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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

Page 12

by Tania Sparks

  His eyes twinkle with mischief and he smirks, “Fuck Kitty, that was the hottest thing I think I’ve ever seen. Jesus Christ, each time with you gets even more incredible. I think I have a new addiction. You’re like a freaking drug that I can’t seem to be able to get enough of.”

  I smile back at him and nod my head towards my hands as I say, “Yeah, that was really incredibly hot…I kinda loved being at your mercy…” Cody’s eyes twinkle as I see a hundred ideas flash through his mind. I interrupt his thoughts by chuckling and asking, “Umm, it was hot, but do you think you could untie me now? My arms are sorta going numb.”

  Cody jolts as if in surprise as he reaches up and quickly starts to undo my bindings. “Sorry sweetheart, it’s just that you look so fucking hot lying here all tied up. I could do practically anything to you…I wonder what else you’d let me get away with?”

  I’m not quite sure what he has in mind, but I know he’d ensure it would be good for both of us, so I make a commitment to myself to try anything he suggests.

  Once the silk is undone and I’m freed, he rubs my wrists to bring the circulation back to my hands and arms. He grabs a wet face cloth from the bathroom and cleans me up then collapses beside me as we both bathe in the blissful aftermath of our incredible orgasms.

  We must have completely exhausted ourselves because we fall asleep and are woken very early the next morning by the bus driver phoning us to tell us that we have ten minutes to get our asses down to the bus before they’ll leave without us!

  We quickly get showed and ready and head downstairs. At least we’re not the last ones to arrive and it takes another twenty minutes before we’re all packed up and are heading out. Apparently we have a long bus trip ahead of us so we’ve had to head out early. The drive to the next city is going to be a really long one. Ah, the joys of life on the road!

  Chapter 11

  After about five hours, we’re apparently half way there and the driver decides to take a break from driving for a while. We’ve pulled up outside a place that has a cute little diner that turns out to serve the best drive-in food ever. The burgers are amazing and both Cody and I decide to break our healthy eating rule, just this time and only because the food that we see coming out of the kitchen looks so incredible.

  The food definitely tastes as good as it looks and after we’ve all devoured our lunch, we amble outside and discover that next door there’s a go-kart racing track. We all need to let off some steam from being crammed in that bus for so many hours so we decide to head on over and have a go. We walk inside the gate and stroll up to the building that houses the office. We’re greeted by a friendly guy who sorts out our payment then escorts us through to a small briefing room. We’re all sat down, classroom style. It seems very formal as the instructor starts to tell us all the do’s and don’ts of racing. Unfortunately the Oblivion guys are being hooligans and aren’t taking the briefing very seriously as they act like naughty school boys, hooting and hollering about how they’re going to whip each other’s asses on the race track. Hansen even folds up a paper plane and throws it directly at Scott’s head which elicits a loud “Fuck!” from Scott as it spears him sharply on his cheek. The instructor tries to control them the best he can and it’s not until he tells them that until he feels that they’ve grasped the rules, they won’t be racing, that the guys all finally, but reluctantly, shut up and listen.

  After the instructor has finished his briefing he gives us all some racing overalls to put on. They’re red and black and are emblazoned with various sponsor logos. These ugly overalls definitely don’t look sexy on me, but I guess it adds to the fun of the game and the guys are all excited.

  Cody’s excitement quickly dissipates when the instructor starts handing out helmets for us to put on. Cody’s not overly impressed and he groans, “Shit man a helmet’s gonna fuck up my mohawk.” He runs his hand through the spikey hairstyle and pouts dramatically as he asks, “You sure that helmet’s really necessary?”

  The instructor shakes his head and replies, “Sorry dude, no helmet, no ride.”

  Cody humphs and goes to pull on his helmet but the instructor suddenly says, “Hold on, I think I might have a helmet out back that might suit you better.”

  We all look at each other in confusion as Ash quips, “Yeah Cody. Apparently your head is so fuckin’ big that they need a special helmet to fit that massive skull of yours.”

