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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

Page 3

by Tania Sparks

  He raises his face so our lips are just an inch apart. I want him to kiss me so much that my body is quivering in anticipation. I watch his lips to see if he’s going to move in closer, waiting for him to crush his mouth to mine. When nothing happens I shift my focus back up to his eyes. Damn it, is he going to kiss me or what? Should I make the first move and kiss him? No, I still want him to make the first move but I feel like pleading for him to just do it – please just kiss me already!

  Instead of moving his mouth to mine, he sincerely rumbles, “Hell Kit, you’ve transformed into one hell of a sexy lady. From the second you walked in that door last night I’ve not been able to stop thinking about you. I want you. I want to touch every single inch of you with my hands, with my tongue, with my lips, with my body.” He pauses for a few seconds while his eyes scan hungrily over me then he continues, “I can’t stop myself from imagining you beneath me, on top of me, our limbs entangled, both of us sharing the sensations I know would fuckin’ blow my mind.”

  Our hands start to drift over each other’s skin. His fingers and palms run up and down my thighs. I drift my fingertips and nails lightly over his muscled and inked biceps and forearms. Just this simple contact is causing a current of electricity to course through my body. We both revel in this simple touch and this undeniable attraction. He groans and murmurs, almost to himself, “I want to know what you feel like, what your lips and skin taste like, I want to find out what noises I can make you moan.”

  Then he seems to gain some focus from the fantasy we’d both been indulging in and stares deeply into my eyes. He declares, “This feels like it would be something that would be so freakishly awesome and although I admit this chemistry between us is off the fuckin’ charts, I don’t think we should take this any further. Me thinking this way about you, thinking about all the wicked things I want to do to you – you don’t have to be a genius to figure out that this is wrong, so very, very wrong.”

  He’s obviously battling with his own thoughts, he wants me, but he thinks us hooking up would ultimately be a mistake. I can hear the battle in his words and I can feel his hesitancy in the way he’s now touching me, but I don’t agree with him and I think we should see where this attraction takes us. I take a deep breath and whisper, “It’s not wrong Cody.”

  He responds surprisingly swiftly, “This is so, so very wrong Kitty. You’re Nikki’s little sister. He would beat the crap out of me if he found out…but you’re so fuckin’ irresistible, I’m struggling here. I don’t think I should do this, but I also don’t know if I can stop myself.”

  He’s frowning, his eyes look troubled and the worry and concern on his face is so convincing that it almost makes me agree with him. A slight tinge of doubt starts to creep into my mind. Is this wrong? Should this happen? Is Cody right?

  But then I grasp the fact that I want this so much it practically hurts. I’ve dreamt about this and have gone through this exact scenario a million times in my head, I simply can’t let this opportunity fade, I can’t let this encounter stop and not progress to where I want it to go. I know Cody is taking a massive risk and I honestly doubt that I’m worth it, but darn it, I can see that he’s practically vibrating to surrender to his desires. He definitely wants me just as much as I want him, even if it is just in this moment, just this one time of carnal desire and unadulterated pleasure. He just needs to be reassured that this isn’t a risk, so I tell him what will make him take this further, I tell him what he wants to hear, “It’s an easy decision Sticks. I want you and I know you want me, I can see it, I can feel it and I know you can too. We don’t have to tell anyone. I understand that you don’t want anything more than a one-time hook-up and I’m fine with that. You can’t deny that we have a wicked chemistry. The sex would be out-of-this-world. No strings, just some fun. Two consenting adults spending time partaking in something we both crave. You know it would be good. So what d’ya think?”

  He sighs heavily and groans, “What I think is that you’re tryin’ to kill me.” He pauses and then continues, this time with a determined resolve, “I don’t want to fuck things up. The band’s my family, my only real family. I can’t risk ruining that. Besides the guys would have my guts for garters if I hurt you or upset you in any way. And you know me, I’m a complete screw-up. It’s inevitable that that’s exactly what I’d do. You have to admit, you’re not a one-time-fuck sorta girl.” He sighs dejectedly, “I don’t want to sound like some self-conceited asshole, but I know you’ve had a crush on me for years, I’d be a complete dick to take advantage of you for that. Besides, you deserve more than me, I’m just some random musician, nothing special, nothing to write home about. You shouldn’t settle for a one-time hook-up. You’re way better than that sweetheart.”

