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Fate mba-2

Page 17

by Аманда Хокинг

  “Are you okay?” Jack asked, looking carefully at my neck. His eyes met mine, and they were filled with agony.

  “Yeah,” I nodded. “Are you? What’s the matter?”

  “I’m okay.” He took the hand that had been touching my forehead and held it for me to see. His fingers were shaking, and I noticed something dark staining them. “You’re… you’re bleeding.”

  “Oh no,” I whispered quietly.

  “Take her out the back way!” Olivia suggested. “She won’t make it through that room.”

  “Okay.” Jack kept his eyes fixed on me. “Alice… do you trust me?”

  “Yeah,” I breathed.

  “Good.” He leaned over and gently, he kissed my forehead.

  I heard Milo yelling something, but Olivia kept him restrained. Ever so softly, I felt Jack’s tongue lap at my wound, and that simple little touch sent shivers of pleasure rippling through me. He wanted me so badly I could hardly stand it, and it made me desperate for more of him. I moaned softly, and then suddenly, Jack sprang back from me, panting hoarsely.

  “What did you do?” Milo wailed.

  “I need the bleeding to stop!” Jack licked his lips and looked at me hungrily. “You and I … we won’t last being around it. But my saliva will make it heal quicker.”

  “Get here out of here before the others catch scent of it!” Olivia commanded, sounding far more worried than I would’ve liked.

  Unfortunately, I could no longer really feel worried or frightened. Jack had overwhelmed me with his ravenous thirst for me, and that left me wantonly reciprocating. I was still sitting on the floor with my back pressed against the wall, and I was vaguely aware of a throbbing headache and a pain in my back. Jack was half crouched across from me, pressing himself tightly against the other wall, and his translucent blue eyes were completely locked on mine. He was almost willing himself to stay there, and despite the precarious situation I was in, I couldn’t shake how badly I wanted his will break.

  “Jack!” Milo snapped, and I felt his painfully strong grip on my arm as he yanked me to my feet.

  He obviously hadn’t quite gotten the magnitude of his new strength, and I was lucky he hadn’t snapped my arm in half.

  “Sorry,” Jack mumbled, reluctantly standing up. Milo had managed to semi-snap us out of the trance we were in, but we were both still pretty dazed.

  “We gotta get out of here!” Milo hissed, looking nervously over his shoulder. I looked back behind us, but all I could really make out was darkness.

  “Yeah, right, okay,” Jack nodded but made no effort to move. He just stared dumbly at me, and I tried to look away before we got ourselves caught in a moment again. He shook his head, then looked at Milo, almost stuttering, “I, uh, I don’t know where the back exit is.”

  “Oh, hell,” Olivia rolled her eyes. She slid in between us, her long hair brushing like silk across my skin.

  “Grab the girl. We have to hurry.” She was already jetting ahead, gliding lightly on her knee-high boots.

  There would be absolutely no way I could keep up with her, and I was about to say that when Milo tried to put his arms around me. At the same time, Jack was making the same play, and they bumped into each other. Jack gave Milo an odd look, but he seemed unwilling to relinquish me so easily.

  “I got her!” Jack insisted, and then scooped me up in his arms before Milo could protest further.

  “Just be careful,” Milo warned.

  Olivia was already a distant memory down the hall, but as Jack had me in his arms, he flew after her. It was still within the realms of human capabilities but more like Olympic speed racer. We were jutting down a winding passageway that just appeared to be an intricate labyrinth of forgotten basement halls. At least that’s what I could tell from what I could see, but most of it was completely black. Then, abruptly, we burst through a set of heavy doors. We were outside, with a set of cement stairs leading up directly in front of us.

  Once we were at the top, Jack set me down, and I looked around. I could see the marquee for Barfly glittering brightly, but we were hidden in an alley, next to a secret stairwell I had never noticed before. Olivia was already waiting for us when we got there, crossing her arms over her chest in a way that pushed out her ample bosom. A full moon splashed in between the buildings, lighting her face wonderfully, and she was even more exquisite than I had first believed.

