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by AnDerecco




  The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost…I thank You. Daily I will acknowledge You and give You praise. I’m truly blessed and duly grateful to publish another novel.

  I am blessed to have a God who provides my every need and stories I can share.

  I am blessed to have the most supportive family & friends anyone can ask for.

  My test readers, editors, television & radio interviewers, bookstores, book clubs, my students, and all who have supported me with love and prayers my entire careers. I thank you so much.

  Finally I must say to ____________________________. Thank you for buying my books. Thanks for taking the time to write and share your thoughts with me. It means so much to me.


  Look for me on FaceBook, Twitter and Goodreads – AnDerecco.

  Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.

  ~ Anaïs Nin

  Demarcus Slaughter

  My senior year in high school and I am on top of the world. I am a 5’10 215 pound “All American” football and basketball player and am looked up to by everyone. In my mind I have created this perfect world, a world where all my dreams are coming true. I love this world because everyone here knows me. This world promises to protect me but something tells me there is a thunderstorm brewing.

  Keira Garcia

  Tears fall down my face as the doctor tells me those inevitable words, “I'm sorry we did all we could. She didn't make it”, as he rubs on my shoulders and walks off.

  Two cops approached me but I am so out of it I didn't even hear them call my name. “Hello Keira?” a female voice said and I look up to meet her eyes. “I am really sorry about your loss. I know it's hard to lose your mother and brother but we have your statement and we made arrangements for you. You will be flying to Jackson, Mississippi to live with your father.” Those were the harshest words anyone could ever say to me.

  Zeshawn Bracey

  Well, next year will be my freshman year. Every college and university is after me. I never realized scoring a 29 on my ACT meant that much. My mind is telling me to pick Tougaloo College or Jackson State University. My heart is telling me to move out of state. Somewhere I would be free to be Zeshawn. I will admit that I am gay but I am not open with it. I have known this about myself since the fourth grade.

  Now, Junction High School has offered me many “first” opportunities. My freshman year I got high from smoking weed for the first time with my twin brother, Rayshon. My sophomore year I had sex with a female for the first time. My junior year I scored the highest on the ACT in the whole school. What will be my first now that I am a senior?

  Cameron Lawson

  Some of my friends look at me and figure that I have everything. My dad’s a lawyer and my mom is a doctor. Many have called me a spoiled brat. Dear God, make me a bird so that I can fly far away from here. Home life is not picture perfect. I truly believe that my mom and dad are going to get a divorce. All they ever do is argue. My girlfriend, Alexis, is two months pregnant. Being an only child is not what many think it’s cracked up to be.


  Wednesday, August 1

  Keira sat in the airport waiting for her father to pick her up. Her plane landed twenty-five minutes ago. Back in Jackson, Mississippi was not a place that she wanted to be. She knew living with her father and possibly a new step-mother was not going to be fun.

  Keira was reading an exclusive article in a Sister to Sister magazine when she heard a booming bass voice behind her call her name.



  She turned and looked over her left shoulder and there he stood, a honey complexion man that stood six foot seven. A smile that stretched from ear to ear adorned his face. Keira put the magazine in the seat beside her and walked around to him. Alan reached out his arms as she fell into his chest.


  It is great to see you baby girl.

  Tears flooded her eyes as she returned the gesture. Alan embraced her as only a father would.


  Everything will be alright.


  You promise?


  I promise.

  She stepped back and walked over to get her things. She wiped the tears from her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt. Alan reached out to carry her luggage. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked out of the airport.

  Alan opened the door for Keira to enter. As soon as she was in he closed it gently. He walked towards the back and put her luggage in the trunk. When he got into the car he looked over at her and flashed another smile. Keira placed the seatbelt across her and never looked his way. Alan started the car and headed home.


  So how was your flight?


  It was ok, just long.


  Yeah flying in from Las Vegas would be a long flight.


  Dad can I be honest with you about something?




  I don’t want to be here.


  Baby, I promise you things will not be like they used to be. I have changed a lot. You will see.

  Keira never turned her head to look him. As they were driving down Highway 80 her mind went back to the night of the accident that killed her mother, Debra and brother, Terrance.

  Debra drove to the University of Nevada where Terrance was enrolled in the School of Dental Medicine. Driving back Debra suffered a seizure that caused her to lose control of the car. The car flipped several times and landed upside down. Terrance was thrown from the car and landed in the median of the highway. Both were pronounced dead on the scene.

