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Amelia's Outback Christmas (12 Naughty Days of Christmas)

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by Masters, Constance

  Amelia’s Outback Christmas


  Constance Masters

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Constance Masters

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  Masters, Constance

  Amelia’s Outback Christmas

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-649-6

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of contents:

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  About Constance Masters

  Ebook Offer

  Blushing Books Newsletter

  Blushing Books

  Chapter 1

  Amelia Strutton, sat on the window seat in her childhood room. She loved this space and she was going to miss it when she went away to college. This had been a great summer. The reason for that was just mounting a horse in the yard. Trevor Harding was an Aussie, the first one she’d ever met and he was hot, and so was his voice. It was deep and gravelly and she loved his accent. When he spoke to her, butterflies would twirl around in her belly. It made her want to do anything she could to get his attention all the time.

  She sighed as he stood there in full view and undid the button at the top of his work shirt and then rolled up his sleeves, his thick thighs gripping the saddle. He was all man, and even if so far it was only in her imagination, he was her man; at least he would be one day. One day she was going to make the dream of being with Trev a reality. Of course, that might mean getting him to see her as something other than an annoying little girl, the boss’s daughter. Her biggest problem was that time wasn’t her friend right now. The summer was ticking on. She was expected to be settled into her dorm at SMU very soon but she’d been putting it off, making any excuse that she could to keep from leaving. Trevor was planning to return to Australia by the end of August, so by the time she got back for her first break, he’d be gone and her dream of the future she’d imagined would be over. It was time to get things moving, today while her Daddy was away at the auctions and Trev was in charge.


  “It’s hot,” Jarrod, a young hand, said wiping his face on his sleeve.

  “It’s a tad warm,” Trev said. Where he was from it wasn’t unusual at all to have temperatures well above what it was today on a daily basis in the summer. Sometimes it didn’t even cool down at night. “Buck wants us to start on the fences in the back pasture. I’ve told two of the boys to get started on mucking out the stalls and I’ve sent others to move the cattle to greener ground. You’re with me.”

  “Sure, I’ll just go and get what we need and load up the truck,” Jarrod said.

  “I’ll ride down there and check the perimeters so we know what needs fixing,” Trevor said. “You can meet me down there.”

  Trev had his horse at a trot as he passed the main house and Amelia came jogging towards him.

  “Trev!” she called, waving her arms wildly to gain his attention. “Stop.”

  He pulled on the reins and brought Ginger to a stop. “What’s wrong?” he asked. Judging by the clothes she had on, something terrible had to have happened before she could get her pants on. All she was wearing was a button down blouse tied in the front and a pair of the shortest shorts he’s ever seen. The pockets hung down beneath the hem.

  “Nothing really,” Amelia said. “I just wanna come with you. I’m bored.”

  It was going to be one of those days. There wasn’t too much the matter with young Amelia, he liked her but she was young and spoiled rotten by her widower dad Buck, and her roots were embedded on this ranch. She wasn’t the type of girl he would take up with unless he was ready to make a lifelong commitment with her here in Texas, and he wasn’t. His heart was back in Australia on his dad’s cattle farm. A cattle farm that would one day be his. It would be summer there soon and he needed to go back and help. His working holiday was nearly over. He wasn’t going to lead Amelia on and then leave her hanging.

  “You’re not going anywhere without clothes on and I don’t have time to wait for you to get changed,” Trevor said. “You’ll find something to do around here.”

  “Boo. Why don’t you ever want to spend time with me?”

  “Because miss, I’m paid to do the job of a ranch hand, not be a babysitter.” Okay, that sounded mean, even to him. It was obvious by the outfit she was almost wearing that although she was young, Amelia wasn’t a little girl; she was far from it. She was still young enough to get her heart broken and he didn’t want that on his conscience. He softened his tone. “Go on honey, go put on some proper pants. That outfit is too much around all these men.”

  “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? It’s hot!”

  He watched as she fanned her face with her prettily painted fingernails and undid one more button exposing the gentle curve of her breasts, and he caught just a peak of pink lace from her bra. If he ever caught his kid sister acting that way, if he had one of course, she would live to regret it. Luckily he only had a younger brother whose general attire was jeans and a t-shirt. “I have work to do, and you can’t ride a horse with that get up Amelia, you’re not coming,” he said gruffly before shaking Ginger’s reins and cantering out of the yard. That girl made his blood boil the way she threw herself at him. It was a damn lucky thing that he had some scruples, otherwise she just might find herself in a situation that was a lot more than she was ready to handle. The little brat had way too much time on her hands. Her father wasn’t doing her any favors at all by giving in to her every whim; he should have packed her up and insisted she go to school already. Allowing her to stay here until the last minute was ridiculous. What that young lady needed was to have her backside tanned and be sent to settle in at school where she was supposed to be.