  “Thanks,” Jack told her almost sheepishly. He had moved a couple feet away from, even though I could feel how badly he just wanted to put his arm around me until he was certain I was safe, but he didn’t trust himself right now.

  “You have to be careful,” Olivia cautioned him gently. “What were you thinking bringing her here?”

  “I don’t know.” He scratched his head and looked at the ground. “I’d never brought anyone here before, and the girls I’d met here before never seemed like they were any danger.”

  “That’s because they’re whores!” Olivia was incredulous, looking at Jack like he was an idiot. In response, he kicked a beer bottle with his foot. “They let people bite them! If you had wanted to share her, you probably wouldn’t have had a problem.”

  “What the hell happened in there?” Milo demanded.

  “I don’t know really,” I shook my head. “There were these vampires, Violet and Lucian. And they were into me for some reason, and Jack went to look for you, so they pounced.”

  “What were you doing?” Jack lifted his head to look at Milo. “You just like disappeared in there.”

  “I was dancing! That’s what we were there for!” Milo threw his hands up in the air. “I didn’t know we’d have to run out like ten minutes later because you didn’t realize it wouldn’t be a good idea to bring a human to a vampire bar!”

  “You guys can sort it out later,” Olivia interrupted. “You should probably get out of here now.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Jack sighed, and then looked at her earnestly. “Thank you. You’ll never know how much I appreciate what you did tonight.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve been there,” Olivia shrugged, but then her expression got more severe. “But you need to hurry up and turn her, unless you’re ready to bury her.”

  “It’s complicated,” Jack sounded exasperated, and I knew it touched the same raw nerve it did me.

  “Maybe, but death is simple,” she nodded to the end of the alley. “Now get out of here.”

  “Thank you,” Jack repeated.

  “Thanks,” I echoed, smiling at her. “It was nice meeting you.”

  “Take care of yourself, kid,” Olivia smiled back at me before going back down the stairs, into the darkness that led back to the hidden vampire club.

  My head had already healed, so Jack felt like it was safe to move close to me again. He took my hand as we walked quickly towards the car. All the clubs downtown were starting to let out, so the streets were even more crowded than they were before. We were blanketed by people, but that made Milo more nervous. They had put me in the center of them, and Milo kept scouring the crowd, as if a vampire would leap out and attack me on a crowded street. Neither of them said anything until we reached the car.

  “Well, that was fun,” Milo sighed as he leaned back in the seat.

  “I am so sorry,” Jack apologized desperately. He started the car and wouldn’t even look at me.

  His plan tonight, even with the best intentions, had almost gotten me killed, and that bothered the hell out of him. “I should’ve known better.”

  “It’s okay,” I reassured him. “You didn’t mean anything, and everybody’s okay. And it was a really interesting night. I learned a couple things, and that’s something.”

  “There’s easier ways to learn,” Jack insisted.

  “I had a blast!” Milo interjected. “I mean, until the whole Alice-almost-getting-slaughtered thing.

  That wasn’t fun. But the running away kind of was. I felt like Matt Damon.”

  “What does Matt Damon run away from?” I looked in
the backseat at him, but he just smiled a cockeyed grin at me, so I figured that night had gone well for him.

  “I don’t know. I just felt like him,” Milo shrugged.

  It was such a 180 from how he used to be. Everything I did made him nervous and scared, but I had almost been murdered, and he was making jokes on the ride home. He was suddenly so carefree and confident.

  He was still sweet and geeky, but he’d lost his insecurities and paranoia. If that’s what I had in store for me, I could not wait to turn.

  “At least you wore your pajamas here,” Jack said as we got closer to his house.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because you’re spending the night at my house tonight.” There was nothing naughty or mischievous in his voice, and I didn’t understand what he was getting at. He swallowed hard and looked at me out the corner of his eyes. “I just want you there tonight. Okay?”

