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Free Agent - FINAL- ARe

Page 2

by Roz Lee

“I’m sure.” She wasn’t about to tell her friend which man it was. A woman was entitled to her private fantasies.

  “I only see one.”

  Brooke followed the direction of her cohort’s gaze, and her breath caught in her throat.

  “He’s looking at you.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.” His gaze held hers for a breath-stealing minute then slowly descended to her breasts. Released from the strength of his stare, she focused on the hand holding a tumbler at his chest. He brought the glass to his lips.

  Without thinking, her hand dropped to the juncture of her thighs, her middle finger finding her swollen clit. Seeing her movement, he leaned a little to one side.

  She didn’t know what made her do it. Her finger brushed her clit once. Twice. Again. She tumbled over the edge. Spasms racked her body, her pussy clenching so hard the muscles in her abdomen felt like someone had taken a cattle prod to them. She bit her bottom lip to hold in the cries choking her vocal chords. With her free hand, she held onto the edge of the table, a tiny scrap of sanity in the chaos enveloping her body.

  “He might not be looking, but he’s definitely looking,” Karen said, turning back, undoubtedly to offer more words of unwanted encouragement. She reached out, grabbing Brooke by both arms, supporting her before her knees buckled. “Did you just come?” Her eyes were wide with disbelief. “You just came! Oh my God!”


  “Don’t even try to deny it. Girl, if you don’t introduce yourself to him, blue band or not, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Yes, you can.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out before downing the rest of her soda in one long gulp. Good thing she hadn’t had anything stronger or no telling what she might have done. Strip naked and walk across the room to offer herself to him. Yeah, that sounded right. She wasn’t sure what she’d actually done had been any less revealing or humiliating.

  “What’s he doing?” she asked, not daring to look his way again.

  “He just ordered another drink. Telling, don’t you think?”

  “No.” She couldn’t allow herself to think her shameless act had affected him anywhere near as much as it had her. “I’m so embarrassed. I can’t believe I just did that.”

  “He is gorgeous, isn’t he? Do you know him?”

  “Never saw him before.”

  “But you’d get on your knees for him if he asked.”

  She confessed her earlier thoughts about stripping naked in the middle of the room for him. “Yeah. But blue. Remember?”

  “Maybe he just didn’t want to be bothered by every sub in the place tonight. He sure seemed interested in your little performance.”

  Brooke buried her face in her hands. “Half the people in here probably saw that.”

  “Half is probably being too generous. Maybe twenty-five percent.”


  “Look. What have you got to lose? Go over there, say hello, drop your gaze and see if he takes the lead. If not, then you might as well go on home. There isn’t a Dom in here who would take what they think is clearly his. Not without an invitation, at least.”

  She hadn’t thought of that. The BDSM crowd had rules, and poaching was high on the list of don’ts. To the rest of the group, it must have looked as if she was his and they were playing some sort of private game with each other—a bar pickup or come-in-public challenge. Her friend was right. There wasn’t another Dom in the bar who would approach her.

  “I’m going home,” she said.

  “You’ve got to go past him to get to the door.” Her grin was wicked. “What have you got to lose? Stop and introduce yourself.”

  “I can’t. God, isn’t there another way out of this place?”

  “Nope. Cassandra doesn’t let people go through the kitchen unless it’s an emergency.”

  If her predicament wasn’t an emergency, she didn’t know what was. She stopped short of voicing the thought, sighing instead. “I’ll see you soon. I’ll get out of your way so you can find someone. Maybe his friend?”

  Karen glanced at the two men still talking at the bar. “Maybe. He’s hot, too.”

  “I suppose.”

  “Girl, you’ve got it bad. Go on, now. Scoot on out of here before you make yourself come again. How embarrassing would that be?”

  Chapter Three

  Todd signaled the bartender for another soda. He needed something cold to send down his gullet to put out the fire raging inside him, and he needed a few seconds to decide what to do next.

  He’d sensed her gaze on him a while ago, but since he wasn’t at The Buggy Whip to pick up anyone, he’d resisted the urge to look. He was used to being stared at, assessed. It usually didn’t bother him, but for some reason tonight, he felt this person’s scrutiny all the way down to his toes. Hell, he’d been half-hard before he finally gave in and glanced around, cautiously. He had no intention of encouraging her. He wasn’t about to get involved with a woman—not when he wouldn’t be sticking around for the long haul—and one-night stands didn’t hold the appeal they once did.

  He singled her out just as she turned back to face the others at her table, giving him an opportunity to return the favor of cataloguing her assets.

  She was stunning. A corset and short skirt hugged rather than defined her shapely petite frame. Honey-blonde hair hung in soft waves over bare shoulders, framing fine features, porcelain fair skin, and blue eyes. A red bracelet indicated she was available. Deciding he liked the package, he waited to see if she would check him out again.

  She glanced at the woman beside her then nervously, he thought, her attention darted back to him. For a moment, he was unable to look away. It was as if she saw past his defenses, right to his soul.

  Fuck. He’d never had fanciful thoughts, so why was he now? He jerked his gaze down to her breasts. His skin did that thing again, prickling wherever she looked. She seemed fixated on his hand, so he raised his glass to his lips and drank.

