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Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance

Page 9

by Lux Miller

  I hold up both hands and push him off me, waving my hand in front of my nose. “First of all, your breath stinks. Don’t come barking at me until you brush your teeth!” Luca blinks, surprised by my defiant tone. I slip from behind him, minding the pile of broken glass at our feet.

  He grabs my arm before I can get away, lowering his voice, “What the fuck, Emily? Why? Are you TRYING to piss me off?”

  I jerk my arm free of his grasp and narrow my eyes at him, matching his feral tone, “You fucking told me to! You begged me not to let you get shit-faced drunk again and then last night, you were shit-faced drunk! AGAIN. By the time we headed home, you were asking me why I wouldn’t fuck you! That's why! You get yourself so damn blitzed out of your mind that it wouldn’t mean anything to you! I mean, shit Luca… I know I don’t mean anything to you, but sex should. You shouldn’t be going around sticking your dick in anything that will spread its legs for you. That’s just nasty! Without the alcohol, maybe you’ll have a sliver of good judgement and you won’t bring home another Amber!”

  Luca glowers at me, but doesn’t move to stop me as I turn with a huff and stomp out of the room. Now it’s my turn to slam every door I encounter. The anger rolls off me in waves, but his reaction doesn’t actually surprise me. I knew he’d be pissed, but I did it anyway. Some people can save themselves and some will go down with the ship before they admit they need help.

  Growling at my reflection, I rip his borrowed clothes off and chuck them into the corner behind the door. I can’t get the tiny scrap of black fabric off my hips fast enough and I kick it behind the door as well. I slam the door closed for good measure, leaving the small pile of clothes laying there. Stomping over to the shower, I turn the water on and step under the stream, despite the fact that the water is still ice cold. My blood is boiling and I need to cool off anyway.

  My heart thuds in my ears as I hear the bathroom door swing open and bang into the wall.

  “And another thing! It’s my goddamn house! You can’t stomp around here acting like you own the place! Nobody slams doors in my house except me! I will not stand for this attitude! You will respect me or our deal is off!”

  Feeling defiant, I poke my head out of the shower and retort back, “Oh yeah? And what if I don’t?”

  Luca’s voice rumbles as he prowls across the bathroom floor. His eyes flash as he raises his voice, “Then I can no longer protect you from my father. As far as he’s concerned, you’re either under this roof or under the ground. You decide!”

  Inhaling sharply, I slap my hand against the shower wall. “Why don’t you say that to my face! Come in here and tell me to my face that you would rather I die than you have to deal with a little attitude once in a while. Attitude, I may remind you, that’s your fault!”

  The words barely leave my mouth before the frosted glass door is slung open and his body is against mine, pressing me up against the wall. His chest’s heaving and his eyes are molten with anger. I slide both of my hands onto his sides and attempt to push him away, “Get off me, you brute! For someone who’s supposed to have an eerily calm demeanor, you’re nothing but a hothead!”

  Luca digs his fingers into my bare skin and the sensation that slithers through my body is anything but fear. It’s pain and pleasure all rolled into one massive bolt of electricity that slams directly to my core. He leans down over me and whispers hotly in my ear, “I don’t want you dead, Emily. Despite my reputation, I don’t wish death on anyone. But God, I cannot function around you! It’s maddening. From the moment you walked into my life a week ago, I’ve been in a reckless free fall and I want it to stop! I need to be in control… of everything… of my life… of you—”

  He doesn’t finish his sentence as I thread my hands into his hair and yank roughly, snatching his face down. His lips crash into mine as a wanton moan slips out of my mouth. I know we have to stop this dangerous game of cat and mouse, but I throw caution to the wind as the water in the shower turns hot. Steam billows around us as I latch my teeth onto his bottom lip and tug.

  One of Luca’s hands slides around my body to my ass where he cups the flesh in his palm. The other leaves my side as he slams it against the shower wall above our heads. Pleasure surges through my body as he grips my ass forcefully in his hand, then pulls his hand down my body to my thigh. Just as he lifts my leg up to wrap it around his waist, a surprised voice snaps me out of my lust-induced haze.