  “Okay,” I nodded.

  “Oh, slumber party!” Milo exclaimed, and Jack didn’t even crack a smile.

  The night had really gotten to him. On top of what had already happened, I’m sure he wasn’t thrilled about explaining to Mae what happened. Even I was dreading it, and I hadn’t really done anything wrong.

  Neither had Jack per se, but neither of them saw it that way.

  Chapter 14

  The sheets were the most comfortable in the world and the bed felt like a cloud, but I kept tossing and turning.

  After Mae had given Jack a serious tongue lashing, she’d actually started to weep over what could’ve befallen me and then held me close to her for about an hour while listening to Etta James. Jack hid the entire time while Milo tried (futilely) to lighten the mood. Eventually, everyone just showered and went to bed. I don’t know how everyone else faired for sleeping, but I was doing terrible.

  Maybe it was the adrenaline of the night, or all the new questions I had swirling in my head. After seeing all the gorgeous vampires at the club, it would be impossible to believe that Jack hadn’t hooked up with at least one or two of them for sex or blood or something else. As Mae had pointed out before we left, vampires and men only think about thing one thing, and while she had been implying that vampires only want blood, I don’t think that Jack could completely turn off the man part of himself either.

  It shouldn’t matter to me, since we’re not together, and even if we were, that was a long time ago.

  Or if it wasn’t, it was still before he met me, and I can’t really blame him for not being psychic. But I was a virgin in almost everyway (except for once when Peter had bitten me, and I was pretty sure that Jordan had made it second base the other night), and it was rather intimidating to think of being with someone so much more experienced than I was. And the girls he had to be experienced with! They made the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models look fat and ugly. After all of that, he had tasted my blood at the club, and that left this lingering maddening desire.

  Combining that with Olivia’s veiled threat about me needing to turn, and I was just really, really ready to get it all over with. His bed, which smelled too sweetly of him, felt too big and empty, and I would never be able to get comfortable and fall asleep, not with everything on my mind.

  Finally, I gave up and went downstairs. Maybe I had this planned all night long because I had put back on the girl boxers he had raved about so much this morning. Milo was sleeping in his room next door to Jack’s so I had was careful to tiptoe out, not that it was strictly necessary. Milo’s hearing had greatly improved, and he found it distracting to sleep, so he had a white noise machine in his room anyway. Just the same, I didn’t want to risk waking him up and having him joining the conversation.

  Walking around the house was murder. Even though it was after seven in the morning, every shade in the house was drawn so tightly that no natural light could sneak in anywhere. Their perfect vampire vision required no night lights, meaning that everything was submerged in pitch black, except for Jack’s room, which they had outfitted with a night light for me. The worst part had been maneuvering the stairs without making a sound, because I had somehow managed to stub my toe like three times.

  “Dammit,” I cursed myself when I finally made it to the bottom. There would be no way I could make it any farther without help, so I flicked on the kitchen light at the bottom of the steps, and using that light, I walked quietly into the living room.

  The dim light apparently didn’t faze Jack, who laid curled up on the couch underneath a dark comforter. Matilda laid on the floor next to him, and she lifted her head when I came into the room and thumped her tail. Jack stirred a little at that but didn’t seem to wake up.

  “Jack?” I whispered. He didn’t move, and I glanced nervously over my shoulder, afraid that I had somehow disturbed Mae or Milo, even though they were asleep in the respective rooms and I couldn’t wake Jack right in front of me. “Jack?”

  “What?” Jack mumbled tiredly, moving his had against the pillow as he repositioned himself.

  Slowly, he became aware that he was talking to someone, and he opened his eyes and looked over at me. “Alice? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s fine.” Carefully, I sat down at the end of the couch, next to his feet. “I just couldn’t sleep.”

  “Yeah?” Jack moved so he was facing me more, and by the concern toned in his voice, I knew he didn’t believe me when I said I was fine. “What’s going on?”

