Sexy Summers (Sexy Series)

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Sexy Summers (Sexy Series) Page 32

by Lovell, Dani

  "What?" I cry, "You have what? And you didn't tell me this?"

  "I don't talk about it much, because I'm a fitness trainer to most people. It really doesn't come up that much."

  "You are so ridiculously blasé about this... you have a chain of fitness centres?"

  "Yeah. My dad gave me a big chunk of money when I was twenty one, to invest in the business plan I had. I bought a gym and he funded most of it. I gave it a huge make-over, did some great shit, and it took off in a big way. The business just grew from there, with the financial help of my folks here and there. Now it's a major success. I can't wait to get into it with you. I'm going to be a dad and husband now, so I think it's time for me to take a more 'public' role."

  "A husband?" I ask, amused.

  "Hell yeah! Don't think you're getting away from me, pumpkin, we're getting married for sure. Preferably before the baby is born."

  "What the fuck?" I cry, this morning is full of revelations.

  "Why not?" he asks with a grin.

  "I... you... we..."

  "You wanna be my wife, Princess, or what?"

  "Er... ask me properly and then maybe I'll think about it."

  "Can I sink inside you while I do?"

  I laugh loudly and swat his arm, "No, you may not."

  He smiles beautifully, those dimples popping, "Tilly, please, and when I say please, I mean please... will you marry me? I want a hot piece of ass for a wife."

  I giggle and grab hold of him, cuddling his beautiful body. "Absolutely. I'll so totally marry you."

  "Good, I've never wanted anyone the way I want you. Now... sit on my cock and sex me, baby."




  "Oh my god, oh my god... you're doing so well, Til, I'm so proud of you..."

  "Clare..." Tilly groans, "shut the fuck up..."

  Luke rubs my back sympathetically as I put my palms on my cheeks, why can't I just do as she asks and shut the fuck up? "I'm sorry... I just can't,"

  "Clare, darling," Bea whispers from behind me, "don't worry about apologising, best just keep quiet before she rips someone's head off," she says with a roll of her eyes and a smile.

  It's just so incredible, I have never witnessed a baby being born, apart from on the TV - and when it's on the TV, it's not one of your BFFs! I nod at Bea and sit back down in the chair at the side of the bed.

  Luke is holding her hand, his face down on the pillow with hers as he bends over to comfort her. They gaze at each other with such undeniable love - it's wonderful. She lifts her hand to stroke his cheek, and I see her face start to screw up again.

  "Oh holy fuck, I'm having another one..." she cries, letting out a long, deep wail. Jesus, this looks like bloody agony! She squeezes Luke's hand and he wraps his other hand around the back of her head, she seems to like this, she wedges her face into his neck and he holds her there until the contraction ends. There's not a lot she does like right now, so I think Luke is doing anything that seems to comfort her. She's so uncomfortable, bless her.

  This does - strangely, make me want a baby. Is that abnormal? I mean, I'm in this hospital room watching one of my best friends howling in agony as her body prepares to birth her baby, and all I can think is... I want to do that. I am so weird.

  "I need to move, move me quickly, please help me," she cries to Luke.

  "Sure, Princess what do you want?"

  "On my knees, I need to be on my knees, now, before another one comes... please!" she shouts desperately, and he supports her upper body so she can move onto her knees. "Hold me, hug me, let me stay like this, oh god... oh no..." she says, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly and burying her face in his neck again. She's kneeling at the edge of the bed, her man holding her upright as he stands in front of her. She begins a low moan, her hips swaying from side to side slowly, and as the moan gets longer and louder, her movement stops and she bears down, the moan progressing to a grunt.

  "Holy fuck, she's pushing! Bea - Clare! Go get the woman! Tell her! Press the button! Fuck, someone get help!" he cries in a panic, and Bea darts out of the room and shouts down the corridor for help. I stand, helplessly behind her, watching the two of them. "It's okay, baby, it's okay, she's going to be here any minute now, the midwife is coming. I wish I could take this pain, I wish I could do this for you. You're amazing, you're just... so amazing."

