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Taboo Kisses

Page 21

by Gracen Miller

  “I asked her to pack your things and deliver them to our home.”

  Arrogant to assume she’d depart with them.

  “I spoke with the Zions.” Gabriel looped his arm over Maximus’s shoulder. “They expected to live with you wherever you reside.”

  “You two thought of everything.” She wasn’t sure how to feel about that. “And you were both confident I would depart with you.”

  Maximus adjusted her position, giving her no time to react to her sudden placement. Sprawled across their legs, with her head in the cat’s lap and her butt across the vampyr’s thighs, she scrutinized them, surprised with her abrupt relocation.

  Her bloodsucker laid his arm across her abdomen. “Gabriel and I want you to be prepared about…his family.”

  She shot a glance at the tiger, her nerves twittering through her belly.

  Gabriel put his fingers through her hair. “We have a marital custom. While they’ve accepted Maximus as one of their own, we never participated in the custom because we wanted to wait for you.”

  Refusing to jump to conclusions, she waited for them to explain.

  “If you don’t want to do it, we won’t.” From her tiger’s probing stare, she gleaned how important this ritual was for him.

  “It won’t mean we’re any less mated or married,” Maximus said quickly. “The pride will still recognize our relationship.”

  Whatever the tradition, it was obviously important to Gabriel. “Go on.”

  She attempted to sit up, but Maximus applied pressure to her belly. When she met his gaze, he thrust his palm beneath her shirt and cupped her breast, applying slight pinches to her nipple. Biting back her groan, she ignored his smirk. The conceited vampyr knew how his touch affected her.

  Gabriel tilted her head back to meet her eyes. He licked his lips, and she noted his nervousness. “We mate with my pride in attendance.”

  Sameya processed the idea. “You want us to have sex while they watch?”

  “It’s the custom.” He shrugged. “And I like being watched.”

  She liked observing him. The first time she’d seen them together, they’d been having sex on the balcony, and they’d been pandering to the crowd on Bourbon Street. She was no prude; it was common for soirees in Atlantis to end in explicit displays of carnal pursuit. The Hall had seen more action than Sameya cared to recollect. She’d never been watched before.

  A tingling at the base of her skull suggested there was more to his request. “If we don’t do the custom, how does this affect us?”

  Gabriel hesitated. “Any of our children will not be recognized by the pride.”

  “Or ours,” Maximus said. “I’ve been adopted into the pride.”

  Unfair to punish children for the actions of their parents, and she couldn’t deny any child—especially any of her own—the blessing of family and community. “We should do it.”

  The gold of her tiger’s eyes flashed, proof he liked that she’d agreed. “I don’t want you rushing into a decision. Think about it, Sameya.”

  “I’m not rushing the decision.” She pulled Maximus’s hand from beneath her shirt and kissed his fingertips. “However, I won’t tolerate anyone touching either of you.” She would’ve never guessed she was the jealous type, but let someone touch one of her men…. “I’ll serenade them before I permit it.”

  “Fitting. Only Gabriel and I can touch you.” Her vampyr bent over and licked her pussy through her pants. “Want me to tell you what I plan to do to you while they watch?”

  “No. Surprise me.” She rolled quickly before either of them could halt her departure. “But I plan to give at least one of you a blow job while they watch.”

  Maximus’s eyes glowed green, and his fangs bit into his bottom lip.

  Gabriel slashed his fingers through his hair and muttered, “Fuck me.”

  She grinned and sashayed out of the room as Maximus said, “She’ll be the death of us.”

  “A fine death it’ll be.” Gabriel’s purr carried.

  Making her men happy pleased her tremendously.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  They’d left Atlantis and Sameya hadn’t allowed melancholy at the loss of her homeland to set in. A bright future with mates she adored was her primary focus.

  Dart was in heaven in the guys’ “estate”, as Dart called it, and in the first week, Sameya had stumbled upon the brownie humming as she cleaned. The Zions had found paradise in the thousand acres on which the house sat. She’d never seen them happier.

