: Will Friedwald, liner notes for CD reissue of Beauty and the Beat!, 1992.
“We had”: Fred Hall, Dialogues in Swing: Intimate Conversations with the Stars of the Big Band Era, Pathfinder Publisher of California, 1989.
“I was so exhausted”: Will Friedwald, Beauty and the Beat!
“I never had”: Eleanor Fuerst to JG, Oct. 26, 2010.
“The whisper”: Column item, 1959; source unknown.
“We had a crush . . . thoughts”: William Harbach to JG, Dec. 1, 2010.
“She was funny . . . riot”: Ibid.
“went over”: Dona Harsh Hutchinson to JG, May 17, 2011.
“The kids consider”: John Crosby, “Dreadful Popular Music Hasn’t a Monopoly Yet,” Washington Post and Times-Herald, Aug. 17, 1959.
“She cost us”: Lennie Green to JG, Dec. 11, 2010.
“Back then”: Mike Melvoin to JG, Dec. 14, 2010.
“He was so”: Barbara Carroll to JG, Dec. 4, 2010.
“Moe will be”: Lennie Green to JG, Oct. 11, 2010.
“with earrings . . . dark room”: Ibid.
“huge crowd”: Bob Rolontz, “Benny Gasses Old and Young Anew,” Billboard, Nov. 16, 1959.
“the queen”: “Peggy Lee: The Life, the Songs,” Kathy Larkin, New York Daily News, Nov. 28, 1983.
“homely”: Jess Rand to JG, Oct. 21, 2010.
“the rugged face”: Larry L. King, “Rappin’ with Peggy Lee,” Cosmopolitan, Sept. 1971.
“I can take”: Larry Townsend, “Night Scene: Perfect Light Man for a Perfectionist,” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 19, 1971.
“Peggy, I can’t . . . from the piano”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“She looked like”: Sheldon Roskin to JG, Nov. 4, 2010.
“She was loud”: Lennie Green to JG, Dec. 11, 2010.
“Smitten by Peggy’s”: Phoebe Jacobs to JG, Feb. 11, 1999.
“If Peggy”: Betty Jungheim to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.
“Perfection”: Alan Jackson, “That’s Not All There Is, Says Miss Lee,” Times (London), June 15, 1994.
“ravishing beauty”: Phoebe Jacobs to JG, Feb. 11, 1999.
“No eyebrows”: Bruce Vanderhoff to JG, Oct. 17, 2010.
“She made up . . . on that stage”: Phoebe Jacobs to JG, Feb. 11, 1999.
“lima beans”: Stella Castellucci to JG, Aug. 22, 2012.
“Clouds raised”: Nicki Lee Foster to JG, Jan. 30, 1999.
“Power.’ ‘Burn.”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“This was not”: William Harbach to JG, Dec. 1, 2010.
“In all her”: Nick Lapole, “Peggy Lee Soars to Heights,” New York Journal-American, Mar. 8, 1960.
“Peggy Lee is one”: Letter, Arthur Godfrey to Louis Sobel, Apr. 5, 1963; from Sobel’s The Longest Street, New York: Crown Publishers, 1968, pp. 355–356.
“Dear Peggy”: Ronald William Towe, “Basin Street East and Miss Peggy Lee,” source unknown, Jan. 1961.
“Basin Street”: Bob Rolontz, “Can’t Beat That Gal Peggy Lee,” Billboard, Mar. 28, 1960.
“People of intelligence”: Stella Castellucci to JG, Aug. 22, 2012.
“he took me . . . old friends”: City Lights (Brian Linehan, host), Citytv, Toronto, 1984.
“Mousse of Salmon”: Peggy Lee menu, date unknown.
“She did wonderful”: Lee Ringuette to JG, June 28, 2011.
“that unique”: Steve Allen to JG, Mar. 19, 1999.
“Singer Peggy Lee’s Aim”: Boston Globe, Sept. 20, 1959.
“to gain control”: Kirtley Baskette, “Peggy Lee: She Can’t Stop Giving,” Redbook, Apr. 1955.
