Is That All There Is?
Page 73
Hope, Dolores, 513
Hopper, Hedda, 115, 139, 142, 144, 145, 156, 162, 492
Horne, Lena, 50, 153, 234, 293, 317, 335, 347, 348, 381, 405, 411, 422, 423, 426, 433, 442
Horne, Marilyn, 2
Horner, Paul, 29, 307, 403–407, 409–411, 417–420, 424–427, 431, 434–436, 438, 439, 456, 477, 488
Horn, Shirley, 517
Horwin, Lee, 379
“Hound Dog,” 191, 242, 279
Houston, Whitney, 476
Hovde, Ossie, 52, 56
Hover, Herman, 137, 180
Howard, Bart, 230, 509
“How Do You Erase a Memory?,” 213–214
“(How Much Is) That Doggie in the Window?,” 249
Hubbard, Eliot, 492
Hudson, Lise, 472
Hudson, Lois Phillips, 8
Hudson, Rock, 406
Hughes, Howard, 324–325, 401
Humm, Richard, 436
“Hungry Years, The,” 392
Hunt, Dennis, 402
Hunter, Ivory Joe, 198
Hunter, Tab, 179
Hunt, Pee Wee, 107
Huss, William, 472
Huston, John, 144, 353–354
Hutton, Betty, 413
Huxley, Aldous, 223
“I Am in Love,” 500
Iannucci, Sal, 302, 332
“I Can’t Get Next to You,” 304
“I Can’t Resist You,” 398
I Do! I Do! (musical), 274
“I Don’t Know Enough About You,” 91–92, 120
“I Don’t Know How to Love Him,” 332
“I Don’t Want to Play in Your Yard,” 168–169, 393
“I Feel the Earth Move,” 326
“If I Knew You Were Comin’ I’d’ve Baked a Cake,” 125
“If I Were a Carpenter,” 272
“If You Believe,” 433
If You Go (PL album), 236, 237
“If You Turn Me Down (Dee-Own-Down-Down),” 125
“I Gave It Everything I Had,” 404, 406
“I Get Ideas,” 125
“I Got It Bad (and That Ain’t Good),” 73
“I Go to Rio,” 392
“I Got Plenty of Nuttin’,” 301
“I Honestly Love You,” 389
I Like Men! (PL album), 205, 207
“I’ll Be Around,” 98
“I’ll Be Seeing You,” 334, 361, 414, 490, 504, 514
I’ll See You in My Dreams (film), 138
“I’ll Take You Home Again, Kathleen,” 55
“I Lost My Sugar in Salt Lake City,” 211
“I Love Being Here with You,” 241, 246, 428, 448, 489, 503
I Love Lucy (TV program), 199–200, 215, 248
“I’m a Man,” 242
“I’m a Woman,” 242–243, 262, 275, 280, 317–318, 382, 448, 451, 500, 503, 506, 517
I’m a Woman (PL album), 292
“I’m Glad There Is You,” 132
“I’m Gonna Go Fishin’,” 222, 347, 477
“(I’m) In Love Again,” 264
“I’m Just a Country Boy,” 162
“I’m Just Wild About Harry,” 205
“I’m Not in Love,” 392
“I’m Still Here,” 403
“I Never Knew Why,” 432–433
“I Never Told You,” 298
Ingénue (album), 492
Ingham, Keith, 463
Inherit the Wind (play), 410–411
In Love Again! (PL album), 269
“In Other Words,” 230
Institute of Religious Science and Philosophy, 162
Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing, 239–240
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 157, 160, 171, 196, 277
International Creative Management (ICM), 483
Interview, 437–438, 505–506
“In the Ghetto,” 302
“In the Mood,” 82
Ipar, Ali, 259
“I Remember,” 366
I Remember (Duncan), 9–10
“I Remember You,” 86
Irving Berlin Song Book (album), 208
“I See a Million People (But All I Can See Is You),” 70
“I See You,” 505
“I See Your Face Before Me,” 316
“Is That All There Is?,” 1, 4, 280–281, 283–288, 293–294, 296, 298, 301–308, 311, 313, 315, 316, 317, 330, 331, 362–363, 364, 366, 373, 385–386, 393, 451, 465, 473, 501, 503, 515, 518
“It Changes,” 325, 334, 335
“I Think It’s Going to Rain Today,” 288–289
“It Never Entered My Mind,” 384
“It’s a Big Wide Wonderful World,” 245
“It’s a Good Day,” 92–93, 100, 246, 515
“It’s All Right With Me,” 185, 186, 213
“It’s So Nice to Have a Man Around the House,” 205
“It Takes Too Long to Learn to Live Alone,” 334, 451