  We all laugh and nudge at Cody who’s still sulking grumpily about having to wear a helmet. However, Cody’s eyes soon light up when the instructor comes strolling out carrying a special helmet just for him. The helmet is shiny black but the best bit is that it has a tall red mohawk attached down the center of the helmet. It looks pretty cool and even Cody is impressed. He graciously takes it from the instructor and puts it on. He runs his hand along the six inch spikes with a big grin on his face.

  The rest of us all put on our standard-issue helmets and the instructor takes us outside to where the go-karts are lined up waiting, their engines already running. A few other staff are waiting around lazily, not looking particularly interested. That is until they realize that it’s the Oblivion guys that are at their track. They quickly perk up and after a few handshakes, high fives and selfie shots, the head instructor pulls us to the side and gives us one more last-minute safety briefing. He reminds us that if our go-kart stops or if we spin out or crash, that it is really important to stay in the vehicle and a member of staff will be there within a few seconds to help us. He tells us that in no circumstances are we to get out of the kart without a staff member being present. He tells us that the track is too dangerous with go-karts zapping around at high speeds. He also tells us that there are traffic lights around the track that may flash red. If that happens we are to slow down immediately and travel at no more than ten miles an hour because the lights indicate that something has happened and the staff are on the track assisting. Once it is all clear again the lights will go green and that means we can all continue racing. We eagerly agree and excitedly jump into our go-karts which are lined up at the starting line.

  Above us there are three rows of lights, each row has five lights on it. The light on the far right of each row lights up red. Ash starts to rev the engine on his car. Everyone else follows and the sound of eight go-karts revving their engines quickly becomes deafening. The next column of red lights light up. The excitement is building and I have butterflies in my stomach. This is so exciting! The engines get even louder. The red lights slowly proceed to light up from right to left. The lights then turn from red to green and we all slam our feet on our accelerators. We take off down the track at instant high speed. A few of the guys fishtail dangerously before regaining control and taking off. There’s no way I’m going to stick at the back so I quickly put my foot down and within a few seconds I’ve caught up.

  It’s quite a large track and apparently we get to go around four times. We’re on the third round and the competition is fierce. Various people have taken the lead so far, it’s a difficult and close race and I’m not sure who’s going to win, everyone is pretty determined. I’m in about fourth place, so I’m in the middle of the pack, but at least at the moment I’m beating Cody, even though he’s very close behind. I want to at least get a placing on the podium with a first, second or third so on the next corner I try to sneak on the outside to overtake Scott who’s just in front of me.

  Unfortunately I swerve just a little too sharply and suddenly my go-kart starts to spin out of control. Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m spinning around on the track, my heart is racing rapidly and it feels like everything is going in slow motion as the scenery whizzes around me in a kaleidoscope of color. My head is spinning and it’s difficult to focus on anything as it’s all moving so quickly. I’m sure I’m going to hit something and it’s not going to be a gentle stop. I hold my breath and close my eyes tightly, waiting for a collision that I know is going to hurt like hell.

  I finally come to a stop on the side of the track. I haven’t hi
t anything! I’m safe! The adrenaline is pumping through my veins and it must be either utter relief or I may have just gone bat-shit crazy with the excitement, but I can’t stop laughing.

  I look up the track in front of me and see Cody frantically sprinting towards me. As he had been driving just behind me, he must have swerved past me and seen the whole thing. I know it’s him because of that ridiculous red mohawk on his helmet that’s swaying back and forth with his rapid movement. He’s not supposed to be out of his go-kart! That’s dangerous and we were warned not to get out. He reaches me and instantly his hands are on me. His face is anxious with worry as he hollers, “Kitty, Kitty, are you okay?”

  I’m still laughing and as soon as Cody realizes that I’m okay, relief floods him and he starts laughing too. He undoes my seatbelt and lifts me up and into his arms. We’re both still giggling and holding onto each other when a very angry looking track attendant reaches us. He scolds, “Remember the rules people! No getting out of the go-karts.”

