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What's his Passion?

Page 29

by Bailey Bradford, Ethan Stone, T. A. Chase, Sean Michael, L. M. Somerton, Morticia Knight

  “Mmm.” Bryan’s voice was low and sexy. “You were right. So very, very right.”

  “I really wanted to give that to you.”

  “I’m so glad you did.”

  Bryan opened his eyes and moved his body to face him. He considered Aubrey as he chewed on his lower lip.

  “What’s up?”

  Aubrey continued petting the top of Bryan’s head, the need to constantly touch him impossible to resist.

  “I want to taste you.”

  Aubrey inhaled sharply, Bryan’s words alone sending a spark of electricity down his spine to the tip of his lengthening shaft.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t think I’m ready to finish the job, but I need to feel you in my mouth.”

  There was a sweet shyness to him that was endearing.

  Aubrey rolled onto his back and Bryan carefully scooted down until he was eye level with Aubrey’s crotch. Bryan fondled his balls and stroked his length as if was getting used to the idea of what he was about to do. The entire time he stared at Aubrey’s manhood he appeared to be mesmerized.

  At last, he leaned over his pelvis and guided Aubrey’s aching shaft into his mouth. Aubrey groaned as Bryan’s hot, wet cavern encased about half of his erection. Bryan laved the underside of Aubrey’s dick with his tongue, beginning to bob his head as he attempted to take Aubrey deeper. Each time the end of his cock hit the back of Bryan’s throat he would almost gag, then back off.

  God, how I want to be the only one that ever does this with him.

  After licking him, tracing his lips all over Aubrey’s rigid flesh, Bryan let go of his member and it plopped onto his stomach, wet and straining. Without waiting for instructions from Aubrey, Bryan reached for the lube, slathered some in the palm of his hand and returned his attentions to Aubrey’s needy cock.

  As soon as Bryan had Aubrey’s hard dick held tightly in his fist, he stroked and slid his hand over the velvety skin, squeezing and toying with it. Aubrey grabbed for Bryan, hooking his arm behind Bryan’s neck and drawing him into a ferocious kiss. He moaned into Bryan’s mouth, his release building to a crescendo that he couldn’t hold back.

  His cum exploded out of him and he felt the splatter as it landed on his thighs and stomach. Bryan broke their kiss and was less reticent than before as he tasted Aubrey’s spend. Licking his fingers, Bryan maintained eye contact with Aubrey as he sucked them clean. He clamped his lips onto Aubrey’s and plunged into his mouth. Aubrey could taste himself, and the combination of that with the look of satisfaction on Bryan’s face as he’d eaten Aubrey’s seed would have made him hard again if he hadn’t been so wrung dry.

  Finally they settled into one another’s arms, giving each other light pecks and gentle caresses until Aubrey’s mind floated away on a sea of contentment.

  * * * *

  When Bryan woke up, he was alone in Aubrey’s bed. He was sure it was night, but he hadn’t the slightest idea what time it was. Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and tried to get the fuzzy feeling to leave his head. He clambered from the bed and picked up the discarded towel from the floor, seeking out Aubrey. He wasn’t sure what his next move should be. He had the bizarre notion to stay with Aubrey, but wasn’t sure if he was invited. Or sure about anything else between them either. All he knew for certain was that if Aubrey suggested it, he would want to give things between them a try.

  The strains of a piano playing from downstairs lured Bryan to the living room. The floor was black marble and incredibly cold on the soles of his bare feet. As soon as Aubrey spotted him, he stopped playing then jumped up to run toward him. When he reached him, he threw his arms around his waist and yanked Bryan close.

  “I’m so glad you’re up—”

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt your playing—”

  “Don’t worry about it. My manager called, he’s booked me at a festival in Italy. I’ll just be doing a couple of the new songs unplugged as a teaser to generate some buzz. Anyway, I have to leave for a few days. Why don’t you come with me? We could even take a few days after the event and do some sightseeing.”