“It Was Midnight on the Ocean,” 108
“I’ve Got Them Feelin’ Too Good Today Blues,” 367–368, 371, 505
“I’ve Never Left Your Arms,” 235
“I Want to Be Happy,” 448
“I Want to Hold Your Hand,” 270
“I Went to Your Wedding,” 135
“I Won’t Dance,” 454
Jabuti, 50
Jackson 5, 241, 289
Jackson, Fran, 93, 122
Jackson, Glenda, 353
Jackson, Janet, 479
Jackson, Michael, 479
Jacobs, George, 164, 205–206
Jacobs, Phoebe Ostrow, 5, 219–221, 238, 239, 255, 329, 378, 453, 467, 492, 493, 502, 504, 508, 514, 517
Jade club (Hollywood), 49–51, 61, 120, 337, 432
Jagger, Mick, 302
“Jailhouse Rock,” 280
James, Harry, 74
James, Joni, 195
Jasper in a Jam (short film), 94–95, 201
jazz, 4–5, 34–37, 62–67, 69, 71–72, 77, 79, 87–91, 97, 99, 100, 104–105, 119–120, 127, 128, 138–146, 148, 152, 153, 155, 161, 165–167, 170–172, 184–185, 192, 195, 199, 206–208, 210–214, 217, 219, 227, 233–234, 244, 245, 256, 264–265, 269–270, 273, 284, 290, 294, 317, 336, 347, 372, 409, 419, 462–463, 493–495, 501, 513–515, 517
Jazz Singer, The (film), 138–146, 148, 172, 409
Jenkins, Gordon, 132, 133, 419
Jessel, George, 212
jitterbug, 64, 66, 67, 72, 83
Joel, Billy, 318–319
Joey Dee & the Starliters, 240–241
“Johnny Guitar,” 148, 451
Johnson, Erskine, 143
Johnson, Pete, 88
Johnson, Tim, 446
Johnson Wax company, 395
Johns, Tom H., 431
Johnston, Johnny, 413
John, William Edward (Little Willie John), 197–199, 491, 499
Joker Is Wild, The (film), 196
Jolson, Al, 21, 35–36, 108, 138, 144–145
Jones, Allan, 246
Jones, Jack, 246, 500, 513
Jones, Jennifer, 179
Jones, Max, 373, 392
Jones, Quincy, 235–237, 241, 247, 255–256, 347–348, 475
Jones, Tom, 274
Jordan, Everold “Ebbie,” 22, 432
Jovien, Harold (Hal), 113–114
Jump for Joy (PL album), 195–196
Jump for Joy (revue), 198
Jungheim, Betty, 18, 143, 146, 181, 220, 236, 245, 249, 276, 277, 293, 297, 299, 306, 321, 323, 329, 332, 337, 340, 343, 348, 355, 356, 360, 373–375, 386, 444, 459
“Just for a Thrill,” 214–215
“Just in Time,” 350
“Just One of Those Things,” 133, 136, 398
JVC Jazz Festival, 501, 517
Kallen, Kitty, 87
“Kansas City,” 242
Kaplan, M’elena M., 485
Karlen, Neal, 464
Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 460, 482–483
Katz, Magda, 120, 377–380, 386r />
Kaye, Danny, 229
Kazan, Elia, 233
Kearns, Mitchell, 441
Keith, Hal, 110
Kelleran, E. F., 32
Keller, W. W. A., 27–28,
Kelly, Ed, 167–168, 258
Kelly, Emmett, 244
Kelly, Gene, 196, 380
Kelly’s Stable (New York City), 217
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 234
Kennedy, John F., 233–234
Kennedy, Ken, 43–46, 52, 59, 337, 361
Kenton, Stan, 89–90, 185, 186–187, 217, 259
Kerkorian, Kirk, 291
Kern, Jerome, 119, 193, 214, 454, 494
Kerouac, Jack, 516
Kesey, Ken, 287
Khan, Chaka, 515
Kid Creole and the Coconuts, 515
Kilgallen, Dorothy, 162, 180
King, Alan, 335–337
King, Ben E., 242
King, Carole, 288, 326
King Cole Trio, 87
King Crimson, 354
King, Larry L., 219, 229–230, 276
Kinsey, Alfred, 200–201
Kinsey Reports, 200–201
Kirby, George, 166–167
Kismet (musical), 226
Kiss, 396
“Kisses Sweeter Than Wine,” 308
Kissinger, Henry, 312
Kiss Me, Kate (musical), 205, 211
“Kiss of Fire,” 133
Kitt, Eartha, 2, 135, 151, 489
Klemesrud, Judy, 314
Klotz, Florence “Flossie,” 423–424
Knapp, Ivar, 40
Knight, Gladys, 345, 473
Koch, Howard, 157
Koch, Ruth, 157
Kogan, Rick, 387
Koppelman, Charles, 272–276, 289
Krall, Diana, 494, 515
Kravat, Jerry, 488–489
Kristal, Hilly, 318–319
