Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 25

by Tania Sparks

  After a few moments he straightens up, steps slightly away from me and announces, “Who needs fucking family anyway, give me a drink.” He walks over to the kitchen bench, pours himself an extremely large glass of bourbon and takes a few large gulps. He then walks back to the sitting room and slouches into one of the arm chairs. He pats his knee and says, “Come and sit Kitty. Keep me company while I drown my sorrows.”

  I walk over to him and sit down on his knee. The other guys all sit back down too. Cody holds up his glass, offering me a drink. I take it from him and take a large sip. As the warm liquor slides down my throat Scott responds to Cody’s earlier comment, “You know Cody, everybody needs family.”

  I scowl at Scott, thinking that his comment is not the most useful thing to say at this particular moment.

  Cody gives him the dirtiest glare I’ve ever seen and he’s just about to let Scott know what he thinks of his comment when Scott purposefully continues, “You know Cody, family isn’t always blood, family is what you make it, family are the people that care about you the most, that share your life with you and are here when you need them. Sticks – we’re here. We have been all along. We’re here for you. Family is always being there, always freaking having your back and looking out for each other. We’re your family Cody. We’re your brothers, Trixie and Eve are your sisters, and Kitty here, well she’s someone who cares about you very deeply. You shouldn’t be upset. Forget about your Mom and your loser of a Step-Dad. You don’t need them, you have us. We’re your family.”

  Cody looks up and gazes slowly around the room, focusing individually on each person for a few seconds before moving to the next person. As he looks around I can gradually feel the tension leaving his body and the stress on his face slowly eases. By the time he’s looked completely around the room he has a warm smile. “You know what. You’re fucking right Scott. You guys are my family and you’ve been here all the time. I don’t know why I didn’t look at it like that before. I don’t need those losers that call themselves my Mom and Step-Dad. You’re my family. I have you guys don’t I?”

  The guys all raise their glasses and yell, “Hell yeah.” There’s an echo of comments that float around, I’m not sure who says what, but they’re all along the lines of, “To the best freaking family.”, “To us.” And “To our brother Cody.”

  The smile on Cody’s face is from ear to ear. He suddenly gets the fact that he already has a family, a family called Oblivion.


  After an evening that resembled a roller-coaster ride of emotions, we caught a taxi back to Cody’s place and are standing in the kitchen getting a drink of water before we head off to bed. Cody looks like he’s still got something on his mind so I stroll up to him and wrap my arms around his waist and look up into his eyes, “You still upset about your Mom?”

  Cody shakes his head defiantly and then smiles at me, “Nah, that’s not it.”

  “Something’s bothering you, what is it?”

  He sighs and pulls me in tight against his body then takes a step away from me so there’s a small distance between us. He cocks his head to the side and squints his eyes as if he’s pondering whether or not to tell me something.


  “Well, don’t let this freak you out or anything…”

  I don’t know whether to be worried, I raise my eyebrows in question.

  “I’ve just been thinking, and I know that the guys are family and all, and I realize now that they have been all along and I feel very grateful to have them in my life. They truly are my brothers.” He pauses dramatically and I sense a ‘but…’ coming.

  “But…I sorta want my own family.”

  I look at him a bit puzzled, I’m not quite getting what he’s trying to say and I don’t want him to be disappointed by his crap Mom and Step-Dad yet again. I say sympathetically, “The guys are your family Cody.”

  He nods his head frantically, “Yeah, yeah, I know…but…well. Kitty, how do you feel about…you and me…Umm. Shit. Well one day, I want to have my own family, I sorta want heaps of kids, like a whole freaking football team of kids. I think I’d be a really good Dad and you’d be an awesome Mom.”

  His comment surprises me at first, but in a good way. This admission from Cody is kinda the last thing that I expected to hear from him. I must look like I’m in shock because he quickly squeezes me tight and continues in the most thoughtful voice I’ve ever heard from him. “Kitty, I know we’ve only been together for a really, really short amount of time, but I’ve known you my whole life…”

  My heart jumps into my throat, this sounds like a very serious conversation, one that I hadn’t anticipated and it’s taken me by surprise.

  Cody chuckles, “Don’t panic…I’m just attempting to let you know how I see things in the long term. I want us to be together and I really want a big family. Is that something you might be interested in with me?” He looks at me as if he’s unsure of what my answer will be.

  Does he really think that I might tell him that what he’s suggesting would not be a dream come true? I feel elated and happy. I feel like the world is coming together in a perfect way.

  “Cody, you and me are everything that I’ve ever dreamed of. You’re the most amazing man and I can’t think of anything better than having a family with you. I want a big family too and I can’t imagine having that with anyone but you. I love you so much.”

  Now it’s Cody’s turn to look surprised as he asks sincerely, “You love me?”

  “Yes I love you.”

  “Shit Kitty, you’ve just made me the happiest man ever. I love you too and I can’t imagine a life without you in it.” He pauses for a few seconds then cryptically continues, “I’ve been around the block a few times…”

  He’s obviously practiced this speech well. I snicker and raise my eyebrows at him questioningly.

