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Witchnapped in Westerham (Paranormal Investigation Bureau Book 1)

Page 16

by Dionne Lister

  I blinked, letting it sink in. Could this ride stop so I could get off? “But why?”

  “I’m not sure. Angelica and I have a few theories. It might have something to do with the fact that we’re the only living line with witches who can see the past and future. I don’t have that skill, but I could pass it onto any children Millicent and I have, and they’ll be in danger, just like you are. Angelica told me what happened, with those guys on the high street. They weren’t working for Snezana. They’re likely from the organisation trying to kill us.”

  Well, crap.

  “William and Beren were there that day, because they know. They knew to keep an eye out for me, and when they found out you were in town, they had a word with Angelica, and she posted their detail to you.”

  “Oh, wow. I wondered how the police just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Have they been following me ever since?”

  “Yep. And if they’re not available, I have a few more friends willing to cover. You can’t go back to Sydney. I don’t have the resources to protect you there, and these diaries… you can’t lose them. Find a safe place for them, and don’t tell anyone. Mum didn’t do anything without thought first. I think there’re clues in there, Lily. All this started hundreds of years ago. I couldn’t find anything to help unravel what’s going on, but I think you might be able to. So, will you stay?”

  His expectant gaze cut through me. It was just me and him. I could make a new home here, couldn’t I? They had all the essentials, coffee, old buildings, and my brother, not necessarily in that order—ahem. I could pick up work here. Every community needed a photographer, right? I sucked in a deep breath, one of my favourite things to do since I’d had trouble the other day. “Okay. I’ll stay.”

  His grin was brighter than all the fairy lights in all the gardens of the world. He jumped up. “Come with me.” I struggled to hurry while juggling the diaries, which I slipped into a kitchen drawer before we went into the living room with the crowd.

  James turned the music down. “Hey, everyone, can I have your attention?” The room stilled. “Lily said yes. My sister’s staying in Westerham!” A cheer went up, and I blushed, new tears forming. Sheesh, I was such a cry-baby. Millicent ran in and gave me a hug. Angelica nodded, smiling. Beren wore his usual cute grin, and even William was beaming, except when my gaze met his, he toned it down. Ha! I saw you. I laughed.

  “Well, if I knew you’d all be that welcoming, I’d have moved here years ago. Thank you.”

  “And there’s one more thing.” James turned to me. “I know we missed your birthday, but we didn’t forget. Happy birthday to the best sister, sister-in-law, witch student, and criminal catcher ever.”

  The crowd shouted, “Happy birthday!” and cakes appeared out of nowhere, literally. Lots and lots of creamy, custardy, sugary goodness. William held a scrumptious-looking chocolate cake. James suddenly held a cake that was covered in cream and strawberries, Angelica held a fruit flan, and Millicent stepped forward with a black forest cake.

  It seemed as if I’d already made friends here. Happiness expanded in my heart, pushing most of the sadness away. “Someone magic me a spoon; I’ve got some eating to do.” Everyone cheered again. It didn’t take much—these English were much more excitable than everyone gave them credit for, unless it was because of the alcohol. Yeah, it was probably just that.

  Millicent handed me a spoon and plate with a piece of black forest cake. “Thanks, Mill.” I licked my lips.

  I smiled and thought back to that night, a month ago, when I’d felt abandoned and alone, wondering why my brother had forgotten me. Things sure could change quickly. I grinned and shovelled a massive piece of cake into my mouth. The worst birthday ever had just turned into the best.

  Just like magic.

  Also by Dionne Lister

  Paranormal Cozy Mystery

  Paranormal Investigation Bureau Series

  Witch Swindled in Westerham #2

  YA epic fantasy

  The Circle of Talia Series

  Shadows of the Realm

  A Time of Darkness

  Realm of Blood and Fire

  Epic Fantasy

  The Rose of Nerine Series

  Tempering the Rose

  About the Author

  USA Today bestselling author, Dionne Lister is a Sydneysider with a degree in creative writing, two Siamese cats, and is a member of the SFWA. Daydreaming has always been her passion, so writing was a natural progression from staring out the window in primary school, and being an author was a dream she held since childhood.

  Unfortunately, writing was only a hobby while Dionne worked as a property valuer in Sydney, until her mid-thirties when she returned to study and completed her creative writing degree. Since then, she has indulged her passion for writing while raising two children with her husband. Her books have attracted praise from Apple iBooks and have reached #1 on Amazon and iBooks charts worldwide, frequently occupying top 100 lists in fantasy.


  So many people to thank, as usual. This was my first foray into paranormal cosy mystery and first-person point of view, so it’s been a tad scary but a gigantic ball pit of fun.

  And to Andi, who showed me around Westerham and took me for coffee at Costa. Can’t wait to come back and do it all again. Miss you all.

  Thanks to my editor, Becky, at Hot Tree Editing, who lives in Australia but just happens to come from the UK. Her insight was invaluable.

  To one of my bestest friends in the whole world, Jaime—a fellow author and word nerd. She proofread for me and asked some hard questions. I changed some stuff because of her, and it made my book better.

  Thanks to Loukia, my gorgeous sister from another mister (okay, and mrs), for answering a few questions—she lives near Westerham and was able to provide some awesome information. She even taught me how to say it properly: Westram. I’m not sure what happened to the other letters in there, but whatever.

  Thanks to my hubby, who is almost as excited about this book as I am, which is a first, let me tell you. To my cover guy, Robert Baird, I didn’t know if you’d be able to change styles so easily, but you’ve outdone yourself again.

  To Ben, my son, because I promised, and I love you. Sorry you couldn’t do the cover for this one, but maybe when you’re a bit older.

  And to MJ. Life keeps pushing you down, but you keep jumping back up with such class. You can teach us all a lesson in resilience and compassion. Love you, lady.




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