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The Lonely Apprentice (The Lonely Girl Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Autumn Skye

  “Well, you’d better, because I told you to,” she retorted.

  Was this a test? I couldn’t shake the feeling she was fucking with my head, making my job impossible. Was she hoping I’d fail?

  “All right, I’ll keep searching,” I said because there was nothing else to say. How did you tell your boss she was making a big mistake?

  “Don’t give me that look. You’re pouting. I warned you being my assistant wouldn’t be easy, did I not?”

  She had, but I’d figured she’d at least play fair. That was my mistake.

  “Can I ask what it is about this property you don’t like?” Her answer should be good, considering she hadn’t even seen the building in person.

  “The fact that it’s for sale by Madeline Parker. Find me something that woman has never touched.”

  Of Course, how could I not have made the connection? Madeline Parker was one of her biggest competitors. If memory served, she and Nadine had been partners, but then split. It had gotten ugly. Madeline held the majority of their company, so she’d forced Nadine to take a buy out, a sum large enough for Nadine to get her own company up and running. What difference did any of it make after all this time? Madeline Parker was on her way out. Sales on her latest line were so dismal she was downsizing. I’d have thought Nadine might find some pleasure in buying the building, considering Madeline had probably put it up for sale out of desperation. It was stubborn and somewhat silly of Nadine not to snatch the property up over some old personal issue, unless-

  “Are you afraid Madeline won’t sell to you? I know the two of you have history, both business and personal.”

  “Careful, Delia.”

  They’d been lovers, simply put, and it didn’t look as if the years had healed the wounds. Oh, but I was crossing lines again. It seemed I wasn’t going to learn my lesson until she got fed up and booted me out on my ass.

  “Well, let me know if you change your mind. I’ll see what else I can come up with,” I said.

  “You do that.”


  I spent my first month with Nadine looking at properties. Pretty much my every waking moment was dedicated to finding a diamond in the rough, but I didn’t get lucky as I thought I had my first day. I couldn’t find anything with remotely as many possibilities as Madeline Parker’s factory, which was sitting empty, just begging to be fired up. Everything the agent showed me was too big, or too small, or too exorbitantly priced, or not constructed in a way that would easily convert. Before I knew it the night of the benefit for the arts was on us. I’d all but forgotten she’d asked me to join her until she announced we should knock off work early in order to have plenty of time to get ready.

  “Ready for what?”

  “The benefit is tonight.”

  I gave her a blank look.

  “Seriously, you didn’t mark it on your calendar?”

  “Oh, I can’t believe I didn’t. I have to find something to wear. I’m so sorry, but I’m not sure I have anything.”

  “How about that red dress you wore the night we met?”

  “Is it appropriate?”

  “Not really, but it will be amusing to see the heads turn.”

  “That would be humiliating.”

  “No, it’s not that bad. It will work. It’s a lovely dress. Be prepared to leave by seven-thirty.”

  I wasn’t at all persuaded the dress would suffice, but she was the boss. She never persuaded so much as she ordered. It was lucky for me I’d forgotten to return it to Cheyenne.

  I went to my room and took a five minute shower, dressed, and did my hair and makeup so fast I was sure I didn’t look anywhere near proper enough to mingle with a bunch of high society people from West Lake. Most of the people in Austin were friendly to the point of treating you like family, but Nadine was the only truly wealthy person I knew. I had no idea how I’d be received. I thought the odds were good I could walk into the museum wearing thrift store clothes and be all right with Nadine by my side, but I couldn’t count on it. Just as I began to wonder if a migraine would get me out of the whole thing without a reprimand, a roll of thunder and a flash of red light lit up my room. It was followed by a crash outside my window. I looked out to see a tree limb lying on the ground, struck by lightning. After I caught my breath I told myself several times that it was safe to calm down. It never struck the same place twice, after all. I watched as the rain hit the glass, a small drizzle that instantly turned into a heavy battering.

