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The Missing One (Lost Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Liz Lovelock

  “It was going to be a nice night until someone decided they were going to be late and lie about why they’re late.” He stopped what he was doing, and turned to what I was sure was my ghost white face. I felt all the blood drain away since he seemed to know why I was actually late.

  “What do you mean? I told you why I was late.” I tried to keep the nervousness I was feeling from my voice, but I was absolutely sure I’d failed.

  “You’re lying!” he yelled at me. It was not the first time he’d yelled at me or the second or third or the one hundredth for that matter, but I sensed something in his tone that frightened me right to my very core. I took a hesitant step back, bumping into the wall that I didn’t realise was so close behind me. It had been a little while since I’d been there because so much had been going on. I couldn’t even remember the last time Jacob and I were intimate. I said nothing but waited to see what he did.

  “I know you were with him. Did you forget what I said about the fact that I know everything that’s been going on? Especially with Blake.”

  I swear my eyes bulged out of my head at his words. “Are you saying that you’ve been watching me?” A mixture of emotions roared through me. I found myself getting angrier, but at the same time more frightened. My body was tense and I was unable to relax. I was angry because of the foolish person I had been for so long. I put so much time and effort into this relationship. I was always being made to feel like I was the one that had done something wrong, and never feeling good enough. Why was I so blind to all of this?

  “You have no idea, Abby. I know about your stay-overs with my half-brother while I was away. You are mine, not his!” He was beyond angry now and I wasn’t sure what I should do. Abandoning the plan was looking good at that exact moment.

  “Look, I might just go until you cool off because this is not going to get us anywhere,” I said as my voice trembled. I began to turn and walk away, but not before he swiftly grabbed my arm, dragging me back into the dining room. My foot slipped and I tripped, hitting my head on the corner of the table. Pain radiated throughout my head and I felt warm liquid sliding down my face. I touched my fingertips to it, softly pulling them away and noticing blood staining them. My breath hitched and tears began to fall fast.

  What just happened? He had never been this forceful.

  “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, baby.” Jacob instantly forgot about his outburst and became this caring person. He reached out for me, and I immediately recoiled from him and the pained expression touched my heart ever so slightly. I didn’t want these gentle feelings from him. My head was throbbing, and I winced from the pain. “Please, baby, let me help you.”

  “I don’t want your help,” I whispered as I struggled to pull myself from the ground. I didn’t get far before a dizzy spell struck. I stopped and leant against the wall till it passed. Jacob stood there watching, there was no remorse on his face for what he had done.

  “Please, I’m really sorry. I don’t know what happened. I just snapped.” I knew he didn’t care for me. He thought of it as punishment for what I’d caused him lately.

  “It’s what you always do, Jacob,” I talked slowly trying to catch my breath. “You haven’t treated me the right way for a long time now. You’re so angry and possessive. How can you not see the way you’ve been treating me is so totally inappropriate. And then when you injure me, all of a sudden, you want to be the loving man that I once knew?” I walked away toward the bathroom with Jacob following behind.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Abby. Truly, I’m very sorry.”

  My eyes moved to his and I could see the remorse in them, but it’s not lost on me this time. This was the worst he’d ever hurt me.

  I glanced in the mirror and my heart dropped. Looking back at me was a blood-splattered woman I didn’t even recognise. It half looked like me, because one side was covered in blood but the other wasn’t. Grabbing a towel and running it under the tap, I began cleaning myself. On the outside, I may have looked calm, but on the inside I was screaming with alarm bells sounding loud and clear. I needed desperately to get the hell out of there.

  “Look, I’m just gonna go.”

  “No, please, stay, and get cleaned up. I’m going to go for a walk to clear my head. I am sorry. Please believe me.” He tried to reach out to me, but once again I couldn’t bring myself to allow him to touch me. His touch was poison. I didn’t meet his eyes. I nodded and moved away from him, continuing to clean the blood from my face.

  I heard the front door slam shut and it caused me to jump. I don’t know what came over me, but as soon as that door slammed, a switch inside me flicked and I went into planning mode. I raced to my bag, my heart pumping with adrenaline. I grabbed the bag of blood and spread it where Blake had told me, in the bathroom over some towels. Though I was still actually bleeding a little from my head wound, and it was thumping like crazy, I needed to get this done quickly.

  After about ten minutes, I was done. I’d gone and smashed a few things, photo frames, and destroyed the lovely dinner setting that was on the dining table. The final thing I did was to remove my necklace and I left it in amongst the blood splatter and blood-drenched towels as Blake had requested so he would know that I was safe. Little would he know about the head wound that was inflicted by Jacob.

  I really hoped that it worked because I needed to be rid of him. I needed the fear that was within me gone. I knew I had to leave my family, friends, and now Blake, to carry this out but I could only hope that with time, that I could eventually come back and fix everything I had done.

  I picked up the envelope holding the papers with my new identity, along with the cash and a few other things like photos and a spare change of clothes. I left my wallet and purse behind. Taking a hold of the door handle, I looked over my shoulder at my handy work and smiled. I opened the door and walked out of the life I once knew. That was the beginning of a new life, a life that I would hopefully live in without fear. Blake purchased the ticket, and he’d said that everything had been arranged for me to get on the bus and to keep going until I felt safe.

