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Blood Promise

Page 12

by Danielle Rose

  “In nearly seven hundred years, there has never been a time when Malik couldn’t prevent his visions from happening. It may be stubborn to think so, but I believe this gift was not meant as some weak, preparatory tool. I truly believe it was meant as a way to create your own future, your own destiny. You see what’s to come. It’s a hardship no man should face, but it is your burden to carry. With it, you will see the worst in mankind, but you will also experience true pleasures in life. This same endowment is bestowed upon the gods. I refuse to dishonor your ability by thinking it’s anything but a tool to rewrite the future.”

  I smiled. “Are you sure you’re not a seer? Your ability to completely rewrite my mood always amazes me.”

  He shook his head, laughing. “I don’t need the gift of foresight to know what you need, my love.”

  He kissed me, and I poured everything I had into the kiss. Jasik matched my need, until we were both pulling away breathlessly.

  OUR BAGS WERE already waiting in the foyer when we left the dining hall and took the stairs to Kat’s office. We pushed the door open and stepped inside, where we were greeted by Kat and her Hunters. She was mid-sentence when we entered, explaining what was expected and what was to come as they traveled with us to Russia to stop the Rogue army. Assuming I’d have a few free minutes before she needed me to jump into the conversation, I pulled out my mobile phone and dialed Sebastian.

  His groggy voice greeted me as he said, “This had better be life or death.”

  I smiled but then frowned as I remembered I was furious with him. “Sebastian, you were supposed to call me the moment you got to Montana! I’ve been wracking my brain, thinking of all the ways you and Malik were killed.”

  I turned away from Kat and the other vampires and huddled in the corner of the room with Jasik.

  He yawned. “What was the best way?”

  “Eaten alive by crows. They pecked at your eyeballs and everything.” I shuddered at the thought.

  “Mm, gooey.”

  “You know I’m pissed, right? I thought you were dead!”

  He exhaled slowly into the phone. “I know. I’m sorry, baby girl. We really did try to reach you, but we weren’t exactly in range.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “You’re not in Montana?” I glanced at Jasik, whose confusion matched mine.

  “Not exactly. Are you sitting?”

  “What? No. Why?”

  “You should sit,” he said.

  “Sebastian, just tell me where you are.”

  “We’re in London.”

  “London? Already? What happened?”

  Jasik frowned, and I shrugged.

  “Well, we were in Montana for all of five minutes. Sibyl was expecting us. No surprise there. I told her the plan, she barked a few orders, and I haven’t seen most of the hybrids since.”

  “Why? Where’d they go?”

  “Not sure, sugar, but I know she likes the plan. All I know is she sent them off to warn others.” He yawned into the phone again, muffling his words. “Something about being around a while, having lots of friends, people owe her, blah, blah, blah.”

  “Sebastian,” I said, looking at the clock on the wall, “it’s barely dusk. Why are you so tired?”

  “Haven’t slept since we met up with Sibyl. I told you, as soon as we got to Montana, we were demoted from world saviors to errand boys. She had us tag along to a local coven.”

  “A coven?”

  “Mhm. Witch friends.”

  My interest peaked, and I smiled at Jasik. “Really? A witch coven. That is interesting.”

  “Makes sense, I guess. She’s been around a while. I’m not surprised that she made the friendlies with local blokes.”

  “Can they help us?” Jasik asked, and I repeated the question to Sebastian.

  “Sure can, pumpkin loaf.” I nodded enthusiastically to Jasik. “They’re eager, too. Optimistic, I guess. They want to meet you, too.”

  I grunted and rolled my eyes. “Let me guess, they’ve heard of me, have they?”

  “Well, they have now,” he said, chuckling.

  “So you’re already with Cameron, then?”

  “Mhm. And let me tell ya, the accommodations are sorely lacking here. We’re sleeping in the containment cells—the containment cells, Avah! I’m not at all hopeful that I won’t wake up a lab rat. I told Malik we needed to sleep in shifts, and surprisingly, he didn’t go for it. He’s much more optimistic than me right now. I’m hoping they take him first. I’ve even made sure his sleeping bag was positioned closer to the door. I figured he’s a screamer. So he’ll wake me up, and I can bolt.”

