Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2)

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Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2) Page 20

by Lyssa Cole

  Or at least have the pain be bearable enough to get through the days with a smile.

  It’s a long road. All of us have our demons. Even Kayla and I have been going to therapy to work through our own issues.

  One day at a time, right?


  I pace back and forth in front of my truck while I wait for the text from Kayla. My palms are sweaty, and I wipe them on the front of my jeans.

  Alicia will be dropped off any minute, the cab specifically told to drop her off here. My phone buzzes and when I check it, a text from Kayla alerts me Alicia is almost here.

  I take a deep breath and check over my setup.

  It looks exactly the same way it did the first time we watched the stars together.

  My truck is backed in, facing the night sky, a blanket and pillows set up in the bed with a telescope.

  I run my hand over the box in my pocket.

  I’ve been planning this for a while, and I took my time, making sure to get everything right.

  I see headlights and move to the front of the truck, my heartbeat racing in my ears. The cab pulls up in front of me, and Alicia hops out, her wild curls fanning her face.

  Her face lights up when she sees me, and she rushes over, her scent invading my senses. The cab pulls away, and we’re all alone.

  I wrap my arms around her and pull her close, breathing her in. “Ready for some stargazing, baby?”

  She nods against my chest, and I take her hand, leading her to the back. She notices the setup and laughs, the loud sound carrying through the silent night.

  I help her up, and she sits down, patting the spot next to her.

  “All we’re missing is Luna,” she says as I sit down next to her.

  “She had a date tonight.” I grin, and Alicia smacks my arm playfully.

  “I hope she enjoys herself.”

  “I’m sure she will. Why don’t you take a look at the stars? They’re quite beautiful tonight.” I throw her a wink, and she moves onto her knees, leaning into the telescope.

  It only takes a second before she gasps and flies backward. I discreetly taped a note to the end of the telescope lens asking the question.

  I steady her before getting onto one knee, the box already tucked into my palm.

  I take her hand and turn her toward me, her eyes already wet. She covers her mouth with her free hand, choking back a sob.

  “Alicia, will you please make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” I hold out my mother’s ring, the one I got resized and added several diamonds to with the help of Ruby.

  Alicia nods as the tears slip down her cheeks. “Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes.”

  I stand and slide the ring on her finger, noting the perfect fit. “It was my mother’s,” I whisper, my own emotions taking over me.

  “It’s beautiful,” she murmurs back, and when her lips find mine I know for certain Alicia’s mine and always will be.

  The End

  Preview of House Rules



  She was at it again. Why did she have to pick the day I can sleep in to start with her House Rules. They had been drilled into my head for as long as I can remember.

  1.Don’t mix business with pleasure; no dating of coworkers allowed.

  2.No sex before the first five dates.

  3.There’s no such thing as insta-love. Love has to grow over time and be nurtured.

  4.Don’t date someone below your own education level.

  5.Don’t date someone who makes less money than you do.

  6.Don’t date outside of your religion.

  7.Don’t date outside of your race.

  8.A clean-slate is a must. No previous marriages or children.

  9.There will be no living together until marriage.

  10.He MUST meet the approval of the family before a marriage were to occur.

  Did she think I had forgotten anything?

  House Rules, House Rules… blah blah blah.

  Her voice penetrates my door. I groan, pull the pillow over my head ignoring her, and turn onto my other side, away from the door. Eventually, hopefully, she will get the hint and go away.

  “Emma, do you hear me. You need to get up and get ready. There are big plans in the works today. House Rules plans. Emma!”

  The door handle rattles. Thank god for the lock. No way is she getting in. I pull the pillow tighter around my head and picture a nice, calm beach… without my mother. I smile and drift back to dreamland. My mother’s demanding tone fades into the background.

  Chapter 1


  “Emma, you’re only getting older, you know.”

  “I know, Mom, I know. You love to remind me of that.” I rein in what I really want to say because I don’t feel like arguing with her again, and ending up with a scolding that will make me feel five-years-old all over, and send me to my very own psychiatrist.

