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Submitting to the Boss: A West Coast Hotwifing Novel, Book 2

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by Jasmine Haynes

  Moving in on her, Holt cupped his hand and slapped her sweet tush hard, fingers in a downward slant that connected with the warmth of her pussy.

  Ruby squealed.

  Chapter Two

  Ruby couldn’t believe she’d squealed. But then she couldn’t believe Holt had spanked her. She’d thought he would…well, the position was obvious. And it was one of her favorites.

  But this was Holt Montgomery. Her boss, for God’s sake. It was crazy. Punishment? Men didn’t punish her; she punished them.

  “Clay has given you over to me for discipline.”

  “What?” She wanted to snap at him.

  He swatted her again. Hard. It should have hurt. Yet somehow he managed to connect with the sensitive folds of her pussy. Her flesh seemed to burn with pleasure. God. It actually felt good. And it was Holt! The sudden switch from professional to sexual was the biggest turn-on she’d ever known.

  He leaned over her, close, so close, his aftershave tantalizing, his body musky with the scent of testosterone and arousal. He was hard against her thigh.

  “You need to learn to follow rules, Ruby,” he said softly.

  Her heart thumped in her chest, beating against the unforgiving wood of his desk. Until the moment she bent down for him, she hadn’t noticed he’d cleared a space for her. He’d been planning this.

  She was appalled. He was her boss. This was sexual harassment, or something. And Clay had told him to do it? Mostly Ruby didn’t like being in the one-down position, but in this moment, oh, God, she wanted him to spank her again.

  She didn’t feel him move, but suddenly there was a rush of air, followed by a sharp smack on her ass and his fingers hard against her pussy. Ruby moaned. She simply couldn’t help herself.

  “Say it, Ruby.” His breath bathed her ear. “You need to follow the rules without question.”

  She opened her mouth but couldn’t speak. He’d actually robbed her of speech.

  His hand descended again, and this time she pushed back against his palm, squirming for more. Moisture soaked the crotch of her thong.

  “Say it, Ruby,” he ordered.

  If she didn’t say it, would he spank her again? Ruby kept her silence.

  The next swat was harder, somehow penetrating more deeply. It was so good, yet not enough. She was on the edge, but she needed more. “No,” she whispered.

  “What did you say?” he asked harshly.

  “No,” she said with more force.

  He slapped her ass three times in quick succession, the last time landing straight on her pussy, his fingers curling against her. Ruby closed her eyes and clenched her fists, the pleasure so intense she was on the edge of orgasm.

  “More, Ruby?” His words were low, his breath warm on her skin, his cock hard along her thigh.

  He didn’t rub or massage; his hand was just there, hot on her. