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Destined for Time (Myths and Legends)

Page 15

by Stacie Simpson

  “It’s as safe as its going to get without a physical barrier like the moat around the resort property,” Solomon told me and Rook.

  “It’s enough,” Rook assured him. “I’ll be here and I saw some of Angela’s moves earlier, we can take care of ourselves.”

  It made me unbelievably happy to hear him praise my fighting skills like that. “Maybe someday you can show me your moves; I’m guessing there’s a ring or two somewhere in that resort.”

  “Going by the way he’s been looking at you, I don’t think those are the kind of moves he wants to show you Mom,” Rachel pointed out making my cheeks burn bright red.

  Solomon helped Rachel carry her things to the car then they headed back to the resort. When the door closed behind them Rook locked the door and turned to face me. We were finally alone. For the first time in all the years we’d known each other we were alone. No Rachel demanding my attention, no resort staff members interrupting us, and no Dragon collapsed a few feet away - we were completely alone.

  He moved towards me slowly with sexual heat radiating from every pore on his big body. I loved the way he moved. He had a predatory grace that was sensual, stimulating, as well as dangerous. My eyes drank in the sight of him in his skin tight, long-sleeved red shirt and those supple black, leather pants that fit him like a well-worn glove. The way his muscles flexed and rippled under his clothes was so enticing, so tempting. It always had been, but now there wasn’t anything standing in my way, nothing to make me hold myself back.

  Suddenly I realized that this was it. We were finally going to be together intimately without any strange supernatural reasons driving us. I’d dreamed of this so many times and I’d wanted it to be perfect with sexy lingerie and candlelight, not with me wearing workout clothes covered in sweat. “Um, I think I should take a shower,” I murmured, pulling the hair tie from my pony tail as I started edging away from him.

  His arms went up and he pulled his shirt off over his head then dropped it to the floor when he stopped just inches in front of me. The sight was too tempting. My hands moved compulsively to his chest and smoothed over the hard muscles tracing the lines of his tattoo.

  “I don’t think I can wait that long,” he growled and before I could comment he swept me into his arms and carried me swiftly to my bed. I would have felt big and awkward had any other man done it, but in Rook’s arms I felt small and feminine for the first time in my adult life.

  He set me down at the foot of the bed and pulled a handful of condoms out of his pocket and tossed them on the bed. Our clothes disappeared in a flurry of hands and mouths. There were a few tense moments while he removed his boots, but then they were off and we were falling onto the bed naked and highly aroused.

  His mouth claimed mine, hard, demanding, hungry. This was better than my dream with Camila, better than any of the other kisses we’d shared because I was finally free. Free to let myself feel and to accept everything he was offering me with his kisses, with the slide of his hard body against mine.

  When I was breathless and the room was spinning, his lips trailed down my throat then further to my breast. He sucked hard, drawing my nipple into his hot mouth and flicking his wet tongue over it. The exquisite sensations he caused spiraled through my body forcing my back to arch off the bed. When I couldn’t take any more he moved to my other nipple and teased it while my hands burrowed into his hair, grasping at anything to keep me grounded, to keep me from flying away with the pleasure he was giving me.

  Just when I was about to beg for mercy he started kissing his way down my trembling body. Wet open mouthed kisses that had my thighs spreading when he pressed his nose into my damp curls and inhaled, groaning as he took in my scent. His head lifted until he met my wild gaze. “You smell like heat and desire, like a woman on fire for me and all I can think about is making you come with my tongue buried between your legs so I can taste how sweet your orgasm is.”

  It was so incredibly erotic, his words, his guttural voice, and the barely contained lust swirling in the molten silver of his eyes. A rush of liquid fire raced to my core and his tongue slid out to sweep through my saturated feminine folds. Oh God that felt so good. My hips rose up and he did it again. I couldn’t hold back the lustful shout that escaped me. With a hungry growl Rook delved into my soft pink flesh, exploring every nuance of me with his tongue and lips, greedily, thoroughly.

  My legs went over his shoulders and I closed my eyes, relishing every lick of his tongue, every touch of his lips as they sent lightning surging through my body. The pleasure increased when he slid his fingers into me, stroking my inner muscles while I writhed on the bed. My breathing was so erratic the lack of oxygen was dizzying and I thought, if this keeps up I’ll be in danger of passing out.

  A heartbeat later I wasn’t worried about passing out anymore. I wasn’t worried about anything except screaming through the orgasm that crashed over me when he drew my clit between his lips and sucked. His tongue swirled over the swollen bundle of nerves and my body came apart. Rook speared his tongue into me, lapping up the essence of my orgasm while I shook with tremors of ecstasy.

  When I finally came back to my senses, tingles of pleasure still dancing beneath my skin, Rook rose up above me with his hair falling to one side like an ebony curtain of silk. Reaching out I combed my fingers through the silken strands, sighing at the unbelievably sensual texture.

  “I’ve never been with a man whose hair was longer than mine, it’s incredibly sexy,” I breathed as I brushed the ends of his hair along my jawline, luxuriating in the soft caress.

