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SEAL’s Fake Marriage

Page 107

by Ivy Jordan

  “Cade,” I beg on a whisper, squirming against him and tilting my hips, hoping he’ll circle my desperate little nub and give me the release I so want.

  He smirks and slides his hard length into me. I gasp at the sudden fullness. I move over him, slowly at first until, then I increase momentum until I am bouncing on his cock. I lift my body almost completely off him before slamming back down. My rhythm is hot and fast, and Cade tries to push his thrusts to match mine.

  His thumb finds my clit, and he rubs back and forth systematically, bringing me closer to the edge. With the other hand, he tweaks my nipple, and the combination of the two sensations makes my vision go dark as an orgasm rips through me. As my head throws back, I taste my own blood from how hard I bite my lip from screaming out.

  My pussy clenches around Cade’s cock, and I feel it quiver inside me as he pumps in and out of me a few more times before a low growl escapes his throat. I kiss him to swallow the sound as he releases in me. We are wrapped in each other’s embrace as we try to catch our breaths, the only other sounds echoing are the falls nearby. Finally, he pulls out of me and grabs a cloth napkin from our picnic basket and hands it to me before grabbing one for himself. We clean ourselves up as best we can and then stand, redressing. Cade packs away everything from our picnic, takes my hand, and leads me out of the trees.

  “I hope you know that you’re the best fantasy I’ve ever had,” I tell him, pulling him down so I can kiss him in front of the falls one last time.

  “I hope it stays that way,” he smiles against my lips.

  “Mmm. I don’t see that changing,” I assure him as we hold onto each other. A rustling from the path breaks us apart as a couple comes into view. Cade lifts his hand to wave, and I feel my face flush as I duck behind him. Although we’re dressed, I still feel as though they can tell I’ve just been thoroughly fucked only a few steps from where they are heading. Cade squeezes my hand and tugs me to his side.

  “Enjoy the falls,” he says to them as he starts away.

  “Are you...” the man starts, but the woman beside him shoots him a look.

  “It’s okay,” Cade chuckles. “Yeah, I’m Cade Thomas.”

  “Wow, I can't believe you’re Cade Thomas. No one will believe me when I tell them I met you.”

  “Got a pen or anything? I’ll sign you an autograph.”

  He frowns. “I don’t. Would you mind a quick picture?”

  “Not at all.”

  The man fumbles to get his phone out of his pocket, and his wife rolls her eyes.

  “Sorry about this,” she says to Serena.

  “It’s okay,” I tell her. “Happens all the time.”

  “You’re a scientist, right?” the woman asks me.

  “Astrophysics, yes,” I reply.

  “I heard that you two are writing a book together,” she adds.

  “Good news travels fast,” I smile.

  “Our son loves football, but he loves science more. He’s already asked me for the book for Christmas.”

  I take the hotel bag from Cade as he poses for a picture and start to dig out something to write on when I remember no one had a pen. “Do you have Facebook?” I ask.

  “I do,” she replies.

  “Message me your address and your son’s name; I’ll mail you an autographed copy when it comes out.”

  “Oh, it’s Alan; he turns fifteen this year,” she says as she pulls out her phone and starts searching for me immediately on Facebook.

  “Great name,” I tell her.

  She keys out her information and hits send. “We should let you guys go,” she says, nudging her husband.

  “Enjoy yourselves,” I tell them.

  “Thanks for the picture, man,” the husband says to Cade.

  “Thank you for the book. I know Alan will love it!” the wife says to me.

  “Enjoy your vacation,” Cade replies. We all smile and wave as we head in separate directions. When we’re out of earshot of the couple, I start to laugh.

  “What’s funny?” Cade asks me.

  “If they had come down that path just a few minutes sooner, that entire scenario would have gone much differently,” I laugh again.

  “Maybe they did, but they went back until they could see us out in the open and not embarrass us.”

