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Fate mba-2

Page 23

by Аманда Хокинг

  “He’s here!” I shouted.

  The foxy guy Milo was dancing with tried to rub his back, and Milo actually elbowed him away.

  From the pained expression in his face, the guy would have a bruise for a week, and Milo probably hadn’t meant to do it that hard, but he was distracted and worried.

  “Who?” Milo scanned the floor, but before I could answer, he snarled, and I knew that he’d spotted Lucian and Violet. His eyes narrowed and his pupils dilated, and I could seem him transforming into attack mode. There was something incredibly primal and rather terrifying about it.

  “Milo!” I yelled when his hand gripping my arm started getting painful. I broke his concentration, and his eyes snapped back down to me.

  “We have to get out of here.” Underneath his new confidence and strength, there was genuine fear, and that did not make me feel better.

  Still holding onto me, he jumped off the platform, and I heard some disappointed boo’s from the crowd about his departure. We had made it most of the way to the door when I caught sight of Jane, kissing one of the girls in her lesbian sandwich. In all the panic of trying to get out of here, I’d almost forgotten about her. While it was only a little surprising to see her kissing another girl, my main reason for considering leaving her behind was actually for her safety. But then I realized they might have seen her come in with us, so I grabbed her hand. She looked like she wanted to slap it away, but Milo was dragging me out, so I was dragging her out, and she saw Milo shirtless, so she went with it.

  “What’s going on?” Jane shouted as Milo yanked us outside. I was about tripping over my feet, and I really wanted to let go of her so I could just hang onto to him and concentrate on walking myself, but Lucian had definitely seen her now. “Why are we rushing? I’m gonna break a damn ankle!”

  “You’ve got to hurry up!” Milo insisted.

  His strides were so long and fast that it was impossible for me to keep up, and I finally tripped and fell to the ground. I barely had a chance to scrape my knee and then he was pulling me to my feet again, making my arm scream painfully.

  “Milo! You’re gonna dislocate my shoulder!” I winced. Without Jane there, hanging onto my other hand and helping me up, I probably really would’ve.

  “Your shoulder can be fixed,” Milo growled, and his nostrils flared suddenly. “Dammit, Alice.

  You’re bleeding.”

  “It’s your fault.” Nervously, I looked down at my knee, which was just starting to be doppled with little drops of blood. It hurt to walk on, and I was already slow to begin with. I looked behind us, expecting Lucian to be a few steps back, but there were only other club goers on the sidewalk.

  “They’re not behind us.”

  “Then they’re in front of us.” Milo stopped sharply, and I almost fell again. I could see in front of us, and I had no idea what he was talking about.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Jane demanded, her voice edged with panic.

  “We have to get to the car.” Without warning, Milo picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I let out a yelp of surprise, but I didn’t protest. He was much stronger than me, and whatever he thought was best in this situation, I would go with. “Jane, you have to keep up. If you can’t, I’m leaving you behind.”

  “What are you-” Before she could finish, he was moving again, this time even faster than before.

  He had grabbed onto her hand and yanked her forward, but like me, she thought it better just to go along with what he did instead of questioning it.

  Blithely, Milo jumped over the metal guard real into the parking lot, and Jane scrambled much less nimbly behind him. He was scanning everywhere, searching for any sign of them, and I could feel his ragged breathing. He wasn’t hurrying enough to be short of breath, and I knew it had to be because he was struggling with the scent of my blood. That meant that there was a chance that even if Milo saved me from Lucian, he wouldn’t be able to save me from himself.

  We had just about reached the car, and my heart was stupidly starting to soar because it thought we had really made it. Then out of nowhere, Lucian appeared, leaning against the drivers’ side of the Jetta. He grinned cockily at us, and Milo tightened his grip around me, so much so it hurt, but I was too scared to complain.

  “Who is that?” Jane asked, and if she had it her way, she definitely wouldn’t be running from him.

  “Just go away!” Milo growled as forcefully as he could.

  “You know, you’ve only succeeded in scenting the air,” Lucian told him with a sickeningly sweet smile.