  Her arm dropped to her side. A zing of electricity ran from his nape all the way to his balls. What the fuck was she doing? Leaning to one side, he watched, completely and utterly fascinated, as her middle finger toyed with a spot she had no business touching without permission from someone.

  He leaned heavier on the bar, clutching the cool glass in one hand, contracting the other into a tight fist. It took all of thirty seconds, perhaps less, before she came. Right there in the bar. God, he’d never seen anything like it. Anger, hot and surprisingly violent, shot through him. He turned away, threw the remainder of his soda down his throat in one gulp, and ordered another.

  What had the little cunt been thinking? He wasn’t looking for companionship, but she clearly had other ideas. He should lay her out on the bar, hike her skirt up to her waist, and paddle her ass until she came again. He’d teach her to top from the bottom.

  “You okay?” Adam asked.

  “Yeah, just fucking fine.” He leaned both forearms on the bar and stared into his refilled glass. “Tell me you didn’t set this up.”

  “Hey,” his friend laughed. “I wish I’d thought of it, but no. It’s just your lucky night, I guess.

  “Lucky night, my ass. I shouldn’t have come here.”

  “Well, you did, and if you don’t take her out of here, there are half a dozen other tops who will. They’re waiting to see what you’re going to do. I’m guessing most of them think she’s yours and this is some sort of scene you set up for her. The rest are praying it isn’t and that they have a chance with her. I’m in the last bunch.”

  He clenched his jaw tight and said through stiff lips, “Don’t fucking touch her, or I’ll twist your dick off.”

  The other Dom had the balls to chuckle. “Hey, man. I don’t poach. Can’t vouch for the rest of them.”

  “I don’t want her.” He hated the way the lie felt like a hot poker stabbing his heart. His cock was so hard he couldn’t think straight.

sp; “Whatever you say.” He glanced over his shoulder. “You’d better make up your mind fast. She’s leaving.”

  Oh, hell no, she wasn’t leaving. He swung around, prepared to stop her, but he resisted the urge. She sailed past him in her spike heels, her chin held high. Christ, she was a little thing. She almost looked fragile, but that was an illusion. Any woman who could do what she had just done had to be made of steel. Too bad he wasn’t staying around, and because he wasn’t, he let her walk out the door.

  “And here I thought you were a smart man,” Adam said, turning back to the bar once the door closed behind the mystery woman.

  “Shut the fuck up.”


  He couldn’t get her out of his mind. Two weeks had gone by since he’d seen her at The Buggy Whip, and he’d come to the Dungeon every night the team had been in town since in a futile attempt to find her. Why hadn’t he asked her name? She’d been with friends, he was sure of it, but it had been a matter of pride. He didn’t want to admit he’d made a mistake letting her walk out alone, and he sure as hell didn’t want the other Doms in the place knowing she wasn’t his just in case they found her before he did.

  Funny, he couldn’t remember seeing any of her friends from the munch at the Dungeon either. That meant they all played on the fringes, at home, among themselves, or they frequented one of the other clubs in the area.

  He was shit out of luck if either of those were the case. If they played within an insular group, he’d never find her, and he couldn’t very well go traipsing around to the other clubs. People knew and respected him at the Dungeon. He trusted them to keep his involvement in the lifestyle to themselves. He couldn’t expect the same discretion from a place he didn’t know. He couldn’t risk it. Being well known around town had its drawbacks for people with needs like his.

  “I thought you weren’t interested in casual pickups anymore.” Adam joined Todd at the small table in the social area where he’d set up his casual surveillance.

  At one time or another, nearly everyone in the Dungeon came through the space to grab a water bottle or meet friends. It was where the unattached hung out looking for action. She’d been looking for action then, so it stood to reason he’d find her here. If she came.

  “I’m not.”

  His companion crossed his arms on the table and scanned the crowd. “Looking for anyone in particular?”

  “I just said I’m not looking for anyone.”

  “But that was a lie. I know you. She got to you. You should have stopped her before she left that night and put a collar on her.”

  Fuck, yeah. On the field, indecision was the enemy. A player had split seconds, at best, to make a decision and commit to a plan of action if he hoped to have any success at all. The same applied to being a Dom.

  He’d known when he saw her he had to have her, but he’d been trying to do the right thing and not start something he would have to end—probably before either one of the was ready for it to end. What was the saying? Nice guys finish last. Or not at all. He’d turned down every sub who had looked his way since she’d walked out of the bar because none of them had been her.

  “I fucked up,” he admitted, focusing on the tepid water bottle he’d been hanging onto all evening like a buoy.

  “If you had a second chance, would you take it?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I would. All I’ve been able to think about is paddling her ass and showing her how much better it is with my dick inside her.”

  “Don’t look now, buddy, but you might get to do those things after all.”

  “What?” He jerked his head up, his gaze automatically going to the doorway. His heart could power half the city it was racing so fast.

  “That’s her, isn’t it?”

  “That’s her.”

  A red lace thing—nothing more than a wide band—hugged her every curve like an expensive sports car on a mountain road. From the looks of it, she didn’t have a stitch on underneath.