  "I love you," she says as she bursts into tears, scared, and I quickly follow suit. This is unbearably emotional. "Luke... I want to push, I need to push, and oh god... oh no..."

  At that moment, the midwife bursts through the door, pulling on her latex gloves and coming around to my side of the bed, behind Tilly.

  "She wants to push and she's having another contraction," Luke says, informatively.

  "Wow, you sure move fast, don't you little baby," the midwife says as she prods and pokes about down there.

  "Oh holy shit-bags, don't touch me... don't touch me... ugh..." she starts and continues with a long, deep, guttural moan, burying her face into Luke's shoulder again and doing that bearing down thing.

  "You can push sweetheart, go ahead, you're ready," the midwife says doing lots of things around Tilly's nether regions. Another lady runs in as Tilly shrieks. She stands to the side of the other midwife, and I move slightly to see what's happening.

  Oh holy mother of... OUCH! That looks horrible! But... oh, oh my god... that's her little head right there... it's almost out... I raise my hands to my mouth, this is the most incredible thing I've ever seen in my life.

  Tilly calms once more, panting and stroking Luke's neck and hair with her hands. "Shh, you're doing so well, she's almost here, baby!"

  She nods and makes a light, high pitched sigh.

  "Tilly, I know I should shut the fuck up,' I say tentatively, "but... but she's got hair, lots of dark hair... her little head..." I say and my chin starts to wobble and I burst into tears like an idiot. "I can see her..."

  "Did you hear that, Luke?" she says with an emotional giggle, "Clare can see hair!" she says excitedly before being brought back to this painful reality. "Oh... oh god, oh..."

  "Okay, Tilly," midwife number one says, "you push nice and smooth, let's get her head out with this one..."

  "Oh god..." she shouts, squeezing Luke's shoulders. He puts his hands on her lower back as she begins another of her deep wails. It goes on for forever, and I watch as she pushes, her grunt long and hard, and the baby's head moves down... oh my... it's, it's coming out... I see her face! Oh god... are they supposed to look like that? She looks... oh dear, she looks a funny colour.

  Midwife two, who appears only to be watching, looks at me and with a slight smile, she says, "Yes, dear. That's what they should look like. Perfect." Phew!

  I look to my left as Tilly has her breather, and see Bea watching, just as enraptured as I am. She looks at me in utter amazement, how can our little friend be doing all of this? She must be some sort of Superwoman.

  "Okay, Tilly - a real big push with the next one, let’s get this little baby out now."

  Tilly moans and mumbles into Luke's skin, "I can feel her head, I can feel it... it's like I shat a warm, wet coconut out of my mini..."

  Luke can't help but smile a big, broad, handsome smile, but has managed to control it, so as not to giggle. She'd probably murder him if he laughed right now. She sounds exhausted too.

  I look at Bea and she has her hand over her mouth, desperately trying not to let her laugh be heard. Tilly is just too funny, even in labour!

  She begins the next contraction very quickly, and I see her preparing, holding him tighter and positioning her legs a tiny bit wider. She groans and pushes, the low grunt from the depths of her lungs and as the baby slides a little further, Tilly suddenly yelps, loud and high pitched, and the baby dislodges and slips all the way out, the midwife holding her between Tilly's legs doing all sorts of weird suction things to her nose.

  Oh my god, she's so tiny, so weeny! And I g
ot to witness this - to see her before even her parents have. I burst into tears at the miracle of it all, and can hear Bea whimpering in the other corner, along with me.

  "Here, sweetie," midwife one says, "get your baby, reach between your legs, I've got her..."

  Luke holds Tilly up as she leans back and pulls her baby up from between her legs, and sits back on her haunches. The midwife quickly wraps a blanket around her, in Tilly's arms. "She needs your skin contact and warmth, Mama, so wrap her up tight."

  She holds the baby close to her chest, and I lose my view, but just watching the back of Tilly as she looks down at her baby, hearing her cry, hearing the baby make those funny squeaky noises... watching Luke melt as he watches and holds his beloved wife and their beautiful little girl... it's the most emotional thing I have ever seen, and I would like to go somewhere for five minutes and break down.