Krueger, Russell, 27,
Krupa, Gene, 67
Kuller, Sid, 196, 198, 213, 429
Kupka, Ernest, 42
La belle équipe (The Good Crew) (film), 127
Lachs, Stephen M., 478–482, 485–486
Ladies’ Home Journal, 170
Lady (cocker spaniel), 187
Lady and the Tramp (film)
development, 142–143, 148–150, 175–177, 179, 304
royalties for video, 1, 455–462, 471–472, 478–488
Lady Sings the Blues (Holiday), 105
“Lady Who Didn’t Believe in Love, The,” 80
Lafferty, Bernard, 339–340, 452
LaGrange, Eileen, 403
Laine, Cleo, 442, 500
“La La Lu,” 149
Lamarr, Hedy, 49
L’Amour, Louis, 361
Lamparski, Arthur Richard, 234–235, 249–250
La Mure, Pierre, 340
Lancaster, Burt, 401, 410–411
Landis, Carole, 80
Land of the Pharaohs (film), 188
Lane, Abbe, 499
Lane, Burton, 463
Lane, Priscilla, 80
lang, k.d., 1–2, 100, 155, 492–493, 495–496, 500, 513
Lansbury, Angela, 311
LaPalm, Dick, 119, 120, 122, 126, 127, 488
LaPalm, Jean, 120
LaPole, Nick, 222
“La Rifa,” 108
Larkin, Kathy, 395, 412, 419
“Laroo Laroo Lilli Bolero,” 101
Larrabee, Jane (Jane Leslie), 54, 56, 59, 62, 65, 75, 80, 127
Larsen, Alice, 106, 118, 129, 141, 159, 323
Larsen, Eric, 149
Larson, Jack, 160, 178, 188
LaSpina, Steve, 490
Lastfogel, Abe, 343
“Last Night When We Were Young,” 184
Las Vegas Hilton, 370
Latin ala Lee! (PL album), 215–216, 222, 232–233, 495–496, 499–500
“Laughing Song,” 108, 111
“La Vie en Rose,” 312, 314
Lawford, Peter, 164
Lawrence, Steve, 275, 335, 407, 506, 513
Lazar, Irving, 382
Leachman, Cloris, 380–381
Lead Belly, 462, 503
Leave It to Beaver (TV program), 265
“Le Chevalier de Paris,” 153
Led Zeppelin, 318–319, 354
Lee, Brenda, 315
Lee, Peggy (PL)
advertisements for products, 135, 348, 373–374, 516
affairs, 123–124, 185–186, 188–189, 194, 205–206, 212, 214–215, 235–237, 247, 255–256, 259, 278, 299, 306–307, 308–309, 316, 318, 340, 347, 415
anger as basis of performances, 5, 54, 61, 78–79, 227, 263–264, 273, 304, 342–343, 367, 379–380, 381, 419–420, 428–429, 437, 443
awards and honors. See awards and honors of PL
at Balboa Fun Zone (Newport Beach, California), 48–49, 64
bed as retreat, 2, 4–5, 106, 132, 189–190, 224, 277, 306–307, 320, 321, 338, 349, 358–359, 360, 378, 379, 388, 402, 414, 417, 418, 442, 453, 462, 472, 473–474, 476, 495–496, 501
books written by. See books of PL
death and memorial services, 512, 513–514, 518–519
dual nature, 72, 320, 330–331, 345–346, 514
early years as Norma Deloris Egstrom, 3–4, 7–45
birth, 13
death of mother, 13–14
dramatic interests, 33, 37, 38
education, 20, 23, 27–28, 31–32, 37–38, 40, 42–43
in Fargo, North Dakota, 38, 43–45
in Jamestown, North Dakota, 11–23, 26–28, 32, 43–45
musical talent, 21–22, 26, 32–33
name change to Peggy Lee, 45
in Nortonville, North Dakota, 3, 23–30, 33
radio programs, 39–47, 51
siblings, 11, 13–14, 52–54
talent contests, 41–42
in Wimbledon, North Dakota, 31–43, 516
father’s illness and death, 116–118
films. See film appearances of PL
financial issues. See financial issues of PL
grandchildren, 253, 277, 320, 341–342, 478. See also Foster-Wells, Holly (granddaughter)
health issues. See medical issues of PL
homes. See homes of PL
Dave Barbour. See Barbour, David Michael Matthew (husband; “Dave”)
Jack Del Rio, 248–251, 406, 466
Brad Dexter, 143–146, 151, 156–157, 195, 222
Dewey Martin, 188–190, 193–196, 201–203, 205–206, 211–212
imitative ability, 105, 132, 154, 254
impressionists and, 2–3, 234, 323–324, 382, 517
introduced as Miss Peggy Lee, 53, 114
