Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance

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Barresi: Emily Trilogy: A New Orleans Mafia Romance Page 75

by Lux Miller

  Aleka makes a strangled noise. “You exchanged sex for food and shelter?”

  I nod my head sadly, and Aleka shakes her head, her long, naturally coarse hair whipping about her face. “You were fifteen!”

  I nod again. “I know. And he used me until I was eighteen. Apparently, he wasn’t interested in old ladies. But for three years, the owner of the club where I lived provided me with food, shelter, and nightmares. When he was no longer interested in me sexually, he forced me to steal for him. Sure, I could’ve holed up some of what I stole, but it would have taken a long time to squirrel away enough to survive, because Andre carefully counted everything that was brought in. Because the club where I lived was under the protection of Luca’s family… and that kind of protection doesn’t come cheap. You pay your bills or you pay with your life.”

  I laugh self-deprecatingly as Aleka’s eyes flick over to where Tua and Luca have inevitably begun Luca’s tattoo by now. I shake my head and grab her hands. She yelps slightly and quickly turns her attention to me as I offer her a reassuring smile. “Look, I know that Luca’s not a good man by any standard definition. In fact, he often refers to himself as the devil. The truth of the matter is… he’s a very important man in New Orleans, both above ground and under it. He has millions that he’s legitimately earned.”

  Aleka nods slowly, so I continue, “I’d never planned to marry anyone, much less a dangerous mafia enforcer…”

  Aleka gasps. “He’s an enforcer? So he’s dangerous?”

  I chuckle and nod. “They’re all dangerous, Lee Lee. The reason I’m not still rotting in the flea-infested scumbag’s hellhole is because of Luca. Because he riddled that bastard with so many holes, swiss cheese would’ve been jealous. Right in front of me. By mafia law, Luca should’ve executed me too since I was a witness, but he didn’t. Something stopped him. Oh, he took me hostage to keep me quiet. Like I said, dangerous man, but somehow I managed to fall in love with him and even stranger, make him fall in love with me.”

  Aleka doesn’t look convinced as she asks, “But are you happy? Having your entire life chosen for you without a say in any part of it? You obeyed your father, you obeyed the skeezy club owner, and now you obey a man who’s sworn his life to the mafia?”

  I nod, grabbing her hands. “I’m happy, really. Getting involved with Luca wasn’t really my choice, but marrying him was. He may have forced me to pretend to be his girlfriend, but he didn’t have to coerce me to have sex with him, and he certainly didn’t force me to marry him. In fact, he offered me thousands to run away from New Orleans and never return, but by then, it was already too late. We’d both caught feels. I refused to leave, and that tiny ember of attraction became a roaring inferno of desire. So, here we are… I’m married to the mob, but Luca’s not an enforcer anymore…”

  Aleka breathes a sigh of relief, exhaling a long breath. “So, he quit the mob like your father?”

  I shake my head slowly, so Aleka guesses again, “Did he step down?”

  I shake my head once more. “La famiglia is in his blood. He couldn’t step down even if the laws of the land allowed him to. There’s no easy way for him to leave. The usual way is in a body bag.”

  Aleka looks absolutely horrified as she shakes her head quickly. “What? No… I’ve seen it happen. People are let go. Your father was allowed to leave!”

  I nod quickly. “Yes, that’s true. Some people are allowed to leave. My father was allowed to leave to be with my mother, but he was just an associate. Luca can never leave…”

  Aleka plops her hands on her hips, frustration settling on her face. “And why not?”

  I sigh slightly as I twist my wedding band around my ring finger, avoiding her stare. Aleka’s voice sounds slightly panicked as she presses, “Emily… why can your husband not leave the mafia? Why can he not ask the Boss to release him from his obligation?”