  “What the fuck is with all the slamming doors… oh holy shit... Luca! Damnit, man! Can’t you go five minutes without mauling someone?”

  Luca reluctantly pulls away from me and glares at the doorway, “Good morning, Dante. I see you’re up to your usual cock-blocking this morning.”

  While Luca’s attention is drawn to the door, I press myself against the tile surround of the shower, flinging my arms over myself to try to hide my body, but it's of little use. It's blatantly obvious that I'm completely naked. Dante’s eyes meet mine and the look that crosses his face is a mixture of disgust and amusement. Thankfully, he shifts his view to afford me the smallest amount of privacy.

  “Emily? I thought you said he’s a dirty whore and you wouldn’t be caught dead riding his dick? That you were going to have to dig deep just to muster up being able to kiss him? Sure doesn’t look like a problem right now…”

  Groaning, I shoot daggers out of my eyes in Dante’s direction. “First of all, I never said those exact words. Second of all, I said sex was off the table. My contract neither provides for or against foreplay. But thank you for reminding me that I’ve got to get my hormones under control. Sleeping with my boss will only complicate matters. I think that with all of the alcohol in the house gone, his restraint will return and this…” I motion between myself and Luca, who’s standing under the stream of water in his t-shirt and sweatpants, soaking wet from head to toe, “ won’t happen again.”

  Luca’s face flashes with something, but it’s hard to tell exactly what. It almost looked like disappointment, but that’s ridiculous. This is only happening because it’s right in front of him. He can have any woman in New Orleans he wants. By tonight, he’ll have his eyes set on someone else and I can finally stop finding myself in compromising situations with him.

  Dante nods slowly as he looks at his brother, “What the fuck, bro? I thought you swore off sex anyway?”

  Luca grunts and steps out of the shower, water pouring off of him onto the floor. He sighs heavily as he brushes past Dante, but I can still hear the unexpected words that tumble out of his mouth. “I did. She started it by dumping all the alcohol in the house...”

  Dante’s stunned gaze turns to me as I stand there, dripping like a rat. He steps fully into the bathroom, shaking his head. “All of it? Really? ALL of it?”

  I nod, my tone clipped. “Hey, you stay there. I’m kinda naked here… but yes, everything I could find is gone. It's a vile substance and it makes even the most upstanding gentlemen say and do things that are vulgar and reprehensible.”

  Dante chuckles as he snags a towel and passes it to me. “You think Luca is an upstanding gentleman?”

  I glare at him then tuck the towel around me tightly. “Truthfully, no. He’s an arrogant asshole who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He no doubt works hard to keep it there and he likely deserves his riches. But riches don’t buy you happiness and they don’t buy you excuses to be a dick.”

  Dante nods as I push past him into the room that has become mine. “Touche.” He smiles and follows me into the bedroom. He points to several paper bags that are sitting on the bed. “Royce sent those over. He says a lot of it is rack and returns, but that he can whip up some custom things for you if you’d like. He’s got your measurements, so he said just tell Luca what you want and he’ll send it over. Although right now, it’s probably safer to tell me. At least until Luca cools off…”

  I nod and dig through the bag, relieved to find lacy undergarments among the selection of sundresses, shorts, and flowy floral tops. I pluck out a de
ep purple bralette set and a turquoise sundress and turn my back to Dante to tug on the incredibly soft fabric. Once my important parts are covered I drop the towel as I pull on the pretty sundress, then turn to face Dante.

  “So Dante, Royce… is he an associate?” Dante flinches slightly at my use of proper terminology, but he quickly shakes his head. “God, no. He’s the last man on Earth I’d trust with a gun. He’s brilliant with a needle and thread and an old friend, but no. He’s not part of it. Then again, neither am I… yet. Luca knows Royce from high school. They were something like acquaintances. Royce used to get terrorized at school. Unfortunately, I’m sure you can guess why. Kids are cruel, but Luca stood up for him. He always defended the little guy. Said if anybody touched him, he’d hang them from the flagpole by their entrails. Nobody dared messed with Royce after that out of fear they’d suffer the wrath of The Enforcer. He earned that nickname early. He’s never made a promise he hasn’t kept and he’ll enforce the law, the ones that he feels apply anyway, to the death.”

