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Jaider's Desire (Cosmis Warriors Book 1)

Page 5

by Ruby Winter

  “This feels so wonderful,” I panted.

  “You are a vision,” he said almost reverently. He put his large hands on my breasts, squeezing and massaging them while I took control of moving my hips in a circular motion.

  My long hair was wild and all over the place as it trailed down my back and over my chest. I felt wild and animalistic with this alien, and looking down at him underneath me was very hot. He was unlike anything I had ever seen, and I was so turned on by the sight of him.

  “I feel it,” I panted, increasing my pace. “I’m going to come again.”

  Jaider pressed my nipples with his thumb and forefinger, playing with them like he was tuning a radio, and I couldn’t hold on any longer. I exploded into another orgasm, and this one shook me to my core.

  I moved slower on top of him as I grew more sensitive to the pulsing feeling raging through my body.

  “Damn, you are so incredibly sexy,” he groaned. And as though he couldn’t stand not being in control, he grabbed my waist, and then rolled me back against the grass with him on top of me, keeping our hips locked against each other.

  He was ravaging me, and it felt so damn good. I loved knowing he felt this much desire for me. He tensed up and whispered against my ear.

  “Molly, I am going to come. I am going to release my seed inside of you. You are so warm and so tight,” he panted. “I cannot hold back any longer. Let me come inside you, Molly.”

  I locked my legs around his hips in response, pushing him deeper inside of me. I wanted it. I wanted all of him.

  I felt his warm seed flow through me once more, his breathing ragged until he got it under control. I let his body rest on mine, keeping my legs wrapped around his hips as much as I could.

  It was perfect being wrapped around him while he stayed inside of me. It felt right.

  We fell asleep like this, and I had no idea when we finally moved apart, but it was during the middle of the night.

  When I finally woke up the next day, there was a large thin cloth covering my body.

  Whatever magic happened between us that night was gone by morning. As the sun came up and hit my eyes, I awoke to find Jaider packing up the camp. I pulled the cloth off of me as I sat up and smiled dreamily at him.

  “Get up. Get dressed,” he said.

  “Is it morning already?” I mumbled sleepily, stretching my arms up over my head in a sensual manner. I felt like I was on top of the world after having so many orgasms last night. I was actually tempted to ask him for more, but he wouldn’t even turn to look at me.

  “We have a long climb ahead of us. It’s going to take around half a day, if not more,” he said, avoiding making eye contact with me. I smiled at him as I tried to catch his eye, but it quickly faded. I realized something changed in him, and he wasn’t going to address me the same way as last night.

  I didn’t know what I was expecting, I guess just because we were intimate didn’t mean he still owed me any special treatment.

  “Yes, Commander,” I said drily. I knew there was no use in being angry.

  Now I only wanted to focus on Emma, as that was the entire reason for this trip. I couldn’t let my confusion with this alien get in the way of rescuing her.

  “Ready?” he asked, throwing his pack over his back. I pulled mine diagonally over my body and nodded.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I said, walking toward him. He stopped moving and looked at me, my heart skipping a beat at his stare.

  “About last night, Molly…,” he trailed off. I stared up at him, waiting.

  Finally, he was going to say something. He was going to be sweet and admit he enjoyed being with me.

  I smiled. “Yes? What about it?” I asked, and he took a deep breath.

  “I need you to never speak of it again,” he said, and his words crashed into me like a freight train. “You must keep it a secret. We must pretend as though it never happened. My heart does not belong to you. I don’t want one night of being drunk and indulging myself to ruin what I could have with a Revian female. Is that understood?”

  My heart sank to my stomach. I didn’t know why I expected him to say something nice. He had already proven how rude and heartless he was, so why was I expecting anything more from him? But his rejection still hurt like hell.

  I straightened up to my full height, putting my chin in the air, “I have already forgotten about it. You weren’t that good anyway,” I said, acting nonchalant and pretending I wasn’t affected.

  He froze in his tracks behind me, and I kept walking, feeling a sick satisfaction from insulting him. I wanted him to feel bad, and be hurt by my words, because damn it, I felt really pissed off about it.

  “This way. We’re going up,” he said stiffly, walking toward a path leading up the side of the mountain.

  We walked for hours, and I was still infuriated, but being out of breath the entire time kept me from lashing out at him. When we finally reached the top, the day was halfway over.

  “Stay here and rest, I’m going to peek over the edge. This could be very dangerous,” Jaider warned.

  I was glad to take a rest. I sat down on a rock, and pulled off my boots and socks, letting my toes wiggle in the air. I leaned back and let the sun’s rays soak into my skin as I waited for news from Jaider.

  “My father was right,” he announced as he returned. I tilted my head.

  “About what?” I asked him.

  “There is a Compier base on the other side of this mountain,” he said. “I have found a suitable spot for us to sit and watch, but we must be very quiet. Remember, Molly. We must be very careful. Do you understand?” he asked, and I nodded.

  “Yes, show me,” I said, hurriedly putting my socks and boots back on.