  It broke my heart that I was leaving him. He was my new everything and all I wanted was to have a life with him and for us to be happy. That simply couldn’t happen now. He had asked that I let him know where I was by sending him a postcard at each stop, and he would follow when it came time. I couldn’t use the phone he gave me until everything blew over, but even then I wasn’t sure I would use it. I couldn’t risk it.

  For now, my new journey had begun and my past was now just that, my past.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Present Day

  “So I left, and I’ve been in that same area ever since.” I look around me and everyone’s eyes are bulging out of their heads. Rachel and Flick have their hands over their mouths while the guys sat there while their mouths hanging open in shock.

  “Where have you been living?” Melodi asks.

  “I travelled for what felt like ages and I went as far as I could to San Diego. I found a women’s shelter. They took me in and helped me with everything I needed.” The women there were beautiful spirits and so loving to all who were in their care. We were each other’s support and they helped me through my pregnancy and with the birth of Katie. I smile at the memories of their kindness. It was a place I called my home away from home. They welcomed me with open arms. When I learnt I was expecting Katie they were there for me through it all. After everything I had been through, all the heartache, the run for my life, to learn that without my family by my side I was going to enter the frightening world of motherhood was scary. I remember them wrapping me in their arms while I sat there staring at the test result, crying my eyes out as though my world had come to an end when in actual fact it was like starting a new life. Like mother hens with their baby chicks, they tucked me under their wings and became my new adopted family.

  “Wow! That’s pretty far,” Flick announces.

  “Yeah, I need
ed to feel safe and since I couldn’t go any further than there, I figured it would be good enough. I met the most amazing ladies at the shelter. They never knew my full story, but they saw the evidence on my face with the bruising from where I had hit my head that night.”

  “And what about Katie?” Melodi’s eyes met mine as I turned toward her. I knew these questions were going to be asked, but I’m not sure I’m ready for them tonight. I haven’t even had the chance to tell Blake that Katie is his child.

  “I found out I was pregnant a couple of weeks after I got to the women’s shelter. They helped me with everything. They set me up with appointments and doctors since I didn’t know anyone.”

  “Is Jacob her father?” she asks and holds my gaze.

  My heart feels like a hand has wrapped itself around it and is squeezing tightly. “Umm…well, to be honest, I hadn’t been intimate with Jacob in a while so—”

  “So she is mine?” Blake cuts me off, his tone is hard and cold.

  I didn’t realise he was back in the room. I wanted to tell him privately. I never wanted to keep this from him. Right now I’m feeling like the worst, and the stupidest woman in the world.

  How could I hurt the one person I love by not telling him that he has a daughter?

  “I…I was going to tell you, I promise.” I jump up from my seat and race over to him. I take his hands in mine, but he pulls away and the rejection hurts. Tears spring to my eyes and I try once again to reach out for him, but he walks away and out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

  Embarrassment courses through me. I can’t believe it came out when everyone was here. Don’t they have their own homes to go to? It seems like they are mind readers because in the next minute they all stand together and say their goodbyes to Melodi and Corban. As they walk past me, the guys don’t say anything. Why would they? I hardly know these people, but the girls stop and they both give me warm, gentle embraces. The kind that makes you feel like everything will be okay.

  Flick pulls back from the hug and looks at me. “I know I don’t know you, or Blake very well, but I’m sure things will work out. I can see the love that’s between you both. I see it with Melodi and Corban and I’m sure he’ll come around, eventually.”

  “Thank you,” I manage to choke out before the lump in my throat stops me from saying anymore.

  Before I realise it, I’m on my own again with Melodi and Corban. I don’t really know what to say to either of them right now. My mind is on Blake and how he’s feeling. I want, no, I need to talk to him. As I work up the courage to go out after him, the front door opens and in walks Blake. His face is hard, and I can see the hurt etched in his eyes and the frown that covers his brow. Hurt that I’ve caused him. He traverses to me, stopping just inches from me.

  “I’m sorry.” Two simple words with so much meaning. It feels like ages before he does anything, but then he reaches out and takes my hand, wrapping it in his own. I look down to our entwined fingers and back up to his beautiful green eyes. Eyes that make my heart melt.

  “I’m sorry for storming out. It’s a lot to take in right now and knowing that I’ve missed out on years of her life crushes me.”

  I sense him fighting back his emotions, but before I can reply Corban speaks up.

  “Guys, we’ll go back to my place and give you two some privacy.”

  Melodi hops up and goes into her room to pack a few items. I’m sure she’s feeling exhausted and probably sick as well. I remember my morning sickness, and it was hell and I would never wish it on anyone, but it’s a fact of life and I hope that she doesn’t have it like I did.

  “Will it be safe for them to go?” I ask Blake urgently. I don’t want them to be placed in danger any more than what they have been already. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing it’s my fault that Melodi and her babies could be harmed. Hell, even Corban getting hurt would seriously crush me, and I’ve only known him less than twenty-four hours.