  I nod and sit on the bed, sighing. “So this contract I signed… it’s ironclad then? There’s no getting out of it?” Dante shakes his head, “I’m afraid not, why?” I pout and toss the copy of the contract that Luca gave me at Dante. “It says that in order to get my money, I have to play the part of his adoring girlfriend in public. I don’t think I can kiss him again…”

  Dante wrinkles his nose, clearly not interested in hearing the content of the coming conversation. He shrugs and hands it back. “Why not? It’s not that bad to kiss him, is it? You seem to enjoy it…”

  I know my cheeks are on fire and I laugh softly out of sheer nervousness. “That’s the problem. I do enjoy it…a lot... and so does he. And if we keep up this charade, we’re going to end up in bed together or one of us is going to catch feels… and that would be a disaster.”

  Dante shrugs, “So you end up having sex with him a few times. You’ve already come close apparently since you were naked in the shower with him. From the sounds always coming out of his room with his parade of willing women, I’m inclined to think he’s pretty good at it. As far as feels… that won’t be a problem. That man doesn’t catch feels. That’s why him showing up to the charity function with you last night and declaring you his girlfriend is causing such a stir…”

  Dante hands me a copy of the New Orleans Tribune and a picture of Luca is plastered across the front page. I’m in the picture too, but my face is thankfully obscured. The headline reads: “Playboy Millionaire Barresi Off the Market?” Dante chuckles at the expression on my face. “He’s never had a girlfriend in his life. No woman has ever been able to tie him down.”


  I cringe as I hear a door down the hallway slam… again. Luca’s been slamming doors every day since our explosive encounter over the alcohol. He hasn’t so much as said a single word to me, going out of his way to avoid me at all costs. He’s been leaving before the crack of dawn and coming home way after dark. It’s curious that it’s the middle of the day and he’s home, but I make no motions to peek into the hallway. I’ve been content to avoid him. With the way he’s been slamming doors, I have a feeling a conversation with him right now would be a nightmare. I think I’d rather shove needles in my eyes.

  I’m just about to scramble off my bed to turn on the small TV that's sitting on the dresser across the room when a gravelly voice stops me in my tracks. “Good, you’re here. We need to talk.” I try to avoid his gaze, but there’s no way to avoid looking at a man like Luca Barresi. He commands attention even when he’s doing absolutely nothing. Right now, he’s leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. His expression is drawn and it’s clear he’s not in a good mood. He walks into the room and drops an ornate envelope onto the bed beside me.

  I pick it up and turn it over. “What’s this?” Luca’s stance is guarded as he peers down at me. I roll over onto my back and sit up as he watches me in silence. “Do I open it? It’s addressed to you. You open it.” Luca growls, sending shivers down my spine. His voice is taut as he speaks, “There’s no need. I already know what it is. It’s a community dinner for the financial elite in the city to hobnob with the elected officials.”

  I crawl up onto my knees and reach out to touch his forearm gently. His arm tenses under my touch, but he doesn’t jerk away from me like I thought he would. “Why would the prince of the underground be invited to a dinner with the mayor and his police protectors?”

  Luca cuts his eyes to me, but he doesn’t give away his emotions. He narrows his eyes down at my inquisitive face and shakes his head. “It’s an obligatory thing. The mayor sends out invitations to the top ten percent of earners in the city every year for this dinner. It’s another charity event and they’ll be expecting big donations. I’m required to have a date…”

  I can’t help but giggle as I wave the invitation in the air. “They’re making you bring a date? Isn’t that a little outside the scope of what they can request?”