  Before doing the mating custom, Gabriel wanted her to spend some time with his pride. He thought she’d be less self-conscious of getting dirty with them if she knew his family better. Honestly, she was impatient to showoff her mating marks. She’d been with Gabriel’s family a week, with the ritual to occur momentarily.

  The tiger’s sister, Bethany, was a surprise. Eight months pregnant, his sibling was a delight, frank and to the point. Her mate was a quiet man who doted on his wife and adored his woman. She and Sameya got along famously and went off for long walks, discussing the differences in their life. She thought it helped her better understand Gabriel’s easy manner, but also his determinedness to protect her like any alpha shifter.

  The first day of her arrival, his mother, Gabby, had greeted her with a hug, as if they were long-time friends. She suspected the other woman’s open affection made all the difference in her reception among the close-knit group.

  It bothered her that she hadn’t thought to ask either of her men if they had any siblings. She’d had a heart-to-heart with Maximus that evening and discovered he was a single child like her. He hadn’t been close to his family, but he’d had a cousin he’d thought of as a brother. They hadn’t spoken since he chose to mate their tiger. The hurt in his eyes as he talked about his clansmen had Sameya itching to pay forward a little pain to them all. How dare they abandon him because nature put him with a different species!

  Taboo union? Many thought so. Their children would be powerful, but more importantly they would be loved regardless of their decisions in life.

  Sameya touched her belly as she peered at herself in the mirror. A baby. Which of her men would get her pregnant first? It was unlikely they’d know until the infant bared fangs or shifted.

  Bethany came up behind her and adjusted a strand of her hair. The other woman had insisted Sameya wear her hair up, so Gabriel and Maximus would have easy access to mark her neck during the ceremony. Sameya knew the hairstyle wouldn’t remain so tidy, but she’d humored her soon-to-be sister-in-law.

  Bethany ran a finger along the column of Sameya’s neck. “Just think, the next time you look in the mirror, you’ll bear their marks.”

  A nervous twitter panged through her stomach.

  “Don’t be nervous. We all go through the ceremony.”

  How did Bethany do that? Her uncanny empathy to read people was kind of spooky at times. “I’m not nervous about being with them.” And she wasn’t. “It’s just….” She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s hard to explain, but sex with them is personal and special, and I’ve never had anyone watch before.”

  The other woman leaned against her back, wrapped her arms around Sameya’s belly, and rested her chin on her shoulder. Bethany’s hugs were something she was getting used to. The other woman was extremely affectionate.

  “Sex in the pride is rarely private. You’re the only one letting it get in your head.” The baby moved against Sameya’s spine, and its momma grinned. “I can count the number of times I’ve had private sex on one hand.” She giggled like a schoolgirl. “Gabriel and Maximus are crazy about you, you know that, right?”

  She nodded. They made her feel special, treated her like she was a priceless commodity. “They’re pretty amazing, too.”

  “Of course they are. Gabriel’s my brother, and my parents only create amazing offspring.” Bethany offered a teasing wink. Sameya chuckled as the other woman went on. “Trust them, they’ll take care of you and make you forget al
l about us.”

  Appreciative of Bethany’s support, Sameya squeezed her hand.

  “It’s almost time.” The tiger stepped back and gave her a once over. “You’re going to blow their minds in this outfit.”

  Sameya surveyed her wedding gown—if it could be called that. She felt sexy for sure wearing it. And Bethany’s, “I’d so fuck you right now,” had sealed the decision on the purchase while at the same time sending Sameya into a fit of giggles.

  Made in two parts, the top was a black, diamond-beaded corset that pushed her breasts upward. The waistline of the black, silk skirt was also dotted with diamonds and hung so low on her hips, a slight tug and the garment would be pooling on the floor. The silk flowed past her ankles, and if not for the slit that ran all the way up her leg to the top of her thigh, she would’ve tripped over the material. Beneath she wore a red thong, the bold color intended to tantalize her men. According to Bethany, her black four-inch strappy high-heels were “fuck me” shoes.

  “Trust me,” the female shifter had said at the bridal store, as Sameya modeled the shoes with the dress. “Those won’t be coming off.” She’d pointed at the heels. “They’ll insist you wear them while they fuck you.”