  "Hey baby Emily, you're so pretty..." Luke says as his eyes sparkle with love for his new little daughter.

  We step out of the way of the midwives as they check things with the baby, jot notes and generally move around the room like the professionals that they are. We slip out together, to leave the happy family together for a few moments... to get acquainted with each other.

  We hug each other tightly, we have just shared the most precious moment of our lives. After a few minutes, we move down the corridor a little way, until we get to Daniel and Oliver. Daniel scoops Bea up in his arms and she cries, telling him everything, quietly.

  Oliver steps close to me... it's a bit awkward. "You okay?" he asks, reaching to touch my arm, but pulling away at the last minute.

  I nod, but burst into tears on the spot, covering my face with my hands.

  "Oh, darling, come here," he says, wrapping his arms tightly around me and pulling me into his body as I sob.

  "Oliver, that was... she's just so... she's beautiful. Tilly is amazing... Luke... they are all so special. That was the most amazing thing I have ever seen."

  "I can't begin to imagine. Was does she look like?"

  "We didn't see much of her, but she's such a tiny little thing! With a full head of thick black hair!"

  "Black hair? Where'd she get that from?" Oliver asks, amused, and I giggle, regaining my composure, and realising I should probably get out of his embrace about now. If she was here, she'd probably have ripped my hair out by now.

  "I'm going to have to get back soon," he says. I see, she's cracking the whip even when they're on holiday and one of his best friends has just given birth... bitch.

  "No, Olly, you can't!" Bea scolds, "You have to stay and meet little Emily! Screw your bloody curfew."

  "Don't start Bea. I don't have a curfew. Okay, I'll hang around. I am excited to see her. So they did go for mum's name after all? She'll be over the moon when we tell her."

  "I know. Emily Summers, it's so cute, isn't it?" Bea says with a huge smile. "Speaking of parents, Luke's should be here soon, who knew she'd have such a quick labour!

  We all sit and wait for a while, I know something else has to happen with Tilly - she has to birth the placenta and stuff. God I hope she doesn't have to have stitches... ouch, stitches in your pop tart? No thank you! Bea and Daniel hold each other tightly and whisper to each other, whilst Olly and I sit in silence, a few seats down. I hate this. We used to be so close, and now she's come along, ruling the roost, telling him who he can and can't be friends with... it has got so awkward.

  I was really looking forward to this holiday. We've got plenty of staff in to cover Bear's and I have been so desperate to come to LA and see all the amazingness that the girls rave about. I couldn't wait to see Bea and Daniels place at the 'W' and Tilly and Luke's impressive new pad in the Hills... it's a dream holiday. Not to mention the road trip to Vegas we're all taking in a few days to leave Til and Luke to bond with Emily, it could be a trip of a lifetime, but Oliver's new girlfriend had to tag along, and she's making my life hell.

  She hates me. She won't let Oliver and I be alone in the same room together anymore, she thinks I'm in love with him and that I'll pounce on him the minute her back is turned. Stupid wench could be further from the truth. I love him, yes, as a best friend. He's not interested in me, he never has been... well apart from those few occasions when we both got carried away... but that happens sometimes with two, single best friends... doesn't it?

  Anyway, I've got my eye open for my own perfect man, and I have a nice possibility who looks like quite the catch... I'm just trying to decide if he's my type or not. I don't know what Olly's new bitch's problem is, but I'm not it. He doesn't want me and I'm not after him anymore. Those days are long gone. I just hope she doesn't make Vegas a great downer for me, I've wanted to do this trip for far too long to let someone I don't even know spoil it for me.

  I stand to go to the loo, I'm fed up of sitting here like a loser, waiting for him to say something to me. Our friendship was something wonderful before, and now we don't even talk without feeling awkward.

  I splash my face, I didn't bother to apply my make-up when we got the shout to leave for the hospital at one thirty am, so I needn't worry about smudged mascara. I blow my nose and make myself feel better, that experience was so incredible, but it broke my heart a little bit... I'm not sure why... maybe it's their love for each other... their beautiful new family... I want one of those. I'm nearing thirty and I want a husband and a baby, god damn it.