  Out in the fresh air on horseback was the best way for Trevor to relax. He and Ginger tore across a field, exhilaration running through him as the big horse jumped a fence with ease. The horse’s red mane flowed as the hot breeze blew. He had been riding for a good ten minutes before felt the tension slowly slipping away from him.

  Then he heard a car horn in the distance. So did Ginger; he reared up, nearly tossing Trev from the saddle. He tried to calm his poor mount, finally managing to pull him up. The furious cowboy swung around, eyes narrowed as he looked for the offender. Not that he needed to really, he knew that obnoxious horn playing Dixie had come from Amelia’s black four-wheel-drive. With steam coming from his ears, he dismounted and walked the poor horse over to the shade of a tree, petting him and soothing him with gentle words.

  When the pick-up was nearly upon them he looped Ginger’s reins around the tree. “Amelia Strutton!” he yelled through the window. The selfish little brat could have killed him and this beautiful horse.

  “Hi,” Amelia said, jumping out and comi
ng to join him.

  “Hi? Is that all you have to say? No, ‘I’m sorry Trevor for scaring Ginger and nearly causing a horrible accident.’ I should smack your backside for that little stunt.”

  “Chill. I didn’t think okay? I mean it’s not like I did it on purpose or anything. I wanted to get your attention, to let you know that I was there. Anyway, you managed to get him under control. He’s fine, aren’t you boy?” she said, stroking the horse’s mane.

  The girl dipped into her pocket and brought out a sugar cube and it didn’t escape Trev’s notice that she had to work really hard to get her fingers deep enough into those tight shorts to retrieve it. “What are you doing here?”

  Amelia shrugged. “I was bored back there. I wanted to come here so I did. This is my property. I can go wherever I want, wearing whatever I want, using what ever mode of transport that I choose.”

  Right, the emphasis on the word ‘wearing’ was deliberate. She wanted him to know that she was baiting him; well he wasn’t going to play. “Fine. Go ahead, this is probably a nice place for a picnic or something, I’ll see y’all later little girl. Hope you brought a doll or something to play with.” He patted her on the head, undid Ginger’s reins, and mounted him, riding away without another look back.

  Jarrod had already started on the fences when Trevor got there. “Sorry, I got caught up.”

  “Uh huh.” Jarrod said. “I saw Millie chasing you down in her truck. Must have caught you then. Have fun?”

  “What did you say?”

  “I said, did you have fun with her? She’s a looker Trev, and she’s fixin’ to have you. It isn’t like you have a choice. What Millie wants, Millie gets. If I were you I’d relax and enjoy it.”

  “You would,” Trev said, shaking his head with disbelief. “And what do you suppose would happen to her when I go back home?”

  Jarrod let out a belly laugh that shook the wire on the fence they were repairing. “This ranch will be a great place to raise a family. Like I said. What Millie wants, Millie gets and she wants you to stay.”

  “I am going home and I’m going soon.” Trev banged the post into the ground with a lot more force than he probably needed to, but he was grateful that he had some way to vent his frustrations. He didn’t want to stop and think about what was causing them.


  Buck was back from his buying trip by the time the boys finished their long day. As Trev rode into the yard he came down the steps towards him. Trevor raised his eyebrows; maybe he was leaving sooner than even he had planned.

  “Evening,” Trevor said, tipping his hat.

  Buck signaled to one of the boys to come and take Ginger. “Young Billie will fix Ginger, come on out back, we have the cooker fired up and we’re having a barbecue.”

  “Nice,” Trevor said.

  “Amelia was a little upset when I got home,” Buck said. “She seems to think that you don’t like her.”

  “That’s not true.” It wasn’t true at all. “I dislike the way she behaves sometimes. Sir, with respect, if your daughter thought I was upset with her today then I was. She was trying to get my attention in all the wrong ways.” How did he tell her father that his daughter was dressed like a tart, that she endangered an expensive, lovely animal just to get her own way?

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, sir, it is. Amelia can be a danger to herself.”

  “It wasn't that long ago that you were Millie’s age, was it?”

  “I’m twenty-five.”

  “You must know what it’s like to sew a few wild oats.”

  “There were strict rules on our farm. If I tore around like a mad person tooting a horn around the animals, my dad would have taken his belt to me. Probably still would. That’s the difference though, I wouldn’t because I’ve been taught the difference between right and wrong.” Probably just shot himself in the foot telling the boss how to raise his daughter, but he couldn’t keep quiet any longer.

  “It’s different with boys,” Buck said. “I would have been different with boys, I think. I had to coddle Millie a little. It hit her hard when her mother died.”

  “It must have been hard for both of you.” What do you say to that? Trevor was still young himself. What did he know about raising a motherless daughter? Maybe he would have made the same mistakes himself.

  “We helped each other. Anyway, Millie likes you. She likes you a lot.”

