Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3)

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Pure Torture (Oblivion on Tour #3) Page 24

by Tania Sparks

  Within a couple of minutes both our jeans are off, the passenger seat has been lowered, Cody is lying on his back and I’m on top of him, my legs are on either side of his hips. His hands are underneath my top and he’s cupping my breasts.

  I raise myself up so that I’m hovering above him. He removes his hands from under my top and somehow manages to find a condom which he quickly puts on. He grasps his cock with one hand and guides it to my pussy. As soon as he’s in the right position he pulls me down onto him, so he’s fully inside me. We both groan loudly with pleasure. I instinctively tighten around him and start to move. He’s gliding inside me, his hands are on my hips, his fingers are digging into my flesh as we glide together in synchronized desire.

  I look down to his face and discover that his eyes are securely focused on mine. His look is one of pure lust, but there’s something more, something that feels like our souls are finally reconnecting after such a long time of being apart. Our breathing is loud and sex-filled noises are radiating from our mouths and are echoing around the car.

  Cody utters, “You are so fuckin’ beautiful Kitty. I’ve missed you so much. This feels so right, so amazing…” His words falter as the blissful feeling of our connection completely consumes him. I can feel myself getting close to orgasm; the sensations that are radiating in my core are now quickly spreading around the rest of my body. My body is reacting instinctively and my skin is tingling. Goosebumps cover both of us as we suddenly come at the same time. Instant fireworks and flashes of colored light consume me, our bodies take over and we no longer have control of our movements. We are so good together, so incredible. This is so right, so inevitable that suddenly it feels like all the troubles from the last few months have instantly faded away and have disappeared into the distant past. I know for sure that we’re going to make this work between us, we have no choice, we are destined to be together.

  Once our bodies are completely satiated we reluctantly get dressed and climb over into the back seat to snuggle. We wrap ourselves around each other and take a great deal of comfort in knowing that we’ve found each other again.

  After a few minutes Cody sits up and his mood turns serious as he says, “Now we need to figure out how we’re going make this work in a practical sense. Look, I’ve got an idea, so listen up sweetheart. Everyone’s heading back to LA for a week just before New Year’s. So what I’m thinking is that you come with us. I’m sure your Dad can cope for a week or so, then you can come back home when the band head back to Europe. You can come back here in time to figure out what you want to do career wise, what sort of job you want or if you want to enroll to do some more classes. Oblivion are only over in Europe for a month, I’m sure we can do the whole long distance thing for one month, then I can come back here to Oklahoma for a bit and we can spend some time together. What do you think?

  “That sounds really cool Cody,” I say excitedly. “I’m sure Dad can cope for a week, in all honesty when I was going through that bad patch where I was struggling, it was definitely more him looking after me than the other way around. I’m also pretty sure a month of long distance will be no problem for us.”

  “Great, that’s all sorted then.”

  “Yep, all sorted,” I say contentedly.

  After a few comforting minutes of cuddling, we decide to head back home. We’ve already been out for quite a while and we don’t want to leave it to everyone else to sort out the Christmas supper that I have planned this evening.

  I’m happy that we’ve managed to sort out how we’re going to make it work. This feels right and I now remember what it feels like to be happy.


  It’s been a couple of days since Christmas and the last few days have been freaking awesome. Cody and I have committed to making this work. The long distance thing will only be for a month while they finish up their European tour. We can work with that. It won’t be easy, but it’s only four weeks. Everyone else is ecstatic that Cody and I are back together and Trixie told me that it’s the happiest she’s seen Cody for months.

  We’ve gathered around the kitchen table, the wine and beers are out and we’re all just about to sit down for an early evening chat. The guys have some amazing stories from their tour in Europe and I can’t wait to hear about the antics that they’ve all been up to.

  Once the drinks are poured, I take my first sip and savor the flavor. “So Nikki, what mischief have you guys been getting up to?”