legal issues. See legal issues of PL
medical issues. See medical issues of PL
memoirs, 465–467
painting, 86, 162, 202, 322, 340
paranormal interests, 255–256
performance venues. See performance venues of PL
pets. See pets of PL
pregnancy and birth of daughter, Nicki, 81, 85, 88
proposed bedding and towel designs, 387–388, 394
psychics, 374, 399, 412, 414, 425, 464
radio appearances. See radio, appearances of PL
recordings. See recordings of PL
relationship with stepmother, Min, 15–21, 24–25, 28–30, 39, 41–43, 51–52, 54, 65, 70, 169, 194–195, 225, 322–323, 360, 366, 380, 419–420, 424, 432
songwriting, 20, 26, 56, 89–93, 101–102, 136–137, 142–143, 148–150, 162, 166–168, 175–177, 183, 198–199, 201, 202, 255–256, 268–269, 307, 396, 404–405, 418, 428–429, 450, 456–462, 463, 468, 478–488, 509
television appearances. See television, appearances of PL
temporary retirement, 88–90
wigs and hairpieces, 1, 144, 220, 250, 257–258, 261, 274, 295, 297, 318, 326–327, 329–331, 394, 417, 418, 421–422, 454, 464, 468, 473, 478, 479, 493, 517
Lefkowitz, Nat, 385
legal iss
ues of PL
fall in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 386, 395–396, 397, 399, 405–406, 412, 453, 459
firing of Betty Jungheim, 373–375, 459
“Miss Piggy Lee” (The Muppets), 382
ownership of collaborations, 425–426, 434, 439, 488
plagiarism claims for “Mañana,” 107–111, 331, 433
royalties for Decca recordings, 511–512
royalties for Lady and the Tramp video, 1, 455–462, 471–472, 478–488
unauthorized party in home, 394
Legrand, Michael, 260, 318
Lehman, David, 134
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 287
Lehmann-Haupt, Sandy, 287
Leiber, Jerry, 242–243, 279–281, 283–288, 294, 296, 305, 306, 308, 315, 362–373, 386, 393, 450, 473, 503, 506, 514, 515
Leigh, Carolyn, 230, 241, 254–255, 261
Leigh, Janet, 170, 171
Lena Horne: The Lady and Her Music, 405, 411, 422, 423, 426, 433
Lennon, John, 241
Leogrande, Ernest, 277
Leonard, Will, 371
Leonhart, Jay, 427
Le Restaurant (Beverly Hills), 352, 374–375, 409
Leslie, Jane (Jane Larrabee), 54, 56, 59, 62, 65, 75, 80, 120
Le Sourd, Jacques, 433
“Let It Be,” 317
Let It Bleed (album), 302
“Let’s Call It a Day,” 129
Let’s Dance (radio program), 66
“Let’s Do It (Let’s Fall in Love),” 73
“Let’s Love,” 354–358
Let’s Love (PL album), 354–358, 362
Lettermen, 241
Letters I Never Mailed (Wilder), 362
Letters of the Scattered Brotherhood, 444, 469, 509
Levey, Angela, 185, 265, 320
Levey, Stan, 185–186, 235, 243, 320
Levin, Gerald, 492–493
Levinson, Peter, 264, 294, 299, 301–302, 303, 312–314
Levy, David, 461
Levy, John, 105
Levy, Kathy Mahana, 106, 262–265, 277, 306, 347, 361, 366, 370, 403, 507–512
Levy, Lou, 184, 185–186, 192, 219, 229, 234–237, 241–242, 245, 247, 250, 257, 258, 259, 262, 295, 297–298, 299, 312, 313, 325, 333, 341, 347, 356–357, 361, 362, 386, 442, 450, 509–510
Levy, Morris, 209
Lewis, Jerry, 102, 128, 144, 163
Lewis, Jerry Lee, 197
Lewis, Moe, 217, 219, 247
Liberace, 163, 293, 397
Life, 105–106, 278
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (Spalding), 450–451
“Life Is So Peculiar,” 121
Lili (film), 115
Lillie, Beatrice, 110
Link, Arthur A., 361
Lipton, Peggy, 347
“Little Boy Bop Go Blow Your Horn,” 114
Little Eva, 240–241
“Little Fool,” 79
Little Foxes (play), 407, 421
Little Me (musical), 422
Little Mermaid, The (film), 482
Little Milton, 288
Little One (Pekingese dog), 229, 232