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Page 6

by LeAnn Ashers

  I shrug. Wilder is such a gentleman, and we are still in the beginning stage of God knows what.

  “You haven’t even seen his dick yet?” Jean asks. She is the ole lady of one of the Devil Souls MC members.

  I shake my head. “I haven’t seen anything yet.” I burn from my head to my toes, wanting the ground to swallow me up and take me away. I know this is girls’ talk, but I cannot stop myself from acting all virginal. I am a virgin so it’s no wonder I’m acting this way, plus I am shy. I want sex as much as the next girl, but I am not very open about stuff like that, mostly because of my lack of experience.

  “Well!” Brittany smacks the table, pushing herself out of her chair. “I am getting a drink. Who all wants one?”

  I raise my hand automatically. I want to loosen up, that’s for sure. I am so tired of being anxious, overthinking my every move.

  The bar is filling up with people, but we have a table in the back, away from everyone.

  Brittany comes back with a round of shots. “Let’s get this party started!” she screams, setting the drinks on the table. I gulp down my drink. It burns on the way down, and I hold my throat as the burning subsides.

  All of the girls scream and start jumping up, grabbing each other’s hands—including mine, pulling me out onto the dance floor.

  I grin. One thing I have always been good at is dancing. Believe it or not, my mom put me in dance classes from the moment I was old enough, and I didn’t quit until I hit high school.

  The girls move into the middle of the group of dancers, grinding their hips to the music. I make enough room for myself and let loose.

  “Hot damn!” Brittany screams, cheering me on. She moves next to me, and together we shake what the good Lord gave us. Guys catcall and women scream.

  I laugh, backing up against Brittany, grinding her hips against mine. The girls join us, and we all dance together.

  This is so much fun!

  I swing my hair around, my hands moving up my body and into my hair.


  A Few Hours Later

  My phone dings with an incoming text; it’s a video from Brittany. I open the video and almost drop my phone at the sight of Joslyn dancing.

  Fuck me. I press my hand against my dick, trying to stop the hard-on at the sight of her shaking her ass.

  That is when I see the fuckers in the background staring at her. Clicking off the video I grab my keys off the table, stuffing my phone in my pocket. I need to get my woman and hurt some fuckers who are looking at her.

  * * *

  I walk into the bar to see her half lying on the table, holding her stomach as she laughs. God, she is so fucking beautiful. The door opens behind me, showing Lane, Butcher, and Derek. I step aside, letting them inside.

  The door opens again, revealing the rest of the Devil Souls guys. I guess we all got the memo at the same time; that memo has to be Brittany. She has always loved to cause trouble.

  Derek settles beside me. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  He gives me a sideways glance and looks back at the ladies across the room, and I follow his gaze to my sister.

  Oh, hell no.

  “You better not be fucking looking at my sister.”

  He grins at me and walks across the room to Brittany, who is almost passed out by the looks of her. She looks up at Derek, smiling that smile that can get my dad or any of the other guys to do anything she wants. “You came!” She raises her arms. “Carry me away.” She wiggles her fingers.

  Fuck me.

  Derek picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. He walks over to me. “I will get her home safely.”

  I nod. He will make sure she gets home safe. I know that for certain. “Wilder!” Joslyn screams and runs across the room to me, jumping into the air. I catch her, and she wraps her arms around my waist.

  “Hey, Sweetheart, you have fun?” I ask her.

  She nods, flashing me her beautiful smile before it falls, her eyes filling with tears. Who bothered her?

  “What’s wrong?” I wipe her tears.

  “I just missed you.” She falls forward, and her head lands on my shoulder. She sniffs and snuggles deeper.

  I tilt my head, laying it against hers. “Missed you too, Baby.”

  She breathes out deeply, relaxing completely into me.

  “Let’s go home.”

  She doesn’t say anything as she allows me to carry her out.