“I would far”: Ibid.
“We are living” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, New York: Penguin Putnam, p. 140.
“She always spoke . . . other person”: Stella Castellucci to JG, Aug. 22, 2012.
“the most exercise”: Max Bennett to JG, Oct. 28, 2010.
“Like the pretty . . . miserable”: Mark Murphy to JG, Mar. 7, 1999.
“putting together”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“They were the kind”: Stefanie Powers to JG, Oct. 1, 2012.
“It is not”: Larry L. King, “Rappin’ with Peggy Lee,” Cosmopolitan, Sept. 1971.
“All the big”: Bart Howard t
o JG, Aug. 11, 1984.
“When I realized . . . tell me about”: Gavin McLeod to JG, Apr. 18, 2011.
“Well, Charles . . . dogs”: Person to Person, CBS-TV, Oct. 20, 1960.
“I was just . . . with laughter”: Mart Crowley to JG, May 20, 2011.
“breaking up”: Alex Freeman, “M.M. Gives Haley Headache,” Hartford Courant, Mar. 13, 1963.
“This is the house”: Leonard Harris, “Peggy Lee’s Evening,” New York World-Telegram & Sun, Mar. 1965.
“sizzling”: “An Unrehearsed Performance,” Arthur Gelb, New York Times, Feb. 3, 1961.
“When Peggy”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“Miss Lee is late . . . herself onstage”: “Jim Bishop, Reporter, Raves About: Peggy Lee,” Toronto Telegram, Nov. 14, 1961.
“As one would”: Richard Lamparski, Manhattan Diary, Albany, GA: Bear Manor Media, 2006, p. 9.
“terribly good-looking”: Recording, Peggy Lee, Central Park, New York, July 27, 1970.
“His relationship”: Steve Blum to JG, Sept. 6, 2011.
“she sagged”: “Jim Bishop, Reporter, Raves About: Peggy Lee.”
“Miss Lee comes out”: Ann Geracimos, “Peggy Lee Leaves Nothing to Chance,” Toledo Blade, May 16, 1965.
“was absolutely perfect”: Miss Peggy Lee, p. 216.
“She was mad”: Betty Jungheim to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.
“His skills”: Bob Freedman to JG, Oct. 3, 2012.
“She wouldn’t”: Betty Jungheim to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.
“Quincy and I”: Dona Harsh Hutchinson to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.
“prerecords”: “Star-Gazing,” Pittsburgh Courier, Sept. 25, 1965.
“uniformly good”: John A. Tynan, Down Beat, July 19, 1962.
“provocative”: Arthur Gelb, “An Unrehearsed Performance,” New York Times, Feb. 3, 1961.
“the hub”: Ronald William Towe, “Basin Street East and Miss Peggy Lee.”
“I’ve never known . . . hear me?”: Max Jones, “And Here’s What Happens at a Miss Lee Rehearsal,” Melody Maker (U.K.), July 22, 1961.
“diamond-studded gathering”: Evening News (London), July, 17, 1961.
“Big hunks”: “Nightbeat: PL,” Stage (London), July 20, 1961.
“a singer with”: “Happy Singer,” Evening Standard (London), July 13, 1961.
“Oh, it must”: Paula Ringuette to JG, Aug. 28, 2012.
“painfully self-conscious”: Richard Lamparski, Manhattan Diary, Albany, GA: Bear Manor Media, 2006, p. 9.
“How I Wish”: “How I Wish I Were Like My Mum—Says Nicki,” Daily Mirror (London), July 4, 1961.
“Nicki could do”: Phoebe Jacobs to JG, Feb. 11, 1999.
“I shall never”: “How I Wish I Were Like My Mum—Says Nicki.”
“majesty”: Frank Quinn, “Peggy Lee Has SRO at BSE,” New York Mirror, Nov. 11, 1961.
“Why can’t they”: Earl Wilson, “Peggy Lee Stages a Comeback,” New York Post, Nov. 24, 1961.
“Peggy’s more than”: Ibid.
