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The Lost Fleet: Search for the Originators: A Slaver Wars Novel

Page 29

by Raymond L. Weil

“We have a number of others reporting heavy damage,” added Angela. “Several are requesting permission to pull back beneath the grid to initiate repairs.”

  “No,” replied Jeremy, knowing he was probably condemning those ships. “We don’t have time for such repairs.”

  “Pulling back to the defense grid,” Ariel said. She looked over at Jeremy and then spoke in a low voice. “It’s not going to be enough.”

  Jeremy was afraid Ariel was right. He looked around the Command Center. It hummed with activity as the crew fought the ship. He looked over at Kelsey, who was busy passing out orders. He needed a miracle, but he knew there were none coming. All he could do was try to hurt the Simulins enough that they would turn back before they reached Gaia.


  At Borton, High Commander Caluthe gazed critically at the tactical display. One hundred and eighty-two red threat icons were arrayed in a defensive formation facing his fleet.

  “Those are all AI ships,” Second Commander Gantol reported as he turned away from the sensor console where he had been studying the scans of the enemy warships. “They will be armed with particle beam cannons, antimatter missiles, and heavy energy beams.”

  Caluthe looked at the other icons, which represented orbiting shipyards and possibly a Command Center of some type. “What does the battle computer recommend?”

  “Full frontal attack,” Gantol answered promptly. “There are no ancient ships in that formation and no indications of any of their weapons. The battle computer predicts a 98 percent probability of victory.”

  “Very well. All ships will proceed to engagement range. We’ll fire a full spread of antimatter missiles followed up by our energy beams. We have four thousand warships. This battle will be over with shortly.” Caluthe knew a victory here might still allow him to be promoted to a Supreme High Commander position.


  The Simulin fleet advanced cautiously until they reached weapons range. Instantly thousands of antimatter missiles vanished from their launch tubes to impact the powerful energy shields of the AI ships. The amount of energy released was so intense the entire AI fleet seemed to vanish in a bright flare of light.


  The Command AI had been expecting this. As soon as the Simulins launched, the entire AI fleet jumped into hyperspace, leaving decoys behind to draw in the missiles. The Command AI’s ship and the thirty-two warspheres appeared around the orbiting Command Station. However, the one hundred and fifty fifteen-hundred-meter spheres had another target. They all appeared simultaneously in the middle of the Simulin fleet. As soon as their systems stabilized, they set off the hundreds of antimatter missiles within their hulls. Each AI ship became the center of an expanding sphere of energy consuming everything in its path. Simulin ship after Simulin ship saw its energy shield overloaded, causing it to fail. The ravaging antimatter firestorm did the rest.


  Caluthe watched in rage as the center section of his fleet was destroyed by the ravaging antimatter energy released by the suicidal AI ships. The only reason Caluthe’s flagship had been spared was because it was at the rear of the formation.

  “Damage report!” he demanded, his eyes glowing red with anger. He had never imagined the AIs would use such a tactic, neither had the battle computer.

  “Twenty-two hundred and eighteen ships confirmed destroyed,” Gantol answered in a stunned voice. “Another six hundred and seven are reporting moderate to heavy damage.”

  Caluthe’s eyes shifted to the tactical display. The remaining AI ships had reappeared around what he assumed was their orbital Command Station. He still had an effective fleet of over one thousand ships. More if he included the damaged ones.

  “All ships are to close with the remaining AI forces and engage. Spread the formation so they cannot use that tactic again.” Caluthe knew he had made a fatal mistake keeping his ships so close together in such a tight defensive formation. It had cost him, and now he was going to make the AIs pay.


  “The Simulins continue to advance,” reported the AI hovering in front of the sensor station.

  The Command AI went over its list of options; none were promising.

  The ship shook violently as the Simulins drew within weapons range.

  “Returning fire,” reported the AI at Tactical.

  “All ships are engaged,” the AI hovering at the sensor station stated. “The Command Station is firing.”

  The ship shook again and the Command AI felt fear flow through it. This was a new emotion, very seldom experienced. “We have made a mistake placing the Master Codex upon the planet.”