  I barked out a hard laugh. “Only you, Sebastian. Only you… Where’s Malik right now?”

  “Where I should be. In dreamland.”

  I scoffed. “As if talking to me wasn’t just as therapeutic.”

  Jasik arched an eyebrow, and I mouthed that Malik was asleep.

  “Baby cakes, you know I love you, but I’m going on two nights of no rest. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but Sibyl has had me running all over this damn country, finding her minions and all that. I haven’t slept, I haven’t eaten, and I just want to sleep.”

  I smiled. “Promise you’ll call me as soon as you wake?”

  Sebastian mumbled something. His breathing became heavy, and a soft snore filled the receiver.

  “Sebastian!” I yelled, and the room fell silent. I mouthed an apology to Kat and the other vampires.

  “Hm? What? Huh? I’m awake!”

  I chuckled at the sight of him lunging forward in bed, waking everyone around him. “Promise you’ll call me the moment you wake.”

  “Yeah, I promise, but you’ll probably already be here.”

  “Yeah, maybe. We fly out in a few hours,” I said, glancing at the clock again.

  “Well, we’ll see you soon, then, pumpkin.”

  I smiled at his pet name. “Be safe. Watch your back. And watch Malik’s back, for goddess’s sake. I’ll be pissed if I show up and you bolted.”

  I was sure I could hear him smile through the phone. “Night, sweets.”

  The phone clicked off as I turned to face Jasik.

  “They’re okay. Sibyl was expecting them, and apparently, they were running her errands. They’re already in London, too, and he promises to call as soon as they wake.”

  He nodded, but concern still etched his eyes.

  “Don’t worry, love. They seem fine. Sebastian was complaining about the accommodations, so how bad could it really be?” I asked with a smile.

  “I know. I’m sure they are. I’ll just feel more comfortable once we’re all back together again.”

  I smiled and pulled Jasik close. “Me too.”

  “I don’t like that we’ve already separated so early in the game. We should have stuck with the original plan. We should have gone to London together.”

  “I know, but everyone seems fine. As long as we get there in one piece, we’ll be fine.”

  My phone buzzed, and I looked at the lighted screen.

  “Hm, that’s weird,” I said as I accepted the call. “Meredith?”

  “Avah? Hi.”

  “Hi. What’s up?”

  “We have everything you requested, and Mom’s friends are already on their way to Europe.”

  I nodded. “Good. That’s great.”

  “Cameron’s been checking in. Most everyone has arrived already.”

  “Our flight leaves in a few hours,” I said, glancing at Jasik, who nodded.

  “Ours, too. We’ll see you there. Err, in London, I mean. We’ll see you in London.”

  I smiled. “Thanks, Meredith, and tell your mom I appreciate her help. We couldn’t have done this without her.”

  Meredith laughed. “She really is proud of her connections, you know.”

  “I’d be, too. They’re a key part of the plan here.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, right, the triangle. I remember.”

  “Hey! Don’t hate on the triangle,” I said, rememb
ering how Sebastian and Malik mocked it, too. Haters. “It’s the whole reason this spell’s going to work.”

  “I wish I had your confidence. Well, we’ll see you soon.”

  The phone clicked off, and I slid it into my pocket. I smiled at Jasik and turned from my corner to face Kat and her Hunters, who’d been patiently waiting for me to join their conversation.

  “Sebastian and Malik finally checked in,” I said, meeting Kat’s eyes. It was no surprise that she was eagerly awaiting news from Malik.

  She smiled and sighed. “Good. They’re well?”

  I nodded. “Yes, and they’re already in London. Lillie and Jeremiah will meet us there, too.”


  “Was everything in here a success?” I asked, eying the other Hunters.

  They nodded in unison, almost as if they’d been rehearsing their response for hours.

