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Page 11

by K. D. Jones

  Sophia brushed her hair back and straightened her clothes. “I have nothing to do with all this, let me go.”

  Dom snorted. “You stole Nigel’s phone and let me check the messages—” He paused to scroll down Nigel’s messages. “You pretended to be Nigel and asked her to go down to the lobby which is the place the cameras on the ship spotted her. Did you do all that?”

  “Even if I had, you can’t prove it!” Sophia crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly.

  “He doesn’t have to, we all heard you admit to it just now.” Rachel said as she came through the open suite door followed by her second Trig Roberts and several of their security people.

  “I’m still recording too.” Dom lifted his phone in the air. He turned to Rachel, “How did you know where we were?”

  “Your hacker called me, by the way does she always talk so damn much?”

  Dom rolled his eyes. “Yes, and she doesn’t like the term hacker.”

  “Anyway, Sam traced Amelia’s phone and was pissed that it took so long, but Amelia was being moved from location to location. She’s settled in one place now.”

  Nigel released Clark and stood up facing Rachel. “You found her? Is she hurt?”

  “Easy there Nigel, the IDJ are coming here in just a few minutes to take Trig to retrieve her. I would have gone myself but Rage won’t let me.” She rubbed her small baby bump peeking through her tight t-shirt.

  “I want to go with you.” Nigel looked at Trig, he was fighting his instincts to punch something, he had to remain calm and find his female.

  “That’s why we’re here, to see if you wanted to go with Trig. Also, we’ll be taking this asshole into custody and holding him in our detainment cell until the GCFA formally charges him and the IDJ can pick him up.”

  Clark still thought he could plead his case. “Miss Kegan, I want to press charges against Nigel. He attacked me and—”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Oh shove it up you ding dong. Nobody here believes your bullshit.” She put her hand on Nigel’s arm, “They’re waiting for you in the lobby. Go get your woman.”

  “Thanks.” Nigel took off out of the suite followed by Trig. His heart was beating so fast he thought it would break free from his body. Thankfully the elevator got them down to the lobby level. The IDJ officers were waiting at the entrance. Trig knew them.

  “Officer Daniels, thanks for getting here so quickly.” Trig shook hands with the officer. “This is Nigel, he’ll be coming with us.”

  “Mr. Nige—”

  He shook his head slightly out of breath. “Let’s go.”

  “Sir, you are to remain in the patrol car at all times.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “We don’t know what type of situation we will be walking into. We need to make sure there are no surprises so we need to make sure you are not in the mix. You will remain in the patrol car until we have the situation under control. Do you understand?”

  “Whatever, let’s just get going.” His female was in danger and this asshole wanted to have a conversation. If he thinks Nigel is just going to sit idly by and not go in for Amelia, then he is sadly mistaken. He was willing to kill anyone who tried to keep him from his mate.

  Trig put his hand on Nigel’s shoulder reassuring him. “I’ll remain with Nigel, but if his female is in trouble, make sure your men stay out of his way.”

  Nigel looked at Trig with gratefulness. At least someone understood what he was feeling.


  Amelia woke up with a dry mouth, painful headache and angrier than she had ever been in her life. Carefully adjusting so that she didn’t make any noise to tip off the meatheads in the front seat, she surveyed her surroundings.

  She listened to what they were saying. At first the driver was receiving texts from their boss, which she assumed was Clark. Boy she was going to kick that man’s ass the next time she saw him. About thirty minutes later, the driver started complaining.

  “Where the hell is he?”

  “Calm down, Losi, Mr. Davidson is meeting with the GCFA board members. Nigel will be forced to resign and claim his guilt over stealing that money. He’ll be taken into custody. I’m sure this will be all over soon enough and we’ll have our money.”

  “You’re a pussy, Denny. Davidson ain’t going to pay us jack shit. He’ll probably throw us to the wolves.”

  “So what do you want to do? We already grabbed the girl.”

  “I say we get rid of her and get the hell out of here. Davidson was going to have us dump her dead body somewhere anyway. Let’s not wait on him and just get rid of her now.”

  Oh shit! Clark really was behind her kidnapping he was going to have her killed. She had to get out of there. She lifted her head up and tried to gauge where they were. It looked like some kind of underground parking garage. Maybe if she could roll the shuttle window down far enough to climb out—no that won’t work, she had too many curves and they would see her struggling to get out. It was all she needed was to be wedged ass deep in a window.

  She listened to them making plans to kill her and leave her body in the garage. Her heart raced. She turned and watched as they both turned to get out of the shuttle. The driver left the key in the ignition. She had one chance but she had to act quickly.

  When the two men got out she jumped up and squeezed into the front seat. She hit the button for closing all doors and locked them. The men were beating on the doors trying to get her to open them.

  “Bitch! Open this door right now!”

  Like she was stupid enough to do that? She snorted. She bit her bottom lip and turned the key. The shuttle turned on. This was bigger than anything she had ever driven before. Amelia tried to put it in reverse but when she looked at the backup viewer, she felt a jerk from the shuttle like it was trying to stop her so she applied more gas. The whole shuttle, instead of moving backward lurched forward and then she felt a bump at the same time she heard someone screaming outside the shuttle. She looked up and saw the guy named Denny looking down at the ground.