  Such frankness from Gabriel’s sister had had color burning Sameya’s cheeks as she’d glanced about to make sure none of the clerks had been near enough to hear the scandalous comment. Bethany had smiled her satisfaction with a flicker of something wicked lighting up her blue eyes.

  A knock at the door pulled her attention off her reflection and recent memories.

  “It’s time.”

  Her belly dropped.

  “Stop that!” Bethany swatted Sameya’s arm and hooked their arms elbow-to-elbow. “You don’t have to do this, you know?”

  Steeling her spine, Sameya squared her shoulders and notched her chin higher. “Yes, I do.” She exhaled slowly. “I want to do this for them and for our children.”

  That reality settled her anxiety.

  Arm-in-arm with Bethany, Sameya entered the Ceremonial Chamber. In the center of the room was a king size bed made up with white silk sheets. Members of the pride were seated in chairs situated about the room. The only seat unoccupied was the one beside Bethany’s husband. She’d been forewarned that before the ritual was over, there’d be others who’d be partaking in carnal delights. She wasn’t sure what she thought about being the cause of an orgy, so she’d decided not to dwell on the possible outcome.

  Maximus stood next to the bed wearing a black tux and a top hat. She smiled at him and met his silver-blue eyes. His gaze slid down her body, and his eyes flared into his vampyr, glowing green. Damn, but he looked handsome in his finery. Beside him the alpha leader of the pride, a young, powerful man, paled in comparison to her vampyr.

  Gabriel was nowhere in sight.

  “Where’s Gabriel?” Her stomach plummeted. She knew he hadn’t changed his mind, so maybe he was running a bit late.

  Bethany patted her hand. “Patience, sweetie.”

  “Who gives this woman to these men?” The alpha of the pride held her gaze.

  What a weird question. No one else had the right to give her to them. “I do.”

  The leader grinned and Bethany giggled. “My husband and I give her to them.” When Sameya frowned at her, Bethany explained, “It’s customary for a pride member to grant permission.” Sameya opened her mouth to tout the idiocy of that, but the shifter kissed her cheek. “I’m delighted to call you sister.” Gabriel’s sister squeezed her hand and went to the seat beside her spouse.

  “Sameya, do you accept Maximus and Gabriel as your mates?” The leader asked.

  “Yes.” Her voice rang loud with confidence.

  “Gabriel and Maximus, do you accept Sameya as your mate?”

  “Yes.” Her vampyr’s fangs slid out and over his bottom lip.

  “Yes,” Gabriel said from behind her. Electricity sparked in the air, and she guessed he shifted to his fur.

  “Allow the ceremony to commence with the Mother’s blessing.” The alpha leader squeezed Maximus’s shoulder and strode to an empty chair she hadn’t noticed located behind the bed.

  The purring at her side alerted her to Gabriel’s presence. He rubbed his body along her legs, and she ran her fingers across his fur.

  “In cat fashion, he’s marking you as his,” Maximus’s husky voice explained.

  “I am his.” She went to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. She buried her face in his fur. “I love you, Gabriel.”

  His purring became louder.

  “Come, Sameya.” When she looked up, Maximus had extended his arm toward her.

  She licked her lips and rose to her feet. “I’m both of yours, Maximus.” Her tiger nudged her toward her vampyr. When she was mere inches from him, she felt the static in the air signifying Gabriel’s shift into man. His finger slid along the hemline of her skirt at her lower back. Her skin tingled where he touched.

  “This garment makes me want to fuck you senseless.” Gabriel’s finger dragged up her spine.

  “Me too.” Her vampyr’s eyes hadn’t stopped glowing since getting his first gander of her.

  Sameya had no idea how to proceed. What came first? Were there any rules? Anything they had to do to make the mating official among the pride?

  They must’ve sensed her uncertainty, because in the next moment, Maximus went into action, his fingers in her hair, dislodging the pins. The hairpins hit the hardwood floor with pings as her hair tumbled around her shoulders. Gabriel nudged her hair aside with his chin and licked her neck. One of his hands landed on her hip and the other palm flattened against her thigh. His touch shifted to the inside as it moved upward. He cupped her pussy, and everything quickened. Her breath came in short pants, her pulse leapt, and her skin prickled with anticipation, while moisture surged from her core.