  “Will you please go on a date with Curt? You’ll adore him. What’s not to love?” I roll my eyes at her question. Oh, there’s a lot not to love, like his ‘gag me’ pretentiousness, or that he’s grown up with an unusual amount of wait staff. He can’t even tie his own shoes.

  “I said I’d think about it.” I pull into the parking lot of my office building, sliding into my favorite spot.

  “You said you’d think about it weeks ago. What’re you waiting for?” My mom snaps into the phone. Who has the attitude now?

  “Your track record of dates you’ve set me up with in the past doesn’t make me jump for joy, Mom. I’d rather find someone on my own.”

  “But, Emma, that’s what you don’t get. You haven’t found the one. And sometimes, you don’t follow all of my rules.” She picks at me, resulting in another eye roll. If I roll my eyes any harder, I’ll be stuck with a permanent eye roll.

  “Give it a rest, okay? I’m keeping things simple right now. My job’s stressful at the moment, and I don’t need more complications.”

  “I told you a long time ago not to become a shrink, Em.” She says the word shrink with that tone in her voice, instant disapproval. I tune her out as my eyes stray to the shiny, black truck pulling into the parking lot. My smile drops as her voice penetrates my semi-fog. I huff into the phone.

  “Em. Emma. Listen to me this instant,” she snaps into the phone. “I am going to make the date for you.”

  That definitely pulls me out of the fog. “Mother. You will do no such thing. I need to let you go. I will get back to you when, and if, I want or need your help. Have a good day.” I end the call before she can say more.

  I don’t know why I have let her bully me all these years over these damned House Rules, but enough is enough. My eyes are drawn back to the shiny truck that pulled into the parking lot.

  How does she still get to me? Our conversation was less than five minutes and I can still feel her disapproval pulsing through me…

  ‘You didn’t want to listen to me. Life is hard enough without having to help other people with their problems all day, too.’

  ‘It’s called helping them cope better with this shit we call life.’ I spew, unable to hold back my attitude any longer. She gets on my nerves, as she has since I became a hormonal teenager. Judgement rolls through her on a daily basis, never giving anyone a second thought, or even a consideration for their feelings.

  ‘Emma, don’t you dare talk to me that way. Nip that attitude and fast.

  ‘I’ll come by for lunch. How’s that sound?’ Her voice was suddenly sickeningly sweet, as if she’d choked down a spoonful of honey. ‘We’ll discuss Curt and his many attributes.’

  ‘Sorry, not today, I have patients back to back.’ I do have an hour for lunch, but lunch with my mother is not how I plan to spend it.

  She blows out a frustrated breath. She’s dying to get her claws in me about Curt. When will she grasp that she can’t force me to love. Or follow her stupid rules. ‘Then tonight. For dinner?’

  ‘No, Mom, I’m working late. I’ll cal
l you later this week.’

  ‘Later this week? I don’t think so. Emma. I need to see you soon.’

  Thank god I ended the call when I did. I rub the back of my neck, hoping to ease some tension. I swear my mother loves to irk me.

  Taking a deep breath, my nerves begin to steady, or try to. Sitting in my car, staring at my office building, I glance at the clock—8:25 am. Five more minutes to dwell on life.

  A car horn sounds behind me, causing me to jump. My heart pounds at the rude intrusion. What they were beeping at, I have no idea.

  I stare in rapt attention, wondering who’s inside. Maybe a new patient. Or the new therapist starting today. The windows are covered in a dark tint, giving me no clues.

  Shit, that’s right. A new therapist starts today.

  I groan inwardly at the thought. It’s not that I mind new people at work; it’s the disruption to my work day. But our cute receptionist said he’s smoking hot; her handy new-age tech skills scoping him out.

  Come out of the truck, come out of the truck. My inner thoughts fail me.

  No such luck for this girl today.

  Another deep breath has me pushing my car door open. The warm summer air mixes with the coolness inside my car. Late June is beginning to blaze with heat. A visit to the beach sounds perfect right now.

