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Page 8

by AnDerecco

  Zeshawn was listening to the whole conversation. He walked beside Rayshon and patted him on his back.


  Ray, it will be ok. What time do you go to work?


  In ten minutes.

  They shared a brotherly hug. Rayshon gave Zeshawn a kiss on the cheek. Zeshawn walked to the limo and Demarcus opened the door. Stepping in he saw hardwood floors, a mini bar, and two flat screen TVs.

  Cameron and Keira were taking photos outside when the limo pulled up. Cameron could not believe his eyes. In the middle of the shot, he jumped.

  Demarcus and Zeshawn exited the limo. They all took a few more pictures together.

  On the way to the prom Cameron opened a bottle of the champagne that was in the mini bar. He poured everyone a glass. He opened a bottle of water and put it in a glass for Keira. They toasted to new beginnings. When they took sips, Keira hollered. It surprised everyone. Demarcus looked down and noticed her pearl colored prom dress had a red stain on it. Demarcus pointed it out. Keira looked down and screamed.

  Cameron picked up the phone on the door and instructed the driver to go to the hospital.

  Dr. Powell came from the emergency room. Nathan noticed him and walked up to him with Cameron right beside him. Dr. Powell explained to him that she miscarried. He told Nathan that he baby’s face was deformed and was missing an arm. Nathan asked what could have caused that.


  Mutations in the baby’s chromosomal DNA. Each parent gives chromosomes to the baby, and when they meet sometimes there are doubles of chromosomes, missing chromosomes, or mutated chromosomes which cause abnormalities in the DNA and overall the child. We ran blood sample of Keira and Cameron to see if we could get some answers.




  Cameron is not the father. Before we go any further, we need to get some of your blood.




  Because we need to see if the baby was yours.


  I adopted Keira.


  Wait, she was raped by her dad.


  That explains it. We are going to move her to a room in a few. You all will be able to come visit her then.

  Dr. Powell walks to the back. Nathan and Cameron took their seat. Nathan took Cameron hand and squeezed it.


  You guys can go on to the prom. We are ok here.


  No. We are staying.

  When they walked into Keira’s room she was laying there looking out of the window into the lonely dark sky. She heard the door squeak open. Cameron walked over to her and gave her a hug.


  I am sorry.


  I am not. It was Alan’s seed. I don’t want to remember this day. I don’t want to remember him.


  I can’t tell you not to feel the way you do. But I want you to know that I am here for you.


  Demarcus, Zeshawn why didn’t you go on to the prom?


  We wanted to be here for you.


  Yeah. Family first, right?

  KEIRA (Smiling)



  Dr. Powell said that you should be able to leave tomorrow.




  Anything you need or want.


  I want to talk to Cameron alone.

  Nathan, Demarcus and Zeshawn leaves the room.


  Pretty scary, huh?


  You telling me.


  I know that you didn’t want a baby. Neither did I.


  True. I damn sure didn’t want one with Alexis.


  I know the type of person you are and I want you to know that we are cool.


  What are you saying KeKe?


  I want us to be just friends. I don’t want to be in a relationship. Nothing against you, but I am not ready.


  Understandable. Can we be friends with benefits?


  Of course and the benefits are that we will help each other with homework, talk on the phone, go out to eat. You know things like that.


  You are something serious.


  I know.

  Sunday, April 14


  Ma, you home?


  Yes I am in the back.


  How are you?


  I’m good just cleaning out a few things.


  Ma, I am moving out.

  Teresa stopped what she was doing and took a seat.




  I don’t want to live here anymore.


  Is it because of me and your dad? Or me and Darnell?


  Neither. I will be graduating next month. I just want to start my life on my own. I have been saving my money for a deposit on an apartment. I have put in application for a job.


  What about college?


  I am still going to Hinds. The money that you would give me for my room and board I will use that to pay up my rent. Then I can just pay everything else with the money I get from my job.


  Well if that is what you want to do. Have you found a place?


  No. Some friends and I are going this afternoon to look at places.


  OK well just keep me informed.

  Monday, May 6


  This matter came before the court on the 19th day of March, 2012. It appears from the records and files of this action that a Complaint was filed and served upon the Defendant.

  Twenty (20) days have passed; the Defendant is not in the armed services of the United States of American and is neither a minor nor an incompetent. A Default has been entered. or

  Defendant and Plaintiff have agreed and signed a written stipulation to the entry of this Decree.