  My truck is parked at the entrance, and we walk by a couple of guys who are standing outside the door. “Look at that,” I hear one of them whisper.

  That shit pisses me off.

  Backing up, I hold Joslyn up with one hand while the other smacks the guy’s hand against the wall. His hand bounces off, and he groans and hits the ground.

  I barely touched him—what a pussy. The other guys just watch and do nothing. I left my truck unlocked, so I open the door and set her gently inside, buckling her up.

  Joslyn's eyes open and she gives me a sleepy smile, and her fingers touch the side of my face. “You’re beautiful.” Leaning forward, I kiss her cheek.

  She touches her cheek. “I love it when you touch me.”

  I can’t resist laying my head on her shoulder, breathing in her scent. She smells like vanilla, and it’s intoxicating.

  I shut her door and get in the driver’s side. She slides down until her head is lying on my thigh.

  This is torture.

  * * *

  I carry her into her bedroom and lay her on her bed. The shirt that I was wearing earlier is on the floor. “Joslyn, wake up.” I soften my voice so I don’t scare her.

  “Let me sleep, Wilder,” she mumbles.

  “You need to change, then you can sleep.” I toss the shirt on her face and she rises, glaring at me. Her makeup is smeared halfway across her face, and her hair is sticking up on one side.

  How fucking cute is she?

  “Change, I will be in the bathroom.”

  Walking into the bathroom, I spot her makeup remover wipes on the counter. After grabbing those, I walk back into the bedroom a minute later, giving her enough time to get changed.

  She is lying with her head on the pillow, the blanket under her neck. “Oh no!”

  “What is it?”

  “I need to clean my face.” She pouts.

  I sit down in front of her, taking a wipe out of the pack. When I start cleaning her face, she opens her eyes in surprise.

  “Are you really cleaning my face for me?” she whispers.

  “Just relax.”


  I cannot believe he is doing this right now—he is cleaning the makeup off of my face. He is so sweet. I wish he would kiss me right now.

  I want to feel him, love him. I want every part of Wilder, what he thinks, what makes him happy, everything.

  He studies my face intently as he gently wipes away my mascara. In this moment, I realize how comfortable I am around him.

  I also realize how much he cares about me. What other man would clean makeup off my face, or even think to do so for that matter. He puts the pack down and stands up. “Goodnight, Baby.” He walks toward the door, but I don’t want him to go.

  “Want to sleep here?” I ask before I can second-guess myself. Cuddling him right now, being held in his arms, sounds so amazing. We have slept in the same bed only a couple of times. I just want him next to me every night. His presence is something I crave.

  He strips off his shirt, giving me his answer. I probably should look away, but the sight of his abs and tattoos always causes me to stare. He is so beautiful: his height, his muscles, and the tattoos lining his body.

  He climbs in next to me and, without hesitation, I cuddle up to him, my head resting on his shoulder. “I am so tired.” I sigh, wrapping my arm around his middle so it rests on his abs.

  “Sleep, Baby.” Lips press against the side of my head and, smiling, I close my eyes.

  This is what happiness is.

  * * *
r />   My eyes open, going to the clock in front of me. Eleven o’clock. Closing my eyes again, I kiss the back of Wilder’s hand.

  “Good morning.” His voice is deep with sleep.

  I turn toward him, my hand touching the side of his face. It seems that I am getting braver about touching him.

  “I am going to kiss you.”


  He turns me over on my back, hovering above me. My body breaks out in goose bumps in response to the feel of him on top of me. His lips touch mine briefly, before pulling away. I rise, chasing his lips. He kisses me and dodges out of my reach once again. He leans down and kisses me more deeply, and my mouth opens.

  He pulls away once again, making me frustrated beyond measure. I press my hands on the back of his head, bringing his face back down toward mine.

  I feel his body shaking with laughter, and I am done with being teased. His laughter ebbs, and he concentrates on kissing me. I lift my leg and rest it against his hip.