  “Hello?” Eva called from the hallway after knocking on my door.

  “Come in.”

  “Ms. Robertson sent me to see how much longer before you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready now.”

  “That’s a pretty dress. If I were twenty years younger, I’d love to wear it.”

  “Don’t be silly, Eva. You’d look great in this.”

  “No, I wouldn’t, but it’s sweet of you to lie, dear. I swear, if anyone comes out with a clothing line that brings out the sexy in women my age they’ll make a fortune. Have you seen the clothes they push for us? They’re awful. Women in their fifties are not dead yet. We can’t flaunt it like we used to, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to be attractive. Many of us are divorced. We date and we like to look good when we go out to dinner, but when we shop it’s impossible.”

  “Really, it’s that bad?”

  “It’s horrible. I hate shopping, but when I was your age…”

  “That sounds like a viable void in the market. Maybe I can help. Would you mind letting me take your measurements tomorrow? I might be able to make you a few things that wouldn’t be so-what would you call them-atrocious?”

  “I don’t see how you’d have the time. You rarely leave the office. You skip meals. You’re as bad as Ms. Robertson.”

  “I’ll worry about finding the time. You just let me get those measurements, okay?”

  “If it’s no trouble to you, sure.”

  “It’s no trouble. It’s part of a new project I’m researching.” A project I’d dreamt up thirty seconds ago, but it was nevertheless the truth.

  “Well, no woman is going to turn down free clothes,” she said, trying to conceal her excitement with a shrug.

  “Not just free clothes, Eva. Fun clothes. Fashionable clothes custom made for you.”

  “Even better. I’ll tell Ms. Robertson you’re coming down.”

  Downstairs, Nadine was waiting for me in the living room. She wore a flowing Shamrock green evening gown and a ruby dangled from the silver chain around her neck.

  “You look amazing.”

  “Thanks, you too,” she returned the compliment. “I don’t care if that dress is appropriate or not. It’s a gorgeous as I remember.”

  “It’s terrible weather to go out in,” I said a millisecond before the lights went out.

  “Do you think?” she asked. I didn’t need to see her face, which was now shrouded in utter darkness, to know she it was exasperated. “It’s pitch black in here. Stand still until I find us some light.”

  I heard her shuffling around the room and then saw a beam of white coming down the hall.

  “Ms. Robertson,” Eva said, pointing the flashlight at her employer.

  “Oh, Eva, get that thing in here and help me see to light some candles.”

  “I thought the weather man said a small storm was brewing,” Eva remarked, holding the flashlight steady as Nadine lit an array of scented candles along the mantle above the stone fire place.

  “They’ve understated before, haven’t they?”

  “That they have.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t go,” I said.

  “There, we can at least see a foot in front of us,” Nadine said once the last candle was lit.

  “I bet you couldn’t say that if you were driving. I agree with Delia. You should cancel your plans.”

  “I’m not an idiot, Eva. I’m capable of deciding that for myself,” she snapped.

  “Well, the power probably won’t be on unti
l morning. I’d like to go to bed early, but I won’t be able to sleep until I know you’re safe.”

  “We’re fine. I’m cancelling,” she caved.

  “I think that’s wise.”

  “Delia and I are glad you approve,” she said with a mild blend of sarcasm and amusement.

  “I’ll go on to my room, then. I’ll see you about those measurements in the morning?”

  “Yes, I’m excited. Aren’t you?” I responded.

  “I am. I admit it,” she said to me before shuffling out of the room cautiously with only the beam of the flashlight to find her way.

  “Excited? Eva? What’s that about?” Nadine asked.

  “Eva is going to help me with an idea I have for a project.”

  “You have time for personal projects. Am I not working you hard enough?”

  “It’s not personal. I’m going to study the demographics, but I think I found a void in the market I might like to exploit. I’m sure it’s not something never done before, but I’m confident it’s a smaller niche with room for growth.”