  Aubrey’s words hit him right between the eyes. They went way beyond a suggestion about them and caught him so off guard he couldn’t form any words in response. He was sure he must have looked shocked and Aubrey’s elated expression turned to hurt. He dropped his arms away from Bryan and stepped back.

  “I see. It’s okay, Bry, I understand.”

  He ran a hand through his hair, turning away as he did.

  “My manager booked you a room at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Do you need me to get you a cab?”

  He had faced Bryan on his last question and the pain in Aubrey’s eyes was more than Bryan could bear.

  “Aubrey, hold on, you don’t understand…”

  Bryan moved toward him and Aubrey stepped back.

  “Don’t. Not if you don’t want this.”

  “Tell me what ‘this’ is. Are you only talking about getting laid?”

  A flash of anger passed over Aubrey’s face. “God, Bry, no. Can’t you tell?”

  Bryan shook his head. “Hell no. I’ve never been able to tell. Any chick I’ve ever gone out with has had to practically take out an ad. Besides… I mean, fuck. You’re Aubrey King. You can have any guy you want.”

  Aubrey marched over and yanked Bryan to him, crushing their mouths together. It was as if Aubrey was speaking to him through the kiss. Sealing a union between them.

  He stopped, but hung onto Bryan’s waist.

  “Bry.” His voice was quiet. “I don’t want any guy. I told you, I’ve been looking for that someone. That’s what ‘this’ is for me.” He lowered his head. “But I’m used to guys leaving after the supposed thrill of doing it with a rock star. Especially the straight ones.”

  Bryan’s stomach clenched. He was faced with an overwhelming decision. He could go back to how things had always been or he could try something new with a man. With Aubrey. The answer was clear.

  “I’m not walking away.”

  He lifted Aubrey’s chin and captured his lips with his own. He plunged his tongue into Aubrey’s mouth, reiterating his promise. Once he’d pulled away he gazed into Aubrey’s eyes, desperate for him to see the sincerity of his words.

  “Then… You want to give it a try? Give us a try?”

  Bryan smiled, his heart filled with joy that he might have a chance with someone.

  “Yeah, Aubrey, I do.”

  “And the festival?”

  “Aubrey, I would love to go with you, but I honestly can’t. I have deadlines this coming week and I’d only planned on being in LA for a couple of days at the most. What if I came back next week after you return?”

  They still held onto one another, their seeming need to be physically close as they worked their way through their first awkward conversation palpable.

  Aubrey grinned. “You’ll have to. Once you sign those contracts, you’re all mine.”

  Bryan leaned forward until their foreheads touched.

  “You don’t need contracts for that. I am all yours.”

  Aubrey threw his arms around Bryan’s neck, clutching him tightly.

  “The same goes for me, Bry. No one else. I think it can work with us.”

  Snuggling into Aubrey’s neck, he inhaled his scent. He already knew he would be yearning for it while Aubrey was gone. It was all so unexpected, yet if he was to believe his heart, there was no other choice than for him to be with Aubrey. He nibbled on Aubrey’s skin.

  “Can I mark you too?”

  Kissing his way along Bryan’s jaw line up to the sensitive spot behind his ear, Aubrey murmured to him.

  “Make it visible. I want everyone to see that I belong to someone. That I belong to you.”

  About the Author

  I love all things book. I have a passion for creating stories—the more fantastic the better—and used to spend hours as a little girl drawing pages of pictures and then putting captions to them. I love reading and writing
several different genres, but I recently put my more mainstream paranormal romances aside for naughtier tales.

  I also enjoy music from Imogen Heap and Nine Inch Nails to Mozart, and love horror and sci-fi films from cheesy to terrifying. I must also confess that I am a huge LOTR (Lord of the Rings) geek.

  I currently reside on the northern coast of Oregon, where the constant rain and fog reminds me of my visits to family in England and Scotland when I was a child.


