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The Gold Crown

Page 7

by Rue Volley

  She smiled and watched me closely.

  “You have a sister and you had a brother, this I want you to know. I want you to feel it as I do, the loss and anguish that sits in the pit of my stomach. Know that I could easily take every fucking thing away from you with one blood test.”

  I stood up as I felt a bit dizzy from the lie she had to be feeding to me. There was no way that my father was the father of Zane and Zoey, no way. Molly was my age, there was no way. I held onto the table with a tight grip that made my knuckles white.

  “You lie.”

  She smiled at me.

  “You don’t look so good, Bethany, perhaps you should go home,” she said to me.

  “You fucking liar,” I hissed at her until she leaned up and stared me down, her look reminding me of Miko’s and infuriating me.

  “I fucked your Daddy for years, Bethany. I sucked his dick, he fucked me like he loved me. In fact, he told me so. He told me that made his life with you and your whore of a Mother tolerable. He told me that one day I would own it all and I will, I will take every fucking thing you love away from you.”

  She leaned back and enjoyed my pain. I guess it was her sick dream to watch someone, anyone, feel heartache.

  “My son is with Zoey,” I said to her and she smiled.

  “Your son?” she added and I knocked my coffee over on the table and ran from her, trying to process everything and knowing that my enemy was now at the gate.

  Chapter Eleven

  Some Things Never Change

  Ryan stood in the alley and waited. He had received one call that told him to be here, waiting, or there would be an issue that he could not fix without any amount of money. He took out a cigarette and with an unsteady hand he lit it up, watching the smoke rise up above him. The sun peaked over the edge of the building and lit it up as it decided to join the day and the echo of shoes walking towards him made him turn and look as a man approached him.

  The man stopped and looked him over, shaking his head and then tapping him on the shoulder.

  “You look like shit.”

  Ryan shook his head and popped the collar of his coat up as the man grinned and took his cigarette from him. He took a drag and then dropped it, crushing it with his black shoe. Ryan looked down and laughed.

  “I was not done.”

  “You are, we have business.”

  “What business?”

  “This fucking kid who helped your son, it is an issue.”

  “I am paying you to handle that.” Ryan said as he started to walk and the man spoke to him.

  “He is the son of a congressman.”

  Ryan stopped as the man walked up behind him.

  “You have to appreciate how this makes it a bit more of an issue.”

  Ryan sighed and his breath came out white with the chill of the morning air. He turned and looked at him.

  “Which fucking one?” he asked and the man shook his head.

  “It doesn’t fucking matter which one, it just means this is going to take more than a carjacking or break in to go away.”

  Ryan held his hand up to him.

  “I didn’t hire you to tell me what the fuck you do and how you do it. In fact I pay you more to not tell me this shit.”

  The man reached out and stopped Ryan from turning away to leave him there. Ryan looked at his hand and the man let him go.

  “Listen, this congressman is a very powerful man and this is his only son, so the idea is this, it has to be flawless.”

  “And?” Ryan asked him.

  “Well, Mr. Blackwood, that means I need more money and some help on your end.”

  “What the fuck? Listen to me, you kill, I pay to have you kill, that is fucking it. That is the fucking deal. I don’t pay more, I pay you enough, in fact I pay you so much you should be on a beach somewhere having your dick sucked off but instead you keep hanging around and I keep giving you business.”

  Ryan then heard something down the alley and narrowed his eyes as he leaned to look. He cleared his throat as his heartbeat sped up. He looked at the man and then heard the noise again and shook his head.

  "Is someone here?” he whispered to the man as the man stepped aside and waved his hand. He started to walk down the alley until he stopped as he heard a moan. He looked back at the man who looked calmer than ever. He then stepped around the corner and there was a boy, beat to shit and bleeding with his hands taped together with duct tape and his mouth covered with the same. The boy looked at him as he stepped back and held his hand up. He walked back to his hired assassin and then could not control his anger. He hit the man’s shoulders with both hands open and moved him back just a step. The man stared him down as Ryan lifted his finger into his face.