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged and leaned back on the couch, pulling my knees up to my chest.

  “Is it about what happened tonight?” The thought made him nervous, and I didn’t immediately answer.

  In a way, it was about tonight, but not the way he thought. “Alice, you’ve got nothing to be scared of. They would never hurt you, not outside of that club, and we’re never going back there.”

  “No, it’s not that,” I shook my head. “I’m not scared. I mean, not about that. I know you and Milo and Mae would never let anything happen, and they seemed kind of like losers anyway.”

  “They were,” Jack agreed, but he sounded serious. “What are you scared of then?”

  “I don’t know,” I sighed and tried to sort out what I wanted to say. “Maybe scared isn’t the right word. I just…. Did you know them? Did you know any of the vampires down there?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I’ve seen some around, but I’m not acquainted with any of them. I’m not really into that scene, or the vampires that are.” He propped himself up more, and even in the darkness, I could see the worry and confusion on his face. “What are you trying to find out?”

  “I don’t know!” I lied. I knew exactly what I wanted to say, but it felt too brash to just come out and say it. “All the vampires down there were just so… attractive. Olivia was like a goddess, and even in Violet with her piercings and silly make up couldn’t mask that she was very pretty.”

  “Oh, come on,” Jack rolled his eyes, and he started connecting the dots. “They barely gave me the time of day. Besides, might I remind you that you were the hot sensation down there.”

  “That’s different,” I brushed past it. “And I wasn’t complaining about them hitting on you. I was wondering… if you…” I squirmed, finding it surprisingly difficult just to ask him.

  “What?” Jack pressed. “I just met them, and you saw me talking to them. I think Violet was right, and I might’ve seen her around before, but everything she was saying was just to get you going.

  We’d never done anything.”

  “I know.” I shivered a little, so maybe the girl boxers weren’t such a good idea in their sub-zero temperatures. I was prepared to ignore it as I worked up the courage to just be straight with Jack, but he noticed how cold I was.

  “Take some of the covers.” He pushed some at me with his feet, and I scooted closer to him so I could snuggle underneath his blankets. When I felt his leg brush against my thigh, I decided I’d move close enough.

  “This is why I don’t wear this pajamas here,” I told him
as I settled into the couch.

  “That’s what they made blankets for,” Jack laughed.

  “What do you use blankets for anyway?” I asked, and he looked at me like I was a total idiot. “No, I mean, you guys love it cold. Why do you need to cover up?”

  “Force of habit, I guess,” Jack shrugged. “I don’t know. I never really thought about it. I only ever do it when I go to bed, and that’s just what’s most comfortable, I guess. Why? Does it bother you?”

  “Why would it bother me?”

  “I don’t know! I don’t know why anything bothers you!” Jack complained.

  “Oh, whatever. You know why everything bothers me,” I grumbled. My chill was fading away, but I pulled the covers up to my neck anyway.

  “Okay, fine,” Jack rubbed the bridge of his nose for a minute. “What’s bothering you about tonight? What are you actually getting at?”

  “I’m not…” I was about to tell him that I wasn’t getting at anything, but then I decided just spit it out.

  “Did you sleep with any of them?”

  “That’s what you’re getting at?” Jack looked at me skeptically.

  “Yeah,” I blushed at his surprise. He seemed to think it was obviously stupid, and I couldn’t see why. “I mean… you’re still… you still… I don’t know.” I buried myself further under the covers, wishing I could disappear completely. “Do vampires even have sex?”

  “Yeah,” Jack laughed, and he sat up a little. “We do. I have, yes. Both as a human and as a vampire, although probably not as much as you’re thinking.”

  “I don’t know how much I’m thinking,” I admitted. My mind vacillated somewhere between one and a million, but none of the numbers sounded right. “How much do you think I’m thinking?”

  “Do you actually wanna have this conversation?” He looked at me seriously. “I’m willing to, if you are, but… do you actually wanna talk about this?”


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