  He lifts me off his lap and gently pushes me away. He flops back down into the armchair, looks away from me, picks up his drumsticks and starts to quietly tap away on the armrests. His head bobs rhythmically in time to the beat he’s creating. He completely ignores me as if I’m no longer there. It’s like he’s somehow managed to find an off switch and has simply flicked off the connection.

  I stand there for a few seconds in complete shock. I lean down and ashamedly pick up my shorts from the floor. I feel completely rejected. What’s wrong with me? Does he not want me? Am I not good enough? Did I misinterpret his attraction to me? Or is that chemistry I felt just the way he reacts to every female? I feel stupid, but more than that, I feel sad and disappointed.

  I turn my back and sulk off towards my room. Just as I reach the door I look back over my shoulder, fully expecting Cody to still be tapping away thoughtlessly with his drumsticks. But what I see gives me a small slither of hope. He’s leaning forward, his elbows are balanced on his knees, he’s resting his head in his hands and he’s shaking his head in evident frustration as he tugs exasperatedly at his hair. He doesn’t notice that I’ve seen him and I’m thrilled that I managed to see his moment of vulnerability.

  I feel like I’m almost floating as I realize I must have at least had some effect on him. It wasn’t just my imagination! He definitely wants me but is obviously reluctant to step up and take action. I quickly come to the conclusion that he probably just needs some more, less subtle, convincing. I start to hatch a plan to seduce that sexy drummer and make him mine, if only for one night. Next time, he won’t be able to resist me.

  I need some time to develop my plan of attack so I decide to stick to my original plan and I go out shopping for the afternoon.

  Chapter 3

  It’s a little after five and I’ve spent most of the day shopping, a little bit longer than I’d originally planned, but I’m now on my way back to the hotel. I’m so pleased that I decided to take my trusty camera with me because I’ve managed to get some really cool shots of the city. I love taking photos. It’s fascinating to capture those little things that are so easy to miss when you’re not really taking notice.

  My feet are killing me and I’m looking forward to a nice hot bath, something to eat and a good sleep. I’ve tried to keep myself distracted but I can’t keep my mind off Cody. I know he wants me, I can tell by the way his gaze seems to solely be on me whenever we’re in the same room. His eyes always look like he wants to devour me and his body practically hums when we’re close. And I definitely want him, it’s like we’re inexplicitly drawn to each other. So I’m really struggling to see what the problem is, surely we can have a one-time fling without my brother or the rest of the band finding out? I’m pretty sure it’s just what I need to get him out of my system. Maybe then, once I know just what it’s like to be with that sexy drummer, maybe I can move on and stop fantasizing about him.

  I just need to find a way to convince Cody that us hooking up is a good idea. Surely he can’t deny the chemistry that sizzles between us. Whenever we’re in the same room I feel like there’s an electrical current zapping between us that makes my body tingle and my heart beat faster. I can barely control myself around him and whenever we get within a fe
w feet of each other I have an overwhelming urge to jump him.

  I’ve spent all day thinking and scheming and I’ve come up with a shrewd plan. I’m pretty sure that his body reacts to mine, just like mine does to his. If I can make sure I get right up next to him as much as possible, without being too obvious so the others catch on, he won’t be able to deny our chemistry and he’ll feel how good we could be together. I’m hoping that maybe then I’ll be able to tempt him to give me a shot.

  Once I get back to the suite I discover that the others have already arrived back from their day out. We all sit around chatting about our day’s adventures and have a bit of a catch-up. Unfortunately my plan of staying close to Cody isn’t going as I had hoped. He seems to be avoiding me and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that every time I get up and move closer to him, he quickly gets up and moves further away. He always makes some lame excuse about getting another drink, going to the bathroom or some other pathetic reason to distance himself from me. He’s definitely avoiding me, but I can see from the look in his eyes that he still wants me. What the hell’s up with that?