  “I’m not like the other men you’ve been with Angela,” he rasped, his voice rough with desire, “and I promise you, the hair is only the beginning.”

  He sheathed himself with a condom then pressed his erection against the tight entrance of my body and kissed me. It was deep and penetrating, devastating in its intensity. My arms and legs wrapped around him pulling him closer, trying to merge our bodies into one as he poured his soul into me through his kiss.

  His hips pushed forward and he buried himself inside of me with one long, hard stroke, completing me in a way I’d never be able to describe. When he pulled back and slid into me again I tore my lips from his, gasping at the incredible sensations such a simple movement could cause.

  Bracing himself on one elbow he cupped my face with his other hand rubbing my cheek gently with his thumb as his swirling silver eyes bore into mine.

  “I’m going to savor you tonight Angela.” His hard length stroked my inner muscles again eliciting a moan from me before he continued speaking. “Because this is how our first time should have been. I want the memory of this night seared into my mind so that when I close my eyes this will always be what I see, what I feel when I think of you.”

  His voice vibrated with emotions that I’d known he felt for me, but hadn’t been willing to accept. Tears came to my eyes and I couldn’t speak so I pulled his head down bringing his lips back to mine and gave him a long lingering kiss that we could both savor, that neither of us would ever forget. While our tongues twined, our bodies rocked together with a slow, sensual rhythm and warmth spread over my body suffusing me with a feeling of calm acceptance. He was mine, and I was his. The part of me that had always known I belonged to him sighed with relief at my surrender.

  Long moments later Rook pulled back and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. The knowledge of my acceptance was evident in the tender caress.

  Rising up on his arms he looked down at me as he slid his hard flesh into me with harder, faster strokes. Pleasure twisted in my core with the sudden change of pace and my hands raced over his shoulders, down his back, then gripped his hips as the sensations ravaging my body increased.

  After a moment I realized he was subtly changing the angle of his hips while he searched my face for my reactions. I’d never had a man care enough about my pleasure to even think of doing that. The men I’d been with had just shuttled in and out of my body with the hopes that I came before the
y did, and if I hadn’t, they certainly hadn’t lost any sleep over it. But not Rook, no, he would never take what he needed from me and leave me wanting, needing. The desire I felt for him in that moment burned through me like wildfire, consuming my thoughts, leaving only the need for more of him behind.

  He must have seen something in my face because he ramped up his efforts even more, and just when I thought it couldn’t get much better it did. A harsh cry escaped me when his erection stroked over a particularly sensitive spot. He did it again, then again. A moan of pure ecstasy fell from my lips, the pleasure his movements brought me shattering through my nerve endings. He quickened his pace, sliding his hard flesh over that spot with unerring accuracy. Waves of pleasure spread through my body, churning and swirling into a maelstrom of sensation. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest as my breaths came in agonizing gasps. I’d never felt so out of control, so lost in my own body.

  That hum of energy that always surrounded him pulsed between us erotically adding to the sensations bombarding my senses. The intensity of the pulsating energy grew as his movements became frantic, pounding, his hips urgently slamming into mine. His demanding thrusts set off an eruption of ecstasy deep inside of me that burst out of me uncontrollably as my body seized.

  The silver in Rook’s eyes swirled faster than ever, mesmerizing me as the pleasure overwhelmed him. The energy that had been building exploded like a bomb being detonated and I felt the shockwaves reverberating in my soul. The ecstatic feeling so intense, like nothing I’d ever felt before. We cried out together giving one voice to our passion as Rook shuddered above me and we were overcome by rapture.

  Rook rolled us to the side wrapping his arms around me and pressing me against his chest while we took deep breaths and our hearts slowed to safer rhythms. After several moments his hand stroked over my hair and he kissed the top of my head.

  “What did you do to me Rook?” My voice was hoarse and I had to clear my throat. “I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life.”

  “That’s not an easy question to answer, but basically we tapped into the River of Time,” he responded quietly, still running his fingers through my hair.

  I pulled back so I could look at him. “What is the River of Time?”

  He brushed his fingertips over my jaw, his eyes searching my face for what I didn’t know. “The River of Time was once a source of power for any time demon strong enough to access it.”

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s a lot more to it than that?”

  He brushed my bangs off my face and kissed my forehead. “Because you’re a police detective. It’s in your nature to be suspicious and you’re very intuitive and perceptive.”

  I chuckled and asked him, “Does that worry you, when you think about all the things you won’t be able to get away with if we stay together?”

  “There is no if,” he growled and rolled me to my back with him positioned between my legs. “We aren’t yet bound as anai, but I’ve seen into your soul. You are mine as much as I am yours, and nothing will ever take you away from me again.”

  I tried to find a way to laugh off what he said, but the fierce determination in his gaze brooked no arguments. The possessiveness should have worried me more, but with the same sentiments brewing inside me it was hard to complain. Instead, I reached up and brushed his hair behind his ear as I whispered, “Kiss me Rook, show me what I mean to you.”

  He did as I asked, kissing me with deliberate slowness as he made love to me again, then again, and I decided that being completely alone with Rook was something I would crave on a soul deep level until my last breath left my body.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Would you like that Rook,” I heard her ask.