  “You going to go get her?”

  God, he wanted to, but for some perverse reason, he needed her to come to him. He forced his gaze back to his water bottle. “Not yet. Let’s see what she does. She might be with someone.”

  The pushy bastard leaned down, got in his face. “Have you lost your mind?” he asked in a tight-lipped growl meant only for Todd’s ears. “Go get her. Now. Before someone else does.”

  He shook his head. “Give her a few minutes. She’ll come to me.” He raised his head, following her movement. She crossed the room to another table where a couple of subs for the taking had set up shop, hoping for a chance to play. He knew two of the other three—he’d spent a few pleasurable hours with each of them, maybe more than once.

  “She’s talking to Candy.”

  “I see that,” he growled.

  The two women had their heads together, talking. Candy shifted her eyes, looking directly at him. She was perceptive, which made her an excellent sub. He inclined his head in a silent signal she was sure to understand. Her lips curved up on one side, and she winked at him before returning her attention to the woman in red.

  The two consorts pushed their chairs back and stood.

  “How did you do that?” Adam asked.


  “Know she would come to you. Get both of them to come to you.”

  He shrugged. “I have no idea. I only want the one in red. You can have Candy.”

  “I wasn’t going to play tonight.”

  “Then you can watch me.”

  “I might just do that.”

  The two women stopped in front of their table and stood, eyes downcast, waiting to be addressed. His palms itched. He dropped his hands beneath the table and flexed his fingers to keep from reaching for her.

  “Candy,” he said. “Permission to speak.”

  “Thank you, sir. I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine, if that pleases you.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Sir, this is Brooke. She has something she wants to tell you.”

  He refused to smile. It wouldn’t do for the minx to see how satisfied he was she had used the proper channels to approach him. She wasn’t a habitual rule-breaker, at least. Some subs craved pain so much they went out of their way to break the rules just for the pleasure of being punished. That wasn’t his style, but he’d never shied away from punishment when truly warranted. He turned his attention to the woman who had been driving him insane for the last two weeks.

  “Permission to speak.”

  “I’ve done something naughty, sir, and I need to be punished for it.” Her voice was soft, but she spoke boldly.

  Christ. His dick nearly leapt right out of his pants. He swallowed hard and reminded himself not to react the way he wanted to because he had a pretty good idea what she would say next. “What did you do?”

  “I saw you a few weeks ago at The Buggy Whip, sir. I’m ashamed to tell you, but I must. I should have that night, but I was too embarrassed.” She took a deep breath and let it out.

  Todd waited while she composed herself. She had to know she was taking a chance asking him to punish her not knowing anything about him, but he wouldn’t make it easy for her to confess. She’d been bold enough to commit the offense, so she needed to be bold enough to own up to it. That’s the only way they could have any kind of relationship.

  “I saw you across the room, sir, and I made myself come.”

  “You’ve come here seeking punishment for something you did without my permission?”

  “Yes, sir. I should have approached you that night and asked you for permission to come.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “Your bracelet said you weren’t looking. I thought you already had a sub.”

  “You were right not to approach me, under the circumstances, but you still took matters into your own hands.”

  “Yes, sir. I was sorry afterward. I knew I had to find you and apologize, and ask you to punish me. I understand if you already have a sub
and don’t want to bother with me. But, please, I beg you. I need to know you forgive me, so I can move on.”

  Silence could be as effective as any instrument of pain. He let the moments tick by. She stood her ground, the color leaching from her skin until he judged she understood her latest transgression—topping from the bottom.

  “You don’t have a master?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Very well, then. I accept your apology, and since it will make you feel better, I’ll administer an appropriate punishment. But I’m not looking for a sub. I want you to know that up front. I’ll take care of you tonight, but that’s all it will be. One night.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, sir. I understand.”

  He considered his options. He could modify his bar top fantasy, have her bend over the table, paddle her ass right here, and send her on her way afterward. His body argued against that scenario. If he only had one night with her, it wouldn’t be over that fast.

  “Candy,” he addressed the other sub who remained by her friend’s side. “Go up front and see if there’s a private room available. Any of them will do. If so, ask them to put it on my tab.”

  Adam looked at him with raised eyebrows as Candy left on the errand. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

  “I’m going to punish her so she doesn’t forget a sub doesn’t own her orgasms. She doesn’t choose when or how she will have them.”

  He had to give her credit. She remained perfectly still, her eyes averted while he discussed her upcoming punishment. Any Dom would admire a package like her, beautiful and disciplined enough to know she’d done something she shouldn’t have. That she owned up to it to a stranger either made her brave or stupid. He was inclined to believe the latter.

  “Why not a public room? Wouldn’t that be more effective?” Adam asked.

  “Not for what I have in mind. However, you’re welcome to watch.” He would teach this girl a lesson and enjoy every minute of the instruction. He could think of all manner of ways to make her pay for her misbehavior, and every one of them made his cock twitch in anticipation.

  “I’ll pass, thank you.” The other man turned to watch Candy approach. “I think I might enjoy a piece of candy, if I can find one that’s looking to be eaten.”


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