  Immediately, I blush and my eyes widen. He chuckles. “They didn't see anything, baby. I promise.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Positive. That guy definitely would have congratulated me if they had.”

  I slap his arm.

  “Okay, maybe not. But he’d have acted completely different,” Cade assures me.

  We make the rest of the hike in quiet and drive back to the resort. Cade made us appointments in the spa for a couple’s massage. We only have just over an hour, so we head to our room to shower and change. We are almost late for our massages, though, since he decided to join me in the shower and we ended up having sex against the shower wall. We hurry to dress, and I quickly braid my hair in a modified fishtail braid over my shoulder.

  “Ready?” he asks as I put a hair tie at the end of the braid.


  “Then let’s go get somebody else's hands all over us so I can get you back here later and put my hands all over you again.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine



  When we return to our room from the spa after a pretty great massage, I’m feeling a hundred percent blissed out and relaxed. I pull Serena onto the bed with me just to lay there and we both promptly fall asleep for a little cat nap. I awaken before she does and call down to order some room service for dinner, and when I hang up the phone, I see Serena stretching on the bed. I watch her and when her eyes flutter open, she smiles at me.

  “Hey, you been awake long?”

  I shake my head. “No, only a few minutes.”

  She nods. “Do you want to sit out on the balcony with me and watch the waves roll in?”

  “With some wine?” I offer.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  Serena heads out onto the balcony, and I stop to grab two glasses and a bottle of wine that has been chilling in the kitchen of our suite. I pick up the cork screw and then walk out to join her.

  “You always have the absolute best ideas,” she says as I pour a glass and hand it to her. She sips as I pour myself a glass and sit down on the chaise next to her.

  “Are you having a good time?” I ask her.

  “The best. You’re amazing, Cade. I didn’t think I needed a getaway with you like this, but I was so wrong.”

  “You’re just saying that because I gave you an amazing orgasm in a lush, tropical forest.”

  “And, one in the shower,” she winks. “I’m just happy right now. Thank you.”

  This is exactly what I want to hear. Serena looks completely content, and it’s how I’m feeling, too. “Are you excited about the book?”

  “So excited,” she gushes. “I think people are going to love it. It’s going to be really amazing. And, I’m so glad we get to do it together.”

  “Have you thought about what you’ll do when you become a bestseller?” I ask.

  “Oh, I don’t know about all that, Cade.”

  “You might not, but I know. You’re going to be a rock star in the astrophysics world.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I know so. So, tell me what you want do after it takes off.”

  “Well, you know how passionate I am about science outreach,” she starts.

  “I do, and I know you’d be amazing at it.”

  “Thank you. I like research, but I love outreach so much more, so I guess if I had to leave the academic world, I really wouldn’t be that sad about it.”

  “You sound a little bit like me when I was deciding that football wasn’t the life I wanted anymore but had no idea what was next. The night I met you, actually.” I wink at her and nudge her a bit.

  “How did you know? I’ve ne
ver asked.”

  “Truthfully? You were a part of how I knew.”


  I nod. “I was pretty sure that I was ready to walk away before I even played in my last Super Bowl. Then, after that was over and we won, I was positive I was done. I just didn’t know what the next step was. Then I met you in that bar, and you encouraged me. When I said that I hoped I’d know when the next thing came along, you said you were certain I would. You encouraged me to follow my instincts. And, you were right. I signed on for the show with Tyler a few weeks later, and it’s been the best career move I’ve made. And now, it’s your turn.”

  “I’m proud of you, Cade, even if I still don’t understand half the things you and Tyler talk about.”

  “Hey, I don't understand three quarters of the scientific stuff you talk about, so I think we’re even.” I laugh along with her. “Do you remember when we met, and you told me bad jokes?”

  Serena’s face breaks into a huge grin and she laughs again. “Oh my God! I’m so lame!”

  “No, it was perfect. I love your jokes,” I tell her.

  “Oh, I have more where those came from. Did you hear that oxygen went on a date with potassium? It went OK,” she smiles like she has some kind of secret — and she kind of does because I have no idea why it’s supposed to be funny.