  “It’s the same thing they do with sharks. They bait the water with blood to attract them, and it puts them in a frenzy. Did you know that?”

  “Please just move,” Milo managed through gritted teeth.

  “How are you feeling about now? A little frantic yourself?” Lucian took a step away from the car, towards us, and Milo got even more rigid than he was before.

  “I’m putting you down, and you just need to get in the car.” Milo started rummaging in his pocket for the car keys, and I gripped onto him, unwilling to let him set me down.

  “But there’s another one! Violet is roaming around somewhere!” I insisted plaintively.

  “You just have to get in the car,” he repeated as he handed Jane the car keys. “Jane, just get Alice in the car. That’s all you need to do.”

  “Okay?” Jane replied unsurely.

  “Milo!” I pleaded, but that only made Lucian laugh.

  “Maybe you should listen to her,” Lucian advised him, but Milo carefully started lowering me to the ground.

  Once I was safely standing, with my knee threatening to give out and trembling horribly, Milo still kept an hand gripped on my shoulder, and if he was reluctant to let me go, then I probably had reason to feel as terrified as I felt. For a moment, he just stood there, staring down Lucian, and none of us moved. Then I heard the click of the keyless entry, and Jane doing some quick thinking unlocked the car doors.

  Somehow that must’ve been a cue for go, because then everybody burst into life. Taking my hand, Jane started rushing towards the car, and Milo dove at Lucian. There was the sound of snarling and gnashing teeth, but I tried not to look at them. I felt hands like talons grabbing at my arms and legs, and I heard Violet’s familiar high pitched squeal as she tried to capture me. I just kept running though, letting the panic and adrenaline burn through my legs as Jane pulled me to the car. She yanked open the door and practically threw me in before jumping in herself. She actually landed on top of me, but managed to slam the door shut, and Violet slammed into it, screaming in disappointment.

  Jane locked the car door, and I slid all the away across the seat, pressing my back against the window opposite of the one Violet was glaring at us through. Jane moved with me, and when Violet slammed her open palms against the window, Jane and I both started to scream. Hysteria was about ready to take over, and if Violet kept slamming on the glass with her superhuman strength, I doubted it would be long before she got in the car herself.

  Suddenly, Milo was throwing her off the window, and past him, I could see a dent in the car next to us.

  Lucian wasn’t in sight, but there were bloody scratches all up and down Milo’s torso. He hit the window, this time so we would unlock the doors, and Jane leaned over and did. Surprisingly, she had managed to be the clear head in all of this.

  Milo opened the car door and Violet lunged at his back. She bit into his neck, using her razor sharp incisors, but he seemed to just shrug her off, and she crumpled to the ground. Quickly, he hopped in the driver’s seat and instantly locked the doors behind him. Blood was streaming down his neck, but I knew in a few moments, it would close up, and he didn’t even really seem aware of it.

  “You’re bleeding!” Jane gasped.

  “Give me the keys!” Milo shouted, holding his hand out towards. Violet threw herself on the windshield and started pounded at the glass with her fists. Her crazy purple eyes were st
aring right through me and she was purposely baring her teeth.

  “Get us out of here!” Jane screamed handing him the keys.

  He started the car, and it peeled out noisily. Violet flew off the windshield, landing somewhere I couldn’t see and didn’t care about. Milo squealed out of the parking lot with little regard for other traffic, but everybody just made room for him as he sped off into the night. We weren’t going in the direction of home, not his house or mine, but by the way he kept glancing in the rearview mirror, there was probably a reason for it.

  “Milo, you are bleeding!” Jane repeated.

  We were flying down the road, and she finally felt safe enough to move away from where she had me pressed up against the door. She glanced down at me and my tattered dress, and without even asking, she tore off the bottom half of my skirt. Balling the fabric up in her hand, she put against the wound on his neck, and he jerked away from her touch.

  “I’m trying to stop the bleeding so you don’t die!” Jane sounded a tad wounded.

  “I’m fine,” Milo growled, and his eyes darted back up the rearview mirror.