  I followed him to a spot on the other side of the ridge, laying low to the ground on our bellies and looking down at the Compier’s base. I couldn’t believe how close we were to it. His military skills were really shining through, as it was a very good hiding spot.

  I couldn’t believe how the Compiers looked. They were nothing like the Revians. They were somewhat human-like, but more of a cross between lizards and people, and the sight of them was quite unnerving. They didn’t have that beautiful look of the Revians, as they were entirely more menacing looking. Just the thought of Emma being held captive by them was very disturbing to think about.

  We began to watch as two of the Compiers starting fighting each other over some food, or whatever it was they were arguing about, they just started wrestling across the ground with their long tails whipping about violently. They had long forked tongues that flickered out of their mouths as they scratched at each other with long razor-sharp claws.

  After a couple minutes, they were pulled apart by another Compier who seemed to be the one in charge. As he yelled at them, his words caught our attention.

  “You need to go feed the human, stop this fighting!” he yelled.

  “Yes, Captain Yizer!” the two Compiers yelled back. I turned to look at Jaider, and he placed his finger in front of his mouth, shaking his head and signaling for me to keep quiet. I nodded and we both followed the Compiers with our eyes as they disappeared out of sight.

  Jaider motioned for me to stay low on the ground and move in the direction where they disappeared. As I followed, I gasped in surprise when I caught a glimpse of Emma. Jaider quickly put his hand over my mouth and I nodded. He furrowed his eyebrows at me but let me go.

  Emma was being kept in a large cage, about the size of a small car. She looked well enough, but the gaunt of her face and the hysteric look in her eyes told us she was probably scared out of her mind.

  When one of the Compiers approached the cage, she moved to the furthermost corner, cowering away from them. As the cage was opened, and food and drink were given to her, my heart sank. She immediately scampered towards the food and ate it as soon as the Compier left.

  I felt so guilty. She was being kept in such horrendous conditions, w
hereas Betty, Amy, and I were being treated fairly well. I wanted to cry, but I bit my lip and held it in. I felt so helpless I couldn’t do anything to help her, but I knew I had to keep quiet.

  I felt Jaider’s hand wrap around my arm, and he motioned with his head for me to follow him back to the area we had rested.

  “Oh my God, Jaider. We have to get her out of there. What can we do? What can I do?” I pleaded, but he shook his head sadly.

  “We can’t do anything for her right now. Remember, our only mission today was to gather data,” he said. “Did you recognize the human captive? Is she Emma?”

  “Yes, that’s her,” I answered.

  “Good, then for now, our mission is complete. We have to report back to my father and the Council so they can organize a rescue mission for her, as well as clean out and raid this Compier base. We must go now before we are caught,” he said, and he began to move back down the path we came.

  I blinked in surprise, and held him by the arm to stop him from taking another step.

  “That’s it? Is there no way for us to sneak in there? I mean, we can do it, right? I know we can!” I begged, but he shook his head again.

  “No, we cannot. You don’t know what we are up against,” he said, his eyes wide and willing me to understand. “The Compiers are fierce warriors. They’re not like us. They’re more animal-like in their ways, and if they catch us, they’ll kill us on sight, and then we’ll never be able to save Emma. Please, Molly. We have to leave,” he said.

  “But how can we just leave her like that? It’s not right! I mean, look at her!” I cried. He placed his hands on top of my shoulders and squeezed gently.

  “I understand where you’re coming from, Molly, and I admire your courage,” he said softly. “You have more warrior in you than you know, and more than most. Believe me, I would want to do the same if it was someone I cared for, but it would be suicide for us to go down there unprepared. You would be killed or captured, and possibly inside that cage with her, do you understand?” he said, trying to reason with me.

  “Well, maybe that’s not so bad. She won’t be alone, at least. You’re going back to the Council to tell them the base is here, right? Since you’ll be coming back anyway to release her, and to capture the base, what are a few days in a cage with her? At least she won’t be alone,” I said defiantly.

  He was silent as he looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

  “You would do that for your friend?” he asked softly, and I nodded.

  “Yes, I would,” I said.

  “You are a very brave human, Molly,” he said, “But I cannot allow it. The Council has given you to me as my wife, and even though I don’t plan on going through with the agreement, I cannot let you wander off to your own death.” He patted my shoulders again before walking past me.

  He was right. And I was still mad at him. The sooner we returned to the village, the sooner they could plan this raid and get Emma back, I thought to myself. And then the agreement would be broken, and I wouldn’t have to be stuck with him.

  It pained me that even on a planet starving for human female companionship, I was still overlooked. Here I am the ridiculed receptionist all over again.

  After a long walk back, we finally made it down the mountain. We passed the campsite, and as we did, a heat rushed through my body as I thought about what happened last night.

  “I’m going to cover up the tracks we left here. Follow that path a few steps that way, but no more than that,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Commander,” I quipped in annoyance. I took a few steps, and then turned to watch as he poured fresh dirt on the old fire pile. He also erased the body prints on the ground where we sat and ate while he told me about the Compiers. Then he erased the prints where we made love.