  I turn and grab my bag before shutting the car door with my hip. I don’t look back at the shiny black truck as I walk towards the building. A blast of icy air hits my face when I enter the building. I shiver slightly, still chilly from my car. Hmm, the warm sun heating my skin during lunch… I’ll have to eat outside today.

  “Morning, Emma!” Faye’s voice singsongs, her face shining up at me.

  “Hey, Faye. How are you? Any messages?”

  She shakes her head, a smile playing on her lips. “Nope, no trouble… yet.” Faye chuckles, her eyes flashing.

  “Hmmm, the day is young my friend, the day is young. You know where to find me. Can you buzz me when James arrives?”

  “Sure thing, Emma!” The shrill sound of the phone fills the room and I head to my office. Once inside, I drop my bag, and plop down at my desk, looking over my schedule for the day.

  Its jam packed. Welcome to Monday morning.

  Firing up my laptop, I prep for my first client, looking over his chart and refreshing myself with his latest notes.

  Working for myself in a private practice gives me a freedom I love. Being here the past three years was the best career choice I’ve made so far and I don’t regret a thing. Yet.

  I open my inbox and my eyes scan the latest emails, freezing when I see one from my sister. Emma! Call Me! Reads the headline and I dread opening it. My hands grow clammy, my leg bouncing. The familiar butterflies I’ve carried with me for years now begin their wild storm.

  Why are my mother and sister so fucking toxic? Can’t they act nice for once?

  Closing my laptop, I stand in haste, some of my papers scattering. Maybe a cup of tea will help. I make my way to the break room. I come to a sudden stop in front of reception, my ears assailed by a deep, husky voice.

  Who is that??

  Peeking around the corner, I jolt at the sight of Faye talking to one hell of a man in a suit. He’s over six feet tall, with dark brown hair that is clean cut and neat on the sides, with a bit of wavy length on the top. His suit is all business, even down to his shiny black shoes.

  A zap of electricity courses through my body, as I stare at the mysterious man from behind. I feel my body flushing from head to toe.

  I move, pressing my back against the wall, my hand pressed against my chest. Holy shit, get it together, Em. You’re acting like you’ve never seen a man in a suit before. But damn, does he wear it well, as if the designer tailored it to perfectly fit his body.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see my coworker Angela leaving the break room, the steam from her coffee rising. Pushing off the wall, I smooth down my dress; a crap attempt at pulling myself together. Thankfully, she only smiles and waves, disappearing into her office.

  The coast being clear, I sneak another look around the corner, my jaw dropping as I catch him as he looks around. Faye looks star struck. I know how you feel, girl.

  I practically smack my head against the wall as I pull back in. Leaning back, I close my eyes. His perfect face flashes in my mind… the hard, chiseled jaw, the hint of dark stubble, his tan skin with dark brown hair.

  I open my eyes, and I push myself off the wall. I’ve been gawking like a fool for the past five minutes.

  All right, Em, just sneak by without anyone noticing…

  “Emma!” Faye calls out and I freeze. Shit, so much for going unnoticed.

  I turn to find both of them looking at me, and I plaster on the fakest smile I can manage.

  “Come meet our new therapist, Dr. Knox Rothwell.”

  New therapist? Uh oh. I’m in trouble.


  First day of a new job was always exciting but also filled with anxiety. You never knew what type of people you were going to encounter. I steer my F150 with one hand and stare at my tie in the rearview mirror, making sure it’s straight.

  I pull into the building’s parking lot of my new job, just before eight thirty. I’m early. Didn’t need to be in before nine but wanted to scope out the area and feel a bit relaxed before heading into my new office.

  I lightly beep the horn to get the car ahead of me to move a little quicker. The end of my truck was sticking out on the road.

  “Come on, come on, move it.” Someone’s not paying attention.

  My phone buzzes and after three rings, the blue tooth engages inside the truck.

  I watch a brunette, pretty from the back, exit a car in the front row. She’s wearing a nice tight dress that hugs her ass, an ass that makes me smile as it swings from side to side.

  “Hey, Ethan, what’s up man?”

