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What's his Passion?

Page 9

by Bailey Bradford, Ethan Stone, T. A. Chase, Sean Michael, L. M. Somerton, Morticia Knight

  I punched the code into the realtor lockbox. It opened and I got the keys. Then I unlocked the front door. We stepped in and I punched in the code for the alarm system. Javi took the keys and secured the front door before I reactivated the alarm.

  “Want to check things out?” Javi asked.

  I nodded and tried to picture what it had once looked like because currently it wasn’t a place I could see anyone visiting. “This was a sex club?”

  There was a table and chairs overturned as if there had been a bar fight. Several black-and-white photographs of men and women in erotic positions hung on the wall.

  Javi nodded as he pushed through a doorway with a sheer curtain hanging from it. “A swingers’ club. Couples would come here to fool around with other people.”

  The first room had a few leather couches and ottomans.

  I wondered how many men and women had screwed on the furniture. “Was it just men and women who had sex or was there homosexual activity?”

  Javi chuckled. “There wasn’t much that wasn’t allowed here, as long as it was consensual. Guys fucked each other and women went down on each other.”

  There was an empty hot tub and a wall of showers. Beds, couches and chairs were placed in various positions throughout the club. Some were cordoned off with curtains or beads and others were out in the open. One king-sized bed was in the center of a room with mirrors all over—on every wall and the ceiling.

  “This was one of my favorite rooms.” Javi opened a large wooden door and disappeared behind it.

  I sucked in a breath when I stepped in.

  With a sex swing and a St. Andrew’s Cross and a large leather-covered table, it had obviously once been the bondage room. I only recognized the items because of porn I had watched. I inspected everything close up, running my finger along the smooth wood. A chill ran through his body and he shivered.

  “You ever done any bondage?” Javi asked.

  I snapped out of my fugue and shook my head.

  “But you want to, don’t you?”

  I glanced at Javi. “I don’t think so. Maybe. I don’t know.”

  “It can be a rush.” He gently pushed me up against the cross, knelt down and lashed my feet before I realized what he was doing.

  “What the…?”

  Javi put a finger to my lips and I went quiet. He ran his hand down my neck and stomach, stopping at my crotch. “Seems like you kind of like the idea of being tied up.”

  I was hard so I had to admit the idea intrigued me. It was just something I wasn’t ready for yet.

  He kissed me and laughed before untying me. “Maybe someday.”

  “Clients brought you here?” I asked.

  “I came in once or twice on my own as well.” He pointed behind the cross. “There’s a cage back there for the guys who liked to be punished. They’d be locked up only able to watch what was going on but not participate.”

  I crouched down so I could see the hidey hole in the wall. It wasn’t easily seen.

  “Where’s the best place to sleep?”

  “That would be the second floor,” Javi said. “It’s wide open and there are lots of beds to choose from.”

  We went up a small staircase and emerged into a large loft with a dozen or more beds.

  “I call this the Fucking Floor. One guy paid me two grand to stay with him for the weekend and he brought me here. I went from bed to bed doing whoever and whatever I was told to do.”

  “Roy Harper would love this type of thing.” I walked around the room. “He’s a total horn dog.”

  “Who’s Roy?” Javi asked.

  “A comic book character. He’s had different code names—Speedy, Arsenal, Red Arrow. He sleeps around, but just with women. Though he did have an affair with Grace, a bisexual Amazon.”

  “Are there any gay superheroes?”

  I flopped down on one of the beds. “A few. Rictor and Shatterstar from the X-Men comics. But they weren’t very interesting and their relationship was boring. Same with Northstar. They didn’t do much with him.”

  Javi sat next to me and listened to me talk about comics.

  “My favorites are Apollo and Midnighter,” I continued. “They weren’t very popular, but I liked them because they were both masculine and total alpha males.”

  Javi lay on his side and I did the same, pushing back against him. He wrapped his arm around me squeezed. It felt amazing to have him hold me. I wanted more.