  “Are they following us?” I panted.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see him, though. And I can’t imagine he would just give up.” His words rang truer then I would’ve liked, and I had to swallow hard to keep from throwing up.

  “What is going on?” Jane asked, but she sounded more scared than anything else. Leaning in between the seats, she still kept the rag pressed against Milo’s neck. We both knew that she didn’t need to do it, but it seemed like more work to argue with her than to just let her do whatever made her happy.

  “It’s hard to explain,” I said and felt very much like Jack.

  I sunk lower in the seat, trying to keep myself out of sight from the passing cars, even though I’m sure that Lucian already had a good look of the car, and even if he didn’t, he could see Milo driving. Tearing off more of my skirt, I pressed it on my own wounded knee and the scratches Violet had inflicted on my legs, trying to stop the scent of my blood from filling up the car. I wanted to crack the window, but for some reason, letting any of the night in terrified me.

  “They looked like vampires!” Jane continued, and my heart skipped a beat. Milo’s eyes met mine in the rearview mirror, and neither of us knew how to address that topic. “Did you see the fangs on that girl? And those crazy eyes? She must’ve been on something.”

  “Yeah, probably,” I agreed hastily.

  “What did they want with you guys? They looked like they were obsessed or something!” Jane looked back at me, hoping I would give her answers, but I just avoided her gaze and shook my head.

  “I don’t really know.” I swallowed hard, because that wasn’t exactly a lie. I’m assuming they just wanted to drink my blood, but they were after me pretty intensely. It made me wonder if there was something more to it.

  “You should call the police or something!” Jane suggested, but Milo just shook his head. “Well, at least go to the hospital. You’re covered in…”

  She was looking over his chest, and I knew she was getting that sense of confusion and disbelief that I had had when I saw Jack’s wounds disappear. There was still blood left from where he’d been cut, proving that she wasn’t insane, but there were no cuts. Slowly, she pulled back the rag from his neck, and she gasped. Where there had just been a hideous gouge, there was a pink raised flash, like a fresh scar from the wound.

  “How did you do that? How can you possibly do that?” Jane was shaking and all the color had drained from her face.

  “Jane, look at me!” I snapped. “You’re just gonna have to trust me on this one! You don’t wanna know!”

  “Of course I want to know!” Jane insisted, and she looked as if she might cry.

  “Not right now, okay? After everything that’s happened. Can we just let it be?” I pleaded with her.

  I didn’t think I could handle a revelation like that, and I doubted she could either.

  “Are you guys okay? Are you… normal?” Jane asked in a quavering voice. I lifted the rag off my knee, revealing my scraped and bloody injury.

  “I’m still me. Okay? I haven’t changed at all,” I tried to soothe her. She nodded and sat back in the seat next to me. That was apparently enough reassurance for the time being. Or so I thought.

  Turning to look at me, her eyes wide and frightened, I saw the tears pooling them. Her fingers were shaking as she pushed a strand of hair from her face, and in a trembling voice, she whispered, “They’re vampires, aren’t they?”

  “Jane, there are some things it’s better if you don’t know,” I told her. She bit her lip and nodded, but I didn’t know if she took that at as a yes or what.

  “I wish Jack were here,” Milo breathed nervously and ran a hand through his dark hair.

  “I think we all do,” I admitted dully.

  “I mean, I know I can take care of myself,” Milo nodded more to himself than to us. “But protecting you two, against two others… I don’t know. I don’t think I’m ready.”

  “We’re okay,” I insisted.

  Sitting in the backseat of a locked car speeding down the highway, I did feel reasonably safe. But Milo had a point, and the fact that he was letting his guard down enough to admit he was scared was frightening in and of itself. Jane took my hand in hers and squeezed it tightly, and there was a reason she my best friend. Despite all her shortcomings, she had saved my life tonight, and she let me keep secrets when I needed to most. There had to be something said for her.

