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Six Guns and Six Strings: 13 Book Excite Spice Cowboys and Rock Stars Mega Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

Page 10

by Selena Kitt

  Bo frowned. “You mean when I slid a fingertip into her ass? She went a little wild, didn’t she?”

  Chase nodded, recalling the erotic skirmish. He’d been deep inside her wet pussy and had noted her excitement at Bo’s teasing. She’d denied any pleasure at the suggestive fun. Instead, she slapped at Bo and demanded he not play with her in such a way. “I’m thinking she’s worried we’ll both go at her at once.”

  “That’s exactly what I want to do.” Bo exhaled as if resigned to the fact of that particular fantasy not happening any time soon.

  “Thought as much, but we have to take it slow. She needs to become accustomed to us both working her cunt. She’s probably so sore after the last few days she won’t even let us touch her today.” Chase nudged his brother’s shoulder to emphasize his point. “We must be patient and make sure she understands we truly care for her. Remember, we’re in this for the long haul, not for a few days of fun.”

  “I know, but when I see you fucking her I want in on the fun.” Bo turned the knob and opened the door. “Though you’re right, I should take things slow.”

  “Hey, are you leaving?” Sarah’s voice rang from the top of the stairs.

  Bo smiled and shut the door to keep the cold breeze from cooling off the house. “For a short time, I have a quick errand to run.”

  Chase ran his gaze over her lush form. Dressed in one of Bo’s shirts, she had most of the center part of her body hidden from view. Only her long legs were exposed. The thought of having them back around his waist had Chase’s body hardening with need.

  God, how was he ever going to keep his hands off her until Bo returned?

  With a stiff gait, she made her way over a few steps, before she paused. “Then you’re not heading out of town and back to work?”

  “No, I’ll be back before noon.” Bo lifted his hat from the wall rack, offered a small wave, and disappeared through the door.

  “Why don’t you come on down, and we’ll rustle up something to eat?” Chase suggested. Her stiff movement told him her body hadn’t recovered from their early morning bout of lovemaking.

  He caught her shoulders when she started by him. “After we have some breakfast, I’ll put some salve on your over-used pussy.”

  She tilted her head and regarded him with a raised eyebrow. “And that’s all you want to do?”

  He grinned. “I might be tempted to play a little too. No penetration, you need some time to recover first. For now, though, let’s head to the kitchen and find a bite to eat.”

  Almost an hour later, Chase rose from his place at the table and held out his hand. “Now that we’ve eaten, why don’t I apply the salve to your pussy?

  “Are you sure it’ll soothe the ache?” The seductive tone played along his nerve endings, arousing his desire to make love to her again. She stepped closer and rubbed her hands over his shirt, toying with the top button.

  Extracting the small bottle from his pants pocket, he refused to allow her to tempt him and handed her the ointment. Then, he directed her over to the couch. “Sit here and I’ll apply it.”

  “I could do it myself.”

  “And what fun would that be?”

  She leaned back on the couch and spread her legs wide, one bare foot resting on the cushion, the other on the floor. “Like this?”

  Staring at her pretty, pink folds, he wondered fleetingly if he’d ever tire of the sight of her stretched out before him. He reached for the salve and sank to his knees. The position afforded him the advantage of keeping her legs open. “Yes, and while I’m rubbing it on, why don’t you tell me why you got upset when Bo touched you here?”

  He pressed a finger against her anus.

  She lifted as if to rise and dropped a hand between her legs to cover herself. “Chase, I’m not discussing it. I’m not an adventuress.”

  He caught her hand, tugged it away from her body, and brushed butterfly kisses over the light blue veins running over her wrist. “You’re right. You’re my lover, the woman who will sleep in my bed, hold my cock in her hand, and allow me to fuck her sweet pussy.”

  His gaze captured hers, and he noted the indecision in her troubled, green eyes. “You also trust me to bring you exquisite pleasure.”

  She closed her eyes, her head rocking on the arm of the couch. “You don’t understand.”

  “Then explain it to me.”

  “I’m not excited by the idea.”

  He released her hand and traced a finger over her tender folds. The soothing action had her eyelids popping open.

  “You’re not gonna let this go, are you?” She leaned sideways and seized the ointment he’d left on the floor. With a quick twist of her wrist, she had the lid off and held the bottle out to him.

  “Because I believe you will enjoy it, if you’ll give it a chance.” He dipped a finger into the salve and slathered it over her intimate skin. Each swipe ended a smidgen closer to her puckered hole.

  Chase nudged her shoulder, encouraging her to relax. “Lean back and let me play. I’ll stop the minute you tell me too.”

  “What are you planning to do?” She stared at him as if reading his reaction to the erotic fondling.

  He smiled, “Let me show you, it won’t hurt.”

  Sarah sighed, uncertain if she could lie still why he played. She’d had other men touch her in such a way, but she’d always rebelled and had made them stop. Not that it’d been painful, but more because she didn’t want things to get out of hand.