  It appears that the allegations of the Plaintiff's Complaint are sustained and the Plaintiff is and was a bona fide resident of the State of Mississippi and has been a resident for more than six (6) weeks preceding the commencement of this action.

  There is one minor child born to or adopted by the Parties. The name and date of birth is: Cameron Lawson, 01/23/1994. The wife is not now pregnant.

  The court has jurisdiction to determine custody of any minor child/ren pursuant to the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, Mississippi Code Section 93-27-102, et seq. because Mississippi was the home state of the minor child/ren on the date of filing the Complaint.

  The court also has jurisdiction to determine child support.


  1. Decree. The bonds of matrimony now existing between the Plaintiff and the Defendant are dissolved on the grounds of irreconcilable differences, and the Plaintiff is awarded an absolute decree of divorce from the Defendant.

  2. Agreement. The parties have executed a Property Settlement Agreement and Child Care Plan, which settles all property, debt and child issues of the marriage. The Court incorporates the attached Property Settlement Agreement and Child Care Plan as the complete settlement of all issues of the marriage.

  3. Name Change. Wife will retain the last name of Lawson.

  Teresa shook her attorney’s hand and walked over to Charles.


  Well that’s that.


  Yes it is.

  TERESAr />
  I wish things could have been different. We had some good times together. I think we should dwell on that.




  Are you coming to Cameron’ graduation?


  Of course.


  Can you talk to me instead of giving me these one to two words responses?


  What do you want me to say?


  I don’t know.


  I told you that I never meant to hurt you. I want to apologize for cheating on you. I hope that you and Darnell have a good life together and you get everything that you deserve.

  Teresa and Charles hugged and walks out of the courtroom together.

  Wednesday, May 15

  People stood all over the Coliseum as the graduates walked in. Flashes from cameras lit the room like lighting in the sky.

  The program seemed to last for hours. Finally, Dr. Jackson rose to announce the valedictorian.


  I am honored to present to you the Valedictorian of the Class of 2012 - Zeshawn Bracey.


  Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies, Gentlemen and Students -

  Our high school years seem to have passed in a flurry of activities: courses attended, grades attained, extra curricular activities, social events and lesson learned. It is hard to believe that the next few months will see the Graduating Class of 2012 facing new horizons and challenges.

  Some of us may stay closer to home, some may move slightly further away and yet others may find themselves in a totally different continent.

  Where ever you may find yourself and what ever challenge you may have chosen to follow and explore - hold true to what shaped your yesterdays; acknowledge and appreciate what you are today and dare to be all that you can be tomorrow!

  As the Graduating Class of 2012 we need to express our gratitude for the wonderful opportunities that we were exposed to. Our thanks must go to all the staff and the management of Junction High School. We are privileged to have attended this school. Junction High offers a world class education - of that we have no doubt. As we make a relatively smooth transition into life beyond school, I am sure that the fine education that we received will stand us in good stead - time and again.

  Our thanks must also extend to our parents and guardians. You have remained committed to our education, but more importantly, you have remained committed to us. You have stood by our sides, even when things may have seemed a bit rocky - steadfast and constant - stability in a time of turmoil, hesitancy and our quest for independence.

  Today, we stand on the brink of a new chapter in our lives. Take a moment to reflect on everything that we have achieved. Take a moment to look back and to see and appreciate just how far we have all come. Today is our opportunity to acknowledge our accomplishments.

  Some may have achieved more than others with relative ease. Some may have had to work harder...may have had to dig deeper to find the resolve to continue to meet the challenge - and perhaps some may have let opportunities pass them by?

  Either way, today, you need to acknowledge where you are. You may find that your high school years were years well spent. You may find that you regret some of the opportunities that you allowed to slip by. Acknowledge them, accept them and then prepare to move tomorrow!

  You need to dare to dream to be all that you can be tomorrow.

  Dale Carnegie said, "The person who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to DO and DARE!" This is the challenge that lies before you this evening. Dare to be all that you can be.

  Dare to chase your chosen career -

  Dare to excel -

  Dare to go the extra mile -

  Dare to show compassion -

  Dare to make your mark in the world -

  Dare to have empathy -

  Dare to be the best you can be... and then DO it!

  Overly simplistic? Probably. Within our reach? Definitely!

  My thanks and fondest best wishes go with you one and all.

  As Zeshawn was taking his seat the audience went into an uproar. They gave in a standing ovation that lasted three minutes.

  Zeshawn looked out in the sea of students and found Demarcus giving him two thumbs up.




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