  I growl and flush my tissues down the toilet, taking a deep breath before I head back out to Mr. Misery and the love birds. I can't wait to go and see little Emily Summers. I just love that they found out the sex at the twenty week scan, before the big move to the States, it meant I could buy a whole range of gorgeous pink dresses for my little sort-of-niece.

  I open the bathroom door and am shocked as I get pushed backwards by a huge, powerful force... a masculine one... a gorgeous one. It takes a couple of seconds to realise that I'm locked in a bathroom with my ex-best friend, Oliver. I look at him, questioningly... what's happening? Why are we locked in here?

  "Clare... you okay?"

  "Er... yeah, just emotional... what's happening?"

  "I don't get any time to talk to you anymore... I want to check you're okay."

  "Yes, I'm fine. Let's get back to the baby."

  "Can we just... I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry about Stacy, I know she's a bit jealous..."

  "Oh Oliver, let's not. It's fine."

  "No, I'm going to talk with her, she'll understand. I don't want to lose you, we have a great friendship and I hate that things are getting weird between us."

  "Okay... it's fine. You talk to her. I don't like it either, but sometimes you have to give up things for the people you're falling for... you know?" I say, fishing for information... is he? Does he love her yet?

  He stands still, silent for a moment. "Can I... can I have a hug?" he asks sweetly and I smile. God, why does he have to be so bloody cute? I step forwards into his embrace, and inhale his scent. I think he's smelled the same ever since I first met him and totally fell head over heels for him. Oh, those hideous days when I felt alone and empty, watching him with that amazing, skinny girl on his arm every weekend. Gosh, I was so jealous of her.

  He holds me tightly for quite some time, before pulling back slowly and looking down at my face. I look at him, expecting him to say something... but he doesn't. He just locks those sexy, bottle green eyes with mine and stares. It's a little torturous, actually, I haven't had any kind of... 'interaction' with a man since... well... since Aspen. And these eyes, that soft, sexy mouth so close to me, is a hugely unfair temptation. He's dangling a whopping great carrot in front of me and I... whoa!!! Wanna pash mate? Crikey, I am taken totally unawares as he kisses me, amazingly... passionately, it's so hot!

  He pushes me against the wall and groans as his tongue feels for mine, his hands rubbing my body until he finds one of my breasts and holds it firmly. Oh holy mother, what are we doing? His mouth so fervently kissing mine, I am taken away somewhere that it's okay
to have a great passionate snog in a hospital toilet while your BFF has her 'hoohaa' stitched up.

  He grunts loudly and slows the kiss... clearly remembering that he has a girlfriend. He closes his eyes and shakes his head, before stepping back. "Shit, Clare... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry - I shouldn't have done that... I got a bit... you've been upset... I just..."

  "Oliver, it's okay. We won't mention it. It was a mistake," for you. "I haven't... you know... for a while so, I suppose I just got carried away myself..."

  He stares at me and runs his hand through his ruffled brown hair. "You're... um... you haven't, since..."

  I shake my head and he closes his eyes and frowns.

  "Let's get back, Oliver, hmm?" I say, moving towards the door and he grabs my wrist, pushing me back against the wall again, his face determined, raw, hot... Oh please, Olly... don't do this to me again? I silently beg, knowing how I feel after he does. Sated, amazing...empty.


  About the author

  Sexy Summers is Dani Lovell's second novel, book two of the Sexy series.

  Although British, Lovell has quite an obsession with all things 'Stateside' and often dreams about the fabulous trips she'll one day take across the pond.

  Lovell lives in Hertfordshire, UK, with Daniel, Luke, Oliver and the rest of the sexy gang (all in her head, of course), and her real-life family.

  If she's not working on her latest Sexy story, you'll find her taking care of her children, planning her latest fantasy vaycay or eating her weight in goat’s cheese.

  You can contact Dani here:


  Twitter: @AuthorDaniL

  Email: [email protected]


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