  Cody lets go of me and mumbles, “Sorry…shit, it’s just that…”

  The attendant mumbles and waves his hand dismissively. “Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he says as he pushes Cody to the side to get to me, “I presume you’re all okay Miss?”

  “Yeah, I’m good thanks.” I try to smile to lighten the mood but the attendant isn’t very happy with us. He continues, “Now Miss let’s get you back inside your go-kart and buckled in. Sir, you just stay right there, don’t move.” He points to a spot a few feet away from me. “In a sec I’ll escort you back to your go-kart. You can then both finish your last lap and then make your way back to the finish line.”

  I climb into my go-kart and buckle myself in. My vehicle must have stalled when I spun out so the attendant re-starts it. He instructs me to wait until I can see that Cody is inside his vehicle, then he’ll give us both the signal and then we can continue with our race.

  Cody leans down and gives me a kiss on top of my helmet and then he and the attendant jog up the track to Cody’s go-kart. I watch Cody get in and I see the attendant wave at both of us indicating that we can resume.

  We both push our accelerators to the floor and take off as we continue to speed around the track. The others have already finished and are out of their vehicles and are waiting at the finish line. Cody and I complete our lap and cross the finish line together. We pull our cars up to a stop and get out to be greeted by the rest of the group doting and fussing over me to make sure I’m okay. After everyone realizes that I’m fine, we thank the attendants and after a few more photos with the staff, we make our way back to the bus.

  We quickly climb on board and settle into place as we pull back out onto the highway to carry on with our trip. Most of the guys sit in the lounge and continue with their song-writing session, but Cody sits right next to me so we’re snuggled together on one of the sofas. He’s holding my hand and his thumb is stroking softly against the back of my wrist.

  After a few minutes he mumbles into my ear, “You know, that scared the shit out of me when you crashed your go-kart.” I snuggle into him and he wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a comforting squeeze. He places his other hand on my thigh and caresses it gently. His hand is edging higher and higher up my leg. I lift my head and gaze into his eyes. I recognize that look, it’s unmistakable. Cody whispers into my ear, “Wanna go out back for a bit?”

  I whisper, “Yeah, I do.” We both stand up. Cody takes my hand and we start walking towards the back room. Ash chuckles, “Make sure you change the sheets when you’re done Sticks, me and Eve don’t want any unpleasant surprises later.”

  The other guys all chuckle. Nikki just stares at Cody with a look of absolute horror. He quickly picks up his headphones, pops them on his head and tries to distract himself by plucking away at his guitar.

  Cody and I walk down the corridor towards the back room but he surprises me when he roughly pulls me into the tiny bathroom. This room is so small we can barely both fit inside at the same time. We shuffle around the door and he quickly closes it behind us and secures the lock. He then immediately starts removing my clothes.

  “In here rather than the bedroom?” I ask.

  “Yep.” He replies simply as my shorts are undone and dragged down my legs.

  I start to grasp at his clothes, pulling his shirt up and over his head. I take a moment to appreciate his physique as I run my fingers over his inked torso before I move lower to undo his jeans. I place my hand inside the waistband and push them down his legs.

  Pretty soon we’re both completely naked. Cody spins me around so my back is pressed up against his front. There is so little room in here that I have to lean across the vanity. I look at our reflection in the mirror and the image makes me instantly wet. The desire on our faces is so freaking obvious. Cody’s eyes are running over me, looking at me, inspecting my body, both in front of him and in the reflection. His hand reaches down in front of us, running down over my stomach and even lower. He remains still for a moment, just holding me in my most intimate place then his fingers dip inside and an appreciative groan vibrates in his chest as he apprehends how wet I am already. He spreads my wetness around with his fingers and rubs my clit firmly in tiny circles, sending flutters of pleasure pulsating through me. His hand then moves away and I see in the reflection that he lifts it to his mouth. The reflection of our eyes meet in the mirror and he sucks on his fingers, one by one, another rumble vibrating in his chest.

