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The Missing One (Lost Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Liz Lovelock

  “Where the hell have you been? Melodi is missing and I can’t get her on her phone.” The panic is evident in his voice and hearing that sends my mind into overdrive.

  What did Abby’s messages say?

  I ask Corban to hold on while I check my messages and seeing that she left the apartment without me makes me furious as, she knows not to leave without me. Dread fills me.

  “What did Melodi say to you?”

  “She didn’t tell me. She told Rachel that she got a message from Abby and that someone was in trouble. Rachel told her to wait until you or I went with her, but she didn’t!” he yells down the phone in frustration.

  “Settle down, everything will be okay. Did she tell Rachel where she was going?”

  “Rach said that she needed to stop by her apartment as Abby had asked her to grab something for her. Is that where she is?” Well, what a sneaky little mole Jacob was. He’s been hiding in plain sight. A place we haven’t been too often because Melodi has been staying with Corban and Abby at the new apartment, but why did he wait till now to make his move it’s been over a month.

  “How long ago did she leave?”

  “About twenty minutes.” Crap…that’s a long time and who knows what he’s been doing to our girls. Hate wells within me and I feel like I might lose it. I quickly reign in my emotions because I don’t want Corban to know how terrified I am for our girls.

  “I’m going to get a few people together and get over to Melodi’s right away.”

  “I’m heading there now.”

  “Calm down and don’t do anything stupid. Wait for us to get there.” I don’t need Corban throwing himself in the line of fire. We don’t know what Jacob has in there and, for all we know he could have a gun.

  “Don’t tell me to calm down! That’s my future wife possibly in danger and she’s having my babies, it’s not what I want to hear right now.” I understand how he’s feeling. I’m trying to keep myself together because if Jacob has Abby then he also has Katie as well, and that alone strikes fear into every fibre of my being. I want Abby and Katie in my future and if he harms one hair on either of their heads, I’m going to take him out. He has messed with my family for the last time in his lifetime.

  “Just don’t do anything stupid!” Is all I hear as a grunt comes from the other end before he disconnects. I hope I get there before he does and with enough time.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Oh my goodness, what just happened? My head aches and then I remember my struggle with Athena when I walked in the door. My hand instantly goes to my stomach. Please, let my babies be okay. An overwhelming sensation of fear rushes over me. My heart races and I know this situation is not good. Abby, Katie, myself and my babies may not get out of here alive.

  “Please, let her go, Jacob. I can’t do this anymore.”

  I open my eyes to see Athena standing before me with Jacob. His fist quickly connects with her face, causing me to jump in shock and Athena lets out a loud cry in pain.

  “You’re a part of this?” I say to her as she clutches her face. Tears are streaming down her face while my anger is at boiling point. “How could you?” I cry.

  “I’m so sorry, Melodi. He forced me.” She whimpers as she swipes the tears off her face.

  “I don’t care! How could you do this to me…to your brother…to your family?” I seethe at her.

  “Shut up, you stupid girl! She would do anything for me. You’re nothing to her but a gold digger.” Jacob’s hand connects with my face, making my cheek sting. My hand instantly clutches it.

  I look behind him and see Abby. I can hardly recognise her with her face bloody and hair matted with blood. What has he done to her?

  “Abby, are you all right?”

  She merely nods.

  “So now everyone is here, we can let the party begin,” Jacob announces before his foot forcefully stomps on my leg. I scream out in agony. “You see, Melodi, I knew your sister wouldn’t break, but she has a weakness…you.” He gets right up in my face and smiles before his fist lashes out and connects with my cheek. I let out another cry as it feels like a hammer has connected with my face.

  “Stop!” Abby screams.

  Jacob just laughs like a hyena and grabs my hair, reefing me across the room with everything he has. I bring my knees to my chest in the hope to cover any blows he might make to my stomach. I need to protect my babies at any cost.

  “You ruined my life! Now I’m going to destroy yours one step at a time then take my daughter and leave.”

  “She isn’t yours, you stupid man!” Abby screams back.

  Jacob’s face becomes hard, his eyes blaze with so much anger and hate. He turns away from me, heading toward Abby. He takes his gun out and points it directly at her chest.

  “You slut, whose is she? She will suffer now, just like her mom and aunt.” He releases a guns, adjusting his aim for Abby’s leg and she screams out in agony as the gun goes off. My stomach drops as the tears begin to fall.

  “No!” I cry. No…I just got my sister back and now I’m about to lose her again. He stalks back to me with the gun raised. I cower away in the corner, wishing the wall would swallow me and keep me safe from this monster. As I hear his weapon click, I close my eyes wishing with all my might to disappear. The shot never goes off. I open my eyes and see Athena climbing over Jacob. She’s thrown herself at him, her fingers digging deep into his eyes. I scurry toward Abby to check on her. Her body is crumpled over as if the spirit has left her body.

  “Abby, no! Please don’t leave me again. I need you here,” I cry. The tears won’t stop flowing. I check her pulse and feel it, it’s still strong. I look around for my phone to try to call 911. I notice my bag by the door so I crawl over and tip the contents onto the floor. I dial and within seconds, they have people on their way. As soon as I hang up, a gunshot rings out within the apartment. I see Athena’s body slump to the floor. Oh no! My heart breaks for her. I should be angry with her, but she’s young and silly and fell for the wrong man just like my sister did.

