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Page 4

by LeAnn Ashers

  “Oh no, Travis, what did you do?”

  “I just cut my hand, I will be fine.” He puts his hand on the table before she can touch him. He is a smart fucker, sometimes.


  I eye Travis’s hand every time he sets it on top of the table. It looks like a stab mark, and I am not sure how he managed to do that to himself.

  “You may need stitches,” I suggest once more, because he is still bleeding.

  Travis shakes his head. “No, I don’t need them. I do need to get going though.” He brushes his hair back. “The food was delicious, Joslyn.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I think you need to leave,” Wilder growls and I look at him, shocked. Why would he say that? He doesn’t notice me looking at him; his attention is fully on Travis.

  Travis laughs and walks out of the room more quickly than he normally would. Wilder relaxes once he hears the door slam shut, his attention finally moving to me. “Go relax, Sweetheart. I will clean up.”

  He takes all of our plates and walks out of the room, leaving me confused. I don’t understand men—that’s for sure.

  I grab the throw off the back of the couch, wrapping it around myself as I sit down. Cake Boss is on TV. This is one of my favorite shows, as you might expect.

  The moment I got home I snagged one of Wilder’s shirts from the dryer, along with a pair of sweatpants. Wilder looked me up and down, his eyes gleaming as he took in my attire. But then he went back to regular Wilder a second later.

  Confusing should be his middle name.

  I would be lying to myself if I didn’t admit I want him. God, do I want him. Wilder is just so sweet, caring, and hot. Those tattoos?

  Keep on dreaming, Joslyn, he would never want a woman like you.

  Stop! I tell myself. Do not do this to yourself, Joslyn.

  Around thirty minutes later, Wilder finally walks into the living room, making me almost fall off the couch. He is wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants, leaving his abs and tattoos in plain view.

  My mouth pops open. I know I am staring, but I can’t bring myself to look away. This is the pure beaut--no man should look this good.

  “Like what you see, Sweetheart?” he asks and I sit back on the couch, finally averting my gaze.

  “What?” I whisper, my cheeks burning. I am not sure I can ever face him again.

  Stop acting like such an innocent little girl, Joslyn! To be honest, though, I am pretty innocent in this respect. I am still a virgin—no guy has even touched me.

  Two of my old friends talked about sex, and they hated it. Their horror stories kind of made me write off men altogether. Besides, I wasn’t sure how long I would be sticking around.

  “Fucking adorable.”

  I peek up to get a full view of Wilder’s chest as he sits down beside me. An arm goes around my shoulders, and he tugs me to him until my head is lying on his warm and amazing chest. My eyes close, and my heart is pounding so hard that I can feel it in my throat.

  “Relax, Sweetheart,” he whispers into my ear, his breath tickling the side of my neck. My whole body shivers.

  “Okay,” I whisper back, snuggling even closer. Do it, Joslyn. I lift my hand and settle it on his chest. God, the feel of him. The muscles and the beautiful tattoos.

  His hand strokes my back, all the way up to the top of my neck. His fingers stroke my hair. That feels amazing.

  He does this over and over. He moves his fingers through my hair, then down to my arm. Over and over again.

  Today has been one of the best days of my life. I fall asleep just thinking about that.



  I am incredibly hot, way hotter than normal, so I try to kick off the blanket. My foot hits something hard. What in the world? I curl my toes, feeling hair.


  My eyes open, coming face-to-face with Wilder’s head. He is lying practically on top of me, his head on my chest, his arm thrown across my stomach. He is still shirtless. Please give me strength.

  Craning my neck, I look at the clock. It’s 9:00 a.m. I don’t have to be at work until twelve.

  Wilder breathes heavily, causing goose bumps to break out across my neck and arms. Oh God, I must have fallen asleep. I am in my bed, but I guess he just lay down with me.

  Not that I mind.

  “What time is it?” Wilder grumbles, causing me to grin. He sounds so cute with his deep, sleepy voice.


  “I am going to sleep for a while longer.” He shifts his head and wraps his arm tighter around me.

  I grin once again, and I drag my fingers through his short hair. His hand moves from my hip to the side of my face. “You’re an angel.” He closes his eyes.

  How cute is he?


  My fist smashes into the face of the man who tried to steal my bike. He hits the ground, not moving. Stupid fucker.


  I turn around to see Joslyn’s mother standing behind me. Today was an alright fucking day until this man tried to steal my bike, and then Joslyn's mother showed up. The worst part is she looks a lot like Joslyn.

  “Please just talk to me.”

  I growl loudly. “What is it?”

  “How is Joslyn?” she says softly, looking at the ground.

  I laugh. “You will not manipulate me into thinking you’re a concerned mother. You have caused your daughter enough pain.”

  She stands up straight, losing her sad look. “I am homeless!” she screeches.

  I stand a little closer to her. “That is not my problem. Your daughter has started from scratch many times. You can do it too!”

  “I don’t even have money for food!” she hisses back, her arms folded across her chest.

  Breathe, Wilder. I take my wallet from my back pocket and take out two hundred-dollar bills. “Here.” She snatches it right out of my hand.