  I look up at her, then close my eyes when I see the fear in hers. “Because my husband is the mafia. He was born with mafia blood running through his veins and swore an oath with that blood to la famiglia to serve for life. He’s the grandson of Enzo Barresi and the son of Matteo Barresi. They’re both dead, and he was raised from infancy to accept the inheritance of la famiglia. Aleka, Luca isn’t an associate. He can’t defy the laws of Omerta and then beg for forgiveness from the Boss. He is the Boss…”


  It takes a while for Aleka to gather her thoughts after I reveal to her just how deeply I’m embroiled in the mafia back in New Orleans. When she finally does recover her wits, she grabs my arm and pulls me into the house. Away from the cacophony of noise of the party outside, the silence inside the house is almost deafening. “Emily, if you’re in trouble, tell me. Keone knows some people on Molokai. We could make you disappear.”

  I shake my head with a smile. “I know that you may not understand how I could possibly be happily married to a man like Luca, but the truth is… the gangster part of him is just that. It’s part of him. We’ve each saved the other from our enemies more than once. And the fact remains that my parentage can’t stay hidden forever. Once his enemies find out who my father was, I’m dead without his protection. And the fact remains, that whether I chose to marry Luca or not, mafia blood still runs in my veins and always has.”

  Aleka looks slightly horrified at my words. “Emily, if you’re concerned about losing the lifestyle you’ve grown accustomed to… we can find you a Hawai’ian man who’ll treat you like a queen. There are wealthy men all over Hawai’i. Stay here and we can raise our children together.”

  My heart breaks a little at her offer, because I know my answer to her plea before she even stops speaking. I shake my head slowly, and she looks crestfallen. I lean my forehead against hers and sigh, “Island life will always be a part of me. The simple beauty of this world raised me, but so did the hardened streets of New Orleans. I’m not the kid you remember. I’m still me, but truth be told, Aleka… Luca and I are cut from the same cloth. We always were. It just took me coming back here to realize it. Hawai’i will always be special to me, but it’s my past. My future is in New Orleans... at my husband’s side.”

  Aleka nods slightly, a frown on her face as she slings her arms around me. “I’m sorry I’ve been so hostile. I couldn’t believe it earlier when I saw you at the market. It was like seeing a ghost. We assumed you’d died with your father since the only word we received was he was dead. Puna has lamented being so passive when your father ran with you, so I worried it was her hopeful nature that somehow you’d survived and that you’d return to us someday. When we woke up this morning, we had no idea that day would ever happen, much less be today… and now, you’re going to be ripped away from us just as we’ve found you.”

  I stifle the startled gasp that bursts from my throat and gently wrap my arms around my first best friend, letting my anxiety and irritation drain from my body. As I pull away, I laugh as Aleka and I both swipe at tears. I shake my head. “I’m not leaving yet, but I do need to go check on my husband. The man is tough as nails, but if he’s getting a tattoo where I think he’s getting one… he’s probably miserable, and I’d bet his patience is probably stretched thin.”

  Aleka raises one eyebrow. “Tua is tattooing your husband?”

  I nod. “Should I be worried?”

  Aleka shakes her head quickly. “Not about the quality of the work, that’s for sure. Tua’s the best. He does all of Keone’s kakau tattoos, but if Tua is unhappy with the fact that you won’t be staying in Hawaii, he’ll probably make it hurt way more than it has to hurt.”

  I wince as a pang of guilt tears at my gut. “You and I both know that Tua won’t be happy with the fact that I’m not coming back to the islands permanently.”

  Aleka groans. “Which means Tua’s totally going to be an ass and double-tap every chance he gets. My guess is that handsome husband of yours is going to be in a good bit of pain by the time Tua’s done with him.”

  I nod with a smile. “Oh, I bet. I remember Tu
a’s brand of revenge. Luca can take it, though. He’s been through far worse just in the time I’ve known him. I’ve no idea what kind of scars the other tattoos are hiding.”

  Aleka narrows her eyes at me. “Do their tattoos always cover up scars?”

