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Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)

Page 11

by Lovell, Dani

  I see the excitement in his face and the twinkle in his eye, "Now that sounds more like it."

  He walks with me upstairs to the kitchen, where we find Pam clearing away dishes.

  "Hello, gorgeous young lady," Luke says, walking over to her, still holding me in his arms - and he kisses her cheek.

  She blushes a little and swats his arm, gently. "Oh, you're a naughty boy, Luke. Put your girlfriend down, poor thing is probably starving. I have left two bowls of chunky soup on top of the stove for you, it's chicken and vegetable. Clare and Oliver have already eaten and gone up, so go sit and I'll bring some fresh bread. Can I get you anything else?" I immediately cling to the 'girlfriend' comment, and wonder if Luke is going to put her straight.

  "Pam, if I didn't already have a beautiful lady in my arms, I'd be scooping you up and running back to California with you. Your delicious soup and bread will be good for me, thanks."

  "Oh and fine for me, too, thank you so much for putting some aside. It smells wonderful."

  "No problem, Tilly. And Luke - if I were twenty years younger, I'd consider taking you up on that offer, but I know that all you want from me is my cooking."

  "It's a lie!" Luke cries, playfully and winks at her.

  She smiles and collects the bowls of soup from the stove, handing them to us. He puts me down on my feet and we make our way to the island to eat. Pam leaves a slate board full of warm slices of fresh bread in front of us, before turning back to busy herself once again. I am so excited to eat, the soup looks absolutely delicious.

  "So you've known Pam a while then?" I ask, their familiarity doesn't come after a few days.

  "Uh huh," he says, taking a spoonful of soup, "she looks after Daniel and I when we come out here together, she's the best Aspen 'mom' ever."

  I smile, enjoying the affection he has for her. "So why isn't she at Daniel's now?"

  "Oh, he has Marsha at his place for the holidays, I asked Danny if we could have my Pam over here for the holidays. There are three of them, the Berkeley's employ them to work in the three houses. Pam's in love with me, too."

  I laugh, "How could she not be? She seems really lovely, I can see why you asked for her. It's very indulgent - all this, I've never been on holiday and had staff to make all of my food and clean up after me like this."

  "Good fun, huh?"

  "Yeah, feels a bit naughty, like I should be helping."

  "Pam loves it, she'd hate you to think you need to help."

  "I know, but still. Anyway, she called me your girlfriend..." I ask, wondering what his answer will be.

  He simply shrugs. Hmm, what does that mean?

  We continue to eat together, chatting away and thoroughly enjoying the soup. It's thick and loaded with chicken and chunky veggies; absolutely amazing, I need the recipe for this because I will crave it until I get to meet Pam again. Hopefully I will, if we ever have another of these trips... that's if everyone wants Wriggler tagging along. Maybe when Bea and Daniel have a baby together, it'll be easier.

  We go upstairs to get ready and as we get to my door, Luke pulls me close to him and looks down at my face. "I'm looking forward to being with you tonight."

  "You've been with me all day," I reply with a smile, slipping my arms around his waist.

  "Oh, I have, my little love-muffin, but I'm not talking about boning."

  I giggle as I reply, "No? You talking about the blow-job I offered? Because I think we covered that a few times today, too."

  He groans and smiles, "So good... but no, I'm talking about being with you. You and me, out together with friends. Like a couple would."

  Oh wow, like a couple! "Well, I'm looking forward to that, too. It should be a fun night. Can't wait to catch up with everyone and to dance with you again, I loved dancing with you in LA."

  He grins and presses me up against the door, circling his pelvis and grinding against me, "Let's dance then..."

  "Later, Lukey, I need to get ready," I say, reaching my face up to meet his, and gently brushing my lips over his. His eyes close and he bends further to press his mouth against mine more forcefully, opening to allow his tongue to run along my lips, before I welcome it inside. I grab the back of his neck and moan as our tongues tangle together, our lips caressing. He puts one hand on my hip and the other cradles the side of my face, holding me to him.

  Butterflies flit in my belly, the excitement of having this huge, masculine, adorable man pressing me between him and the door, his gorgeous soft lips moving with mine, our heartbeats throbbing through our chests, pounding against each other...