  “I want you in me, Javi.” My voice was so low I could barely hear it. “I’ll pay you…”

  “Shhh,” he whispered in my ear. “I want you, too.”

  He bit the back of my neck and I shivered.

  “Take your clothes off,” he instructed.

  He reached over and grabbed his pack as I shimmied out of my pants. I didn’t need foreplay. I just wanted Javi’s cock in my ass. Thank God, he seemed to read my mind because he did little preparation other than rubbing lube on my hole before putting on a condom and burying his cock between my ass cheeks.

  I tensed as he entered me with a rapid and sudden thrust. The sting was sharp but the feeling of him inside me was intense. Intense and amazing. He pushed his shaft in as deep as possible then fucked me with short, quick jabs that hit my prostate each time. Javi kissed my neck and for a brief time I was able to forget all the shit that had happened in the past two days.

  “Yes, yes,” I urged Javi on.

  “You feel good, Adam,” he purred. “Tight and warm and…perfect.”

  Javi had been with hundreds of men at least, there was no way I was better than all of them, let alone perfect, but I liked the idea. I allowed myself the fantasy that we weren’t in the middle of a life-or-death situation and that he wasn’t a man who sold his body. In that moment, Javi and were lovers and it was great. I stroked myself, matching his rhythm but stopped myself from going over the edge in order to prolong the mind-blowing experience.

  “I’m gonna come,” Javi huffed.

  I allowed myself to give in. His dick throbbed in my ass and it spurred on my own orgasm. It took my breath away so I closed my eyes, intending to rest for a few minutes, but instead I dozed off.

  * * * *

  Javi was still holding me as I woke. I slowly extricated myself from his grip. The used condom had slipped off his soft cock and landed on the bed. After throwing it away in a trash can, pulled on my pants and went downstairs to the locker room area with the showers and hot tub. I searched through the cabinets and thankfully found a couple of towels.

  After checking out the hot tub, I started the water so it would fill. I then got naked again and took a shower. The water took a minute to warm up but once it did it felt so relaxing I didn’t want to step away even after I felt clean.

  I was still letting the heat cascade down my body when Javi entered the room. With a pinched face, he seemed slightly angry but it didn’t stop him from running his eyes up and down my body. Normally I would’ve felt self-conscious to be exposed but I liked Javi watching me. He clearly liked what he saw because he rubbed his crotch. I gave him a little show—stroking my cock and facing away from him and rubbing my ass. It became obvious he wasn’t going to join me in the shower so I turned the water off, dried myself then put my pants on.

  “I’m filling the hot tub,” I said. “I thought it would be calming if we got in later. It won’t have chlorine like it should but I figure it’ll be okay for the two of us.”

  “Why did you leave?” He narrowed his lips and glared at me.

  I shrugged. “I didn’t leave the club or anything. I just wanted a shower.”

  “You shouldn’t go anywhere without me.” Javi put his hands on his hips.

  “We’re safe in here, right?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Then why can’t I walk around?” I put a hand on his chest but he stepped back. I didn’t take it personally. He was trying to be angry at me.

  Javi didn’t have a concrete answer. “I’d just like it if you stuck close.”

  “That’s sweet.” I smiled. “You’re worried about me.”

  “Just trying to keep you safe like I said I would.”

  “That’s what Romeo told Champ when they were hiding out from The Killer’s Guild.”

  “More comic guys?” Javi raised an eyebrow.

  I nodded. “Romeo was openly gay from his first appearance. Champ had a few girlfriends but nothing serious. They’ve been a couple on and off for a while.”

  “Interesting,” Javi replied.

  I doubted he really cared, but I did like it that he at least pretended.

  “What happened to this place anyway?” I asked. “Why did it close down?”

  “There was a lot of drug use going on here,” he answered. “Selling and using, including the owner. They busted his ass and he couldn’t run the place from jail.” Javi approached me again, leaving no distance between us.