“I came so close”: J.D. Reed, “Peggy Lee’s Broadway Debut Was a Bust, but the Lady Has Lived Through Hard Times Before,” People, Jan. 9, 1984.
“Most people”: Martin Burden, “Peggy Lee Gives It All That There Is,” New York Post, Dec. 7, 1983.
“take the scare”: Charles Champlin, “Peggy, Benny in the Swing of It,” Los Angeles Times, Apr. 28, 1965.
“I wanted desperately”: Marshall Berges, “Peggy Lee: Is That All There Is? A Lady of Many Moods Finds There’s Much More,” Los Angeles Times Home Magazine, Oct. 19, 1975.
“I did only”: Bob Thomas, “Peggy Lee Hopes Music by Big Bands Will Come Back,” Reading (PA) Eagle, Mar. 4, 1960.
“I have to”: Mike Melvoin to JG, Dec. 14, 2010.
“the funkiest”: Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller with David Ritz, Hound Dog: The Leiber & Stoller Autobiography, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2010, p. 234.
“too correct”: Ibid.
“an impatient gal”: Ibid.
“I don’t want”: Arthur Hamilton to JG, Mar. 11, 1999.
“a sweetheart”: Dona Harsh Hutchinson to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.
“That was just . . . I left”: Jack Sheldon to JG, Dec. 13, 2010.
“Peggy hardly”: Jack Jones to JG, Feb. 6, 2013.
“just as volatile”: Alex Freeman, “Peggy Lee Ends Another Marriage,” Hartford Courant, June 25, 1964.
“Quincy made”: Dona Harsh Hutchinson to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.
“The door was open”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“loneliness”: Nicki Lee Foster to JG, Jan. 30, 1999.
“Who is that?”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“marry this chick”: Hartford Courant, June 25, 1964.
“quietly hitched”: Herb Lyon, “Tower Ticker,” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 17, 1964.
“chronic”: “Clerk Takes Marriage License to Peggy Lee,” Los Angeles Times, Feb. 22, 1964.
“I think she”: Nicki Lee Foster to JG, Jan. 30, 1999.
“All this”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“Peggy introduced”: Lynn Ringuette to JG, June 29, 2011.
“He told me”: Dona Harsh Hutchinson to JG, May 17, 2011.
“I think the sand”: Betty Jungheim to JG, Nov. 15, 2012.
“the man I love. . . . singing”: John M. Cathcart, “After 4 Broken Marriages My Career Has Cost Me Enough, Says Peggy Lee,” National Enquirer, 1974.
“It was a barn”: Vince Mauro to JG, Jan. 2, 2013.
“Say it . . . cute”: Richard Lamparski, Manhattan Diary, p. 9.
“I want you”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“She really needed”: Emilio Palame to JG, May 19, 2013.
“Father, if you”: Thomas C. Wheeler, “The Timeless Charm of Peggy Lee,” Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 10, 1964.
“figuring how”: Martin Burden, “Peggy Lee Gives It All That There Is.”
“We were a little”: “True Love Hits Bumps for 3 Film Couples,” Los Angeles Times, June 18, 1964.
“forced to go”: “Peggy Lee Gets Divorce, Claiming Husband Lazy,” St. Joseph (MO) Gazette, Nov. 5, 1964.
“You have the same . . . knew you”: Hal Schaefer to JG, Feb. 7, 2011.
“grandma”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“The place is”: “Joan to Take It Slower This Time,” Washington Post and Times-Herald, Aug. 11, 1964.
“Pink makes me”: Arlene Dahl, “Attitude, Voice and in Beauty,” Chicago Tribune, Nov. 2, 1964.
“piercing scream . . . let us know”: Paul Coates, “Ex-Landed Gentleman Relaxes Back Where the Livin’ Is Noisy,” Los Angeles Times, Apr. 21, 1965.
“She looks like . . . Cary Grant”: Thomas C. Wheeler, “The Timeless Charm of Peggy Lee,” Saturday Evening Post, 1964.
“spiritual”: Phoebe Jacobs to JG, Feb. 11, 1999.