  “You’ve already sent your connections to London?” I asked.

  Again, they nodded, but no one spoke. Internally, I rolled my eyes at their behavior. They’d never been as welcoming as Kat. Contrary to her belief, Kat’s relationship with Malik wasn’t a secret. And now that we were coven-less, everyone assumed we’d shack up here. I wasn’t opposed to the idea, but I was against making even more enemies. I wasn’t exactly on good terms with Amicia, and I had no idea how far her reach went. Did a damaged relationship with Amicia mean a damaged relationship with other vampires? I shook my head to clear my thoughts. We had more serious problems than who was stealing whose coven.

  “How many volunteers from your house, Kat?” I asked.

  “Twenty, including myself.”

  I shook my head. “No. You’re not coming.”

  “Avah, while I appreciate your concern, you cannot stop me from joining this fight.”

  “You’ve already joined the fight. You don’t need to be on the front-lines, too,” I argued.

  “I’m strong, Avah. I can make a difference.” She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me her no-nonsense glare. I was familiar with it. Both Jasik and my mom perfected this look.

  “I’m sure you can, but like Amicia, your place isn’t on the battle field. Your place is here. You’ve done enough. Really. We don’t need you out there, too.”

  “What happened to ‘We can never have too many volunteers’?”

  I shrugged. “Sure, the more the merrier, but we can’t protect you.”

  She laughed. “You don’t need to protect me, Avah. I can protect myself.”

  “You’ll get him killed,” I blurted, and the room silenced.

  Kat blinked in response, her mouth agape. While her relationship wasn’t exactly a secret, it also wasn’t broadcasted, either.

  I cleared my throat. “He won’t be able to concentrate on protecting himself if you’re out there. No Hunter will. It’s our job to protect you. It’s in our blood, our DNA. Risking yourself is signing a Hunter’s death certificate. And besides, someone needs to stay behind to protect the vampires who aren’t joining us. Stay here. If you want to fight, do it for them.”

  She nodded slowly. “Of course.” She smiled. “Sometimes, I forget how young you are, Avah. You’ve had to grow up so quickly—both in this world and in your former life.”

  I nodded. “There was once a time I despised my mother for the way she raised me, but now, I see that I never would have survived the transition if she hadn’t prepared me for a life of blood and war. I owe my life to Jasik, but I owe my immortality to her.”

  “Yes. Of course. Um, Avah,” she said, clearing her throat, “I wanted you to know… I’m very sorry for your loss. I lost my mother at a very young age, as well. I know how hard this is for you.”

  I nodded, blinking away the tears that seemed to instantly form the moment I let myself remember my mother. “Thank you.”

  “She’s proud of you, you know.”

  I held back a smile, hoping her words were true. She may have betrayed me, and I may hate her forever for doing so, but she was still my mother. I still owed her more than I could ever repay. “How do you know?”

  “You’re the most selfless, courageous, intelligent woman I know. What’s not to be proud of?” She smiled.

  I grinned. “Well, thank you, Milady.”

  Kat’s eyes flickered to the clock that hung on the wall in her office. “When do you leave?”

  My eyes followed hers to the clock. “We should go now. Our flight leaves soon,” I said, glancing at the other Hunters, who nodded.

  “Very good. You’ll call me when you land?” she asked.

  I nodded. “I’ll make sure someone gives you a call to let you know we’re all alive.”

  She smiled and said, “Be safe.”


  WE MADE IT to the airport with just enough time to board our private jet. It was identical to the plane we took to London only a few days ago, but this time, the only familiar face was Jasik’s. The other Hunters sat together, silently awaiting our departure. I glanced back at them and was met with cold stares.

  “Isn’t it a little odd that they hate us as much as they do?” I asked, rearranging in my seat so my leg draped over Jasik’s and I was leaning against the window.

  “Hm?” he asked, meeting my eyes.

  “The other Hunters. They don’t really like us.”

  “Has someone said something to you?” he asked, frowning.