  “Is that the fucking kid?” Ryan asked him and the man grinned.

  “He saw me you asshole!” Ryan said as he tried to control his volume.

  “Unfortunate,” the man said as he watched him closely.

  “This is ridiculous, why? Why did you fucking do this?”

  “Security,” the man said.

  “What?” Ryan said as he rubbed his hands through his hair and glanced back at the dumpster.

  “I mean this is serious shit and with serious shit you need security. You see I am going to hack this kid up, I mean I am going to do shit to him that only horror movies show you. I may even fuck him, I am not sure yet but here is the thing, I think this could be of use. I think there is more money to be had.”

  “What the fuck? You mean like a ransom?”

  The man nodded to him and Ryan shook his head ‘no’.

  “No, no fucking ransom, none of that bullshit. I paid you to handle this shit and that is all we need here.”

  Ryan started to walk away and the man spoke.

  “He hasn’t seen me.”

  Ryan stopped and closed his eyes. He turned and looked at him.

  “You fuck.”

  “I do, you need some?” he said and Ryan walked back up to him and stared into his eyes.

  “Okay, so now what? He saw me, so what.”

  The man grabbed his arm and drug him along with him and then tossed him out, Ryan fell in front of the dumpster as the boy looked at him.

  “Blackwood,” the man said as Ryan looked up at the boy and he stared him down.

  “This is Ryan Blackwood, right?” the man said off to the side and the boy nodded. Ryan sighed and pushed himself up. He stepped up to the boy and shook his head.

  “Mother fucker.” He then kicked the boy in the side of the jaw and he passed out as Ryan looked back to the man.

  “I’m listening.” He said as the man grinned.


  I left the library and only wanted one thing…Mani. I called him and he agreed to meet me. I had no doubt that he would and I fought back the feelings of using him but I knew, at least with this, that I was. I need to be fucked, without mercy or want of hearing words like “I love you”. I just needed him to fuck me and make me come.

  I showed up at his door looking upset, but I quickly lunged at him and as my lips parted his own I knew this was the only thing I needed…

  I cried out as Mani grabbed the back of my hair and wound it in his hand. I nodded as he jerked it back, pulling my neck tight and arching my back. He buried his large cock deep into my pussy as he rotated his hips slowly. I reached back and dug my nails into the side of his firm ass as he continued to fuck me as I needed him to do. One thing I was sure of is that Mani had ignited a fire inside of me that I had thought to be extinguished long before now. It was a fire that only Ryan had known of, one that could consume anything in its wake if I allowed it to do so. I cried out as Mani thrust harder and harder, deeper and deeper, as if he was trying to consume me. This type of fucking only served one purpose, it was a game, one I had played many times before and even now I was slightly surprised that we had come to this. Truthfully though should I be? I mean don’t I attract it to myself? In the beginning Mani and I had explored a gentleness I had
never known but with time it had changed, the game had shifted to more aggressive sex and was it me? Was it my inability to commit to him fully that allowed him to show me this side of himself? Or was it simply my curse? Something I bear and secretly desire.

  He flipped me over and smiled down on me as I bit my lip and ran my hands over his chest. His skin was glistening with sweat and made him look even more desirable, which I hate to a certain degree. I hate wanting anything, Ryan taught me that. Funny that someone who had always had everything would find that this was her weakness. Being fucked into a submissive state takes almost as much strength as the one doing it. You have to shut off that animalistic nature to survive. I then grabbed Mani’s hands and wrapped them around my throat as I urged him to fuck me. He applied a bit of pressure but never took it to the edge for me and I cannot hate him for it. He does not want to do any real harm to me, although having the air cut off from me and experiencing an orgasm is by far one of the most intense sensations you can have. I know it is also dangerous and in the end he loves me, as I do him. He relaxed his hands and took them from my throat as he laid on top of me and fucked me slowly. I turned my face as I often do but he placed his hand on my chin and made me look at him.