  “I am sure there is a pun in there, but it’s over my head, babe,” I laugh, but only because she’s amusing herself and it’s adorable.

  “On the periodic chart, the atomic symbol of oxygen is O, and for potassium it’s K,” she explains.

  “Oooh. OK.” I chuckle. “That’s good.”

  “One day, I’ll learn bad football jokes just for you,” she scrunches her nose and smiles at me.

  “I appreciate that.”

  A knock at the door startles Serena. “Who could that be?”

  “It’s probably the room service I ordered. I called down just before you woke up and ordered some things for dinner. Is that alright?”

  “Perfect. I want to spend the rest of the night sitting here with you, watching the sunset from our balcony.”

  “Me, too,” I tell her as I stand. I kiss the top of her head before going inside to let the hotel staff deliver our dinner. He wheels in a cart, and I direct him to leave everything on the table in the dining area. I tip him, and he nods with a smile and a thank you before he leaves. As the door closes, Serena comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me.

  “Flowers, too?”

  I grin. “No expense spared for you, my love,” I tell her.

  She walks over and leans in to smell the white roses. “They’re amazing, Cade. You spoil me too much.”

  “I like spoiling you. Come on, let’s eat,” I tell her. She nods and grabs two plates, and I follow with the large covered tray out onto the balcony. After she sits, I uncover the tray with a flourish. “Voila!”

  Serena laughs at the mountain of fried chicken on the silver platter. “You ordered fried chicken?”

  “I told you, nothing but for the best for you.”

  “You get me so well.”

  “There’s also potato salad, some kind of broccoli concoction, too. Dig in,” I instruct.

  She takes a bite of her chicken, and I watch as she savors it. “Oh my gosh, Cade, this is soooo good. Try it,” she encourages me.

  I grab a leg, take a big bite, and nod with satisfaction. “I gotta admit, I was never much of a fried food kinda guy until I met you, and now I feel like I’m at the very least a connoisseur of fried chicken.”

  “You’re a fast learner.”

  “Good teacher,” I wink.

  When we finish eating, Serena sits back with her eyes closed. “Don’t go to sleep on me, babe, not before dessert.”

  “There’s dessert?” she perks up.

  “Of course. Stay right here, and I’ll bring it out.”

  “Let me help you,” she offers as she begins to stand.

  “I got it, babe. You stay right here and relax.”

  “Okay,” she nods.

  I collect the dishes and take them inside, placing them on the cart the staff left behind. From a second lower shelf, I pull out a small silver tray that I asked for them to send up. From my pocket, I pull out the ring box and flip it open. The oval-cut diamond sparkles at me, it’s eight carats are surrounded by another two carats of pave set diamonds, all set in platinum. It catches the light as I take a deep breath.

  You can do this, I tell myself. All you have to do is ask.

  I nod to myself, my resolve setting in, and place the ring box in the center of the tray and cover it up before I rejoin Serena. She looks up at me with a smile.

  “I love you, Cade,” she tells me.

  “I love you, too,” I say, leaning down to capture her mouth with mine.

  “What’s for dessert?” she asks.

  “You,” I answer, my eyes roaming over her hungrily. She blushes. “You know how much I love that I can still get that reaction out of you, right?”

  “So you say,” she teases.

  “I can show you,” I tell her raising my eyebrows mischievously as I sit down next to her. She laughs at me and reaches for the lid of the tray.

  “What’s for desse-” The words die on her lips, and she is frozen as her eyes widen and her mouth falls open. She looks over at me and back at the ring. “Cade?” she whispers.

  I take the lid from her hand and set it aside before kneeling in front of her and taking her hands in mine. “Serena, I love you. I think I’ve loved you since the minute I laid eyes on you in that bar and realized you had no idea who I was. When you skipped out on me the next morning, I was disappointed, maybe even a little heartbroken, but life had to go on. Then three years later, I see you and it all comes rushing back, reminding me of how I felt. I knew I had to find you and see you again. I knew I had to do whatever it took to make you mine.

