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Love Caters All

Page 16

by Nicci Carrera

  Maya suggested they dance. She also was ignored. This was turning into disaster—a family fight at her wedding.

  Rick gave her a single nod and raised his arms. “Come here.”

  Maya could see he wanted to form a group-hug circle. Good idea. She snuggled under his arm. She raised her other arm in invitation to her sister.

  Blanca moved in closer until her shoulder fit under Maya’s arm. Now it was Luke’s turn. He hesitated, looking as if he were considering a choice between jumping off a cliff and getting hit by a car. He must have decided to join the circle because he took hold of Blanca’s shoulder. He raised his other arm for Cara who wiggled into position. Luke lowered his hand to her shoulder as though he were about to cup the tip of an ice pick. Jason went next to Blanca. He also connected with Cara who connected with Rick.

  With the circle formed, Maya was inches from everybody’s faces. Blanca’s expression was dark with anger. Cara tittered. Luke was pale. Rick’s lips were sealed in a tight line, his eyes watering, clearly fighting off laughter. Some ally in calming the situation.

  Jason scowled at Cara. Oh…Cara. Maya’s heart stabbed for Jason even though Jason wasn’t her first choice for her sister’s future. Maybe she had made a mistake with her supposed guidance. It hurt to see Cara make a mess of things with Jason.

  The huddle was close-knit. In her hurry to smooth the situation, Maya had overlooked the fact she had formed one of the most intimate settings known to man. The football huddle! The smells of champagne, cologne, and perfume were strong. Everyone’s breathing was audible. Nor could anybody possibly miss the knives that flew from Blanca’s eyes to Cara’s.

  Maya danced in place. Rick this time at least helped her distract the embattled twins by shuffling his feet in a dancing step.

  “What about Danny?” Cara said.

  “I never kissed Danny.”

  “Yes you did!”

  “No I didn’t!”

  “I just have one question,” Rick said.

  No, please, Rick, no, pleeeeeeease, Maya prayed.

  “Was that all the two of you did? Kiss?”

  “Oh no,” Cara said, all-of-a-sudden quite serious. “We never crossed the line.”

  “But no one would ever know the difference in bed…would they?” His eyes narrowed. He was thinking nasty thoughts!

  Oh, God, no. Please.

  But, sure enough, the devil she had married turned to her. “Maya, you don’t happen to have a twin, do you?”

  Oh, she could just kill him. Well, she wouldn’t let him get away with it. “That would be too much for you to handle.”

  All the men cracked up, even Luke. Blanca had to let it go. Things calmed down again. Disaster averted, at least for now.

  After the cat fight, the dance floor filled. Rick led Maya by the hand to the floor for a romantic song. Tiny white lights strung along tent supports glittered. Roses from the centerpieces scented the balmy night air. The melodious tune was one of her favorites. Maya snuggled into Rick’s embrace. One of his big hot hands worked its way into the small of her back. He dipped her low to the ground.

  “You are very bad.” Her smile was more like gritted teeth from the strain of the sustained-dip position.

  With a mischievous grin, Rick straightened. He snugged her to his hard chest, dropped a kiss on the top of her head, spun her out, and tugged her back into his arms. “I think it’s time you found out just how bad, Maya.”

  Her body reacted to his suggestion. She could never resist Rick. Thankfully, she never would have to again, not even now, because Rick made their farewells. They beat a hasty exit to the tossing of birdseed. To Noelia, who looked mortified about the nixed carefully planned grand exit, she mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  In the parking lot, they caught the groomsmen putting the finishing touches on the car. The driver’s door opened and the chauffeur popped out. She held open the back door for the bride and groom.

  They escaped into the fresh-scented leather interior of the limo. Behind them, a crowd gathered, as word flew among the guests. Rick and Maya waved out the windows until they descended the road. The lights of Lobster Cove glowed along the curve of land. Yachts and a cruise ship twinkled on the water. The lighthouse shone across the bay.

  Maya snaked her arms around Rick’s neck. “You’re in trouble, mister.”

  His hands came around her back. “As long as I’m with you, I’ll take any punishment you want to dole out.”

  “We’ll get to that later. For now, kiss me.”

  “Promises, promises.” Rick’s mouth covered hers in a melting kiss.

  A word about the author...

  Nicci Carrera lives to write contemporary and spicy love stories with sassy heroines and sexy heroes. Nicci believes the perfect man makes lots of bread…the kind you eat hot from the oven with butter. She lives in Silicon Valley with her husband, and yes, he bakes all their bread.

  When not at her keyboard writing a romance, in the kitchen, or curled up with a book, Nicci enjoys photography and long walks.

  Connect with Nicci at and

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  this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.




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