  Demarcus galloped to the mailbox in anticipation of receiving the acceptance letter that he was longing for. He opened the box and slammed it shut. He placed his hands on top of the mailbox and looked towards the sky.


  Lord, you know what I am looking for. Please let it be in here today.

  After his quick prayer, he slowly opened the box. He reached in and pulled out the mail. He thumbed through but there was no letter from a college.

  He walked back into the house and placed the mail on the kitchen table. His mother was standing near the sink.




  Nothing came. It’s all for you.


  Well give it time hun. Your acceptance letter to University of Kentucky will be here before you know it.


  Yeah right. (As he plopped down in the chair.) (Singing) Mmmaaaaaa.


  Will you be patient?


  What if they don’t accept me?


  Demarcus, in basketball, you are one of the better shot blockers in your school. You can get off the ground quick; you have extreme length and are a tremendous athlete. Your skill set has developed and you are a terrific passer from the high post. Now in football, you are the best running back in the state. Like the article in the newspaper said, you have an uncommon strength and power to go along with feet quick enough that you could be a viable running back prospect. You are strong enough to manhandle an offensive tackle and quick enough to run by him and chase down a ball carrier from behind. Because of your size, mobility and skill you are one of the more intriguing prospects in the class. (Going around and pinching him on his cheeks) Plus you are my baby.

  This caused Demarcus to blush. He loved getting attention from his mother. He got the same attention at school because
of his skills in sports.


  I have got to get ready to go to practice.


  Alright hun. Be safe and have a good practice.

  Zeshawn was walking to in the Registrar’s Office at Jackson State. He looked around to see if Ms. Thomas was in her office. He knocked on her door three times. A voice told him to enter.

  Zeshawn walked in with a graceful presence.


  Ms. Thomas, how are you today?


  I am good. How are you? (Singing as she talked)


  Great. I wanted to check on the status of my application.


  Oh, you didn’t get your letter?


  No ma’am. When was it mailed out?


  All letters were mailed two weeks ago. But you already know that you are accepted.


  True, but I want to have to a letter in my hand. Just in case no one believes me when we start school.


  Understandable. I will print you out another one.

  Ms. Thomas tapped the keys on her keyboard to her computer. Soon the sound of the printer started to whirl. She slid her chair back and pulled the paper off. She handed it to him with a smile.


  We are looking forward to seeing you next year.

  Zeshawn glanced over the letter and wanted to tell her, “Not if I get a letter from my dream school”, but he resisted that temptation.


  Yes ma’am. Thank you for printing this out for me.

  Zeshawn walked out of her office and out of the building. As quickly as he stepped out into the bright sunlight his phone started to ring. He noticed that it was his twin brother calling him.


  What’s up?


  Where are you?


  Leaving Jackson State, why?


  Come pick me up. I am at Ashley’s house.


  On my way.

  Zeshawn and Rayshon shared a car that they purchased together. They took turns driving the car which was sometimes challenging.

  Cameron was in the swimming pool floating on his raft. His mother was staring at him from the patio door. She was reflecting back to when Cameron was a baby and now he was getting ready to complete his senior year in high school.

  She pulled the patio door back and stepped outside. She sat on the edge of the pool and let her feet dangle in the water. Cameron had his earplugs that were attached to his mp4 player in his ears. She kicked the water to cause ripples that made his raft move. He looked over and noticed that she was at the pool. He pulled the earplugs out of his ears.




  I was just thinking about you and how much you have grown.


  Where is dad?


  At his office.


  Cool. I need three hundred dollars.


  What for?


  I think that I am going to talk Alexis into having an abortion. I am not ready to be a father.


  I will give it to you on tomorrow.

  “That was easy.” Cameron thought to himself. Now his next obstacle would be talking Alexis into doing it. She was excited that she was having a baby for Cameron.

  Alexis and Cameron had been dating on and off for two years. She admired him and his family. Even times when she caught him talking to other girls, she would be mad for a minute but she would always take him back.

  Tuesday, August 14

  Demarcus was sitting in the career center completing more college applications online when Cameron walked up to him. Cameron slapped him on the back of his neck to get his attention. Demarcus flinched when he felt the sting. He turned and grabbed Cameron by his arm and pulled him down.


  Man you are about to get you tail whipped.


  What’s up with you? I didn’t see you all summer, you avoiding your boy or something?