  “Yeah, they should be fine since it’s really you and Katie he’s after. Plus, I’ll be here to keep you safe, and I’m sure Corban can keep Melodi safe.” He wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me to him, and lightly placing a kiss on my head.

  “All right you pair, I’m feeling tired and sick, so I need to get some sleep. It’s been a crazy twenty-four hours.” Melodi looks to me and Corban, and a small smile plays on her lips. “I’m glad you’re here, Abby. I just wish you’d told me somehow. I don’t think you realise the kind of damage your death did to our family and the court trials were super hard.”

  I rush over to her, taking her in my arms. I’m so glad to have my sister back and I know nothing will ever fix those years I was gone and thought dead, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to them all.

  “I’m sorry, Melodi. Truly I am. I totally understand if you hold it against me.”

  “I don’t hold anything against you. I will admit I’m a little annoyed at you for not telling me about Jacob in the first place, and the miserable life he put you through. I always had my suspicions, but whenever I brought them up you just shut me out. I know Mum and Dad were blind to it because they thought the sun shined out of his butt.”

  She gives me a small giggle. We’re still holding each other, and we embrace like it’s our last time all over again. We embrace for all the times we didn’t get to be there for each other. My eyes begin to well up at the thought of finally being home with my family.

  “Don’t you dare start crying because you’ll set me off. Right now, I’m doing well at maintaining my hormone levels. This pregnancy stuff doesn’t seem real; I can’t believe I’m an aunt, and now I’m going to be a mum.”

  “I know it’s crazy, but I’m here for you no matter what and there are no more secrets between us.”

  “So Blake is Katie’s dad?” She smiles. “I can see the love you two have for each other, so Corban and I will give you both some space tonight. Tomorrow we’ll get you to safety, but also close by because I don’t want to have to say goodbye to you all over again. So please, I beg you, don’t leave again. We can sort this all out together.” She releases my arms.

  We look around for the boys and notice they cleared the room to give us this moment together. I know we’ll have plenty of moments together from now on after we’ve dealt with this Jacob situation. Once that’s achieved, I can get on with my life and hopefully have the happily ever after I need.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Walking into Corban’s apartment, I’m overwhelmed with so many different emotions. The ride home was silent and Corban knew I needed a moment to process everything that’s happened today, so he didn’t push for conversation. He just held my hand and let me know he was there for me. It’s those small gestures that mean the most. They may be little, but they speak a thousand words.

  I walk straight to the bedroom and collapse, instantly sighing in relief to just have a moment to myself. So many things to think about. My sister who I thought was dead isn’t, and now I’ve got myself to worry about as well. But most importantly I need to worry about this crazy person who has it in for my family. Why couldn’t he leave us alone?

  Corban walks into the room, stopping just in the doorway. I look up and meet his gaze. “Are you all right?”

  I know he’s worried about me and the babies. There isn’t much that can be done for the babies except for me getting the rest that I need. I’m bound to become sicker over the next few weeks, or perhaps days. I don’t know how I’ll cope with it, but with Corban’s help I’m sure I’ll be fine. There’s also Rachel and Flick, who I’m sure are on high alert with everything they’ve heard today.

  “Yeah, I’m okay, or as okay as someone can be when they find out that their sister, who they thought was dead for the last three years, has actually been in hiding and returns with a kid who belongs to the person who helped her hide.” I begin spewing these words out without even thinking. “How could she do this to me, as well as our parents? Was sh
e even thinking of us when she put this silly plan in motion?” I release a loud sigh and cover my face with my hands.

  Corban wraps me securely in his arms, not saying anything because words are not what I need at the moment. I need him to be here with me, just him.

  We lay here in silence, his hands lightly gliding over my body, sending shivers down my spine.

  “Let’s forget about everything but us at the moment. Let’s think about what’s going on in here.” He gently places his hand over my lower abdomen, giving it a soft rub which brings a smile to my lips. “Now there’s the bright smile I know and love.”

  “It’s crazy to think we’re going to be parents.” I grin.

  “I just hope they aren’t girls, because seriously, girls are trouble,” he laughs, placing a warm kiss on my lips. His kisses make my emotions swell because he fills my heart with so much genuine joy.

  “So when are we going to tell your parents? We need to tell them before Rachel gets to them first.”

  Corban laughs, he knows his sister well. “I’ll ring Mom tomorrow and we can go over together after work.”

  “Sounds good.” I smile.

  His lips connect with my mine and the heat of the kiss is liquefying. I wrap my arms around his neck, as awkward as it is with a heavy cast wrapped around my arm. I still can’t believe I was that stupid and fell. In a way, it’s kind of a blessing in disguise since we found out that we are expecting, so it all worked out. Now I’ve just got to put up with the silly cast for the next few weeks, although I don’t think it’s going to deter Corban from getting what he wants.

  As his hands explore my body, I revel in his touch which ignites my inner fire. With our lips connecting and our bodies tangling with each other’s, I am in the place I would never want to leave, Corban’s arms. He’s my security, my rock, and I never want to be apart from him.


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