  “No, but that’s the point. They refuse to talk to me.”

  He smiled. “Love, that’s just them. They’re the silent type.”

  “Ah, like Malik?” I asked.

  “And me,” he replied, as he massaged my leg.

  I closed my eyes, moaning appreciatively. “You’re not so quiet, y’know.”

  “Only with you.”

  I giggled and said, “What are you talking about? You’re usually such a chatterbox.”

  “Oh, yes, of course. I forgot all those deep conversations. Debates, they’re the apple of my eye, really.”

  I playfully slapped his arm. “Okay, fine. You’re not Mr. Conversation, but don’t you think they’re a little… cold?

  He shook his head. “Hunters live their lives in solitude. We’re always on the go. Most only form close relations with their fellow Hunters and their priestess. Their behavior is common, love. Don’t take it personally.”

  I nodded. “Okay, yeah, I guess that makes sense. I just figured they were pissed about the whole us-moving-into-Kat’s thing. I mean, there’s only room for one set of Hunters, right?”

  “Traditionally, yes, but who says we’ll be working?”

  “Retirement, eh? I’ve been meaning to ask, are there vampire retirement laws?” I said, laughing. “I mean, because you and Malik have surely put in enough years for me to be able to retire with you.”

  Jasik laughed and said, “No one is forcing you to work, love.”

  “Only my DNA,” I said with a wink.

  He shook his head and rolled his eyes playfully. “Besides, Kat’s fond of her Hunters. She has no intention of replacing them,” Jasik said loudly, and I peeked through the space between our seats to see if the other Hunters were eavesdropping. Unsurprisingly so, they were. I sat back in my seat and sat silently, letting my eyes trail over Jasik’s features as the plane took off. My stomach dipped as we rose in the air, and I fought back the queasiness.

  “Do you ever think about the future?” I asked.

  Jasik stopped fidgeting with his seat and turned toward me. “How far into the future are we talking?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know… After this fight. Do you ever think about what life will be like if we win?”

  He nodded. “When I’m not thinking about you or this war, I’m thinking about the future, yes.”

  “And what do you think about?” I asked.

  He smiled. “You.”

  I bit my lip. “Oh, yeah? What are we doing in this future event?”

  His smile faded, and his features grew dark, serious. “All the things I’ve
been waiting to experience until I met you.”

  I smiled at him, loving how he spoke to me as if he knew I would one day be in his life. Jasik couldn’t see his future, but he spoke as though he knew it without being gifted.

  I bit my lip, thinking back to our time in the woods, thinking back to the moment he gave me his last name. Teasingly, I said, “Like traveling?”

  He laughed. “Yes, traveling. Although, there aren’t many places I haven’t seen already.”

  Sometimes, I forgot that Jasik had lived a full life. He’d already experienced almost everything life had to offer him.

  He reached over and grasped my hand, intertwining our fingers. “I would like to take you places, though. I want to experience the world with you.”

  “But you’ve already seen the world.”

  He shook his head. “Not through your eyes.”

  “So life after war looks like retirement and vacationing and relaxation?” I asked.

  A sly smile formed, and he leaned over. I cupped his face between my palms as he said, “Among other things.”

  I gasped playfully. “Jasik, you tease me with such naughty thoughts!”

  Giggling, I pulled him toward me, pressing my lips against his. His mouth opened for me, and I massaged my tongue against his. His hand ran the curve of my stomach until he cupped me from behind, pushing me closer to him. I gasped and bit my lip, drawing a moan from him. I grinned appreciatively and lowered my fangs.

  “Just a taste,” I whispered.

  His fangs lengthened, and his eyes burned bright, neon blue. I leaned forward, darting my tongue out, and sucking on his lower lip. His breathing became heavy as his grip on my hips tightened. His hand trailed the length of my spine until it settled at the base of my neck. He grasped my hair and pulled back. Gasping, I let my head fall back, exposing my neck to him. He leaned closer to me, running his nose against the curve of my neck and inhaling quietly.


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