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Gentlemen Prefer...Brunettes

Page 17

by Fielding, Liz

  ‘Mike’s been suffering, too. He needs a lot of reassurance that whatever happens you both love him.’

  ‘I don’t know what came over me.’

  ‘It wasn’t just you. You both lost sight of what marriage is all about for a little while, darling. Too much hard work, not enough fun, perhaps. All couples need time together, alone.’

  ‘Is that right?’ Lauren opened her eyes and gave her younger sister a thoughtful look. ‘In that case may I make a suggestion?’ Cassie looked interested. ‘Why don’t Matt and I stay here for a couple more days with the children,’ she said, accepting a cup of coffee from Nick, ‘while you two have a well-earned break?’

  Nick grinned. ‘Lauren, has anyone ever told you that you’ve got all the hallmarks of a perfect sister-in-law?’

  ‘No, but I’m extremely susceptible to flattery.’

  ‘In that case you won’t mind if I make an alternative suggestion? Why don’t you take all the children home and leave Morgan’s Landing to Cassie and me?’ He saw the faintest blush heat Cassie’s cheeks and he took her hand, grasping it firmly in his so that she could feel just how much he loved her. ‘You see, Lauren, I have this new double sleeping bag that needs field-testing and with seven children to look after there just hasn’t been the opportunity…’

  ‘Is Helen putting on weight? Nick asked his brother-in-law as they waited for the cathedral organ to announce the arrival of the bride.

  Graham grinned. ‘It’s what you might call a souvenir of Paris. But I’ve warned her, if it isn’t a boy this time I’m giving up.’

  ‘Dangerous things, holidays. Cassie’s sister is pregnant too but in her case it’s a souvenir of Portugal. I understand she’s desperate for a girl.’ He grinned. ‘Maybe you could swop.’

  ‘Very funny. Where are you going for your honeymoon, Nick?’ he asked meaningfully.

  Before he could answer the organist played a long chord, bringing everyone to their feet. Nick turned, caught Veronica Grant’s eye and she gave a slow, conspiratorial wink. He was glad she’d decided to stay with them.

  Behind her were any number of lovely look-alike blondes whom he had at one time dated but who were mostly married now. One caught his eye with a look that said, This is it, Nick Jefferson; you’ve finally met your match and we’re all here to applaud her.

  Then, above the drama of Wagner’s Lohengrin, there was another sound, a rippled murmur that was something between a gasp and a sigh, as Cassie, on Matt’s arm, seemed to float up the aisle, followed by Sadie, Bethan, Emily and Alice. They were shepherded by Beth who, as matron of honour, was holding little George’s hand.

  Cassie handed her bouquet to Beth, then turned to Nick, her soft golden eyes sparkling as she lifted her veil. She was his match, he thought. In every way. It was extraordinary that for years he’d persisted in dating what he had believed to be perfect women without ever losing his heart, but the moment he’d set eyes on Cassie, who was clearly Ms Wrong from the top of her dark brown hair to the tip of her dainty feet, all five feet and three inches of her, he’d simply fallen like a ton of bricks. He’d fought it, but he hadn’t had a hope.

  ‘What is it?’ Cassie whispered, her eyes widening as he continued to stare at her. ‘Have I got a smudge on my nose?’

  He gave the slightest shake of his head. ‘Your nose is quite perfect, sweetheart, like the rest of you. I was just thinking about our honeymoon and all the fun we’re going to have souvenir hunting…’

  Then the bishop cleared his throat, indicating that it was time they gave him their undivided attention. ‘Dearly beloved…’

  Look out for Veronica’s story coming soon from Mills & Boon Enchanted®.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-5295-0


  First North American Publication 1999.

  Copyright © 1998 by Liz Fielding.

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