  “I want to watch you as you come.”

  I arched my back slightly as he started to rotate his hips against me. He was purposely being attentive to my clit as he rubbed against it. I took a breath as he watched my mouth.

  “Tell me.” He whispered and I gritted my teeth as I held the orgasm at bay as long as I could. It then started to bellow up, low in my abdomen at first and then spreading out, firing off every muscle in my stomach and becoming rock hard.

  “Beth.” He said as he closed his eyes and tried his best to hold back his own orgasm that had him suffering. He continued to fuck me as my orgasm caused my pussy to tighten on his cock. He buried his face in my shoulder and let his teeth graze my skin as I cried out his name. He grinned as he felt me start to relax and I knew he had not come yet. I relaxed my body as my breathing was hard and my chest rose and fell. I then pushed him off of me and crawled on top of him, rubbing my pussy against his cock very slowly. I then let my lips slide up and down his shaft as it twitched beneath me. I grinned at him as I teased him with a malicious intent to make him suffer. He reached down and I moved, not allowing him to guide his cock back into me. It was time to show him no mercy as he often showed to me. I moved back and raised my finger, motioning for him to follow me, I wanting him to sit up and he followed. I took his hands as he rose up and whispered to him.

  “Get on your knees.”

  He rose up as I licked my bottom lip. His body was almost too much to bear. His stomach tight and rippled with perfectly formed abs from years of training, he was not too large not anywhere it would bother me. His cock on the other hand was almost too wide for me to wrap my fingers around and this made me want him even more. I moved behind him and reached around. At first my fingers simply played along his chest, as his breathing continued on steady and strong. I leaned into his ear and let my tongue lick along the edge of it, saving a bite for the end as I reached down and grabbed his cock, stroking it slowly at first and he glanced down and sighed as he watched my hand move up and down. I then pressed against him from behind and he moaned deep in the back of his throat as I continued to jack him off, simulating fucking him from behind.

  “You are a very bad boy,” I whispered to him as I tightened my grip, rotating my hand as I stroked his shaft. His cock moved more and more as I continued on, pressing my clit against his ass and then I bit into his shoulder. I licked two fingers and then slipped them into his ass and started to move them in and out. He cried out as I was a little shocked at how much he enjoyed it. Had he never had this type of attention paid to him before? Perhaps not. Ryan had allowed me to do all kinds of heinous things to him, seeing that he was bisexual anyway. I tried my best at times to hurt him but this was not my intention here, I only wanted to pleasure Mani of which I was sure I was doing.

  “Slow down,” he said as his breath stuttered, I did as he asked as my pussy became even wetter. A man like him asking for mercy was a bit much for my senses. I then started to pull my fingers from him but he protested it.

  “Please don’t stop, just go slowly,” he said as I leaned forward and bit into his shoulder, he cried out as I bit harder and started to stroke him faster. He started to thrust as I did and as I felt his cock tighten to the height of orgasm I slipped my fingers from his ass and played with his balls. His whole body tightened as he if was being electrocuted and he came as he screamed my name. I tried to control my breathing but it was so hard to do as he came harder than he ever had with me before. I grinned as I leaned against his back and felt him tremble. It was not a feeling of control, nothing even close to that. It was simply a feeling of pleasure. Pleasure of knowing I had done for him as he had for me on so many occasions. Introducing someone to the next level in the bedroom means so much more when you know they appreciate it and you. He finally stopped tensing up and he turned to me as his eyes looked glossy. He placed his hands on my face and leaned in, kissing me softly. Too soft to mean anything other than love and it was then that I stopped saying “maybe and perhaps” and knew that I truly loved him more than I had anything before. I started to cry and he held me not knowing that his love was much needed but far too late. All I could think of was Molly and what she had said to me, then the thought of Zoey. Was she the sibling I had longed for, her and Zane or was Molly just as insane as I had always suspected her to be?