  “Small corners of the market can be profitable. They can also be dismal failures, so be cautious.”

  “It’s just an idea.”

  “Everything starts out as an idea, but the minute you take Eva’s measurements it becomes a work in progress. That’s time and money.”

  “I’ll fit it in. I’d like you’re input on it once I get it started.”

  “Okay. Tell me when you’re ready for me to have a looksee.”

  The candles did their job, casting golden light that danced on the walls, enough that I could move with confidence again. I made my way to the window and looked out into the night. Flares of lightening streamed across the sky. I stared out, watching mother nature throw her tantrum for what felt like a long while. Nadine’s reflection, surreal, appeared in the glass as she took slow steps towards me until she was close behind me.

  “Look at us, all dressed up and nowhere to go,” she said in a low voice.

  “There’s no place I’d rather be trapped in a storm. This place is a huge fortress.”

  “Yes, it can weather a storm, no doubt. It’s huge and sturdy.”

  “Doesn’t it ever get lonely, Nadine? It’s such a big house to have all to yourself. I use to dream of owning a house like this, but now I’m not so sure that I’d like it being so secluded.”

  “You’ve been here a month and the glitter has already worn off the gold, huh?”

  “I just wouldn’t want to be all alone here.”

  “I’m not alone. I have Eva and you.”

  I thought she might be joking. She never let me near her if she could avoid it. She rarely acted as if she wanted to have a conversation with me that didn’t involve her barking orders at me. When I turned away from her reflection to look directly at her, the surprising softness on her face caught me off guard. The curve of her lips resembled a real smile. She was always so distant, but right then I could see a part of her that was trying to open. The problem was that one wrong word would send her storming off. I’d made that mistake more than once. I measured my words so I wouldn’t do it again.

  “I like being here with you.”

  “I like having you here. I know I don’t show it, but I do.”

  “Because I’m such a hard worker?” I took one step closer to her.

  “Yes, you’re wonderfully competent.”

  “Is that the only reason you like having me around?” Another step closer as if I were approaching a scared animal that might bolt at any moment. In a way, I guess I was.

  “You know it’s not,” she said.

  “So, why are you admitting that now?”

  “Maybe it’s that dress.”

  “You didn’t have any trouble resisting me the last time I wore it,” I reminded her.

  “The timing wasn’t right.”

  “And now it is?” I smiled with a strong urge to touch her, but thinking it better to wait for her. Of course, waiting for Nadine usually meant watching her run away, or rather push me away. Then again, making the first move hadn’t worked out well, either.

  She reached up and laid the palm of her hand against my cheek, leaning in so her lips were close to mine. “This goes against everything I’ve been preaching since I met you.”

  “It’s never too late to change your mind,” I said.

  “I knew moving you in here was either going to be the best or the worst thing I could ever do.”

  “So, which is it?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.”

  “Yes, you have. What I want to know is if you’re going to do something about it or not?”

  Her response was to bring her lips down on mine. We’d been down this road before and I knew if I didn’t move fast she might pull away. I couldn’t stand the thought of it, not this time, so I pushed her away instead and turned around.

  “Unzip me.” I heard her suck in her breath and let it out in a slow sigh. When she hesitated, I thrust my lower body back into hers and reached back to put an arm blindly around her. “I know you want to see me.”

  The zipper in the back of my dress came open down to the small of my back. I stood straight and shrugged it off my shoulders so it fell to the floor. Her arm came around my waist and made soft, slow circles over my stomach, roaming lower until it was just above my mound, rousing quivers of excitement that churned in my belly. I put a hand over hers and moved it down to let her feel the heat radiating through my now wet panties. Her fingers slipped inside and lightly skimmed my slit.

  “Oh, Nadine,” I sighed. She pulled her hand away and I whirled around to see a look of unrepentant lust on her face. “Don’t stop this time. Please, just don’t stop.”