  Nikki grins and raises his eyebrows suggestively. “Well not much that I can say with Dad sitting here…” Nikki chuckles and jokingly slaps Dad on his shoulder. But I’m pretty sure Dad’s heard of the antics the boys get up to, so nothing would be too shocking to him, but Nikki is a great story teller, and I know he’s just winding us up, ready for some fantastic stories.

  Nikki smiles at Cody and then starts, “Well there was this one night when Sticks…”

  Cody quickly grabs Nikki and roughly covers his mouth with his hand. They’re both laughing profusely. After a bit of a tussle, Cody releases Nikki and shrugs his shoulders in resignation.

  Nikki laughs and then says, “Nah, I have no stories about Cody. In fact he’s been as boring as shit, not his normal self at all. Usually Cody supplies us with numerous funny as fuck stories, but not the last few months.” Nikki grins at Cody then adds, “But he seems much happier now, maybe there’s a few good times coming up over the next month or so!”

  Nikki then launches into a riotous story about Ash getting caught by security, literally with his pants down, in a very compromising position with Eve.

  Nikki starts on the next story which is about what Scott got up to with one of the female sound crew on the bus trip between Oslo and Stockholm, but Nikki’s story is interrupted by the phone ringing. Dad gets up, picks up the phone and says, “Hello.” There’s silence for a few seconds and then Dad says, “Oh hi Bruce, yeah we’ve had a great Christmas thanks, it’s always fantastic to have Nikki home for the holidays…hmm, okay, yeah, no problem…” Dad holds the phone away from his ear and says, “It’s Bruce from the management company…”

  Nikki gets up to take the call, presuming it’s for him. But before he’s barely left his seat Dad says, “No, no, it’s not for you Nikki. Bruce would like to talk to Kitty.”

  Everybody looks rather surprised, but not as surprised as me. “Bruce wants to talk to me?” I ask doubtfully.

  Dad replies, shrugging his shoulders, “Yeah, that’s what he said.”

  I get up from the table and walk over to Dad and take the phone from him. I look over to the others and shrug my shoulders. They all look just as confused as me, except for Nikki who has a warm smile spreading across his lips. I hold the telephone up to my ear and say, “Hey Bruce, it’s Kitty here, did you want to speak to me?”

  Bruce replies cheerily, “Oh hey Kitty. Yeah it’s definitely you I want to speak to. It’s been a long time.”

  “Yeah, I think the last time we spoke it was at Mom’s funeral.”

  “That would be right.” Bruce says solemnly. “How are you all? It must be a difficult time of year without your Mom for the first holidays since her passing.”

  “It’s been hard.” I admit. “It helps to have the rest of the family around. It’s great having Nikki home and he’s brought Trixie and Cody too. Of course, it’s not the same without Mom, but we’re coping.”

  “It’s good to hear you’re all okay. But on a different note, I have a proposition for you.”

  “A proposition huh?” I laugh, wondering what on earth he could want to proposition me about.

  “Well, your brother and the guys showed me some of the photos you’d taken of them and also some of your sketches.”

  “Yeah.” I say hesitantly.

  “Well, they’re really cool Kitty. You have a real talent.”

  “Thank you.” I reply, still a little confused about why he would mention my art.

  “And I’ve read some of the posts you’ve put on the Oblivion Facebook page too.
From the little that I’ve seen, you have a way with words as well.”

  “Okay,” I mutter slowly. Now I’m really confused, am I in trouble for something?

  “Well, as I said, I have a proposition for you. Your photos and sketches are stunning Kitty. We’d like to use them for a book that we’re considering publishing, sort of a graphical depiction of the Oblivion guys and what their life is really like, sort of an insight for their dedicated fans. We’d also like to take a little look at what you’ve been writing. We have a feeling that your talent in that will be just as amazing as your photography and drawings. You have a real knack for capturing things. You see the people behind the images and it shows in your work. We love what we’ve seen so far.”

  I take a few seconds to try to absorb what Bruce is saying, “So you want to use some of the photos I’ve taken, some of my sketches and also some of what I’ve written to put in a book? But Bruce, I’m not a professional. I have no experience in that.”

  Bruce chuckles, “Kitty, you’re way better than any professional we’ve come across. You get it. You get the Oblivion guys and you really capture them in your images and in your words. We think you have a gift. What we’ve seen has got us interested. Nikki tells me that you’ve just finished your art degree. What are you planning on doing now?”

  “Umm, I’m not really sure.” I admit. “I had been thinking that maybe I’d go back and do some business papers but I’d just been concentrating on getting through the last semester of school. I guess I have a bit of thinking to do.”

  “Well, as I said, I have a proposition for you, and this is what it is. I would like you to go on tour with the guys when they hit the road again. They have another month of touring in Europe before they have a scheduled break for a while and then a bit later they have another round of tours in the US. We’d like you to travel with them. We’d like you to take photos and draw what you see, not only of them performing, but when they’re off-stage too. We want you to capture what it’s really like to be Oblivion. We’d also like you to write down your observations, tell a few stories, things that you think the fans would like to hear. Everything will be approved by the guys before anything gets put to print. But we think that you would be the ideal person to put this together.”

  I instantly start to feel nervous but excited at the same time. “I don’t know Bruce, that’s a lot of pressure, what if what I do is no good?”

  “Kitty, you’re good, but no pressure. We don’t want to stifle your creativity. We don’t have a timeframe on this. We just want to get you to take some photos, draw some pictures, write some words, do what we believe you’ve already been doing. We’ll pay all your expenses and we’ll also pay you a decent paycheck as well. We’ll take the risk. We want you to feel like you can be free to be creative, not worry about money, and listen Kitty, we don’t want you to feel pressured, just do your thing. If it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. But we have confidence in you. You have an amazing talent. So how does that sound? Are you in?”

  This is like a dream come true. I get to travel with the guys, which means I get to spend time with Cody! There’ll be no need for our long-distance arrangement. I get to take photographs, draw and write some words, which I would probably do anyway. And to just add some sugar, I get freaking paid to do it! I don’t need time to think about it, I instantly squeal, “Yes!”

  “That’s cool Kitty. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll get someone to send you through the offer. We’ll take care of all the arrangements. You just make sure you’re travelling with the guys when they jump on that plane to go back to Europe. I think they leave Oklahoma just before New Year’s and then they spend a week or so in LA before they head back on tour. We’ll make sure all your flights, hotels and everything else is arranged. You just make sure you bring your camera, a sketch pad and a notebook. See you in Rome Kitty.”

  Before I even get a chance to say thank you or even good bye, Bruce hangs up. I put the phone back down on the bench and elatedly yell, “Holy Shit!” I quickly let everyone know my amazing news. “I’ve been offered a job! I’ll be taking photos of you guys on tour!”

  Dad rushes over to me and gives me a big hug. “That’s awesome darling.” He looks over to Nikki and sincerely asks, “Is this your doing?”

  Nikki shrugs his shoulders and says nonchalantly, “All me and the guys did was show Bruce some of Kitty’s photos and stuff. We all thought they were way better than anything we’ve seen before and Bruce agreed. Everything else is purely due to Kitty’s amazing talent.”

  I move my focus to Cody and the smile on his face is absolutely massive. He rushes over to me, picks me up around my waist and swings me around in a circle as he excitedly yells, “That’s fucking awesome – you’ll be coming to Europe with us!”

  I squeal back, “Oh my god, we can be together properly, no long distance!”

  Once Cody has put me down and the animated chatter has quietened down I turn my attention back to Dad. “Dad, are you going to be okay without me here?”

  Dad gently holds me by my shoulders and kisses me on my forehead. He resolutely says, “Kitty, I’ll be absolutely fine. Don’t you worry about me. I don’t need you to look after me you know. This is an amazing opportunity for you. Go and make the most if it!”

  “Are you sure?” I ask doubtfully.

  Dad stares at me in a way that lets me know he’s serious, “Kitty. Go. Honestly, I’ll be perfectly okay.”