  “I like her, too.”

  “Well good, see, now we’re getting somewhere,” Buck said. “Millie, and of course me, were wondering if you would stay on here.”

  “Sir, I can’t. I have my own family, I need to go home.”

  Buck nodded his head sadly. “If you change your mind—”

  “I won’t sir, but thank you.”


  “I saw you chatting with Daddy,” Amelia said, coming up behind Trevor.

  “Is that a beer?” Trev asked.

  “Yes it is.” Her chin jutted out with the words. “Daddy doesn’t mind if I have a drink here and there, I’m safe in my own home. What can happen?”

  “Not my call.”

  “Well good. Can I get you one? You can tell me what you and Daddy talked about.”

  “I think you know already what we talked about,” Trevor said.


  “My answer was no. I’m not staying here Amelia, I’m needed at home and I want to see my family.”

  “You could go visit them and come back.”

  “When I go back, I’ll be putting down roots. It’s time.”

  Amelia did her best to control herself. She wanted to cry, to stomp her foot and shout to the world that it wasn’t fair, but she knew it wouldn’t do any good. She needed to find another way to convince Trevor to stay. “I’ll get you that beer.”

  “That’s okay, I can get one when I’m ready. I’m going to clean up a bit first. I’m still wearing the day’s dirt and sweat.”

  “Pleasant. You go have a shower and I’ll have a cold beer waiting for you when you come back.” She gave him her sweetest smile and was rewarded with his bone-melting grin.

  “That’ll hit the spot,” he said, “Nothing like a cold one after a long hot day.”

  Amelia watched him wander away, his blue jeans filled out perfectly. What would be even better than this view would be to catch him in the shower. A light bulb turned on over her head. That was it. That was the way she was going to be able to win him over. He might think she looked like a little girl when she was wearing blue jeans or shorts and a shirt. Maybe all he needed was closer view.


  Trevor stomped his boots off at the bunkhouse door and headed for the showers. It was the best most relaxing part of the day. A beer was nice, but tasted even better when you were clean and wearing fresh clothes.

  He stood under the steaming spray and let the pulsing water pelt his skin, washing away all the dirt and grime while soothing his muscles at the same time. Trev’s mind wandered to that morning when Amelia had been flaunting herself in front of him.

  Damn, it wasn’t like he wasn’t attracted to her; he was hardening at the thought of her. His hand reached for his aching cock, there was no way he could go back to the party and even think straight unless he relieved himself. He was about to wrap his fingers around his firm flesh when the shower curtain slid open.

  “What the hell?” he yelled. “Amelia!”

  The young, very naked girl slipped one foot into the stall.

  He blocked her; at least he tried to block her, that was his story anyway. What he actually did was press his own wet and naked form against hers. Amelia didn’t complain, of course, this was apparently what she wanted. She reached up and grabbed at his neck, pressing her lips against his as he tried to protest.

  “Amelia! Millie!” he said giving her a slight nudge. “This isn’t right.” It wasn’t right, for more than one reason. He was a twenty-five-year-old cattle farmer who was about to go back to his life at the other end of the word.
She was the eighteen-year-old daughter of the man who owned this ranch. The very man who was going to kill Trevor if he caught him in the shower with his precious little girl. His precious naked little girl.

  “Trev, I know you want me.”

  Her fingertips were tracing over his belly as her tongue teased the corners of his lips. Lips that he was trying to keep fairly closed. Not easy when you’re trying to tell someone to go away. “Millie, stop it!”

  Amelia kissed him anyway, giggling as she ran her hand quickly down his belly, searching for her target.

  Trevor snapped. “That’s it,” he said. He would not let her do this, to herself or to him. His hand was on her wrist and he stepped out of the stall, hustling her along with him while he grabbed at a towel.

  “Ooh, are we going to the bunk room?” she asked with a giggle.

  Trev shook his head. “No, Millie, we’re not.” He clicked the lock on the door and then let go of her hand long enough to knot a towel around his waist before sitting on the bench seat by the door. It was obvious what he planned to do.

  “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” Amelia asked, trying to pull away. “I’m not wearing any clothes—I’m, um, I’m not protected, it’ll hurt too much!”

  Trev tugged on Amelia’s arm, causing her to tumble over his knee. “I hope so sweetheart. Getting your bare ass tanned is supposed to hurt.”

  “No! This isn’t what I wanted! I wanted—”

  “I know what you wanted!” Trev said bringing his hand down on the naked girl’s rump with a hard splat. “It’s about time you learned that you don’t always get what you want!” His hand found a steady rhythm, coloring each white cheek with hard smacks, leaving a trail of handprints where it landed.

  “What’s wrong with me?” Tears were running down Amelia’s face and she wiggled her hips as she tried to dodge the relentless hand. “Why don’t you like me?”


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