“Without explaining”: Peggy Lee, “And Then I Wrote,” Record World, Mar. 8, 1969.
“When this scene”: Johnny Mandel to JG, Nov. 14, 2010.
“I see you”: John Pisano to JG, Dec. 8, 2010.
“panhandlers”: Hy Gardner’s Offbeat Guide to New York, New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1964, p. 99.
“aim for”: Billboard, July 10, 1965.
“They started”: PL to Ken Bloom and Bill Rudman, June 1993.
“crowded to the”: Nick Lapole, “Peggy Makes Magic,” New York Journal-American, Mar. 2, 1965.
“Whenever she’s on”: The Dean Martin Show, NBC-TV, Nov. 13, 1969.
“a cigar-store Indian”: Bob Spitz, “The Beatles Invasion, 50 Years Ago: Sunday, Feb. 9, 1964,” Time, Feb. 9, 2014.
“I think I’m”: The Andy Williams Show, NBC-TV, Sept. 27, 1962.
“looked like”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“Peggy wasn’t”: Robert W. Richards to JG, Feb. 15, 1999.
“this huge”: Doak Roberts to JG, Apr. 14, 2011.
“You see the garden”: PL, Monitor, NBC radio, May 10, 1970.
br /> “about twice”: Eugene Boe, “Peggy Lee: An Artist Tunes Up for the Waldorf,” Cue, Apr. 5, 1969.
“was everyone’s idea”: Bruce Vanderhoff to JG, Nov. 13, 2010.
“endless”: Lou Levy to JG, Feb. 2, 1999.
“Guys who played”: Grady Tate to JG, Feb. 13, 1999.
“She explained”: Bill Holman to JG, June 21, 2011.
“airy sounds”: Vince Mauro to JG, Jan. 2, 2013.
“She didn’t have”: Walter Willison to JG, June 22, 2011.
“was the pinnacle . . . earshot”: Mel Tormé, “A Farewell to the Old Hotel Night Spots,” New York Times, Jan. 30, 1977.
“Move your”: Sheldon Roskin to JG, Nov. 4, 2010.
“triumph”: Nick Lapole, “Peggy Scores a Kayo,” New York Journal-American, Nov. 12, 1965.
“She needed people . . . projects”: Sheldon Roskin to JG, Nov. 4, 2010.
“I must”: “Parsimonious Peggy,” Time, Nov. 3, 1967.
“woman of”: Thomas C. Wheeler, “The Timeless Charm of Peggy Lee.”
“God will not”: Kathy Larkin, “Peggy Lee: The Life, the Songs,” New York Daily News, Nov. 28, 1983.
“I’m a Woman”: PL lighting chart, c. 1975.
“down almost”: Eugene Boe, “Peggy Lee: An Artist Tunes Up for the Waldorf.”
“She’d hire . . . helpful to me”: Kathy Levy to JG, June 11, 2013.
“She poured”: Kathy Levy to JG, Feb. 3, 1999.
“Most of the time”: Bruce Vanderhoff to JG, Oct. 24, 2012.
“She had a”: Doak Roberts to JG, Apr. 14, 2011.
“If she’d worn”: Bruce Vanderhoff to JG, Oct. 24, 2012.
“pretty goofy”: Jack Sheldon to JG, Dec. 13, 2010.
“She would just . . . nonreality of it”: Kathy Levy to JG, Feb. 3, 1999.
“She seems almost”: Peper, “Peggy Lee Back at Basin Street,” New York World-Telegram & Sun, Apr. 17, 1962.
“Each time”: Larry L. King, “Rappin’ with Peggy Lee,” Cosmopolitan, Sept. 1971.
“everything she did”: Peter Levinson to JG, Mar. 12, 1999.
“Age has done”: Norman J. O’Connor, “Peggy Lee Manufacturers Smooth Nightclub Performance,” Boston Globe, Mar. 31, 1963.
“When Marian”: Angela Levey to JG, Dec. 5, 2010.
“After being”: Kathy Levy to JG, June 12, 2013.
“David and I”: Dona Harsh Hutchinson to JG, Feb. 9, 2011.