  I shake my head slowly. “No, not always, but it’s fairly common. Luca’s younger brother Dante was shot nearly a dozen times in a job gone wrong, and he dragged me to a tattoo parlour the minute he was healed enough to cover the ugly scars with ink. I know you saw some of Luca’s tattoos earlier. The wolf is sacred to them, so both Luca and Dante have wolves incorporated into their artwork. I haven’t thoroughly examined Luca’s body to find all of his scars, but there’s enough of them that I know not to ask questions. Dante’s only got the fresh ink, because he only recently joined Luca in the family business and he was tattoo-free before then.”

  Aleka raises one eyebrow. “Luca has a younger brother?”

  I snort softly as I nod. “Yeah, he’s close to our age. Taller than Luca, same build. Same hair and bone structure, but his eyes are green, whereas Luca’s are stone gray.”

  Aleka tilts her head to the side. “Either there’s some funny business going on between you and two brothers… or there’s something you’re not telling me. Is this Dante guy single?”

  I feel my cheeks flame as I shake my head quickly. “Lee Lee! I am only, and have only ever been, in a relationship with Luca. Dante’s my best friend… and married. For that matter, so are you! To Keone, I hear. Looks like I’m not the only one full of surprises.”

  Aleka blushes slightly and shrugs. “He was an annoying kid that I frequently wanted to sucker punch, but he’s a good man and an excellent father. Keanu’s almost eight, Hanini is five, and Maleah is two.”

  I laugh. “Speaking of punching, even if Dante wasn’t married, he’d never even consider it. Back before we were even legitimately dating, Luca cold-clocked him for even suggesting that he might’ve had a chance with me. Well, and he kinda kissed me. Luca put a few holes in the wall that night, too. And that was before Luca admitted to anyone, including himself, that he had feelings for me. Now? I’ve no doubt in my mind that Luca would be highly likely to hurt anyone who even looked at me wrong. Probably without a weapon. He hasn’t confirmed as much, but I’m pretty sure he’s killed at least one man with his bare hands.”

  Before Aleka can respond, we both hear a roaring noise coming from the back of the yard of the house, away from where everyone is still partying strong. I instantly recognize Luca’s voice as the one making the God-awful sound. Aleka and I exchange unspoken words through a knowing glance and take off running out the front door, skidding around the corner of the house. When we stop at the back side, I’m surprised to see both Tua and Luca standing, the latter stretching his arms over his head as Tua stands back and smirks.

  Immediately, my eyes drop to Luca’s side and I gasp. Where the ugly reminder of our harrowing ordeal the night Luca was stabbed once snaked across his skin, there’s now the beginnings of an intricately ornate tattoo. There’s barely an outline in place, but the design encompasses the entire length of Luca’s ugly scar in a curved design that reminds me of waves. I smile when I realize that the awful sound was probably just Luca releasing his pent-up reaction to the pain of the kakau-style tattoo.

  I walk over to Luca and wrap my arms around him, snuggling against his side. He smiles at first, looping one arm around me, then frowns. “Where’s the food? I’m so hungry, I could eat a whole pig!”

  I blush slightly when I realize I forgot to get him something to eat like I’d promised. I glance up at him with a sheepish smile and shrug. “Would you believe me if I said I came back here to ask you what you want?”

  Luca raises an eyebrow. “Normally, yes… but the guilt in your voice tells me it’s not. You forgot me!” He chuckles as he leans down and kisses me softly. “I assume you had good reason to forget me, though… since you arrived in the company of your cousin. Catching up?”

  I glance over at Aleka and nod. “Something like that, yeah. We were in the house talking when you started roaring like Tua’d done stuck you with that thing.”

  I motion at the tools laid out on the table beside Luca and he chuckles. “Oh, he did. Many, many times… I’ll give credit where credit is due, though. He’s highly skilled in what he does, even if it does hurt enough to almost make me want to zone out while he’s working. I’ve been through some painful shit, but that right there ranks right up with being filleted with a dull knife.”

  Tua nods and claps Luca on the back. “Some say that’s the point. To get closer to the gods, because there’s typically three ways to get their attention - grief, euphoria, and pain.”

  Luca glances down at the inflamed skin around his scar and nods. “I can certainly understand how that can turn into quite the religious experience. Had me ready to drop to my knees and pray, that’s for sure.”