  Even as the Command AI spoke, a number of Simulin ships broke off from the main fleet and headed toward the shipyards. The shipyards were lightly armed as they depended on the AI fleet and a few particle beam satellites for protection.

  “Warspheres WS-247, WS-252, WS-303, and WS-326 have been destroyed,” the AI at sensors informed the Command AI.

  On one of the viewscreens, the Simulins ships could be seen approaching the nearest shipyard. Defensive fire initiated, striking the energy shields of a number of the approaching vessels. Then the Simulins fired. Antimatter missiles and powerful energy beams stuck the energy shield of the shipyard, overwhelming it and causing it to fail. Six antimatter missiles exploded against the hull of the shipyard, tearing it apart. In just a few moments all that remained was a twisted hulk of glowing wreckage.

  “The shipyard has been destroyed,” reported the AI at the sensor station. “The Simulin force is heading toward the next shipyard.”

  Over the next few minutes the Command AI watched as the work of several years was annihilated by the Simulins. In the end, all of the shipyards were destroyed, leaving expanding fields of wreckage in orbit around Borton. For several long moments the Command AI studied the viewscreens and the wreckage.

  The ship shook violently, and warning alarms began sounding.

  “Several energy beams have penetrated the screen, and our hull has taken severe damage,” reported one of the AIs responsible for keeping track of the ship’s integrity. “Our weapons capability has been degraded by 38 percent.”

  “The Simulins force that destroyed the shipyards is firing upon the planet.”

  The Command AI looked toward a bank of viewscreens that showed Borton. Large nuclear detonations were going off across the planet. The Command AI knew that beneath each of those brilliant flashes of light was an AI installation. Huge mining and refining operations were being obliterated. Spaceports built to bring the refined metals up to orbit were vanishing under nuclear fire. The Command AI shifted its gaze to one large viewscreen. It was focused on the location of a deep underground facility.

  As expected defensive weapons fire knocked down numerous missiles targeting the site. The missiles stopped and then Simulin energy weapons were directed from orbit toward the defensive installations, wiping them out. Then the missiles began to fall again and after a few minutes all that remained was a deep glowing crater.

  A strange feeling swept across the Command AI. It had just watched the Master Codex being destroyed. There was no longer a way to program new AIs. The Command AIs plan of creating a new race of AIs to coexist side by side with the Humans and their allies had just died. Its reason for continued existence was gone. On the viewscreens, the Command AI saw several more warspheres vanish in antimatter explosions.

  The ship began shaking violently and then a burning fire raced through the Command Center, vaporizing everything it touched. The Command AI’s last thought was that it had failed. It had promised to preserve the lives of the organics that had made Gaia their home. That was a promise it could not keep. In a flash of searing heat, the Command AI ceased to be.


  “Jeremy, Borton is no more,” reported Ariel in a stunned voice.

  “What? How bad is it?” Jeremy was certain he had misunderstood Ariel.

  “They’re all gone. The shipyards, the Command Station, all the infrastructure on the plane
t including the Master Codex.”

  Jeremy sucked in a deep breath feeling shocked at the magnitude of the disaster. The shipyards and infrastructure on and above Borton were irreplaceable. “What about the Altons and Humans at Borton?”

  “All dead,” Ariel answered grimly. “None were able to get away.”

  Jeremy knew Kurene had been at the Master Codex installation as well as a number of other Altons. There had been Humans on the shipyards and the Command Station.

  “The AI fleet?” If any survived, he could use them at Gaia.

  “All destroyed,” reported Ariel as her dark eyes focused on Jeremy. “They did manage to take out over twenty-four hundred Simulin warships.”

  “How did they do that?”

  Ariel explained about the AI ships and their suicidal hyperjumps.

  “What about the Command AI?” Jeremy over the years since arriving in the Triangulum Galaxy had come to consider it almost Human, particularly in its desire to make up for the atrocities carried out by its kind in the Milky Way Galaxy.

  “Gone,” answered Ariel, shaking her head. “There are no survivors from Borton.”