  Any trace of us being together was completely deleted. It was as if it never happened, just like he wanted.

  We didn’t speak a word the entire hike back to the ship, and that was fine with me. I didn’t have anything to say to him. I just wanted to be back with Betty and Amy at this point.


  We arrived at the village, and he walked to the living quarters, pulling me aside before whispering in my ear.

  “Remember what I said. It is our secret. It never happened,” I pulled my head away, and fixed him with an infuriated glare.

  “You don’t have to remind me,” I hissed at him with my teeth bared. I didn’t want to speak to him anymore. I wanted him out of my sight.

  I stomped away and nodded towards the guard, rushing inside the quarters as soon as he opened the door. I took a deep breath, as a feeling of relief flooded over me. I was glad to finally be rid of him.

  “Molly!” Betty cried as she ran to my side.

  “Oh, my God! We thought they killed you!” Amy cried out, tackling me into a hug. She immediately pulled back and looked at me worriedly. “What happened?”

  “It’s fine. I’m okay. They only needed me to go and identify Emma,” I explained. “I was taken to a place on the other side of the planet to find her.”

  “Identify?! You mean, like checking a body?!” Amy said in alarm. “Oh, my God, is she dead?” I shook my head vigorously, raising my hand to calm her down.

  “No, she’s alive. They just wanted me to go so that she wouldn’t be mixed up with any other missing female,” I told her. I was suddenly feeling exhausted from all of their questions.

  “Well, did you find her? Where is she?” Betty asked.

  “We did. The Compiers have her in a secret location a few hours from here. They’re holding her captive, but now that they know where she is, a rescue mission is being planned to bring her back. Don’t worry, guys. Everything will be fine,” I assured them as I sat down on the bed, utterly spent.

  “Are you alright?” Amy asked with a frown. She filled up a glass with water and handed it to me. “You look very tired and drained.”

  “I’m exhausted. It was a very long hike there and back, and a long night as well. I just need to eat and rest, and then I’ll be fine,” I said, smiling at her gratefully before drinking the water all in one chug.

  Betty brought over a tray of fruit, and I ate it while they asked more questions about my travel. I told them all about the ugly lizard aliens, and the amazing environment and creatures, and they seemed to be hanging onto my every word.

  I purposely left out that I was alone with Commander Katon, and just made it sound like I was with a group. If they found out it was just the two of us together, they would no doubt realize something more happened, and I couldn’t allow even a hint of it to escape my mouth.

  When they were finally satisfied with my story, I settled into my bed, and willed myself to fall asleep. Images of Jaider naked and on top of me kept popping into my head. I never want to think about it again, but my mind was not letting me forget it.

  The fact that Jaider’s love was not with me bothered me so much. I couldn’t understand why it was hurting me that he wanted to keep it a secret. I mean, it’s not like I was planning on telling anyone anyway. Also, his father wanted us to marry, so what was he going to tell him then?

  These aliens only want human females to create offspring; I thought sadly, they didn’t want any love or romance.

  It didn’t matter anymore, though. We completed the mission, and that meant Jaider could do whatever he wanted, and he wanted to be with a Revian female, not me. I’ll probably be assigned to another one eventually, so all I had left to do was wait.

  Chapter 6

  Commander Jaider Katon

  I couldn’t get back to the village fast enough. The knowledge about the secret Compier base needed to be addressed immediately. I had all the information we needed to stage a raid, but more than that, I wanted—no, needed, Molly far away from me.

  If I spent any more time alone with her, there was a big possibility I would take her again, and what I did was already weighing heavily on me.

  I couldn’t blame
it all on the drinking though, as I had been sober when I kissed her in the creek before, and yet I still yearned for her. I would never forgive myself if this got out in the open to all the Revian females. I have prided myself on being the one male in our society to stay loyal to them, and not seek out a human female, despite my father’s push to make it so.

  And that was why no one could ever know. I would have to keep it from everyone, as I still had every intention of marrying a female of my own kind. There was no way I could let that one night with a human female stop me from keeping my promise, as they did not deserve it.

  Maybe they don’t deserve a wretch like me.

  Revian females are too good for me to break their heart and abandon them. They are kind, and always look after others before themselves.

  I had to push Molly out of my mind and convince myself it was only lust I felt that night.

  As soon as I returned to the village and sent Molly back to her living quarters, I immediately went to see my father to give him the results of my investigation.

  “You were right, Father. We did find a Compier base,” I told him. “They have the human female named Emma as a prisoner. It’s exactly where you thought it might be on the other side of the Ridge Mountains of the Torik Forest. Molly even confirmed it’s indeed Emma they’re holding there.” I finished giving my report as I stood in front of him in his quarters.

  “Good. You have done well, my son. We’ll report this to the Council now. I will walk with you there,” he said, putting on his belt and boots. As I waited for him to get ready, I took a deep breath and started to speak about another matter.

  “The mission you gave me is complete. I would like to remind you of the bargain we made before we left,” I started. “You said that if I completed this, then you would allow me to be with a Revian female, and I’m holding you to that agreement.”


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