  Men enjoyed taking liberties with women. The more she allowed them to do, the more demanding they became. Micah had upheld her rules because she’d threatened to end his fun if he permitted anyone to step over the line she’d drawn.

  Now, she wasn’t even married to Bo, and she’d agreed to let Chase bed her too. She stared into his chiseled face, his Comanche Indian heritage apparent in his strong jaw and wide forehead. The dark color of his skin highlighted his broad, white smile.

  “Why aren’t you already married?” Sarah let loose with the question that had plagued her since meeting Bo’s brother.

  The soft touch of his finger on her anus had her squirming. Chase leaned over, blowing a warm breath over her twat. “I’m not very social and live in a small town. Most of the women around here don’t want to have anything to do with a lowdown mix-breed like me.”

  Resentment bled through his words. Having heard similar comments before, Sarah understood. In a way, she had lived with discrimination too. She was the daughter of a rancher who’d made the mistake of becoming involved with a saloon girl. Her mother had given birth to her and then fled. Her father had raised her to be a lady and had done his best to give her a good life. Still, she’d struggled with the more basic side of her nature.

  That’s why when her first husband suggested she allow other men into their bedroom, she hadn’t resisted. After his death, some had wanted to continue the fun. She had battled back and decided she needed a solid relationship with only one man. She wanted a normal life, one where she’d no longer have a different man teasing her every day and the spotlight of public ridicule.

  Now... she blinked and noticed the frown on Chase’s face. How could she reassure him?

  “I, uh, have to say, I’m kind of glad the women here are so narrow-minded.”

  “Because it left me available for you?” He grinned and plunged a finger into her dark hole.

  “Chase...” she gasped. Something wickedly alluring unfolded inside her, crawling through her and setting her blood racing through her veins. The captivating fantasy she’d denied for so long bloomed to life.

  “Easy, babe,” he groaned and flicked a finger from his other hand over her clit before he plunged it into her pussy.

  “I thought you said I needed to recover.” She nibbled on her lips, trying to hold back the desire to beg. Then he hit that spot, the one that caused quivers to sizzle through her center. Unable to draw air into her lungs, she used action to convey her needs and locked a hand on his bicep. “Take
off your pants.”

  A loud knock sounded on the door.

  Chase bolted to his feet. “Who the hell could that be?”


  Sarah threw her leg over the side of the couch and rose. “Maybe it’s my clothes. Madeline said they’d arrive in a day or two. It’s been three already.”

  Chase walked to the entrance without responding. He grabbed her rain slicker off an antler and tossed it to her. “Put this on.”

  After catching her coat, she slipped it on and worked to secure the buttons.

  A fist hammered on the door again, showing the person’s impatience for a response.

  With one last look at her, Chase turned the handle. “Can I help you?”

  “Damn straight, I’m here to pick up my horse.” The loud, boisterous voice reminded Sarah of someone. Curious as to whom it could be, she peered around Chase. A chilly breeze swept over her bare feet and under her coat.

  “I’m sorry, but did you talk to Bo regarding a particular horse?” Chase shifted, giving her a good view of the man.

  A black hat covered his head and the wide width of his shoulders was hidden under a buckskin coat. The stout form seemed familiar.

  Sarah narrowed her gaze to the man’s face, bushy brows, broad nose, and thin lips. Instantly on alert by his sudden appearance, she exclaimed, “Nevada Burns, what the hell are you doing here?”

  Nevada locked gazes with her and pushed his big body into the house as if he owned the place. To her, he resembled an outhouse, extra wide and full of shit. He considered himself a gentleman even though he wasn’t. The only reason people tolerated him was because he held the deed to one of the biggest ranches in Dallas county.

  He grabbed her wrist and jerked her to him. “Did you assume you could escape me by taking off with my horse and live here with some Injun?”

  Wobbling on her feet, she stared into his angry, gray eyes. “What are you talking about? Pretty Boy belongs to me.”

  “Are you crazy? Do you really think that good-for-nothing husband of yours bought that prime piece of horseflesh for you?” The snide remark hit a nerve.

  She slapped her hands against his chest. “Let me go, you ass.”

  “Now, Missy, you don’t want to make me mad or I might be tempted to bring you up on charges of stealing my horse,” he mocked her as if she had no rights.

  “You’d best unhand her.” Chase’s harsh tone and the loud cocking noise of his gun had Nevada glancing over his shoulder.

  He released his grip and shrugged. The innocent gesture didn’t fool Sarah. The man had spent hours at her home in Dallas gambling, drinking, and bedding whores. He didn’t back off from a fight. He simply did a quick strategic retreat before charging ahead when a person let down their guard.

  “Now, boy, don’t do something you’ll later regret.” He turned, shifting backwards to gain a stronger foothold in the house. “After fucking this little filly for a few days, you’re probably not thinking too clearly or you wouldn’t be holding a gun on me.”

  Nevada ran a wicked gaze over her, his sadistic smirk reflecting his negative impression of her. With a slight tilt of his head, he removed his hat, revealing his shiny baldhead. “I have to admit, she has a very tempting pussy but not worth dying over.”