  I give him a massive hug and we all start to excitedly discuss our plans for the next month or so.


  The next few days fly by so fast and before I know it, we’re in LA, it’s a few days after New Year’s and it’s Cody’s birthday. This all feels very surreal and exciting. Cody and I are lying in bed, I’m awake but Cody’s still asleep. It must be late morning and we’ve had a good sleep in. Last night we came home very late after spending the evening and the early hours of the morning at Trixie’s nightclub ringing in Cody’s birthday. It was a cool night, her club is incredible and we all had an amazing time.

  Cody starts to stir, so I lean over and give him a kiss on his cheek and in an early morning husky voice I mutter, “Happy birthday Cody.”

  He rolls towards me and kisses me affectionately on my cheek. “Thanks sweetheart.”

  His usual cheeky grin tugs at his lips as he rolls over and covers me with his body. We spend the next hour in bed. I make sure I give him the best birthday morning wake-up call he’s ever had.


  We’re all around at Ash’s place at the beach for a quiet get together in a continued celebration of Cody’s birthday. He didn’t want anything too lavish, just some food, some drinks and some good company – band and girlfriends only. We’re watching the football on the TV and we plan on throwing some steaks on the grill a bit later, but at the moment we’re all sitting around having a few drinks.

  Cody’s phone rings and he picks it up off the coffee table where he’d placed it when we sat down. He looks at the screen and frowns then mumbles rather confusedly, “It’s Mom.” Cody stands up and moves closer to the closed sliding glass doors that look out over the ocean. He presses a button on the screen and cheerfully answers, “Hey Mom, how’s things?”

  Nikki discretely makes the comment, “That’s one for the record books, she’s never phoned Cody on his birthday before.” The others all shrug their shoulders and look at each other in puzzlement. We all start to quietly whisper about what a pleasant surprise it is for Cody to hear from his Mom on his birthday. Everyone’s happy for Cody, they know how important family is to him.

  We’re all pulled from our quiet conversation by Cody yelling angrily into the phone, “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” I look over to Cody, he’s still facing the glass doors, but I can clearly see from his stance that he’s very, very angry, the tension is clear to see and even through his shirt I can see the muscles tensing indignantly on his back.

  Me and a couple of the guys stand up because w
e’re stunned by the level of aggression that Cody’s expressing. He’s obviously livid at whatever his Mom said. Cody starts stomping back and forth as he argues, “No, there’s no fucking way I’m giving you more, what the hell does that freaking scumbag of a husband do with it all? No, enough’s enough…No more money…No I won’t…I don’t give a shit. I know you’re my Mom, but when the hell have you ever treated me like a son instead of a fucking bank…No, that’s my final answer…Do you really think I give a shit if you never want to speak to me again…Did you even know that today’s my birthday?…My fucking answer is no!…Well fuck you too!”

  He presses a button on his phone and turns around to face us. The hurt on his face makes my heart ache. I can see his eyes welling up and he’s very upset. He throws the phone across the room and it smashes against the wall. He turns back to the sliding doors, opens them up and steps through. He turns and roughly slides them shut, making the glass rattle before he glances back at us briefly before stomping off down the beach.

  I start walking towards the doors to follow him to see if he’s okay, but Nikki gently grabs me by my arm and tells me, “Just give him a couple of minutes Kitty. I’ve rarely seen him that angry, he just needs a bit of time to calm down.”

  I glance worriedly out the door and see that Cody’s standing facing the breaking waves. Every now and then he kicks the sand. His head is bowed and even from here he looks distraught. He leans down and picks up a shell or stone from the sand and hurls it irately into the ocean.

  It takes him about twenty minutes before he calms down and strolls back up towards the house. We all stand up, ready to give him our support. He opens the sliding doors and walks inside. He walks straight up to me and wraps his arms around my body, resting his head on my shoulder. I hold him tightly. I’m not sure exactly what to say, he seems very upset, so I hold his head with my hand and squeeze him just as hard as he’s squeezing me.


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