  It’s about seven so we order in some room service for dinner. Once the food arrives we all dig in and the discussion quickly turns to what everyone’s plans are for tonight. It’s our second to last night before the band head back on tour and the guys all want to go out to a club to let off some steam. I hadn’t really felt like going out after my long day of shopping, but perhaps it’ll give me an opportunity to tempt Cody – a bit of dancing, a bit of close body contact, some strategically placed hands and a whole heap of flirting. It might be just what I need to convince that sexy drummer to spend a bit of one-on-one time with me.

  At about eight thirty I head to my room to start getting ready. We won’t be leaving until about ten thirty, so that’ll give me plenty of time to get pimped and primed. I want to make sure I look my very best.

  After taking a long soak in the bath, I dry and straighten my hair, making it smooth and silky. I apply my make-up, ensuring that I have mastered my application of sexy smoky eyes and plump wine-red lips. Then I pull on my go-to club dress. It’s dark burgundy, a perfect match to my lipstick, the skirt is short, it only comes to mid-thigh and it hugs me in all the right places. The top is a v-neck and it has off-the-shoulder short sleeves. I figure it shows a decent amount of skin without being too trashy. I match it with some strappy stilettos that have extremely pointy five inch heels made of steel. I throw on some jewelry and take one last look in the mirror. I grab my clutch bag and walk out into the sitting area.

  I receive a few whistles and cat calls from the guys who are sitting around having a beer waiting for the rest of us to finish getting ready. Trixie is already dressed and is looking stunning. She’s sitting on Nikki’s lap and with a big grin on her face she pronounces, “Looking hot Kitty! You’ll be the center of attention at the club tonight. Every single red-blooded male in the place will want some of that.”

  Nikki scowls disapprovingly but before he can say anything Trixie places her hand over his mouth as he tries to wriggle to get away. He shrugs his shoulders and mumbles behind her hand, “What!”

  Trixie shakes her head and gives him a disapproving stare as she takes her hand away from his mouth and quickly replaces it with her lips. Her crafty move distracts him from what I’m sure would have been yet another unwarranted lecture aimed in my direction.

  Cody had been leaning casually against the wall, but now he’s standing up straight. He looks as hot as hell. He’s wearing a dark grey shirt that’s rolled up at the sleeves so his tattoos are proudly displayed. He’s matched it with black jeans and custom Converse. He’s also wearing some leather wrist bands and is sporting his lip ring and eyebrow ring. His spiky red mohawk just adds to the whole bad boy image and I take a deep breath to ensure I don’t stare too obviously. His burning eyes secure on mine and it feels like he’s staring a hole straight through me. His focus then lowers as he peruses my body heatedly, slowly inspecting every single inch of me.

  I start to walk towards him but before I get too close he rudely mumbles under his breath, “Jesus fucking Christ.” He raises his arm and runs his fingers roughly through that sexy mohawk of his. But disappointingly he quickly turns away and stomps off in the opposite direction towards the kitchen. I’m pretty sure he’s figured out my cunning plan. He pours himself a shot of whisky and quickly downs it in one gulp.

  He’s a stubborn bastard and I can see my plan to get close to him is going to be a challenge, but it’s also going to be extremely entertaining. I’m certain I’ll be able to convince him, it might just take me an hour or two.

  After a few minutes everyone’s ready and we all leave the penthouse and head down to the lobby in the elevator. Being in such a confined space, Cody makes sure he keeps as much distance between us as possible. Once we reach the ground level we exit and Cody grumpily follows a few steps behind the rest of the group.

  We pile into the waiting limo. Cody gets in last and as he ducks his head to get inside he glances around the limo only to realize that the only seat still available is right next to me. His face morphs into a mild state of panic, but after a few seconds of awkward silence he eventually plonks himself down and wriggles to try to create some space between us. I chuckle to myself because there’s not a lot of room in here, so he has no choice but to squeeze in so close to me that our bodies are touching all the way from our knees to our shoulders. This simple contact makes me tingle with excitement and I hope this close proximity is affecting him just as much as me. As far as I’m concerned the seating arrangements couldn’t be any more ideal.