  Chapter Twelve

  Learned Behavior

  Zoey woke up and rubbed her eyes as she realized she had fallen asleep in the garden. This was not new. They had all fallen asleep here before, after nights of talking and smoking pot. She rolled onto her back and then remembered August and Jami and sat up as they were nowhere to be found. She pushed herself up and stood, swaying on her feet a bit and craving coffee, or better yet an espresso. Something to jumpstart her senses as she often needed these days. She then stepped out and held her hand up as the sun was bright in the sky and heard laughter as she saw shadows in the distance. She blinked her eyes as the laughter became louder and she walked the maze of the garden until she stepped around the corner and saw a long table. Jami sat on one side completely naked and August on the other. Then she watched as Zane lay in between them, nothing but fruit covering his dick. She narrowed her eyes as both August and Jami stood up and crawled onto the table and leaned over Zane as he watched and laughed at them. They leaned in and just as their lips started to touch she sat up and yelled out as loud “Fuck!”. Both August and Jami jerked awake as they lay next to each other. Zoey wiped her eyes and then everything came into focus as August stood up and Jami watched him. They both had their shirts open and their hair looked to be a bit of a mess, but she sighed and rubbed her hair, pulling leaves from it and tossing them to the ground.

  “Jesus Zoey,” August said as Jami grinned and stretched his arms out to his sides.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Better ways to let me know,” he said as he turned and started to button up his shirt as he realized it was open. She watched him for a minute and let her eyes switch to Jami. He watched August as if she was not even there.

  “Sleep well?” Zoey asked him as he cleared his throat and looked at her.

  “Sure,” he said as he stood up and adjusted his shirt. Zoey stood up and pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She pulled the ponytail holder from her wrist and wrapped it up, making a large bun. She then stepped up to August as he turned to look at her.

  “Marx Café,” she said as she walked past him and Jami stood up too.

  “What the fuck was that about?” he asked and August turned to him.

  “She is a bitch in the morning.”

  “No I mean the jealousy.”

  “The what?”

  “She knows, all women know. You should tell her that you prefer cock August, best to get it done and out of
the way.”

  August watched him as he walked after Zoey and he sighed. He held back his feelings and decided to follow them without protesting Jami’s suggestion. Truth was he did enjoy boys almost more than girls but the acceptance was not going to happen. He knew what it had in store for him, Zoey would more than likely try to kill him or worse yet, tell every fucking person that she knew, which was practically everyone. He was not ready for it nor did he care for Jami assuming it had to be done.


  They sat in the booth at the café and the coffee arrived before any conversation did. August felt slightly uncomfortable as he knew Jami was not one to be quiet. Could he trust him to allow August to deal with this as he saw fit? Zoey picked up her cup and took a drink, hot or not she needed to help her wake up. She then yawned and slipped from the booth, heading towards the bathroom without saying a word. August lifted his coffee and took a much needed drink as Jami leaned back and watched him closely.

  “So, when do I get to meet your brother?” Jami asked him and August coughed as he set his coffee down and looked around the café as if people would hear.

  “My brother is in the fucking nuthouse.”

  “So I heard, still, I would like to meet him.”

  August watched him closely as his intentions seemed weird.

  “He doesn’t really take visitors.”


  August leaned up and talked very quietly.

  “Well, it would seem that he is a fucking psychotic who tried to kill my entire family, not to mention he…”

  “I know, he killed Zane.”

  August sighed and leaned back as hearing his name was still painful.

  “How long?” Jami asked him and August’s eyes lifted and looked at him in confusion.

  “How long what?”

  “How long did you love him?’ Jami asked and August sighed again as he leaned back and never took his eyes from Jami’s.

  “Don’t look at me like that; I mean is there no one for you to talk to around here?” Jami asked him and August reached out and touched his cup, turning it slowly. Jami watched his hand and reached down, placing his fingers over Augusts and August looked up at him.


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