  Her tiger placed nips up her neck before pressing his lips against her ear. “Mmm…wonder what these panties look like.”

  “We should find out.” Maximus tugged her forward and spun her about. As he sat on the edge of the bed, he pulled her back against his chest between his parted legs.

  She scrutinized Gabriel. His golden gaze was honed on her, intense and penetrating. And after his shift, he was naked.

  One man came to her dressed in finery, the other in his fur.

  Maximus shoved a hand into her corset, his thumb swishing back and forth across her nipple as Gabriel knelt. Gripping her skirt her tiger pushed the divisions on either side of her knees. Palms on the top of her thighs, he pushed the silk upward. His scrutiny lowered to her pussy. “Red, Maximus, they’re red. And lacy.”

  The silky material of her skirt was shoved upward quickly to her waist. Afterward Maximus and Gabriel readjusted her position. She found herself sitting on the vampyr’s legs, with hers dangling on either side of his, and she was tugged forward so her bottom rested against the edge of his knees.

  “Sexy.” Maximus pinched her nipple as he fingered the edge of the panties. He lowered his head and captured her lips in a kiss. His tongue pushed between her lips, claiming her like he marauded a village. His typical embrace, he demanded her sole focus.

  Until Gabriel hooked his fingers behind one of her knees and pushed her leg toward her body. He kissed up the inside of her other thigh. She moaned into Maximus’s mouth when Gabriel tongued her pussy through the lace.

  He plied her clit with swirls and sucks through the material, teasing arousal out of her. Whimpering, she dug her fingers into Gabriel’s hair. Maximus lifted his head to observe her for a moment, before peering at the tiger between her thighs.

  The vampyr’s gaze flicked to hers. “Watch Gabriel, naleah.”

  She did as he requested. Gabriel stared at her as he manipulated her desire. His mouth killing her with unanswered gratification. Maximus freed her breasts, cupping them in his palms. She squirmed, as the foreplay was amped up a notch.

  “Your breasts flush so pretty with your arousal.” Max
imus adjusted her upper-body at an angle, so he could draw her nipple into his mouth.

  Closing her eyes, her head drooped over his arm. With one hand, she attempted to guide Gabriel with his oral play. He didn’t cooperate. Her other palm knocked Maximus’s top hat off his head as she clutched at his hair. Licks, nips, and sucks against both areas of her body had her mouth parting and her groans painting the air.

  Maximus blew on her wet flesh. Sameya panted with want, her belly clenching.

  “I’m going to move these aside.” Maximus circled a fingertip against the top edge of the thong. “Make her come, Gabriel.”

  The lace was tugged to the side as her vampyr watched her. Cool air hit her hot flesh. Gabriel’s tongue dragged slowly over her exposed pussy and she gasped, tightening her grip on both their heads.

  “She wants to come, Gabriel.”

  “Yes.” Gods, yes I do!

  Gabriel pressed two digits into her languidly, until she wanted to scream her frustration. Maximus ripped the panties and used the same fingers that’d been holding the material aside to spread the folds of her pussy, granting Gabriel full access to her sensitive flesh.

  Her tiger purred as he lapped around his digits pumping into her. They moved quicker as he tongued her clit. Sameya shuddered and held her breath. The flat of his tongue hauled back and forth against her nub. She climaxed with a strangled half-scream.

  She trembled in their embrace, as Gabriel’s purr grew noisy and he licked away her release.

  “Perfect,” Maximus said as applause erupted from the witnesses.

  Having forgotten the audience, they startled her with their ovation.

  “Ignore them,” Gabriel said after he applied a final lick and pulled her down to straddle his thighs. His mouth was on hers and his tongue in her mouth a second later.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The minute squeak of springs indicated Maximus moved behind her.

  “This has got to go,” Gabriel said when their kiss ended. He dragged the corset up and over her head. He tossed it over his shoulder and buried his face between her breasts.


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