  “Jacob, please, stop,” I beg with everything I can muster.

  “No! My life has been hell and it’s all because of her.” His finger stabs toward Abby. As much as I want to hate the man, and I do to an extent, he must have lived a crap hole of a life for him to turn out this way.

  “What’s hurting us going to achieve?”

  He looks at me, his eyes boring into my soul. “I want you and her to suffer like I did. I loved Abby with everything I had in me. I know I wasn’t the perfect man, but I didn’t know any better and she couldn’t even give me a chance.”

  Seriously, how is he making me feel sorry for him?

  I need to keep calm and try talk him down. His gun still in his hand makes me nervous.

  “I know, but really making her suffer like this isn’t the way.”

  “What do you know!” he cries out. He rubs his face with his free hand and I move closer to Abby very slowly. “Stop moving towards her! She can die for real for all I care. She made me out to be a murderer and my life went to hell!”

  I have no words. He paces in front of me, the gun waving around, and his anger becoming worse by the second. I keep trying to calm him down. I hear Abby groan as she begins to come to and I start to lose him to his anger again. He stalks over to Abby pointing his gun at her again.

  “You know, I always loved you. You were everything to me and you left me. I’ve waited and waited for you to show up again. I knew you weren’t dead and it looked like I was the only one who knew that until your little boyfriend showed up in New York. Low and behold, who should show up once I put the pressure on your sister? I just had to wait for the right time.” I struggle to my feet and run at him, shoving him away from Abby. He stumbles and as he does the front door bursts open. I hear three gun shots ring out, so I instantly drop to the ground, screaming and shielding myself.

  Chapter Thirty


  I hear an ag
onising cry out in pain. I don’t know who it was, but there was more than one scream.


  Where is she? Was it her?

  I try to open my swollen puffy eyes, attempting to get up and get to her, wherever she is. I see Blake standing there with his gun pointed directly at Jacob, who’s now lying on the floor.

  “Corban… No! Wake up, please!” Melodi’s scream chills my entire body.


  One thing I never wanted to happen has happened. Is he…dead?

  “Abby, Abby! Are you okay?” Blake rushes over to me, wrapping me in his arms and instantly safety engulfs me. One place I’ve always felt safe is in his arms as, nothing hurts me here.

  “Corban?” I glance over to where Melodi is sitting on the floor with Corban’s head in her lap. His shirt is blood soaked and the emergency services are working on him, lifting him onto a stretcher. My heart aches for Melodi. This is all my fault and I take full responsibility. Reluctantly, I release my hold on Blake. Very slowly, I make my way over to Melodi, but with a bullet in my leg it’s very hard. She looks up at me with her tear stained face and I break. The sturdy wall I’d built up shatters into a million pieces. I collapse down beside her, wrapping her in my arms, tears pouring down our faces.

  “Abby…” she sobs. “He can’t die. I need him.”

  Clutching her tighter to me as everything breaks apart for her. I’m here and I won’t be going anywhere. We’ll see this through together. Corban is a fighter; I know he’ll pull through.

  Looking past Melodi, I see Jacob’s body limp on the ground with a pool of blood surrounding him. Seeing him, I have a sense of relief that it’s finally over and that I can move on with my life, and not have to live in hiding anymore. Emergency Services rush over to Melodi and me. Blake has stepped back and let them in, to care for us.

  “Please, go to her first, she’s pregnant,” I demand to the medic who looks at me, then at my leg.

  “Just let me wrap this up tightly. It’s a through and through so it will be a quick clean up, then I will go to your friend.”

  “She’s my sister! I said go to her first,” I cry out at the man.

  “Okay, there’ll be another medic coming soon to look at you, though.”

  I nod, accepting his answer. What I’m feeling is nothing compared to what Corban or Melodi are feeling.

  “Oh, my goodness, Katie!” I struggle to get up from the ground. I need her in my arms now.

  Blake stops me getting up and brings Katie forward, and she rushes into my arms. Emotion pulses through me and I break down once again. I have my family here and now I’m wracked with guilt that Corban was shot and Melodi could possibly lose her babies.

  What have I done?

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Three Days Later

  All I hear are the beeps from the machines surrounding me and tearing me apart piece by piece like a puzzle. Every sound is another pull at my heart. My world hangs in the life of these machines. It’s a waiting game and one that I’m not enjoying at all. I want him awake, I want him to talk to me and to comfort me in only the way he can. Another tear slides down my cheek as I plead with everything I can for him to hear my pleas and to wake-up. The doctors say he will wake up soon, but that ticking clock is like a time bomb and I’m waiting for it to explode. Corban has been in this coma since they brought him here three days ago. Three days too long I’ve sat, waited and cried many tears for the man I love. They operated on immediately and removed the bullet that was lodged in his chest. I sat in the waiting room staring at the same wall for I can’t remember how many hours but it felt like an eternity at the time.