  He put a hand on each side of my head, tilted it downward and kissed me. Javi ran his tongue across my lips then slipped it inside when I opened my mouth. Javi pulled away but I wanted more.

  “You hungry?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  “There’s a deli a few blocks down. I’ll get some sandwiches that’ll feed us ‘til your dad gets here.”

  We went to the front where I turned off the alarm and unlocked the door.

  “I’ll knock three times when I get back,” Javi said. “Make sure it’s me before you open it.”


  He left. I locked up then turned the alarm back on. I walked around the club, getting a closer look at everything. The bondage room did intrigue me. I lay face down on the leather table and imagined being restrained with Javi on top of me. I stood at the cross with my arms spread, picturing Javi on his knees sucking my dick.

  My cock was fully erect and I rubbed it through my pants. I considered jacking off but decided I’d rather save it for Javi. I searched the rest of the room including the hidden cage area. To do that, I had to get down on my hands and knees. Inside the confined space, I found a pair of leg chains. I considered taking them upstairs but instead left them there.

  I’d expected Javi back within thirty minutes and when he hadn’t returned forty-five minutes later I was slightly nervous. After an hour I was pacing around the front area. The three knocks finally came after an hour and twenty minutes. I peeked out through an open space between the wood on the window and was relieved to see Javi.

  After turning off the alarm, I unlocked the door, let Javi in then locked it behind him. I rearmed the system before turning to him. “What took so long? I was freaking out.”

  “I ran into our friends, the dirty cops,” Javi said.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “I think we’re okay, though.” Javi turned a table over so it was right side up and grabbed two chairs.

  We sat across from each other and he handed me a sandwich.

  “I was at Dino’s Deli waiting for the food when Kirchen and Edgewater came in. They showed Dino the flyer of you and asked if he’d seen you. They said you were extremely dangerous.”

  I laughed and shook my head. I was about as scary as a Chihuahua. “Did they see you?”

  He nodded. “They noticed I had two of everything and asked me about it.”

  “What did you say?”

  “That I was meeting a friend at a nearby park.”

  “Did they buy it?”

  “I think so.” He took bite of the sandwich. “When I left the deli I went toward the park, the opposite direction of this place. I wasn’t about to come back here unless I was sure the cops weren’t suspicious.”

  I took my first bite of the food. “So they aren’t going to find us?”

  Javi shook his head. “They’re just scouting the neighborhoods. I think we’re fine. Just need to stay out of sight.”

  Javi ate less than half of his sandwich then wrapped up the rest. I’d eaten a quarter of mine and was putting it away when my cell rang.

  “Dad?” I answered the call.

  “Adam, how are you doing?”

  I shrugged before realizing he couldn’t see me through the phone. “I’m doing okay.”

  “It’s going to be another day before I can get there.”


  “Storms here are keeping us grounded. Barry is in a hurry to get home, too.”

  “How is he?” I knew the answer—he’d be a total mess.

  “He’s holding in there. They found the body and identified him,” Dad said. “The official story is that the cops saw you and Dean fighting and you killed him. Then you allegedly took off before they could arrest you.”

  “Barry doesn’t think I did it, does he?”

  “No, son, he knows you wouldn’t hurt Dean.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank God.”

  “Can you hold out for another day, son?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

  “I will see you soon. I love you, Adam.”

  “Love you too, Dad.” I ended the call and went in search of Javi. I found him sitting in the hot tub, his clothes off to the side. “How is it?”

  “Perfect,” he answered. “You should get in.”

  I didn’t wait for a second invitation and quickly stripped my clothes off then got into the water and sat next to Javi. He put an arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

  “You okay?” I asked. “You seem introspective.”

  “Yeah, doing some thinking.”

  I pulled Javi around and he straddled me.

  “I’m not doing this for the money, Adam.” He ran a hand through my hair. “I’m helping you because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “You don’t want the money?”