  That is when he really kisses me, ravishing my mouth. All I can do is try to keep up, my fingers digging into his hair.

  Oh my God. My body heats up in a way that it’s never done before. I curl my leg around his back. Something hard presses against me.

  Oh my goodness.

  It seems that my body has a mind of its own as I tilt my hips into him and he grinds himself against me. I gasp loudly, my body trembling.

  I want him, but what do I do? How do I react?

  He stops kissing me, his forehead against mine. I press my hands into his shoulders. Why do I feel so disappointed?

  He presses himself against me once again, and I turn my head to the side, trying to hide my reaction.

  “Baby.” His fingers touch my chin, turning my head back to him. “Let me take care of you.”

  What did he just say? Do I want him to? My body is on edge, needing him. I’ve had an orgasm before, but it was by my own hand and it’s been a while. Running for your life does put a damper on things.

  Throwing caution and fear to the wild, I say firmly, “Okay.”

  He kisses me once more but pulls away. His fingers grip the bottom of my shirt. “Raise up.” I do as he asks, and he lifts the shirt above my head, leaving me totally naked. I don’t sleep with a bra on.

  My hands cup myself. “No, Baby, you’re beautiful.” He pries my hands away, and his lips move to my neck.

  “Mmm.” I sigh, wrapping my legs around his waist once more. He nips and kisses his way down to my breasts, his beard rubbing me erotically. My nipples tighten in reaction to the feel of his breath.

  His lips close and suck hard on my nipple. “Oh!” I hiss, pressing him harder against me. I never realized how sensitive I was there.

  His fingers move down my side, closer and closer to... They stop on my hip, sliding under the waistband of my panties.

  “You sure?” he asks.

  “I am sure.” I am out of breath as the words come out.

  He pulls my panties down my legs, and my whole body shivers at the sight of him staring down at me, heat pooling between my legs. I feel so exposed right now. I am exposed in a way I have never been before.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, a finger trailing down my leg.

  In that moment, I do feel beautiful. The way he is looking at me tells me everything I need to know about how he feels.

  He lies down on his stomach, between my legs.

  Oh my God, is he?

  He pulls my legs apart, exposing me fully to him. I watch with wide eyes as he smiles at me wickedly and ducks his head, his tongue swiping against my clit.

  My hips jolt at the sudden, intense pleasure. I have never felt anything like this before. “Wilder,” I groan loudly and I lift my legs, throwing them over his shoulders.

  His head shakes between my legs, driving me crazy. I press my hand on the back of his head, pulling him harder against me, chasing the orgasm.

  A finger teases my opening and I press down, needing it. He takes my cue, pressing a finger inside, but everything stops suddenly, including his tongue. Opening my eyes, I see him staring at me in awe.

  I guess he just found out that I am a virgin.

  “Wilder—” I start, but his lips wrap around my clit, sucking deep.

  “Oh my God,” I chant over and over, his finger moving inside me as he adds another one. His fingers tilt, touching a spot that stills my breath, as he sucks my clit once more.

  I cry out as my orgasm wracks my body, my body trembling and shaking, out of my control. He moves up from between my legs and pulls me into his arms.

  The fan in the room gives us background noise so we are not in complete silence. I cannot believe this happened. Did Wilder just go down on me?

  “Did that just happen?” I cover the side of my face that isn’t lying on his chest.

  “Oh yeah,” he drawls sexily, and my face heats up. “First time of many.”

  “Oh,” I say simply, before laughing.

  He flips over so I am on my back. I just noticed that I am still naked, and I avoid his gaze.

  He braces himself on one arm, touching my chin, stopping me from turning my head once again. “Do not ever be embarrassed, Baby. There is no reason to be embarrassed about me pleasuring you. I wanted to. I want to do it again.”

  I smile widely, the embarrassment gone, and I realize I just needed this reassurance from him. This is all new for me.

  He shoots me a wicked smile. “Oh, and you’re my woman.”