  "Good evening lovers," Clare's happy, sweet voice interrupts us as she whisks past in the hallway, heading for her bedroom.

  Luke pulls away and grins as we hear her bedroom door close behind her. "Suppose we better get changed."

  "Yeah, I've got to go or I won't be ready in time. But I'll meet you downstairs in about an hour."

  "I'll be waiting, Princess."

  We manage to tear ourselves away from each other, and go our separate ways to dress. It feels bizarre being all alone, having been with Luke for such a long time, and I am disgusted with myself for actually starting to miss him after as little as about five minutes. Jesus, Tilly - fuck. Get a frigging grip.

  After a quick shower, I hear a knock at the door as Clare's head pokes around, "You decent?" she asks.

  I scramble to get the towel adequately covering my belly, which seems to be swelling by the minute. I notice Clare's slight frown, questioning what I'm hiding, but I'm relieved that she doesn't ask.

  "I just wondered what you were wearing, I thought maybe we could get ready together, I've hardly seen you at all since we got here, and I feel like we've been missing each other a lot at home, too. Is everything okay, doll?"

  I smile, convincingly, loving having my friend here. We have been 'missing' each other a lot at home, but it's mainly because I don't want her to find out the truth, and keeping this from my best friends has been horrendous; very hard, but in my eyes, very necessary.

  "Yes, everything is fine, we're just busy bods at the moment. Getting ready together sounds perfect, I miss you." I say with a playful pout, but totally meaning it.

  "Me too. So? How's everything with Luke? From what I've seen so far, he's great! I really like him, so your cup of tea!"

  I giggle, shyly. "I know, he really is. And things are great thanks, he's been so amazing. This is what LA was like, Clare. We were always having such a laugh together."

  "Well, all I know is, my Til is back. She's been somewhere, and I don't know where exactly, but I know we all have to go into our own little world sometimes. But Luke and this trip has brought you back, I needed to see that Tilly spark again - and I have. If he is the reason for that, then I'd re-think your 'fun-loving' lifestyle and keep hold of this one."

  "Thanks lover, but you know, it's not quite that simple."

  "You're not going to do a 'Bea and Daniel' are you? 'We love each other so much but won't dare try long distance so we'll just be miserable'?"

  "No, I don't feel like that, besides, I can up and move to LA if I really want to. It's just not as simple, he's not up for it, and I've never been up for that sort of thing... he's a lady-loving playboy and I know it."

  "Well it's clear as day that he's totally besotted by you, I can't see a trace of playboy, just a hilarious, fun loving, sweet guy... the male version of you."

  "Thank you, darling."

  I grab my make-up bag from the bathroom and plonk myself on the floor, cross-legged, in front of the full length mirror, while Clare sits at the vanity, to apply hers. This is how we do it at home and I love the familiarity of it. We chat easily together, talking about how much fun Clare's having on the slopes.

  Apparently, Bea and Daniel are so cute together when they ski; if Daniel is ahead of Bea, he slows to wait for her to join him, then they stop just to share a kiss. Bea fell today and apparently Daniel was so caring, helping her stand up and checking her over, Bea just stroked hi
s cheek and kissed him, telling him to stop worrying. I'm a bit sad to be missing it all but so grateful for the amazing time Luke's showing me.

  "So how about you and Oliver? You getting on alright?" I ask, fishing.

  "Yeah, we're having good fun. We always do, you know that."

  "Uh huh, I know. So... I'm getting vibes..."

  "Vibes? What sort of vibes? Not what you were on about the other night?"

  "Well, yes, Clare. You two are being weird, I know you've been at it, don't even bother with that ridiculous show of denial you both put on the other day, so what's happening? Are you serial shaggers now or what?"

  Clare puts her blusher brush down on the vanity table with some force, rolling her eyes and sighing, "For fucks sake, Til, we're not shagging, can you stop going on? We've always been mates, so I fancied him way back when... so what! It doesn't mean I'll be in love with him 'til the day I die."

  "Who said anything about love? I'm asking if you're shagging the guy... geez Louise, calm down!"

  "Sorry, Til, but it's getting a bit annoying, having to worry how I'm acting in case you think something's going on. Nothing is, okay?"

  "Doesn't mean it hasn't gone on..."