  Cody grins his cheeky grin. His eyes are twinkling mischievously, “Yeah, yeah, but what I’m saying is that I’ve been around enough and with enough people to know for sure that this is different.” He waves his hand between the two of us. “You and me feel right Kitty. I know you probably just think I’m being some dramatic lyricist, but I’m convinced we’re supposed to be together. You and me feel like home. We feel like family. I know this is right, this is what I want, you are what I want. I’ve never, ever felt about anyone the way I feel about you. That’s how I know, because I feel it right here in my heart.” He thumps his fist resolutely against his chest. “I feel it in my soul.” He thumps again. “I feel it right down to my fucking bones Kitty.” He grabs me and pulls me in close to him so our bodies are crushed against each other then he continues with his heart-warming words. “From that moment you walked into that hotel room back in Oklahoma, it was like when you walked in that door, my fate walked in the door. At the time I thought it was just pure lust, you looked like a fucking wet dream, but now I know it was more than that. That jolt of electricity that I felt ricochet through my body when our eyes connected was not just lust, it was our souls recognizing their match, meeting our fate, joining together. From that moment there was just no going back.”

  He takes a small step away from me and removes a small ring off his little finger and presents it to me. It’s a beautiful silver ring with little pink diamonds embedded around it, “Kitty, this is a promise ring and I want you to have it. It’s my promise to you that I’m yours. I know you’re only twenty two and you have so much to do and achieve before you settle down. Your career is only just taking off and I want you to have all of that, and the best fucking thing is that I get to do it all with you, you’ll be travelling with me and the band, and that’s freaking awesome. We won’t have to worry about all of that long-distance shit. I’m so looking forward to having you with me all day, every day, just like we’ve done for the last week or so.”

  He pauses and ducks his head, ensuring that I’m still looking at him, as he tries to gauge my emotions. I gently touch the ring as he slowly slips it onto my finger. I
can’t help myself, I smile and lean up to kiss him. Our lips touch and it’s the softest, most emotional, most gentle and soul reaching kiss that I’ve ever experienced. When we part his eyes are penetrating into mine. I simply don’t have any words, so he starts to talk again. “But be assured Kitty, it’s a promise ring and it’s a promise that I take very seriously. And part of that promise is that when you’re ready, when you’re able to make that promise back to me, I’ll be whisking you off so we can get married, because once you’re ready, there will be no going back. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life…I see us as a family Kitty, a big fucking family, we’ll be surrounded by the rest of our family, our Oblivion family, but not only that, we’ll have a shit load of kids running around. We’ll have a fantastic life, a life full of fun, sharing, family and love. You and me, together for the rest of our lives. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds like a dream come true!” I say as I jump up onto him and wrap my legs around his hips.

  “You’ve made me very happy. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too Cody.”

  As we stand here embracing each other I feel so lucky. This really is like a dream come true. I finally feel like everything has clicked into place and I’m right where I’m supposed to be.


  We’re now back in LA after our month long tour in Europe which was amazing. We travelled all over the continent; we visited so many places and saw so many things. I got some incredible photos of the guys both on and off the stage and my journal is bursting with notes, sketches and antidotes that I’m sure will work well in the book.

  We’ve been back home for a couple of weeks now and it still astonishes me how one minute Oblivion are off jet-setting around the world, travelling, performing and partying, and the next minute we’re all chilling around home, taking it easy and living a relatively ‘normal’ life with friends and family. The lifestyle is one that I adore and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life sharing all these experiences with Cody.

  I’m just heading back to Cody’s place after having walked down to the store to grab some bits and pieces for tonight’s dinner. Me and Cody are planning a quiet night in with a nice casual dinner, a snuggle on the sofa and a good movie on the television.

  I’ve sort of moved into Cody’s place. Us living together was never really discussed but we were so used to being together having spent all our time together in Europe, it sort of just felt natural for me to move in. Everything still feels quite surreal, like I’m living a dream and I feel very lucky.

  I’ve been thinking a lot lately and I know I’m really young, but this thing between Cody and me feels so right and I can’t imagine life without my amazing drummer. I can’t think of anything better than spending the rest of my life with the man I’ve had a crush on forever.

  I reach Cody’s place and open the front door with the key he’s given me and I can’t wait to see him later tonight. He’s been out at the studio a lot the last few days and I’ve missed him heaps. It doesn’t matter whether we’ve been apart for a few days or a few short minutes, I always get the same excited butterflies in my tummy when I’m about to see him. I’m excited that we get to spend some alone time together tonight. I expect him to be home a little later which will give me just enough time for me to prepare dinner before he gets home.

  But as soon as I walk in the door I notice that Cody’s already home and the usual tingle of excitement at seeing him radiates through me. He’s sitting on his favorite armchair, but as soon as he sees me he stands up abruptly, he drops the drumsticks that had been in his hands and stares at me with a cheeky smirk on his face and a burning intensity in his eyes.