  I don’t know what he was thinking barging into the apartment. When I saw him lying on the ground in a pool of deep red blood, his blood, my world came to a halt. Everything surrounding me faded away and there was nothing I could do. I felt so helpless. He should have left it to Blake and the rest of the police force, but no he had to get in on the hero action and now he’s lying in this bed fighting for his life.

  Thankfully though, everything with the babies is perfect. I had a scan as soon as I arrived at the hospital. As painful as it was for me to leave Corban’s side I couldn’t do much but wait. They had my doctor check me out, and anxious didn’t even begin to describe how I was feeling. I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was losing Corban, and now, I thought I was going to lose the last little pieces I had that reminded me of him. As soon as he placed the scanner on my tummy, my eyes darted to those little humans. Waiting, holding my breath, I prayed to see the little flickers on the screen and to hear the sound of their heartbeats. I waited for what seemed like an eternity…then I saw them. I released the breath I was holding while watching those little flutters and hearing the rhythm of their hearts. It was a song to my ears and it gave me hope that I could make it through this difficult time.

  Abby and Blake have been amazing. Abby has been here every day. I know she feels guilty about everything, but I don’t have it in me to worry about her guilt right now, I can only reassure her so many times before it becomes hard for me to hear her say sorry again. Having her here helps me through this terrible time and I’ve told her that I only need her to be here and support me. Rachel hasn’t left Corban’s side either except to go home and shower then she comes right back. No matter what, there’s always myself, Rachel, or his parents by his side. Neither of us wants to leave him in case something happens.

  After the shooting, Athena was taken into custody and charged with kidnapping. She’s one person I never want to see again in my life. The mere thought of her brings my blood temperature to boiling. I had begun to trust her. I thought she was my friend. I was wrong and stupid. I don’t know and don’t really care what’s going to happen with her. I’ve given my statement to the police and they’ll take it to the courts now. Catherine is heartbroken over the whole thing and can’t bring herself to bring it up at this point in time. Paul has organised an attorney for her, but only because of Catherine’s pleading, because he wanted to hang her out to dry. It’s sad that they feel this way but after the crap she pulled I don’t blame them. It’s not an easy situation. Rachel won’t even mention her name as she is dead to her now.

  “How are you, Melodi dear?” Catherine’s sweet, sincere voice whispers throughout the room as her sad eyes move to her son.

  How am I going? That is the million dollar question. How is one meant to feel when this happens? Broken. Scared. Hopeful that he pulls through.

  “I’m getting there,” is all I manage.

  “Have you spoken to your mom and dad?”

  I nod. “Yeah, they went away for a small holiday. They should be here by the end of the day.” I’m glad Mum is coming because right now I need her. Times like these, a girl always needs her mumma to comfort her and tell her everything will be all right.

  “That’s good.”

  I take my eyes off the peaceful looking Corban, who’s lying unmoving in the hospital bed, tubes hanging out of his mouth, drips in his arm. It breaks me in every way possible. I plead with whoever is out there, “Please let him wake up soon. I need him with me.”

  “How are you doing?” I ask, glancing her way, to only see the same pain on her face that’s mirrored with my own.

  “I’m okay. I have faith he’ll wake up soon. It’s just taking his body a little time to recover.” She takes his other hand, rubbing it gently as a mother would.

  “How’s Paul taking it all?”

  Pain flickers in her eyes and tears begin to slide down her face. I get up rushing over to her, wrapping her in my embrace. We stand silently, shedding those tears once again together.

  “He’s finding it very hard to come to term with everything that’s happened, with Corban being here and the situation with Athena. It’s broken him. She is his baby, and even though she’s difficult, she was always his favourite. Please don’t tell Rachel that.” She releases a little giggle as do I. If Rach had hea
rd that, she would’ve flipped her lid and not in a very nice way. Maybe a week ago she would’ve laughed about it, but not now.

  “Did the police find out how they got into your place?”

  Standing back, I release her, looking directly into her eyes. “Athena made a copy the day I misplaced my keys when my parents were here visiting. She had taken them and then returned my keys to my desk at work. It looked as though I had left them there.”

  Catherine covers her mouth in shock at what she had just heard. She shakes her head, turns and walks away without saying another word.

  I take my place once again by Corban’s side, resting my head against his hand. Watching and hoping.

  “Please, babe, wake up. I need to see those blue eyes open. I need you to hug me and comfort me. I need you in my life, you’re my future, my everything,” I whisper silently while placing a light kiss on his hand. I long for his touch once again, the way it ignites every cell within me is magical. He is my soul mate.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I’m about to walk into Corban’s room, and by walk, I mean hobble with crutches. Anxiousness gnaws away at my insides along with the guilt, guilt over all that I have caused. If only I could turn back the clock and do it all over again. I would make better choices. I wouldn’t have left my family, I would have told them about Jacob, and I could have had Blake there when I needed him and when his daughter needed him. I have Blake and Katie by my side, and it hurts me seeing the pain reflected in Melodi’s eyes and in every crease upon her sad face. She always puts on a happy smile when she sees us, but I can tell that it’s not genuine. After all, I am her sister and can read her easily. She puts on a brave face so we won’t see the pain that hides behind that mask she wears so well.


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