  "Tilly!" She shouts, warning me to stop. This reaction - which is highly unlike Clare, she rarely gets angry - only confirms my thoughts. They may not be in a relationship, but Clare can't hide a lot from me, something has happened. I'll let it go though, I don't want to upset her, it's not like I don't have secrets of my own.

  "Okay, sorry, sorry. There'd be nothing wrong with it, though, if you did do something together." I add, quietly, pushing my luck and she simply glares at me. "Just saying." I add with a cheeky smile and Clare joins me with a roll of her eyes.

  "Anyway, so what are you wearing?" she asks, changing the subject, tactically.

  "Dunno, what do people wear out in Aspen? Full on party gear? Jeans and boots? I thought maybe a mixture of the two... skinny jeans and heels with a nice top?"

  "That's what I thought, finished off with an ugly winter jacket," she giggles.

  I finish off my make-up with a last layer of mascara and break our chatter by drying my hair. I wonder - in this 'me time' with my head upside down and the loud hum of the dryer blaring - what Luke is doing... maybe he's still in the shower -naked, smoothing foamy suds all over his muscles. His wet, tanned skin - flawless and toned... Maybe he's putting his clothes on, pulling his trousers up those muscular thighs, buttoning his fly, fastening his belt with those perfect fingers of his... Maybe he's thinking about me - about kissing me and having naughty sex... Maybe he's got a hard on... I squeeze my thighs together as my inner muscles clench in anticipation, my mouth watering at the thought of his cock. You're obsessed, woman.

  When I return to reality, turning the dryer off and standing straight, smoothing my fringe with my fingers, Clare is strolling across the room in her underwear towards her clothes on the bed. I watch her, absently gazing at her tight flat belly. I wonder if mine will ever go back... it certainly doesn't look like that anymore, although I do have a new love of my neat, tiny, wriggler bump, with or without the weird brown line up the middle. I also look forward to the day that I can walk around, in front of my besties and Luke, and not have to cover up. Mind you, that day may never come with Luke, depending on how he takes the news.

  "I know you love me and everything, Til, but I didn't think you were that into me..." Clare says, and my eyes shoot straight up to her face as she stares at me, wondering what the hell I'm doing.

  "Oh!" I cry and laugh out loud, giving me a moment to figure out what to say. "No, I was just admiring your perfect belly, maybe I shouldn't have had my belly button pierced, do you think I should take it out?" It's all I could think of, but I immediately regret it, knowing what she'll follow with.

  "I like it, it's 'you', but take it out, let's have a look..." Shit. What now?

  "Um... oh, never mind, I'll think about it another day. I don't have much time left to finish getting ready and I need to sort my fringe out."

  "No, you're getting ready anyway, let me see, won't take a sec. I want to see what pierced belly buttons look like without anything in..." Oh for god’s sake, leave it Clare, would you?

  "I'll do it tomorrow, the ball is on pretty tight, I don't want to risk not being able to get it back on." Totally lame, Til, you sound like an idiot.

  She looks at me with a frown, "Alright... everything okay?"

  "Yes, why wouldn't it be? Anyway, what do you think about this top?" I ask, holding up a loose fitting, floaty, charcoal, silk vest, praying she goes with the new subject and drops the old.

  "That's lovely, with which jeans?" Thank god.

  "My black skinnies and black, super-high stilettos... sound good?"

  "Hot, darl, boiling hot. Luke isn't going to want to leave the house once he sees you in that."

  I smile and continue to get ready, hoping Clare isn't over-thinking the belly button thing.

  A short while later, I'm leaving my room. My hair is perfect, my usually slightly-too-big-at-the-waist jeans fitting snugly, my blouse floating perfectly over me, covering Wriggler, clutch bag in hand and heels clicking gorgeously on the wooden stairs. Clare has headed back to her room for her bag. As I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see Oliver sitting back on one of the couches ahead of me, talking out loud to no one in particular, he looks gorgeous as always, dressed for an evening out. He is always impeccably dressed for nights out and functions, but by day, in his work gear, he looks rugged and scruffy in a sexy kind of a way.