  “You ran over Losi you bitch!”

  She tried to put the shuttle in reverse again, but Denny took out a gun and shot at the shuttle. Smoke started to come out from under the hood. The front window shattered and she ducked down to keep from being struck by bullets.

  Was this it? Was she going to die in some dirty underground garage and never get to see Nigel again, touch or kiss him again? Never have little baby Nigels running around? She wanted that, a future and a family with Nigel. This asshole was going to take that away from her. Well to hell with that!

  Amelia looked around for a weapon, any kind of weapon. She glanced in the backseat and grabbed the only thing she could find just as the driver’s door was pried opened and a hand reached inside to drag her out of the shuttle. She kicked and screamed but the guy had a good hold of her.

  “I’m going to fill your body full of bullets and enjoy every fucking second of it!” Denny threw her down to the concrete floor.

  She took hold of the strap in her hand and used her hands against the ground to shove herself up. She swung with all her might and knocked his hand holding the gun with her purse, his arm swung wide. The gun went off but she didn’t stop. She swung again and again, hitting him in the chest, then the side, then his head. He went down and she kept hitting him over and over. He somehow still had the gun in his hand and raised it trying to aim it at her face.

  She heard a terrifying roar that sounded like a lion from close by. A flash from the corner of her eye let her know that someone else was joining the fight but then she was thrown a few feet away. She hit the ground hard and it knocked the wind out of her.

  She heard the gun go off but, didn’t feel any bullets hitting her body. She turned to see what was going on and was shocked to find Nigel was there and he was punching Denny. Over and over he hit the limp man. She didn’t want Nigel to kill him and have blood on his hands because of her. She had to stop him.

  Amelia cr
awled slowly toward them. “Nigel.” He didn’t hear her at first, it was like he was in some kind of rage. Did Sorian halfsies experiences Beastial rages?

  “Nigel! I need you!” She called out a little louder trying to get his attention.

  Finally, Nigel turned her way and dropped Denny to the ground. The other man wasn’t moving but she hoped he was still breathing. Nigel’s eyes locked with hers and she couldn’t help but start crying.


  He was there in a heartbeat pulling her up into his arms. “Are you okay, baby?” He lifted her gently up in his arms and walked them away toward the ambulance that was pulling up. IDJ officers were scouring the garage and gathering the two men.

  She couldn’t stop crying and her words came out garbled.

  “What did you say?” Nigel asked.

  “I think I killed someone with the shuttle.”

  Nigel looked over toward the shuttle where the paramedics were pulling one of the men off the floor. “He’s breathing baby, don’t worry about it.”

  “I was so scared.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” He kissed her forehead.


  “What is it sweetness?”

  “I’m going to pass...” For the second time that day she caved into the darkness and let her body go slack.

  Chapter 21

  Nigel continued to hold Amelia, despite the paramedics insistence that she be laid on a stretcher for the ride to the hospital. They checked her over and said that the drugs that were used to knock her out were almost out of her system, but that she was bruised all over. Nothing that a healing shot and a few days of bedrest wouldn’t help. He felt tremendous relief at hearing that. He would never forget the moment he thought he had lost her.

  He had just arrived with the IDJ when he saw the male drag Amelia out of the shuttle and point the gun at her. He felt such rage, Trig and the IDJ officers couldn’t hold him back. He shoved his way out of the patrol car with two thoughts, save Amelia and kill the male hurting her.

  Amelia, his Amelia, was defending herself with her handbag. She was a spitfire and he loved that about her, he loved her more than anything or anyone. The thought that someone would take her from him was unacceptable.

  He was already running for them when he saw the male raise the gun and point it at her. Something inside of him wild and ferocious broke loose and his speed tripled, he ran faster than he had ever run before in his life. He reached them, knocking Amelia away. He pounded the male over and over, he wanted to tear him apart for having hurt his mate. He would have too if not for Amelia, his angel.

  A voice called to him from far away. It was a familiar voice. He knew that voice and loved that voice because it belonged to Amelia. He turned to look for her, she was crawling toward him.

  “Nigel. Nigel! I need you!”

  Nigel’s eyes locked with hers and she started crying.


  He couldn’t take her tears, it brought him back in control of his emotions in a heartbeat. He dropped the unconscious male to the ground and went to her taking her into his arms. Never in his entire life, not since his mother died had he ever been so scared.

  They took her to the nearest hospital. News reporters were already outside lined up when they pulled up to the Emergency Room entrance. When something like this happened with one of his fighters, he was the one they called to handle the press. He would have Amelia help him draft a statement or she would run the statement to the local press herself. Now it was them having to handle things. She must have sensed his thoughts.

  She reached up and touched his face. “Call Dom. He’ll take care of the press.”

  He kissed her forehead. “ don’t worry about anything. I’ve got this.”

  He pulled out his phone and called Dom who answered on the first ring.

  “Nigel, did you find her? Is she okay?”