  The Avenger shook violently, drawing Jeremy’s attention back to the battle at hand. The fleet had withdrawn to the outer edges of the defense grid. “What are the Simulins doing?” He had no time to think about Borton and the tragic losses suffered there. He had a battle to fight.

  “They’ve spread out and have encircled Gaia,” answered Kelsey. “The Dominator and Distant Horizon are jumping from one location to the next engaging Simulin ships, but the Simulins are refusing to bunch up. It almost seems as if they’re willing to take the losses as long as they can kill the rest of us.”

  “Jeremy, the Clan Protector,” Ariel said, drawing his attention to one of the main viewscreens.


  “Continuous fire all weapons,” growled Grayseth as the Simulins encircled the shipyard. He had eighty-nine warships including three battleships under his command.

  “Enemy are closing,” warned Ganol, Grayseth’s second in command.

  The Warrior’s Pride suddenly took a jarring hit and warning alarms began sounding.

  “Energy beam strike to the outer hull,” reported the damage control officer. “We’re venting atmosphere; I’ve sealed off the damaged compartments.”

  “The Clan Protector is launching all of its fighters and bombers,” Ganlon reported as several hundred small green icons appeared around the shipyard.

  “Daelthon sends forth the small ships to harass the Simulins,” Grayseth said proud of his clan brother.

  “The hunt grows close,” warned Ganlon as more Simulin ships closed on Grayseth’s forces.

  Grayseth nodded his understanding. There were one hundred and twenty particle beam satellites around the shipyard as well as four Type Two battlestations. The Clan Protector was also very heavily armed.

  “We fight with honor!” Grayseth roared as he watched one of his cruisers vanish in nuclear flame on one of the viewscreens.

  “Daelthon has activated his weapons,” Ganlon pointed out.

  On the viewscreen particle beams, power beams, and even a few ion cannons struck at the enemy. The hatches on two hundred and twenty missile tubes slid open, and Devastator Three and antimatter missiles began launching in sprint mode. If the Simulins wanted to destroy the station, it was going to be costly.


  In space, the battle for the Clan Protector heated up. Grayseth’s warships stubbornly clung to their defensive positions as they were battered by the numerically superior Simulin fleet. The ships were firing every weapon they possessed trying to turn back the incoming enemy. From the Type Two battlestations, particle beams and power beams lashed out at the Simulins. There was no doubt to the crews on the four stations that their lives were forfeit. Missile hatches slid open. They intended to launch every missile in their possession before the stations were destroyed.

  The advancing Simulin fleet reeled from the devastating attack. Particle beam fire slammed into the central section of a Simulin battlecruiser, setting off massive explosions and hurling glowing debris into space. More explosions rattled the ship and then a Devastator Three missile arrived, turning the vessel into fiery wreckage.

  The stern of an escort cruiser was blown off by a missile strike and then power beams riddled the vessel causing it to explode.

  An antimatter missile struck the bow of a Simulin battlecruiser, destroying all six energy weapon spires. Moments later two Devastator Three missiles arrived, turning the damaged vessel into glowing gas and plasma.

  All across the advancing Simulin fleet destruction was being handed out. Unfortunately, due to the numbers, it was not enough.

  Simulin energy weapons fire struck one of the Carethian battleships. The Clan Victory seemed to keel over to its starboard side as jarring explosions tore open its hull. Emergency alarms sounded, and the crew rushed toward the damaged section to initiate repairs. More energy beams tore through the weakening energy shield opening up compartment after compartment. The commander of the ship, realizing his vessel was fatally wounded, turned the ship toward the nearest Simulin battlecruiser and activated his sublight drive at full power. Moments later the Carethian battleship slammed into the energy shield of its target. In a blinding flash of light, both ships died.


  “We’ve lost the Clan Victory,” reported Ganlon in dismay. “Commander Taseth rammed one of the Simulin battlecruisers even as his ship was dying around him.”

  “He died with honor,” Grayseth rumbled. “He served his clan well. Let Taseth be an example to all of us.”

  “We’re losing ships rapidly,” Ganlon continued. “Many warriors are meeting their honor in battle.”