  Luca’s body language stiffens as I try to make a joke out of it. Ignoring my comment, he sighs. “I’ve already contacted Royce. He’s putting something together for you so that you look stunning beside me. There's no getting out of this dinner and this time, there will be no dancing. You’ll be there to make me look good. You’re not to speak to anyone, you’re not to make demands of me while I’m there and most importantly of all… you’re not to give any indication whatsoever that we’re not madly in love with each other. You WILL be expected to hold my hand and kiss me at appropriate times.”

  I cross my arms over my chest, tossing the invitation onto the bed, “No dancing for me… and no drinking for you. The rest is just playing a game.”

  Luca’s face pales slightly, but he shrugs and throws both hands up into the air. “Fine, whatever. They serve shitty alcohol anyway. And it’s a cash bar. Hardly worth the prices they charge for that horse piss. The dinner is tonight. I’ll pick you up at six sharp. Be prompt and be dressed to the nines. Though it's my money that the mayor seeks, I will not be the only Barresi in attendance. I intend to give the man what he wants, but I need something from the mayor first and that’s where you come in. I need to give him the impression that the incorrigible Luca Barresi has changed his ways. That he’s contemplating settling down with a mystery woman that nobody knows anything about. And I want it to stay that way.”

  Luca stomps out of the room and I flop back on the bed. How the hell am I supposed to make myself presentable in four hours? For something this important, he should have told me sooner! Unless it’s a last-minute invitation. I pick the envelope up and tear it open, sliding out the hand addressed invitation inside. It’s addressed to Luca in a loopy, unfamiliar handwriting, but what catches my eye is the date. He’s has this damn invitation for two months! He could’ve told me sooner that he'd be requiring my company.

  My eyes roll so far back into my head that I worry they’ll get stuck that way. The flippancy with which he just made his demands makes my blood boil. I’d bet he knows it, too. Since I dumped his alcohol, he’s been in an utterly foul mood and hasn’t hesitated to take it out on anyone unlucky enough to be near him. Until now, I’ve managed to stay out of the line of fire, but tonight, I have a feeling I’ll be the target of his irritation. I’m quickly learning that what they say is a lie... the devil does not wear Prada… he wears Armani and Italian leather.

  Thankfully, Royce swings by a few minutes after four with a dress. He explains hastily that it’s a rack item that he embellished a bit and he apologizes profusely for its lack of pizzazz. I have to shake my head and laugh as I point out that the dress is simple, but elegant, and perfect for a dinner with city officials. I still haven’t figured out why the mayor wants to meet with a crime lord, but I guess we all have ulterior motives at times.

  I slip into the dress quickly and Royce makes several last minute adjustments. Unlike the first dress he created for me, this one is demure and everything that might entice a man is covered unde
r layers of deep purple fabric that flutters around my figure. Though the neckline is strapless, only a hint of my cleavage peeks out of the top of the dress. There are no dangerously high slits and the back floats around my butt enough to disguise it’s shape without looking boxy.

  The shoes he offers me are black and thankfully sport a much lower heel than the previous pair. He keeps everything else simple with a classic smokey eye and deep purple lipstick to match the dress. When I glance at my reflection in the mirror, I’m startled to see the woman staring back at me. I look like a Hollywood starlet and it took Royce very little effort to create my appearance. I give him a small smile and a hug, whispering, “Thank you. At least I’ll look good when I screw up again.”

  Royce rolls his eyes at me, “Girl… you ain’t screwed up yet. Luca Barresi is as sober right now as a grandma on Good Friday. That man spent the last ten years drinking away his problems. Seven days ain’t long in the grand scheme of things, but it’s the longest stretch Luca’s ever spent not lost in the bottom of a bottle. I’d say if anything, you must be doing something right.”

  I shrug as I touch the natural waves that Royce enhanced. “All I’ve managed to do is piss him off at every turn or give him blue balls. Both of which just make him hate me. I just can’t wait for these three months of servitude to be over, so I can get the hell out of New Orleans and start over. This city has brought me nothing but heartbreak.”


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