  Morticia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Morticia Knight

  A Spirit of Love

  Uniform Encounters: Set Ablaze

  Uniform Encounters: Arresting Behaviour

  Uniform Encounters: Lust Emergency

  Uniform Encounters: Guarded Desires

  Uniform Encounters: Secret Fire

  Uniform Encounters: Dangerous Wish

  Gin and Jazz: Hollywood Bound

  Gin and Jazz: Razzle Dazzle

  Gin and Jazz: Tarnished Glitter

  Gin and Jazz: Starring Role

  Gin and Jazz: Studio Orders

  Gin and Jazz: Casting Call

  Clandestine Classics: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

  Clandestine Classics: The Fall of the House of Usher

  All Together Now: The Perfect Third

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  An Unconventional Chicago

  T.A. Chase, Jambrea Jo Jones, Stephani Hecht,

  Amber Kell and Devon Rhodes


  ‘No Bravery’ by T.A. Chase

  “I wasn’t fucking crazy when you threw my naïve ass into the mental asylum, brother dearest,” Farris muttered as he walked out of City Hall. He had finally been released from meetings with his brother, the head of the O’Laughlin gang. His family was one of the forces behind the people who ran the city. “But having to go to these meetings might just push me over the edge.”

  Since Farris was wrapped up in his one-sided conversation and wasn’t watching where he was going, he bumped into someone. He glanced up to growl then realised he’d run into the Deputy Mayor.

  “My apologies, Mr O’Laughlin. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going,” Thierry Alexander said, even though they both knew it was Farris’ fault.

  He dredged up some courtesy and said, “We both need to watch where we’re going, Deputy Mayor.”

  Alexander studied him for a moment. Probably waiting to see if I’ll go mental on him, Farris snarled in his head. Outwardly, he kept his usual complacent expression.

  “Ah, Thierry, there you are. The meeting’s about to start.” The Mayor took Alexander by the arm then started to drag him into the building.

  “Have a good day, Mr O’Laughlin,” Alexander said before disappearing with the Mayor.

  Farris snorted as he continued on his way to where his car was parked at the curb. His driver held open the back door and Farris climbed in. He had no respect for the politicians who suckled at the teat of the gangs who really ran the city. Every gang gave the sycophants in City Hall a lot of money to pass laws that enriched them while bankrupting the others who called Chicago home.

  Chicago had been sectioned into wards and the citizens were forced stay within their own among those of their own economic and ethnic backgrounds. The gangs ruled from City Hall and took advantage of everyone’s fear.

  But for a minute there, Farris had thought Alexander seemed different from the others. Maybe it was as simple as the fact that Alexander had acknowledged Farris when most went out of their way to ignore him.

  “Spending thirteen years in a mental hospital does tend to make one invisible to others,” Farris muttered.

  “What was that, sir?” his driver asked as he climbed into the front seat.

  It wasn’t the question that caught Farris’ fractured attention, but the fact the man asked it at all. Glancing up, he met a pair of dark green eyes reflected in the rear view mirror. They didn’t look familiar and neither did the face they were a part of. Farris couldn’t remember what his driver actually looked like.

  He’d be the first to admit that he was rather uninterested in the world he lived in. The people who inhabited it were even less interesting. Only one person existed for him and that was his brother, Ralph—the man he planned on destroying.

  ‘Love Don’t Die’ by Jambrea Jo Jones

  Moran Schultz accepted the package being handed to him and put it in his pants pocket. It was dangerous, but he wasn’t scared. It had to be done if he ever wanted a real chance to be with Dutch Luciano. Right now it wasn’t safe for them to be together. And if what had been promised was enclosed, it would blow things wide open. In his lifetime. He had been losing hope. The gangs had such a tight clutch on Chicago.

  “It’s a brave thing you’re doing, man.”

  Not many would stand up to the gangs. There were pockets of resistance and they grew stronger every day, but with this vital information, their fighting might not all be for nothing. He didn’t know exactly what it was, but when Cesar said it was big, people believed the head of the resistance and did whatever they could to help.

  “It shouldn’t be considered brave to help when things go wrong. It should simply be common sense,” Darien Shaunessy muttered.

  Moran nodded. “I guess you’re right. Well, I’ll take this and make sure it gets to where it needs to go.”