  He bit his top lip. “I didn’t say that. I could definitely use the money. I could get off the streets and stop hustling, but I would help you even if there wasn’t money involved. It’s important you know that.”

  He was so sweet and caring. Javi had a strong moral code and was a man of his word. He was captivating and charming. I wanted to get to know him better. I didn’t want him out of my life when this ordeal was over.

  “I believe you, Javi. I trust you implicitly even though I’ve only known you a very short time.”

  He kissed my forehead, but I guided his face downward and swiped my tongue across his lips. I smiled when he groaned and pushed his hard cock into my belly.

  I leaned forward and tongued first one nipple then the other. “I’ve always wanted to have sex in a hot tub.”

  “It’s not as fun as it sounds,” he said. “Water doesn’t work as lube and it’s easy to get overheated, which results in shrinkage.”

  “That’s not a problem right now, is it?” I caressed his dick and pressed my erection against his ass.

  “All of our stuff is upstairs otherwise I’d be up for a fuck.”

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t play around for a bit down here, does it?” I reached around and squeezed his ass cheeks.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  He kissed me passionately. I know to some people the idea of having sex when they’re on the run for their lives seems ridiculous but it made sense to me. I could end up dead and wanted to experience as much as I could. Besides, there wasn’t much else to do while we hid out.

  I rubbed the outside of his hole.

  “You want to fuck me, Adam?”

  I nodded and smiled.

  “Good,” he said. “But you have to get me ready.”


  “What you’re doing is good. Just keep doing that for now.”

  He shifted his hips and my finger slipped into him. It was tight. So fucking tight.

  “Any other fantasies besides hot tub sex?” He rolled his hips, taking in more of my digit.

  “The Piranha Club in a skybox. I want to be fucked while we watch everyone dancing down below.”

  “Oh, hot. I’ve never been up there either.” Javi moved away and my finger popped out. He cl
imbed from the tub then got on his hands and knees on the edge.

  His bubble butt was right in front of me and I dove in. I spread his cheeks and rimmed him eagerly. I tongued up and down his ass, rimming him as stroked myself at the same time.

  “Fuck, Javi, I want you,” I moaned.

  He sat up and peered back at me. “Let’s go.

  He stood and helped me out of the tub. We kissed for a moment, I wrapped my fingers around both our cocks and stroked. I mixed our pre-cum together and loved the whimpering that came out of his mouth.

  “Upstairs. Now.”

  I smiled. “Impatient much?”

  “Not usually,” he answered between kisses. “But right now I am.”

  We hurried up the stairs and fell on the bed together. Lips touching, cocks rubbing—it was all awesome. Javi stopped to snatch his pack and pulled out a condom and lube. I grabbed the foil package, ripped it open and slid it down my shaft.

  “How do you want me?” he asked.

  “On your back,” I answered without having to think. “I want to watch you when I’m fucking you.”

  Javi moaned as he lay down, lifted his legs and slicking his hole. I put a hand on his legs to keep them in the air and positioned my length between his cheeks. I pushed forward but his body resisted.

  “Keep going,” Javi said. “Don’t stop.”

  I continued with the pressure. His body gave in and my cock slipped inside. I froze at the unbelievable feelings. I’d never felt anything so tight, especially around my dick. I thrust in slightly and the tension kept on. His constricted ring squeezed me and I slowly buried myself.

  Hot. Vise-like. Amazing.

  “Oh. My. God,” I grunted.

  “Yeah,” Javi murmured. “It’s so fucking good.”

  Javi’s mouth was wide open and eyes squeezed shut. He was goddamn beautiful. I watched my shaft disappear into him. It was a gorgeous sight, looking at where our bodies joined. I was in a man. I was part of Javi and he was part of me.

  “Move, Adam,” Javi rumbled. “Please move. Fuck me.”

  I pulled most of the way out then dove back in. Most of the way out and all the way in. Slowly, methodically, then faster and faster. His mouth opened and closed but his eyes never shut and we stared at each other as I fucked him.


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