  As I’m climbing on my bike, my phone dings. I slide it out of my pocket and see a text from Joslyn.

  Can you believe that they are having a huge country concert tonight? Too bad all of the tickets are sold.

  I go to my contacts and find Conner’s number. We went to school together, and this is an event that he organized.

  Conner answers. “Hey man, how have you been?”

  He and I got into a lot of shit when we were teenagers and almost drove our mothers crazy. “My woman is wanting to go to the concert tonight. You got any tickets?”

  He laughs. “Well, I thought I would never see the day. I have some front-row seats if you want them. How many?”

  “Just me and her.” I forgot about Joslyn’s mother, and I turn around to see her staring at me in shock.

  “I will have my guy drop off the tickets.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  I hang up. Joslyn’s mother has crept up next to me, and the fucker I knocked out is slowly walking around the parking lot holding his head.

  “What do you want now?”

  She looks at the money in her hand. “Will you tell Joslyn I am sorry? I am leaving my husband, and it’s time that I become a better person. Joslyn deserves to be happy.”

  My anger dissipates. “I will make sure she is happy. Live your life. If Joslyn wants to see you, I will get a hold of you.”

  She nods, turning on her heel, and walks away. This woman confuses the fuck out of me. I think, deep down, she never meant to be the way she is, but she did treat Joslyn badly. That is something I will never forget or forgive.


  I sit down on the couch, confused. Shaylin sent me home early; it’s now four o’clock. There’s a knock at the door, and I open it to see a delivery man. He is holding a garment bag.

  “I have a delivery for Joslyn,” he says.


  “Are you Joslyn?” he asks and I finally nod.

  “Here.” He hands me the garment bag and walks away. I stare at his retreating back. What is going on?

sp; As I start to unzip the bag, there is another knock at the door. What in the world? I open the door and see someone carrying a smaller bag.

  “Are you Joslyn?”

  “Yeah?” I startle as he sets the bag in my hands with a note and walks down the driveway. Okay, this is strange.

  I set the small bag next to the garment bag; then I open the letter.


  Be ready by five thirty, I will be by to pick you up. The concert starts at seven thirty. Can’t wait to see you, Sweetheart.

  Oh my God! How sweet is he.

  Excited, I unzip the garment bag to see a black dress. It has a small strap at each shoulder with ruffles between the shoulder and elbow. The front is slightly low cut, but still very modest, and the rest of the dress is fitted, but not tightly.

  Next I open the small bag to see black stilettos. I set the shoes down, staring at the gifts. Nobody has ever done anything like this for me before.

  I don’t even think that I have ever gotten a birthday gift, and I have definitely never had anyone surprise me like this, with concert tickets to a sold-out arena, a dress, and stilettos.

  The door opens and Wilder’s sister Brittany walks in. She looks at the garment bags then at me. Her face is soft. “Wilder sent me to do your hair and makeup so you can relax.”

  I turn away to hide the tears that have finally fallen—I tried to be strong and ignore it.

  “Aw, Joslyn.” Brittany wraps her arms around me, shaking me side-to-side.

  I laugh and wipe my eyes, pulling back. I am such a dweeb.

  “Now let’s get you ready for your date!” She claps her hands and scoops up my dress and shoes.

  Hold it! I touch her arm to stop her from powering up the steps to my bedroom. “Did you say ‘date’?”

  She laughs. “Wilder has wanted you from the moment he first saw you, you just gave him the perfect excuse.”

  She leaves me standing there alone with my thoughts.




  Breathe, Joslyn! I repeat to myself over and over as the clock reaches five thirty. Brittany left ten minutes ago, and I have been pacing the floor ever since.

  I walk over to the mirror and look at myself one last time. The dress is casual, and it hugs my curves, but it isn’t too tight. The cold shoulders style is very flattering on my skin and makes me look sexier than I am. The heels just set off the dress.

  I believe I am way overdressed, but Wilder wanted me in this, and this is what I am going to do. My makeup is light, but my smoky eyeshadow makes my dark brown eyes pop. My curls have been brushed out, and they hang down my back—beautiful.

  The door opens and I spin around to face Wilder, who is wearing jeans and a black button-down shirt that is rolled up to his elbows, showing off his tattoos.

  He is so hot.

  He stumbles and grips the edge of the couch. His eyes move up and down my body. “Joslyn, you’re so beautiful.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile even if I wanted to. For the first time in a long time, I do feel beautiful.

  “God,” he mutters and splits the distance between us. His hand rests on my hip, pulling me against him.

  He feels so amazing, the warmth he radiates and the protective vibe he gives me. I love that he makes me feel safe; it’s intoxicating.

  “We have a dinner reservation at six.” He lets me go and takes my hand. He smiles. “You ready?”

  Am I ready?

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  What he doesn’t know is that I am internally freaking out.

  He opens the truck door. How am I supposed to get in there? If I climb in, I will be flashing literally everything, and my legs are short.

  “I got you, Sweetheart.” He scoops me up and sets me in the seat as if I weighed nothing.

  “Thank you.”

  He touches my cheek and shuts the door.

  “Oh my God!” I whisper, my arm pressed into my stomach as I try to contain myself. My heart is about to fly out of my chest, and my stomach is completely upside down with nerves.