  “She’s injured. The ambulance just pulled up to First and Second Memorial. There are reporters here already. I don’t know how they found out this quickly.”

  “I’m on it. Don’t worry about anything. Keep me updated.”

  “I will.” He hung up feeling relieved that Dom was there to help.

  “Sir, we really need to put her on the stretcher to take her inside. We’ll also be able to block the camera crews from getting any clear shots that way too.”

  He reluctantly laid Amelia down on the stretcher. Her big blue eyes stared up at him with concern. He stroked her cheek reassuringly. “I’m going to be right next to you the whole time, they won’t be able to tear me away from you. I promise.”

  She nodded her head but her whole body started to shake. “I’m fine, jusss—shhhooook—up.”

  Nigel looked up at the paramedic worried.

  “She’s starting to go into shock, we were expecting it. Let me give her a sedative.”

  Amelia protested. “Noooo I donnn’t…”

  “Baby it will be alright.” Nigel nodded for the paramedic to go ahead with the shot. He held her hand until it grew limp.

  “We’re ready to move her.” The paramedic motioned for Nigel to step back. He let them get her out of the ambulance first, then he followed making sure to keep his body between the reporters and Amelia.

  They tried to give him a hard time about not being allowed into her room unless he was family. He told them he was Amelia’s fiancé which solved the problem.


  “I want her in a private room. I will pay whatever it costs.” Nigel insisted when they finished examining her and tried placing her in a shared room.

  “Nigel, I don’t need my own room. The healers are only keeping me twenty-four hours.” Amelia moved to a sitting position.

  “Don’t move, honey.” He went to her and lifted her hand to his lips. The nurse had closed the curtains giving them a little privacy. She felt so much better the moment he touched her.

  “I told them I was your fiancé,” he admitted.

  She smiled but it hurt too much. “It’s not the first time someone suggested our engagement.”

  He smiled at her. “Well, Dom had us engaged first, and the idea is starting to grow on me. What do you think, do you want to be my wife?”

  “Are you seriously asking me to marry you while I’m bruised, half drugged and sitting in a hospital room?”

  He gave her a sexy half lop-sided smile. “Not the most romantic proposal huh?”

  She shook her head. “No, but I’ll take it.”

  He stilled. “Is that a yes?”

  She smiled up at him ignoring the pain. “Yes.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her gently. “I love you, baby.”

  “I love you too.” She scooted over so he could lie down on the small bed next to her. She turned and nuzzled his chest taking in his scent. He always made her feel safe.

  “I feel funny”

  He squeezed her closer. “They gave you healing drugs and a sedative to help you sleep.”



  “I want lots of babies. Lots and lots of little baby Nigels.”

  Nigel looked down at her and chuckled. He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll give you as many as you want.”

  “Good.” She then fell asleep.

  Nigel held her in his arms and closed his eyes. Images of their children running around his office had him feeling something he had never felt before, a need for a family. Amelia was his and now, he wanted them to build a family of their own. He would do everything he could to make that happen. He rubbed her stomach and his cock hardened at the thought of planting his seed. He couldn’t wait to get started.


  The next day

  Amelia smiled at Nigel as he carried her through the door of his suite. “I can walk you know.”

  “Human men carry their women over the threshold. That’s what Zen told me.”

  “That’s after they are married. The groom carries his bride over the threshol

  Nigel snorted. “We’re mates, close enough. I’ll just carry you over the threshold and we can skip the wedding.”

  “Oh no you don’t, you asked me to marry you and I plan to make you keep that promise.”

  He smiled. “You also made me promise to give you babies, lots and lots of babies.”

  She felt heat rise to her cheeks. “I was on drugs.”

  “I plan to keep both my promises.” He carried her to the bedroom. “It’ll be interesting to see which happens first, the baby or the wedding.”

  She giggled when he dropped her on the bed. “I am not going to walk down the aisle with a big pregnant belly.”

  “Then we need to hurry up with the wedding plans. I believe Alona and Sersan are already making the arrangements.”

  Amelia groaned and covered her face. “They’re going to do too much.” She felt him sit down next to her and placed his hands on top of her hers uncovering her face.

  She had been released from the hospital earlier that morning. Dom had stopped by and told them that Clark, Sophia and the two men from the garage were in custody without bail. The two men and Sophia all three turned on Clark, testifying that he was behind everything including making the plans to kill Amelia.

  The GCFA asked Nigel to accept his position back and Nigel accepted, with a condition that he receive a raise for both him and Amelia. Now they were home and ready to start planning their wedding.

  “You are so cute.” Nigel kissed her forehead.

  She tried to pout like she had seen Sophia do, but on her it just felt weird. Obviously she was doing it wrong because he broke out in laughter. She punched him on his chest.

  “Don’t laugh at me!”

  “Sorry baby. I’m just—you make me happy.”

  She looked at his face and his eyes and could see the joy there. “I do?”


  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down to her. “You make me happy too.”

  “I have something for you.”

  She smiled with excitement. “What is it?”

  “I know my earlier proposal wasn’t very romantic so I thought I would make it up to you.”


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