  She took several steps back and I could have cried with frustration, afraid she wasn’t going to heed my plea. I breathed a sigh of relief when she turned away and said, “My turn.” I was in fact, so surprised, I hesitated.

  “It won’t unzip itself, Delia,” she said, laughter sparkling in her voice.

  I moved up behind her and slid the zipper down, then moved my palms up over her back to push the dress off of her shoulders so that it would fall as mine had. My fingers unsnapped the back of her bra and I helped her out of that as well. When she turned to face me, I took off my own bra and dropped to my knees to plant a string of kisses over her taut belly, which heaved with each heavy breath she took. I let my lips trace her thighs. When she didn’t object, I pressed them against her panties, eager to see the fiery red triangle hidden beneath them. She let out a groan that sounded an awful lot like surrender and I knew she was mine, at least for the night. If that was all I’d ever have of her, I’d make the most of it.

  I gazed up at her with wide eyes, the tip of my tongue lapping at the silk panties with one slow swipe. I hooked my thumb in the waistband. She nodded and I had them down to her ankles in an instant. My hand stroked her leg and to the back of her knee as I put my lips to her, slipping my tongue inside the folds to taste her gleaming essence.

  “Ah,” she cried in a husky voice, falling to her knees and giving me a probing kiss, tasting herself before nudging me backwards with gentle ease. I sprawled out on my back, spreading my legs so she could lie between them. She pulled my panties off and flung them across the room before lowering herself onto me. Cupping one of my breasts into her hand, rolling the thumb over my nipple, she gave me a smile I returned before she kissed me again. I couldn’t say how long she kissed me, one after another, but I thought it might never be enough.

  “Are you sure about this?” she asked.

  “I’ve been sure since I met you. You’re the one who has to play so damned hard to get,” I grinned.

  She cocked her head to the side and rolled her eyes. I took it as a sort of admission, not that it mattered now. I had her and she’d always had me.

  She turned her attention back to my breasts. “There so beautiful,” she said, taking a moment to bury her face in my cleavage before her tongue swiped at one of
my nipples.

  They ached for her mouth and she obliged, taking a nipple between her lips and moaning over it, sending delicious vibrations through me. I raised a leg and she adjusted, resting her slit there so I could feel her wetness as she writhed, pushing down to add pressure, her clit gliding over my flesh. Her face was growing flushed, her breath a heavy pant on my neck.

  “Yes,” I whispered, pleased to see how much pleasure I could arouse in her.

  “No, not like this,” she said, lifting off me and lowering herself between my legs again so our mounds touched and our nubs meshed together. “Like this, for both of us.”

  She moved her hips and I bucked mine up to meet her thrusts, my juices flowing out me as the sweet friction rose. The room was suddenly filled with sound of our mews and groans and still I couldn’t get close enough to her. It had been far too long since I’d felt connected to anyone like this and even in the throes of ecstasy I feared losing it too soon. I put my hands on her hips and clutched them tightly, guided her movements, coaxing her to move faster and harder, to find a way to somehow burrow even further into me.

  “Oh, Nadine, please, come. Let me make you come,” I wailed as my own body was gripped by tremors of orgasm.

  “Oh, fuck, yes,” she managed to say in a voice that was somewhere between a hiss and a growl. She shook with the full force of release and collapsed onto me, placing one last kiss onto my lips before rolling off me. I could hear her breathing, not quite calmed yet as she sat upright.

  “No,” I said, taking hold of her arm at the elbow. “Come back here.”

  She paused and then complied, lying next to me. I snuggled up with my head on her shoulder.

  “This is the best part,” I whispered.

  “I don’t know that I’d say it’s the best part,” she said.

  “But it’s nice.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “We could stay like this all night.”

  “And give Eva the shock of her life when she finds us in the morning?”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want you to leave me.”

  “Maybe I’ll take you with me, then,” she suggested in an impish tone.


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