  “Too many,” responded Grayseth as he watched the Carethian battlecruiser Crimson Clan die on one of the viewscreens. “Pull our ships back closer to the Clan Protector. We must form a barrier between it and the Simulins.”


  The fury of the battle continued to grow. A Type Two battlestation suddenly exploded, sending scattering debris into the side of a Carethian cruiser destroying it. A Simulin antimatter missile managed to penetrate the protective energy shield of the Clan Protector, destroying two of its construction bays and a repair bay. A second Type Two battlestation died as multiple Simulin energy beams tore through its energy shield.


  “I have a message from Daelthon,” the communications officer reported. “He is recommending we fall back to Gaia.”

  “No!” roared Grayseth, his large eyes widening. He had known Daelthon since they were cubs. “We will not let the Clan Protector fall!”

  “We just lost the battlecruisers Balton and Creston,” Ganlon said with deep concern. “We won’t last much longer. There’re just too many Simulins.”

  On one of the viewscreens, Grayseth watched as a number of Simulin energy beams struck the Clan Protector, ripping open huge glowing gashes in its hull.

  “The fighters and bombers?”

  “Destroyed,” replied Ganlon dejectedly “The defensive fire from the Simulins was too much for them.”

  On the viewscreen, a huge explosion suddenly tore through the Clan Protector as another Simulin antimatter missile detonated inside a repair bay. The entire station began shaking violently and then began to break up.

  “Message from Daelthon,” cried out Communications. “He says his honor is your honor.”

  Grayseth watched in horror as hundreds of Simulin antimatter missiles arrived, blowing apart the broken segments of the Clan Protector. Where the Clan Protector had resided only moments before an inferno of released antimatter energy now existed.

  Grayseth’s shoulders drooped as he realized his oldest friend and clan brother had just perished along with the entire crew of the station. Daelthon had been so proud of what he had accomplished with the Clan Protector.

  “Pull us back to the defense grid,” ordered Grayseth. He knew the Simulins would now be turni
ng their full attention to what was left of his fleet. He would be fortunate if any of his ships reached the safety of the grid.


  Jeremy had watched the entire horrific battle. He leaned back in his command chair, not wanting to believe the Clan Protector was no more.

  “Malith!” cried out Kelsey, knowing her Bear friend had just died.

  “Grayseth’s withdrawing back to the defense grid,” Kevin said, his eyes focused on the fleeing green icons trying to escape the clutches of the Simulin fleet.

  Kevin took a deep breath, Grayseth’s fleet was surrounded. He watched in anguish as one after another of the friendly green icons blinked out. After a few minutes of heavy fighting, eighteen Carethian ships made it safely back to the defense grid, including Grayseth’s flagship.

  “The Warrior’s Pride has suffered heavy damage,” reported Angela, her face stricken with grief after seeing the Clan Protector destroyed along with the loss of Malith. She was just thankful Karalle was down on Gaia with her family.

  “Jeremy, the Simulins are continuing to close with the defense grid,” reported Kevin. “Over half of their firepower is targeting the battlestations and the particle beam satellites!”


  In space, the Simulins continued to close their noose around the planet. Ship after defending ship was blown apart as well as hundreds of particle beam satellites. The Type Two battlestations were targeted and in the space of ten minutes, twenty-four of them were annihilated.


  On the Star Defender, Admiral Sithe felt a sharp pain in his ribs as he was flung against the safety harness holding him securely in his command chair.

  “We’ve lost our bow particle beam cannons,” Commander Buckley reported as she scanned the damage control console. “We have fires in six compartments and over a dozen more open to space.”

  The ship shook again and the lights dimmed. The smell of smoke was evident in the air.

  “We’ve just lost the Aegina and the Rashal,” Lieutenant Calydon reported, his eyes shifting to the admiral. “We’ve lost most of the fleet, sir.”

  Admiral Sithe nodded his understating. They had come to the Triangulum Galaxy to save and support the Lost Fleets. Now it looked like they were all going to make the ultimate sacrifice. “All ships, continuous fire. We’re going to take as many of them with us as we can.”


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