  “Okay. So. Here’s what the plan is. I’m going to drive around for awhile. I don’t want to take anyone home. Then, when I decide it’s safe or we’re about to run out of gas, we’ll go to my house. And Mae will know what to do,” Milo decided.

  “That sounds good, Milo. That sounds really good,” I told him as encouragingly as I could. It did sound like a good plan. But even if it didn’t, it was the only one we could come up with.

  My whole body was still trembling and the adrenaline was wearing off painfully. Milo kept his eyes fixed on the road and the rearview mirror, and somehow Jane managed to start drifting off after awhile. She rested her head against my shoulder, and I stared out the windows, at the world passing around us, wondering if the car next to us might be full of bloodthirsty vampires.

  When I started getting tired myself, that’s when I started to feel unsafe. I didn’t trust myself to stay awake, and I didn’t know what would happen if I fell asleep. Carefully and quietly, I pulled my phone out of my bra, which was the only place I could put it when I wore a dress and went to clubs. Purses were too likely to be lost or stolen.

  You need to come home. Now. I think we’re in trouble. I text messaged Jack. Then, all I had left to do was wait.

  Chapter 18

  Milo stopped to get gas, and Jane woke up from the lack of movement. Before getting out, Milo instructed to stay in the car and keep the doors locked, no matter what happened. He went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk, pulling out a tee shirt that had been stowed back there. It was a little big and it had a picture of poorly drawn cartoon dinosaurs on it, so I assumed it was Jack’s. Jane and I sat rigidly in the backseat, tightly holding each other’s hands, as if that could really protect us from anything.

  After I had seen my little brother take on a vampire, throwing him so hard into the car next to us that it had left a huge body-sized dent, I couldn’t exactly feel as nervous for him as I had before.

  He was stronger than I had ever imagined he could be, and smart enough to know that that wasn’t enough. In all honesty, he could handle himself with Lucian and Violet, even if they teamed up against him, but it would be nearly impossible for him to guard both Jane and I while warding them off. So he had ran off, instead of trying to finish a battle royale.

  As he pumped gas into the Jetta, his eyes flicked nervously around. Under the bright white lights of the gas station car port, it was hard to tell if the sky had started gradually bluing
, and I had been half asleep when we pulled in, so I couldn’t say for sure. The streets were still pretty deserted, and the gas station itself was still closed, so Milo was paying at the pump with a credit card.

  A semi-truck sat idling in the parking lot, and an SUV with one headlight drove by, but otherwise, there wasn’t any traffic. A kid wearing a gigantic hoodie even though it was seventy-degrees out was talking loudly on a cell phone. Otherwise, we were alone. I let go of Jane’s hand and moved so I could look the way around the car. It would be almost impossible for someone to still be following us, even if that someone was a vampire. We’d been speeding all over the metro area, so they couldn’t follow by foot, and I’d be able to see a car idling behind us.

  Milo knocked on the window so we would unlock the doors and let him back in, and Jane jumped.

  Under the harsh light, I saw how pale he looked. His hands were shaking as he opened the car door, and in the rearview mirror, I noticed his eyes had a frantic quality to them. There was even perspiration standing on his neck, and he had the air conditioning on in the car so high, I was freezing out in the backseat.

  “I think we’re in the clear,” I tried to reassure him.

  He didn’t say anything, but his jaw tensed tightly as he clenched his teeth. I was trying to get a read on what was going on with him, watching the nervous way his eyes flitted about, and the shallow way he was breathing. He started the car much harder than he needed to and the engine brayed in protest. At the moment, watching the vein pop in his neck as his body tensed up, I realized what he reminded me of; a junkie in need of a fix.

  “Milo, are you okay?” My voice belied how scared I was as I watched him struggle to get a hold of himself. I knew we didn’t have very much time, and I hurried to think of a quick and easy solution.

  “I lost blood, Alice, and the adrenaline did something to me,” he said through gritted teeth. I don’t know how he had even held on this long. Maybe getting out of the car and realizing that everything was alright let his other senses kick back in, and he finally noticed how hungry he truly was. “If I hold off my longer, it’s going to be dangerous.”


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