  For the whole drive Cody hardly says a word, apart from a few grumpy mumbles under his breath so that only I can hear. He’s muttering something about ‘what the fuck’s a guy supposed to do’ and a few self-affirmations about, ‘you can do this’. It’s quite hilarious actually and even though I can see he’s doing his very best to ignore our chemistry, I can feel the heat radiating off his body. I soon notice that his breath hitches every time I edge my hand closer to his thigh. It starts to become a bit of a fun game. I edge my hand closer and closer to his leg and I see how long it takes before he grunts and tries to move away. I start out not even touching him as I rest my hand on my own leg, close to his, but not touching. I see his eyes dart to my hand and he sighs loudly as he tries to adjust his position, but there’s nowhere for him to go. He looks up to my face and shakes his head before turning away and looking determinedly out the window. After a couple of minutes I move my hand slightly closer so that my fingers are just touching the side of his thigh. He tries to wriggle as he moves his leg as far away from me as possible, but I just snuggle over even closer to him. After a few more minutes we’re getting near the club and just as we pull up I take my game an extra step and rest my hand high on his thigh, hoping that amongst all the disarray of everyone preparing to get out of the limo, no one else will notice. The car has hardly even stopped but Cody frantically opens the door and darts out, desperate to make his escape. I hear him say, “Fuck! This is going to be a long night.” He sighs loudly and stomps up the path towards the club door.

  I snicker quietly. This is definitely going to be an entertaining night and I can’t wait.

  We walk straight past all the other patrons who are lining up to get inside. The queue is huge but we go straight to the front of the line and are quickly ushered inside, much to the grumbling and hollering of the waiting crowd.

  As we walk into the club the music is pumping and the place is literally writhing with dancing and mingling bodies. The music vibrates through me which only amplifies my excitement. This place has a great atmosphere and I wonder why my girlfriends and I haven’t visited this club before. In saying that, the queue at the front disappeared around the block and my friends and I probably would never be bothered waiting in that massive line. I’m lucky that tonight we’re receiving privileged attention.

  We’re escorted to a cordoned off VIP area at the bac
k of the club where we all grab a seat and Scott orders a whole pile of drinks – some beers, a tray of shots, a couple of bottles of bubbles and some large jugs of water.

  We’re having fun, drinking, partying and getting up to dance occasionally. I’m a little annoyed at Cody though, I had thought that this would be an ideal opportunity to entice him…a few drinks, a bit of dancing, an opportunity to grind my body against his…but he still seems to be doing everything he can to avoid me. As soon as I get close to him he gets up and moves to another seat or to another part of the dance floor. It’s really starting to frustrate me. After my fourth unsuccessful attempt at getting close I finally get the hint and decide to just have a good time instead of concentrating my efforts solely on him.

  I get up from my seat, walk past the security guard that’s keeping unwanted guests out of the VIP area and make my way to the main dance floor. One of my favorite songs starts playing and I start to move sensually to the music. It doesn’t take long before two or three guys are circling and dancing around me, trying to vie for my attention. I take turns at dancing with each of them. But after a few songs I wave goodbye to them all and make my way back to the VIP area for a drink and some rest. As I walk back in Cody scowls at me angrily. I don’t know why he’s giving me that attitude, he’s been ignoring and avoiding me all night, he shouldn’t give a damn who I dance with. I would have quite happily danced with him, but he’s been the one that’s been determined to not even let me close to him.

  I sit down in an empty space on the chair right next to him. He can’t get up and move now, it would be way too obvious to the others that he’s trying to avoid me. I smile and sarcastically chirp, “You having a good time Cody?”

  He groans and responds grouchily, “No, not really.”

  I lean in close to him, so close that I can feel the heat from his skin. I place my hand on his knee and see him suck in a deep breath. I purr, “Why don’t you come up and have a dance.”


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