  You know that it is not like that. We had practice all summer. When I wasn’t practicing with the school I was practicing with some guys at a few of the colleges.


  I feel you Mr. All American.

  Cameron and Demarcus both laughed. Cameron asked to see his schedule for the first semester. He laid them side by side to compare classes. He noticed that they both were taking Mr. Wansley for African American History. Cameron knew that history was a weak subject for him but he did like the stories. He figured that Demarcus would carry him in that class.

  When Demarcus completed his first application he looked over at Cameron.


  Cam, how are you and Alexis?


  We are good. You know that she is pregnant right?

  This news stunned Demarcus. He was at a lost for words. Cameron looked at him and smiled. Cameron nodded his head as to confirm that what he just said was true.


  How many months is she?


  Two. I got three hundred dollars from my mom to take her to get an abortion.


  Dude, are you serious?


  Yeah. I don’t want a baby right now.


  Man you should have thought about that before you lay down with her without a rubber.


  See I knew I should have never said anything to you. You are always so “right road” with things.

  Cameron wasn’t really upset with Demarcus’ response but that was not what he wanted to hear.

  The bell rang for them to transition to third block. This was their African American History class. Cameron and Demarcus both sat in the middle of the classroom.

  Keira walked in with her backpack across the front of her. This was a new environment for her. Cameron was the first to notice her. He sprung from his desk and walked over to her.


  May I help you with something? You look a little lost.


  No thanks, I am good.


  You must be new here. I don’t remembering seeing you.


  I just moved here.


  Well, I am Cameron. (As he took her hand and rubbed it) If you need anything make sure that you call me. I will help you in any way I can.

  Keira smiled as she took her hand from him. Just then Alexis walked in the classroom. She noticed Cameron talking to Keira. She stopped besides Cameron and stared at Keira.

  Cameron noticed Alexis standing beside him and rolled his eyes as he walked back to his desk. Alexis followed him and sat in the desk right beside him. Cameron dropped his head on the desk. Demarcus heard the thud and turned to see what happened.


  Man, what is wrong with you?

  Cameron ignored Demarcus’ question.

  CAMERON (leaning over to Alexis)

  I need to talk to you about something important.

  The tardy bell sounded and Mr. Wansley walked into the classroom. He grabbed his class roster from his desk and started to call out names.

  Cameron took this time to write Alexis a note. He passed it to her and she quickly read it. Alexis stood up and shouted loudly, “Are you stupid? I hate your black ass.” She stormed out of the classroom. Mr. Wansley walked out the door behind her to see what was wrong. She was nowhere in sight when he got to the door. He stepped back into the classroom.


  What happened?

  The class was silent. Mr. Wansley noticed the note on the floor and walked over to pick it up. After reading it he
looked at Cameron and asked him to step outside.


  Cameron, what is this about?


  Mr. Wansley…You know how it is. You go out of a few dates. Things happen and she winds up pregnant.


  You know how to prevent things like this. Have you talked with your parents?


  Yes sir. My mom gave me the money to give to her.


  Cam…Cam…Cam. Boy what are your plans for next year?


  I guess go to college but I don’t really know.


  You need to start thinking about it.

  Mr. Wansley opened the door for Cameron to enter. Mr. Wansley walked in after him. Demarcus shook his head as Cameron walked passed him. Keira tapped her pencil on the desk. Cameron leaned over to whisper to her. Keira looked at him and smiled.


  From the looks of things…you need to focus on your girlfriend.


  She ain’t my girlfriend…she’s just carrying my baby.


  Oh hell naw. I have got to move.

  Keira looked around the room to see if there were any available sits. Surprisingly, there wasn’t.

  Zeshawn was walking home after school. Rayshon had the car because he had to work that afternoon. While he was walking, he saw someone sitting on the ground with their hands over their face. This was unusual so he decided to walk over.


  Are you ok?

  KEIRA (raising her head and wiping away tears)

  Yes. Yes. I am good.


  Sweetie, I heard you crying a mile away. You can’t be alright.


  I am fine. (As she sniffles)


  Here take my handkerchief. It’s clean. I am Zeshawn by the way.


  Thanks. I am Keira.


  So…I take it that you are new here.


  Yeah. I just moved here from Las Vegas.


  WOW! Sin City! (Laughing)


  That’s what you outsiders call it. But it’s home to me.


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