  “I had no idea you would mean as much to me as quickly as you did, but I did know that you were giving my life new meaning, even on that first date. I was so lost back then, trying to figure out my life, and you gave me perspective that night. You gave me direction. And now, you’ve given me a son, and I can’t begin to tell you how happy it makes me to have the both of you in my life. It would mean everything to me to have you, and Alan, forever. Will you make me the happiest man ever and do me the incredible honor of being my wife, Serena Jacobs?”

  “Oh my God, Cade,” she cries, tears streaming down her face.

  “While normally, I love it when you say that, right now I’m just looking for one word.”

  She laughs and leans forward to kiss me. “Yes,” she whispers against my lips. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  I grab her in my arms, lifting her up, and twirl her around. When I set her down, we’re both crying, and I pick up the ring box. She holds her hand out and covers her mouth with the other as I slip the ring onto her finger.

  “Is this real life?” she asks.

  “You better believe it.”

  She puts her arms around my neck and leans in to kiss me. “We should celebrate.”

  “Have you ever made love on a balcony?” I tease.

  “Cade!” she admonishes me.

  “I’ll settle for the bedroom,” I say as I lift her up and carry her inside.


  The rest of our trip is spent relaxing by the pool or on the beach. I catch Serena staring at the ring on her hand on more than one occasion, and even though I know my publicist would love it if she would let me sell the pictures, I put a picture on my social media of Serena and me, embracing with her holding her hand out to the camera in the foreground to announce our engagement.

  When we land back at LAX, I'm not surprised to find paparazzi waiting for us, snapping pictures and yelling questions at us. We ignore them, and I keep a hand on the small of Serena’s back as I guide her toward our waiting car. I make sure she’s inside as the driver loads our luggage, and then I walk around to climb in the back of the SUV myself.r />
  “I can’t believe how many of them are here,” Serena says, peering through the darkened windows at the swarm of reporters and paparazzi on the sidewalk.

  “We’ll probably have to get used to them for a while.”

  “It’s okay; I’ve learned to live with it. I just want to get home so we can tell Alan.”

  I’m glad we decided not to tell Alan over the phone when we called to tell Ashley. I want to see his face when we tell him we’re going to be an official family. I reach over and squeeze Serena’s hand.

  “I can’t wait for that, either.”

  Traffic is hellacious, and it takes twenty minutes more than normal to reach home. We had given Ashley a key before we left so she could meet us at home when we returned. Sure enough, her car is in the driveway as expected.

  Serena heads inside as I gather the luggage and tip the driver. I can hear the two sisters squealing from the open front door. I chuckle to myself as I make my way up the front steps with the bags. I set them just inside and follow the sounds of the two women talking excitedly.

  “Hey, Ashley,” I greet her.

  She runs over and hugs me. “I can’t believe you proposed! That ring! You’re going to be my brother! Congratulations! Ahh!” she rambles out.

  I laugh at her enthusiasm as she steps back. “Thanks, Ashley. I look forward to being your brother.”

  “I hope you have some good prospects lined up for me for a wedding date,” she jokes.

  “I’ll work on it,” I laugh.

  “I’m gonna get out of here, let you guys have some family time with Alan. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Serena hugs her sister. “Thank you again for watching Alan.”

  “It was no trouble. I love spending time with the little man,” Ashely offers.

  “He loves spending time with Aunt Ash,” Serena replied.

  “If Cade fails me in the date department, at least I’ll always have Alan.” She waves as she grabs her purse, and I follow her to the door. I watch until she pulls out of the driveway before I join Serena who has gone upstairs to see Alan. He’s in his room, giving her a complete play by play of everything that he’s done with Ashley the last few days. Serena listens attentively, and I sit down beside her, and Alan climbs into my lap to continue telling us his story.


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