  Tua smirks and ruffles my hair. “I’lll give you back your husband in a couple hours. We should be able to get the outline finished. There’s no way I can finish it tonight, so he’s agreed to return each night of your time here to have me work on it. It’ill increase the pain level to continue the work straight-through, but he has insisted that you must return to New Orleans by next week’s end.”

  I nod in agreement. “Yeah, Luca’s kinda important there. His brother’s filling in for him in his absence, but it’s Luca’s responsibility to the family business to return and resume his duties. He’s kind of a big deal.”

  Tua nods in understanding and nudges Luca. “Go eat, man. I’d hate for you to miss out on Puna’s pork. And if she traded at market for some of those shortbread cookies, trust me when I tell you to fill your plate, because one is never enough. Ten is usually enough to curb the craving, but men like me and Keone can put away a couple dozen easily.”

  As Luca releases me from his grasp, I turn my attention down to the tattoo. I know that it’s fresh, but I can’t stop myself from bringing my fingertips up to his side to brush them over the raised lines of the work Tua has already completed. It’s hard to tell what the design will be when it’s finished, but the fact that it includes water is obvious from the outline. I look up at Luca when he flinches and nod. “Cookies, yes. They’re one of my favorite things. If there are any left, get the dark chocolate dipped Kona ones or the pineapple macadamia nut ones. Both are phenomenal. My personal favorite is only available in the summer, so I’m probably going to snag some Kona ones, maybe without the dark chocolate.”

  Luca nods and slides his hand into mine, holding it tightly as he gives Tua a quick nod. “Give me thirty minutes, and I’ll return to the Tua Torture Chamber without any further complaint.”

  Tua nods as well as Luca pulls on his shirt, leaving it open like I’d styled him earlier. As we walk towards the grand buffet that’s still laid out, despite looking like a ravenous pack of wild dogs descended on it, I nudge Luca gently in the ribs. “It’s looking good. You going to tell me what it’s going to be.”

  Luca shakes his head. “Absolutely not. Tua’s sworn me to secrecy until it’s finished.”

  I pout as we walk up to the table and start loading the delectable-smelling feast onto plates. Luca chuckles and kisses the top of my head. “ It’ll be part of me permanently. You’re going to get to see it every day for the rest of our lives, Emily. Which reminds me, despite how delicious those cookies sound, I better limit myself…”

  I glance up at him and raises an eyebrow. “Are you trying to diet on vacation?”

  Luca shrugs. “Nah, but I want to make sure I save room for the all you can eat buffet I plan to enjoy tonight once we get to the rental and settled into the honeymoon suite.”

  I give him a confused look at first as I ask, “Is there room service? How are you going to an all you can eat buffet?”

  Luca smirks and leans his lips down to my ear, whispering hotly, “I’m going to take off your clothes and devour you…”


sp; “Oh, my God… Luca, stop!”

  Despite me begging as I writhe on the bed underneath him, Luca doesn’t stop. In fact, my desperate pleas make him amp up the attention he’s giving me. He glances up at me from between my legs, but doesn’t pull his mouth away from my pussy. Instead, his cheeks rise and eyes twinkle as he pushes my legs further apart and plunges his tongue inside of me, scraping his teeth along the sensitive nub of flesh that responds to him instantly.

  I yowl as my ass jumps off the bed, but Luca wraps his strong arms around my thighs and tugs me against him, burying his face into my cunt as he shakes his head back and forth. The sensations that zip through my body at the intimate contact of bearded cheeks and chin with the oversensitive nerves of everything between my legs makes me loll my head back as it rolls from side to side on my shoulders.

  I squeeze my eyes shut as the muscles inside my pussy clench around his tongue in waves that have my entire body squirming. He finally comes up for air, but I get no relief as he buries two fingers inside of my already-twitching cunt and sits up between my legs. I pry my eyes open to gaze up at him and the sight of him hungrily watching me as I get off for the third time intensifies the pleasure that’s wracking my body as he fingers me.


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