  Beautiful isn’t the right word to describe her. I almost fell at the sight of her when I walked in the house. She looked at me and I just can’t get over it.

  I have wanted her since the moment I first saw her at the bakery, and when she asked to go to the concert, I decided to make my move and have this be our first date. I want us to go at her pace, but I couldn’t let this opportunity pass.

  “Where are we going to eat?” She shifts in her seat to get more comfortable.


  Her eyes widen. “The fancy restaurant that is usually booked months in advance?” she asks.

  “We own it.”

  Her mouth falls open, and I chuckle at her reaction. She is adorable as she blushes and looks at her lap.

  “I never thanked you for this beautiful dress and shoes, Wilder. Thank you. I love it.” She runs her hands down her dress.

  I bring her hand to my lips, kissing the back. “Anything for you, Sweetheart.”

  She touches her chest and looks out the window. I grin because I can tell she is affected.

  Good, that is exactly what I want.

  A few minutes later we pull up in front of the restaurant. We have reserved parking spaces for members of the club.

  “I will help you out.” She already has her door open. I don’t want someone to accidentally get a better view of her legs that I want them to, because then I will just have to kill them.

  I pull her door the rest of the way open and wrap my arm around her middle, lifting her from her seat. I set her on her feet. Her head reaches the top of my shoulders because of the heels, but I still tower over her.


  Once we are seated, I open my menu. “Brittany is such a Sweetheart,” I tell him.

  He laughs. “Yeah, she is sweet, but she also has a mean side.”

  I laugh with him. “Don’t we all?”

  He arches an eyebrow at me questioningly. “Sweetheart, I don’t think you have a mean bone in your body.”

  I shrug because, in the end, I am not someone who could be mean to anyone. “I am not someone who loves confrontation. I tend to avoid it, but I would do everything in my power to protect those I love.”

  “That is an amazing trait to have, Sweetheart.” He lifts my hand off the table, kissing the back once more. My stomach flips once again, my nerves going haywire.

  “What can I get you guys to drink?” The waitress scared the crap out of me. I was too distracted by Wilder’s lips on my hand.

  “I want a water.”

  She looks to Wilder, and he orders the same.

  I haven’t even glanced at my menu yet, and I almost fall over when I see the prices. This place is very expensive.

  “Joslyn, don’t even dare to go cheap.”

  I internally wince because I’ve been caught looking at the kids’ menu. I think I will just get a ribeye steak and a small side salad. I am too scared to reach outside of that norm because I might not like the food.

  “Where do you see yourself in a few years?” Wilder asks.

  I contemplate what to say that wouldn’t be cheesy. “Honestly? I love baking, but what I want more than anything is to be a mom.” I laugh thinking of what it would be like with a bunch of babies running around. “I want at least four.” Wilder’s smile grows as I talk. “What about you, Wilder?”

  He stares at me intensely, which makes me nervous. “I want the same things you want in life. I am twenty-seven years old, it’s time for me to settle down, get married, and have babies running around.”

  We want the same things. There’s nothing I want more in this world than to feel a new life growing inside me, hold my sweet baby, and watch my child grow. I would strive to be the best mother I could possibly be.

  To be the mother that I never had.

  “It seems we have a lot more in common than we thought, Sweetheart.”

; I lift my menu to hide my smile. I will never tire of hearing him call me Sweetheart.

  * * *

  We make it to the arena just in time. It is filled to the brim and, much to my utter surprise, we have front-row seats right below the stage.

  “I can’t believe we have front-row seats!” I bounce in my seat, barely able to contain myself. “This is my first concert.”

  The lights dim, and one of my favorite country singers runs out onto the stage. I grab Wilder’s hand and pull him out of his seat.

  “How is everyone tonight!” the singer yells into the mic and I scream loudly. I feel Wilder shaking and I see him grinning at me. He throws his arm over my shoulder, pulling me to his side and kissing my temple.

  Act cool, Joslyn. Don’t let him see how much that really affected you.

  * * *

  It’s an hour into the show, and Wilder has pressed himself against my back, his chin resting on my head and his arms wrapped around my middle. We are swaying side-to-side, my arms resting on top of his.

  “Men, grab your ladies close, this is a song for y’all,” the singer announces, and couples all around us start moving.

  “Joslyn,” Wilder says and I freeze. He turns me around in his arms, and I push my hair out of my face, looking up at him. He takes my hands, resting them on his shoulders, and his arms surround my waist.

  He looks deep into my eyes as the song moves my soul. I have never felt this way before. No man has made me feel this way before. Looking at him, being with him like this, makes me want him more than anything.

  His forehead rests against mine. The singer belts out, “Thank God I am yours.”

  I close my eyes, lifting my hands to his neck. He sways us side-to-side. “Baby,” he whispers, and I open my eyes to see him staring at my lips.

  He wants to kiss me.

  I nod and he takes his cue, pressing his lips to mine.

  His hands move from my waist to my jawline, controlling the kiss. I am just here for the ride. His lips move over mine slowly, sensually. As he draws out the kiss, his finger strokes my cheekbones.


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