  “Thank you.”

  There was no need for his contact to thank him. Moran was doing the job his brother had requested of him. And he wanted to be free from the gangs just as much as any other low end worker in the grid.

  He watched Darien walk out of the store and if he wasn’t mistaken he was headed to Farris O’Laughlin. The crazy brother. Fuck. He needed to get out of there. Was this a set up? Cesar wouldn’t lead him to a set up. He was too careful. Moran continued to watch them and no enforcers charged the building.

  One of the biggest families was involved? He wasn’t going to ask any questions—hell, he should probably forget what he’d just seen. It wasn’t his job. Darien did seem a bit cozy with the brother. He slowly backed away and edged out of the back door. The drugstore was a safe zone in Second Ward. His brother’s people ran it, but it never hurt to be as safe as he could. He wasn’t as important as his brother, but that didn’t mean people wouldn’t use him to get to the head of Second Ward’s resistance.

  “Hey there. Watch it.”

  Moran closed his eyes. That voice. He knew that voice and it shouldn’t be here in this ward. Fucking Dutch Luciano. The guy used to be part of the gangs, but was now a member of the resistance. The last time they’d gotten caught together one of the enforcers had run Dutch’s tag and found he wasn’t where he belonged. Moran had had to watch while his very soul had been ripped out punch by punch. He’d gotten off easy because he was supposed to be there. They’d left Dutch in a puddle of blood at his feet. Moran couldn’t get that picture out of his head. Dutch’s eyes closed, his body motionless. Moran had thought he was dead. There wasn’t anything he’d been able to do as the enforcers had dragged Dutch off. It had taken two weeks to find out that his lover hadn’t died, and he’d vowed right then to cut off all communications. His heart ached at the thought of that happening again. He had to get Dutch out of there. The drugstore might be a safe zone, but the thugs still patrolled.

  ‘Passion Under Fire’ by Stephani Hecht

  Smack! The sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberated through the large office. Georgio barely held back a wince as he watched one of his good friends and closest allies, Dirk, take another blow from one of his brothers’ enforcers. They had him on his knees right in front of Georgio’s brothers’ desks. They were both watching the show with cold smiles on their faces, their dark eyes intense as if they didn’t want to miss a moment of the action.

  As it was, Dirk was already bleeding from his now crook
ed nose, he had a split lip and his eyes were beginning to swell. It wouldn’t take long before they expanded so much that Dirk wouldn’t be able to see at all.

  Thud! This time the blow hit Dirk on the jaw and sent him reeling to the side. Were it not for the two men holding him up, Dirk would surely have fallen to the floor. Georgio gritted his teeth together as rage boiled through him. At the same time, he held tight onto the arms of his chair. If his brothers really knew how close he and Dirk were, then things could get even worse.

  The funny thing was, while Dirk and Georgio were both gay, they were far from being a couple. Sure, they had fooled around a few times. Every encounter had been awkward and unfulfilling for the both of them. So in the end they had decided that they made much better friends than lovers. Still, if Georgio’s brothers were to catch wind of just how tight he and Dirk were, Georgio knew it would send them into a rage. They already suspected that Georgio was gay—this would be the fuel they needed to add to their great big gay fire. They were just looking for a way to confirm that Georgio was indeed gay. Then they would have a legitimate reason to off Georgio without pissing off the rest of the family members.

  Whack! Yet another blow, this one hitting the side of Dirk’s jaw. His blue eyes rolled into the back of his head, but he somehow managed to stay conscious. More blood began to run, mixing in with his blond hair.

  What was Dirk’s sin? The fucking irony of it all was that Dirk hadn’t done a damn thing. It had been Dirk’s youngest sister who had committed the transgression, and boy, was it a doozy. She had done something so dangerous that it had earned her a kill-on-sight order. She had joined the rebellion group that was determined to overthrow the gangs that ruled Chicago. But she was buried so far underground that the leaders of their gang, Georgio’s older twin brothers, couldn’t find her. They had decided to take out their frustration on the poor enforcer.


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