  Butterflies flitter in my tummy. He looks as sexy as ever. His red mohawk is back and it still drives me crazy every time I see him. He looks effing hot! He’s wearing faded blue jeans and an old Oblivion T-shirt. But the main thing I notice is the way he’s looking at me. Every part of him is screaming with uncontrollable desire. He’s obviously just as happy to see me as I am to see him. His eyes rake over me and I feel tingles of goosebumps travel over my body as if it’s actually his fingertips drifting tenderly over my skin.

  After spending way too long ogling each other I snap out of my trance and whisper, “I’m glad you’re home early. I’ve missed you.”

  Cody starts slowly walking towards me as he groans, “I’ve missed you too. You look so fucking hot.”

  I put my shopping bags down on the floor and start walking towards him. Once we get within touching distance I secure my arms around his neck. He feels so good pressed up against me. I flutter my eyelids and focus my attention on his lips as I purr, “Hey.”

  He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me tighter against his hard body. I feel a groan vibrate in his chest. He takes a deep breath and in his normal mischievous way he murmurs, “Your tits feel fucking amazing pressed up against me like that, feel free to wrap those sexy legs around me if you like baby.”

  I whisper back, “You know what Sticks, it would feel even better if we were naked.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he groans as he wraps his hands around my thighs and lifts me up so I can wrap my legs around his hips. He starts to carry me towards the sitting area then places my feet gently down on the floor. His lips lower to mine and we kiss softly. It’s the type of kiss that’s all encompassing, our minds, bodies and souls connecting intimately.

  But before we let ourselves get too carried away, there’s something I need to tell him. I grab both of his hands in mine and stare up into his eyes. Cody instantly senses that something’s up and asks me, “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything’s good. I’ve got something to tell you.”

  “Yeah, what is it?” he asks.

  I look firmly into his eyes and say, “I’m ready Cody.”

  He looks a little confused. His eyebrows draw together and he shrugs his shoulders, “That’s good darlin’, are we going out?”

  “No, I mean, I’m ready.”

  I had promised him that I’d tell him when I’m ready to be his wife and although it hasn’t been long, I’m definitely ready so I see no reason to wait.

  He continues to look confused and then he suddenly registers what I’m saying, “You’re ready? Ready for us to be… I expected you’d make me wait longer…are you sure you’re ready?” The joy on his face is so obvious to see.

  I smile and tell him, “Cody, I’m sure. I want to spend my life with you and I don’t see why we should wait.”

  He’s now smiling from ear to ear, it’s the first time I’ve seen this crazy rocker of mine speechless, he’s completely stunned. Then he suddenly shakes his head as if coming to his senses and blurts, “Okay, wait there, just give me a sec…” He then darts away quickly and I’m left standing in the sitting room all by myself.

  He’s not gone long though and when he comes back he’s hiding something behind his back. Then before I know it, he’s down on one knee in front of me, looking up to me with the most happy face I’ve ever seen, he starts to speak. “Kitty, I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. You’re my everything. You’re the other half of my soul. I love you with everything I am, everything I want to be and I know you’re the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. Please will you marry me?”

  I drop down to the floor and kneel with him. I squeal, “Yes.” Our lips instantly collide and while we’re kissing there’s only one thought that runs through my mind – Holy hell, I get to spend my life with the one person I’ve had a crush on for almost my entire life. I can’t wait for us to spend the rest of our lives together. It’s going to be full of fun, love, family and best of all I get to call the most amazing man on the plant mine. How lucky am I?

  Thank You!

  Thank you for reading Pure Torture. I hope you enjoyed it.

  I always really appreciate reviews. So if you would like to, please take a moment to leave me a review at either Amazon or Goodreads.

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  Thanks so much.

  Best wishes

  Tania Sparks

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  Oblivion On Tour Series

  Book 1 – Heaven Sent – Ash and Eve’s story

  Book 2 – Bolt From The Blue – Nikki and Trixie’s story

  Book 3 – Pure Torture – Cody and Kitty’s story

  Also coming soon are Scott, Hansen’s stories.

  About the Author

  Tania Sparks is a romantic at heart who genuinely believes in true love and soul mates. She met her husband while still at school, she was sixteen, he was seventeen. They are high school sweethearts who more than twenty five years later are still very much in love and are happily married with two beautiful daughters.

  Tania does have a full time job, but in her spare minutes enjoys spending time with her family, cooking and reading. She’s an avid reader who tends to chomp through a large volume of books, mainly in the romance genre. Her other major ‘hobby’ is writing steamy rock star erotic romances!

  In 2014, after finding herself constantly being inspired by numerous romance novels, she decided to try her hand at writing. After penning her first scene she discovered that she enjoyed it immensely and so resolved to continue with the rest of the story that was swirling in her imagination. That story resulted in her first novel, Heaven Sent which is the first book in her Oblivion on Tour Series. This was soon followed by Bolt From The Blue and Pure Torture. Each book in the series is a stand-alone story which follows a different band member from a hard rock group called Oblivion – and of course the feisty ladies that steal their hearts! The other books in the series are at various stages of completion.


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