  “Turn around Kitty. I need a better taste.”

  I turn around and he lifts me up so I’m perched sitting on the vanity, my back is now resting against the mirror. He drops down to his knees, his face is instantly buried between my thighs and his tongue is instantly on me. His hands are digging into the flesh on my thighs as he holds me, allowing him uninhibited access. His tongue dives inside me, my arms instantly fly to my sides as I clasp at anything I can get my hands on. The bottles and jars that had been preciously lined up on the sink are noisily knocked to the ground. He’s making me feel so good I can hardly think as my vision blurs and electricity zaps from my core and travels in waves across my entire body. I can barely talk, I just manage to whimper a few desperate moans.

  He continues to drive me closer and closer to an orgasm. He sinks a couple of fingers inside me and the combination of his tongue and hands drives me even higher. I’m just about there, my body’s trembling with pleasure and my pussy is pulsating in a desperate but elusive chase of pleasure when Cody suddenly rises to his feet and stands up. I moan in desperation, “Noooo.”

  He quickly rolls on a condom, lifts my legs and places them over his shoulders, holds me by my hips then instantly slides inside me. The back of my head knocks roughly against the mirror and I grab onto the edges of the vanity to try and steady myself. This feels incredible. It feels primal, it feels desperate, it feels like I’m losing my freaking mind!

  I slowly lower my legs and secure them firmly around his waist, pulling him tighter to me as he pounds into me over and over again. His hot breath tickles at my neck as he nibbles and sucks. Our mouths connect, our tongues dance and we suck at each other’s lips. I can taste myself on him and the carnality of it turns me on even more.

  He becomes even harder, even larger as both of our bodies tremble. We’re hot, sweating and panting. I squeeze my pussy around his cock causing him to tumble over the edge into an explosive orgasm. He detonates inside me as he growls out his appreciation. His face contorts in pure ecstasy and just seeing him lose control, seeing him come and feeling him pulse inside me causes my orgasm to explode as well, pleasure reverberating through my body. He’s still moving inside me, slower now, but effectively prolonging our pleasure. Cody collapses onto me, his head rests on my shoulder, his body is pushed against mine as he slurs, “Holy crap!”

  I agree fully but I’m barely able to utter out my agreement so I slur, “Yeah.”

  Our breathing finally eases and he slowly withdraws from inside me. After removing the condom and flushi
ng it down the toilet, he reaches across the small distance to the shower and turns it on. We spend the next few minutes cleaning ourselves up and washing each other. Once we’re done we get out and wrap ourselves in some towels then pick up our discarded clothes and make our way out of the bathroom. We get dressed and return to the sitting area, both feeling satiated and happy. Cody decides to join the others who are still sitting writing and strumming their guitars.

  I grab my art pad and settle myself down for the remainder of our bus trip. I unroll my pencil wrap, take out a charcoal pencil and start sketching. My sketches have been quite prolific lately. I guess I’ve been getting a lot of design and drawing inspiration from being around this group of wild rock stars. Every now and then I’ll look up and watch the guys strumming on their guitars for a few minutes. They’re pretty inspiring. Even them just sitting here makes me feel like I’m experiencing a very special insight into their private world of creativity. They’re fascinating to observe. I’m on my third sketch when Cody comes over and snuggles on the sofa next to me. He places his head on my shoulder and asks, “Whatcha doin’?”

  “Just drawing.”

  He tries to lean over to see what’s on my sketch pad, “Whatcha drawin’?”

  “Stuff,” I answer a little embarrassed that I’ve been caught-out drawing Oblivion rehearsing.

  “Let me see,” Cody says sulkily as he realizes I’m trying to hide my work from him.

  I turn the drawing pad over so it’s facing downwards, “No, it’s private.”

  He pouts and begs, “Pretty please.” He sticks out his bottom lip and flutters his eyelids ridiculously.


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