  A moment later, I realise he's talking to Luke as he emerges from the kitchen looking absolutely bloody gorgeous in his pale blue fitted shirt, jeans, and scruffy, square-toed, suede cowboy boots. Oh, fuck me, I could actually eat the man alive. His collar is open, with his top button undone, I can see that dip in his throat at the base of his neck... what I'd do to be able to kiss that soft spot right now, I bet his neck... and the rest of him in fact, smells incredible. His naturally highlighted hair - clean, but gorgeously messy, in true Luke style.

  He stops, mid-walk, mid-conversation, when he sees me. We both stand, rooted to the spot, eyeing each other up and down appreciatively, saying nothing. My belly churns with excitement, I want him. I love him. We continue to stare, time seeming to escape us, neither of us thinking about Oliver, who's probably feeling super awkward right now. We don't care about the rest of the world... at least, I don't, anyway.

  I take a tentative step towards him, and he does the same, only he doesn't stop, and continues with great strides - slamming his drink down on the dresser before reaching me, forcefully grabbing me and thrusting his hard body against me, cupping the back of my head and pressing his mouth to mine. His eyes close firmly, and mine follow, the warm rush spreading from my toes to the tips of my fingers, my lips excitedly indulging in his affection.

  I moan quietly, immersed, thoroughly lost in the moment. His tongue so forceful, the slight, barely audible grunt that escapes his throat sends evidence of my arousal straight to my knickers. My hand weaves through his soft hair, clasping at tufts and yanking gently.

  He walks me backwards towards the wall by the stairs and presses me against it, not breaking the connection once. He slides his free hand down my back, over my bottom and between my legs, lifting me effortlessly so my legs wrap around his waist, our faces level. The feel of his strong fingers pressing against me only spurs my need more, I tingle and clench, our kiss escalating into a wild, salacious pash.

  "Oh for fucks sake, seriously? I'm right here... she's like my sister, mate..." Oliver's disturbed groan interrupts our moment, and we pull away from each other guiltily. Luke slowly lowers me to the ground, staring intently into my eyes... I shyly break the eye contact, looking down before sheepishly over to Oliver.

  "Sorry, Olly... I got a bit carried away. Won't happen again."

  "Sorry, dude." Luke adds.

  "Too damn right it won't, I need to scrub my eyeballs with a scourer after that
, gross." Olly says with a shiver, making me giggle.

  "Alright, alright, it's not that bad, I'm not actually your sister, you know. I'm sure you wouldn't cringe at the thought of Clare getting down and dirty..." I know it's wicked of me, but I couldn't help it, I want to see his reaction, and bingo... it's exactly as I thought. Oliver shakes his head and looks down, stuttering.

  "Well, er, that's, you know - totally different, we have a different relationship, and it would probably still be a bit, you know, uh... weird... and that..."

  If I wanted a clear as day answer - that was it. And if that wasn't enough for me to know that these two have definitely shagged, as Clare makes her way down the stairs, looking incredibly hot in her tight jeans, sheer, partially sequined pink blouse and nude, suede stilettos - Oliver's eyeballs practically fall out of his head. It's classic, he clearly can't hide his attraction to her - even if he desperately wanted to, which I'm sure he does. Where have I been? How long has this been going on? His eyes drag from her feet up to her beautifully wavy, thick blonde hair, his mouth slightly ajar.

  It's getting awkward, so, as I have already made him feel unnecessarily uncomfortable, I decide to throw him a bone and break the ice. "Ready Clare?" I ask.

  "Looking sexy, girl!" Luke adds, stepping over to her and kissing her cheek.

  "Thank you Luke, and yes, I'm ready. Just need to get my ugly ski coat on..."

  "Yeah, me too," I say, laughing, moving to pull away from Luke, to go and get my jacket, when he grabs my hand, stopping me.

  "No, wait, I've got something for you..." He lets go, leaving me at the bottom of the stairs with Clare, and walks purposefully to the back of the far sofa. He retrieves a large box, and walks straight back over, handing it to me. It's so much heavier than Luke makes it look.

  I frown - smiling, wondering what on earth this is... it's like a bloody wedding dress box. I take it over to the sofa, Luke following me, and start to remove the lid. I brush aside some tissue only to find my hands deeply buried in the softest, most luxurious fur I've ever felt.


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