  I laugh loudly, my eyebrow arched. “Your woman, huh?”

  He nods. “My woman, wanted you the moment I fucking saw you, Baby.”

  My heart, this guy is going to be the death of me yet. “Okay,” I whisper.

  I have wanted to be his since the moment I met him.

  “Okay,” he mocks playfully, his head going to the side of my neck, holding me. He is heavy, but I love his weight on me. The feeling of being safe? It’s amazing.

  “You make me feel safe, like nothing in this world can touch me.” Hearing that I am his gave me the confidence to speak my mind.

  His hand sinks into my hair before he rises to look at me. “I would do anything to protect you.” He stops, and his face darkens. “Anything.”

  I shiver deeply and, moving forward, I kiss his cheek, his beard tickling the side of my face.




  The party at the club is tonight, and all of the girls are going shopping right now to get clothes for tonight before we head to the club and cook the food. Well, some of the food. One of the steakhouses in town is catering; we are just making the desserts.

  “What are you thinking of wearing, Joslyn?” Lane’s finance Amelia asks, thumbing through the clothes racks.

  I close my eyes in aggravation. “I don’t have a clue.” I groan.

  She laughs. “Come on. I will get you help.” She takes my hand, leading me over to Brittany. Why didn’t I think of her first?

  Brittany cocks her hip to the side, her hand perched on it. “Let me guess, you need some help?”

  I nod. “I know nothing about clothes or what would look good on me.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Girl, you would look good in a plastic sack, but I can make Wilder chase after you with his tongue fragging the ground.”

  “Let’s do this.”

  Brittany pulls me away from Amelia and, as I look back at her, she gives me an encouraging nod. Why do I feel like I am going to regret this?

  * * *

  I so regret giving her free rein. I probably tried on thirty different outfits in the span of an hour—I was getting chafed thighs.

  “Let’s grab a bite in the food court before we head to the club, plus we can get ready there,” Brittany says, and my stomach growls loudly, agreeing with her.

  All of the other girls left over an hour ago, but I’m pretty sure Brittany could have kept on shopping for many more hours.

  “Hot dogs good with you?”
br />   “Sounds good.”

  She orders our food, and I hand her the money for mine, which she stuffs back in my pocket. I roll my eyes.

  “You’re good for my brother.”

  “I… I...” I don’t know what to say to that. I am not good for her brother—he is good for me. Wilder has the best heart, a heart that not many people see. I soften my face. “He is good for me, he is the best.”

  She smiles brightly. “That is the reason why you’re so good for him. You have the best heart, he needs that.”

  Brittany has to be the nicest girl I have ever met. She has become my best friend in the short amount of time that I have known her.

  “Here you are.” Our hot dogs are set on the counter. I grab mine, and she motions to the table that is closest to us. The hair on the back of my neck stands on end when I notice two guys staring at us, and one of them winks at me. Ugh.

  She takes a large bite of her hot dog and points it at the men. “I hate men.”

  I burst out laughing because I was thinking something along those lines a few seconds ago —besides Wilder, that is.

  “I have been disappointed by men my whole life—besides Wilder and my adoptive dad.” She sighs and sinks further into her chair.

  She is lonely; I can almost feel it radiating off of her. Brittany is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. She has curves to die for, long red hair, a smattering of freckles covering her nose, and large brown doe eyes. Her confidence alone is astounding; she walks with it and she knows her worth. She is everything I strive to be.

  “So, Sweetheart, can I have your number?” Startled, I turn around to face the person who just scared the crap out of me. It’s the guy who winked at me earlier. I so don’t want to deal with this person right now.

  “Sure you can!” Brittany says cheerily. What? She really cannot be serious right now?

  The guy takes out his phone, flashing me a cocky smile. Maybe I need to take back the part about Brittany being so nice?

  She leans forward, her arms resting on the table. “The number is 555-0298.”


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