  “Not something I’m worried about. Instead, why don’t you tell us why you consider Sarah’s stallion your property?” Chase motioned with his gun for Nevada to head into the sitting room.

  “Wait,” she interrupted and glared at the obnoxious man. “Micah’s been dead for almost a year. Why, if you thought my stallion belonged to you, did you delay until now to come after him?”

  “I’d hoped you’d see all the reasons for accepting my proposal.” He dropped his hat onto a chair and unbuttoned his coat. The blowhard assumed, he was welcome anywhere he chose to go. Taking for granted, he could do as he pleased. He shrugged off his heavy jacket and dropped it next to his hat.

  Stunned by the man’s audacity, not only to believe she’d accept his proposal, but his lack of manner when entering a stranger’s home. “Are you loco? I’d never agree to be your mistress.”

  Clenching her fists, she bolstered her resolve by refusing to allow him to intimidate her. She was engaged to Bo and did not intend to let Nevada or anyone else ruin her future. “That’s why you didn’t say anything about owning Pretty Boy before now, because you know he belongs to me. I have papers to prove it.”

  Nevada clicked his tongue. The irritating noise played over her nerves. “Now, now, we both are aware of the fact that you don’t have a pot-to-pee-in or a window-to-throw-it-out-of.”

  “Why you sorry...”

  Chase grabbed her arm and drew her back to his side. His warmth and solid presence eased her raddled sensibilities. “Easy Sarah, he’s just trying to rile you.”

  Staring at the gun, she realized they had the upper hand here and fought to settle her racing heartbeat.

  “So why should we willingly hand over Pretty Boy to you? You have no proof.” Chase released his grip on her arm and repositioned it on the barrel of his gun, keeping the end pointed at Nevada.

  Uninvited, he lowered his massive bulk onto the couch and offered them both an evil sneer. “Oh, I had no misconception of that happening. Otherwise, I’d have merely gone into your barn and taken him.”

  He turned again to her and lifted a haughty eyebrow. His scrutiny fell to her naked feet and slid over her body as if undressing her. “I figured I’d give Sarah here one more chance to keep her horse, seeing as she is so attached to the stallion that killed her husband.”

  Something in the way he made the statement set her teeth on edge. “Micah knew Pretty Boy didn’t want anyone else but me riding him.”

  Nevada brushed his palm over the arm of the sofa. His weather face cracked into a wicked grin. The ugly sneer seemed to indicate there was more to the story of Micah and her horse than she’d been told. “Yes, well, a man has to pay his debts, one way or the other.”

  Confused, Sarah prodded, “Meaning what?”

  “That’s the reason I own the stallion. Your husband lost a bet to me.”

  Upset by the implications of his statement, she bowed her head and closed her eyes. More than once Micah had gotten in over his head in gambling debt. Usually, he turned to his family for help, but she wouldn’t put it past him to offer up her horse as collateral. A deep ache settled in the pit of her stomach. She’d told herself more than once over the last year that he had to realize the risk he was taking by riding her horse.

  “Why didn’t Micah have me deliver him to you?” she mumbled to herself, but Nevada must have heard her.

  “He didn’t trust me.” He gave a casual shrug, throwing off the insult as if it didn’t bother him. “And he was right. I intended to force you into bending the rule of not allowing any other man to fuck you. I figured if I let you keep your stallion, you’d ride mine anytime I wanted.”

  Lowering his hand, he adjusted his cock. The hard line of his erection lay right under the surface.

  Sarah didn’t have to have him unbutton his pants to know what the thin rod look like. Hell, she’d had the extreme displeasure of having to touch it.

  “That’s why I’m here. I figure we could still make a deal,” Nevada offered.

  “Hell, no,” Chase growled, his possessive tone presenting no room for dispute. “You better have proof her husband lost that bet, or your claim won’t hold up in court.”

  Nevada huffed out a chuckle, shifted his bulk to the edge of the couch, and rose. “I believe we haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Nevada Burns. I have the biggest ranch in Texas.”

  “Congratulations. Now, put on your coat and leave.” Chase stepped forward, working his way between her and the other man, protecting her from their unwelcome visitor.

  Still upset by Nevada’s ludicrous proposal, Sarah fought to hold onto her anger and not strike out. Because God knows, she’d had about all she could stand of the man. In some unknown way, she k
new he was responsible for Micah’s death. Now, Nevada also wanted to take Pretty Boy.

  She set her hand on Chase’s shoulder to step around him, but he blocked access to the other man. “Move Chase, I want to show this pompous ass what he can do with his proposition.”

  Chase turned his head, and his malicious glare didn’t allow for any argument. A shiver of unease raced over her skin. “Stay behind me, I don’t want...”

  “Don’t ever point a gun at me, you low down...” Nevada yelled and hit the barrel of Chase’s rifle.


  The gun went off and flew out of Chase’s hands. It clattered across the floor and came to rest at the bottom of the stairs.


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