  “Mmm...” I murmured, not sure what I was agreeing to but the husky tone of her voice let me know whatever it was I’d enjoy it.

  A light scrape of nails from my hip bones down my thighs had my cock jerking to attention. Warm air skated over its head followed by the wet slide of a tongue from root to tip. Was I still dreaming? I’d made love to Angela so many times last night that when we finally collapsed into sleep I couldn’t stop thinking about the pleasure we’d given each over. My dreams had been filled with erotic scenes from the night before and I couldn’t wait to relive them in the waking world.

  Delicate fingers closed around the base of my shaft, lifting it up so that she could swirl her tongue around my rigid flesh like it was her favorite lollipop. It had to be a dream; nothing in reality could possibly feel that good.

  Her lips closed over my erection and her mouth slid over it spreading her saliva down its length. Up and down her mouth moved with her fingers squeezing with alternating pressure just below it. All the while her tongue teased me, sliding up and down my shaft, swirling around its tip while she sucked me in again and again.

  My hands grabbed fistfuls of her hair holding her head in place as my hips started thrusting upward. Not too hard but faster than she’d gone on her own. The moan that vibrated around my aching cock sent tremors up my spine and I realized that this couldn’t be a dream, because fantasies with Angela never felt this good. No, this amount of pleasure only came from the real life Angela.

  My eyes snapped open and the sight of her devouring me pushed me over the edge. The orgasm rolled over me and I exploded into her mouth with a blinding rush of ecstasy that had me shouting her name as the pleasure burned through me. My whole body went rigid with the effort it took not to slam myself into her hot mouth hard and deep. Her hands clamped down on my hips but she didn’t pull back, she sucked harder, drinking me in as my release pulsed down her throat.

  When the waves of pleasure receded she released me from her mouth and crawled up my body. Straddling my hips she pressed her warm, wet center against me as she leaned down to gently kiss my lips.

  “Good morning,” she whispered seductively.

  A startled laugh escaped me and I shook myself, not entirely sure I wasn’t still dreaming. “I think I could get used to waking up like this,” I told her as my hands caressed her hips, urging her to slide her wet heat along my cock. It was already hardening again and it would only be a matter of moments before I could bury myself inside her again.

  “I’ll have to keep that in mind,” she purred. She was moving her hips in earnest now, stroking my shaft with the wetness dripping from her sex. “I like the way you responded when I pleasured you like that. Do you think you’d like it if I took you inside me like this?” she asked me in that quietly seductive voice she’d greeted me with a moment ago.

  I was speechless, unable to complete whole thoughts with her playing the seductress. This was a new side of Angela that I hadn’t really expected to see this early in our relationship. Given her reluctance to come to me in the first place, I’d thought it would take her much longer to work up to this level of confidence in bed.

  Her husky laugh came with a knowing smile. “Would you like me to ride you Rook?” She continued torturing me. “To pleasure myself with your cock while you watch. Can’t you just imagine me sliding up and down while my inner muscles squeeze you? Do you feel how wet I am just thinking about it Rook?”

  She moaned as she gave a little twist of her hips that had my eyes rolling to the back of my head and a growl slipping through my lips. I couldn’t take anymore, my fingers tightened on her hips with almost bruising strength. Her eyes widened but I felt another rush of liquid heat pour over my throbbing erection so I knew it wasn’t from pain. “Put me inside you Angela, now, or I’m going to flip you over and fuck you until you forget your name.”

  Satisfaction filled her features as she guided me to her tight entrance and lowered herself with a moan. She began moving, her hips rising and falling, rotating like she was dancing to the rhythm of erotic music only she could hear. Her eyelids fluttered then closed as she abandoned herself to the sensations she was creating in both of us.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her
. Her petite breasts swayed ever so slightly with her movements, the tips hard, begging for my lips. But I resisted the temptation. There were too many other things for my senses to feast on. The way her lips parted with a gasp when she found just the right angle, and how my flesh disappeared as she took me inside her. The incredible feeling of her tight sheath squeezing me as she rose back up revealing my raging hard-on, slick with her wetness. The wild disarray of her hair falling over one side of her face and around her shoulders. I’d never seen anything so stimulating in all my life.

  Her movements quickened, her breath coming in quiet pants and whimpering moans. Her hands caressed her thighs and hips then travelled up to her breasts, massaging then pinching while I watched her spiral out of control. Every sight, every sound, every sensation heightened my pleasure as she brought herself closer to release on top of me. My heart was thundering, my blood rushing through my veins with anticipation.

  Planting my feet on the mattress I thrust upward, hard, fast. Her head fell back and she screamed my name as her back bowed and her nails clawed at my chest. Never had a woman been more beautiful than Angela when she was in the throes of passion. My orgasm shot up my shaft forcefully, violently, and I convulsed while her quivering sex milked every drop of my release from my body.

  Angela collapsed on my chest and I curled my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. We were both slick with sweat and breathing hard.

  “That was unexpected,” I murmured, still twitching with the aftershocks of my orgasm.


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