  “Bro. You coming by?” I bite my bottom lip, to stop myself from moaning into the phone, as I watch the hot brunette walk into the building I am going to be in soon. Score!

  “I already told you, I can’t. I’m starting a new job.” Figures he wouldn’t remember.

  “Yea, but I was hoping you would swing by before work, you know, to help me… out.”

  I can hear Ethan sniffling and fidgeting, sure signs he’s feening for a fix. No way in hell I am helping him out; aka giving him money.

  “No, Ethan. I won’t be swinging by today, or any other day. We’ve discussed this. You know that,” I spit out through gritted teeth. I’m so tired of this shit.

  “Yea, thanks for nothing… bro.” Ethan seethes into the phone and ends the call.

  I enjoy the quiet for a moment. My brother stirs up my emotions.

  A wave of guilt rolls through me but I push it down.

  I sit up straighter and check my tie again. Almost 9. I open the door and slide out of my truck. Stand, turn around and reach into the back of the truck and pull my suit jacket off the hook. I tug it on, straighten my shirt sleeves and adjust my belt.

  I take a deep breath and let it out. Reaching into the truck, I pick up my laptop bag off the passenger seat, and shut the truck door. As I’m walking away, I fob the doors locked and hit the alarm.

  I smile as I walk into my new adventure.

  Emma. Emma Russe. Her name plays on repeat in my head as I stare at her. My eyes hungrily roam her body.

  Calm it down, Knox.

  “Emma, come meet Knox. He’s joining us today.” Faye calls out, her excitement contagious. I study her as she comes closer, her hips swaying in her dress. Those curves. They’re rocking.

  “Knox, meet Emma. Emma, meet Knox. He’s taking the empty office down the hall.” I barely hear Faye anymore, my eyes locked on Emma’s face. Her brown eyes are stunning. I’m transfixed by the long, flowing brown hair. Her complexion is flawless, her lips painted a ruby red. What I wouldn’t give for a taste…

  Snap out of it. This is a place of business, your business. Besides, you don’t
need a woman fucking your head up right now. You have enough shit to deal with.

  “Hi, nice to meet you, Knox.” Emma reaches her hand out for a shake and I gladly accept. I wrap my big hand around her smaller one, swallowing it. Jolts of electricity shock us both and we spring back, confusion sweeping through.

  Say something. Anything.

  “Nice… nice to meet you, too. Faye was about to give me a tour of the office, but the phone seems to be ringing off the hook.” I throw Faye a wink and she all but melts back into her seat. “Do you mind, Faye,” I ask, my eyes locked back on Emma’s, “If Emma here gives me a tour?”

  I hear Emma gasp, which brings me a hint of joy. Good, she’s affected, too.

  “I don’t mind… I am quite busy up here…” Faye trails off and I interrupt, the desire to be alone with Emma taking over, surprising even myself.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket, my stomach sinking. I know it’s my brother; our phone call wasn’t finished when I ended it.

  Ignoring the buzz, I grin at Faye. “Thanks,” Turning back to Emma, I find her walking away.

  “Hey! Wait up!” I call out, jogging to catch up to her. She spins to face me, a small smile tugging at her lips. Fuck, I’m in trouble.

  “Here’s the break room. Fancy, huh?” Emma chuckles, pointing to the door on her right, propped wide open. Wow, this woman wastes no time.

  Inside, is a large common space area with tables and chairs. Along the back wall are counter space and appliances. It’s a typical employee break room.

  Her sense of humor appeals to me and I’m drawn to her. “Yep, looks fancy. I’ve seen worse.” I grin, shrugging nonchalantly. Her eyes widen in surprise. “Worse? How can it be much worse? Smaller, maybe?”

  I nod, stuffing my hands in my pockets. “Dirty. Sometimes smelly.”

  “Eww.” Emma’s face contorts. “Say no more.”

  Walking farther down the hall, I follow Emma. She points out the various offices, including hers, and the bathroom areas for both staff and patients. I’m busy watching her ass sway with every damned step she takes. Those curves… that long hair…


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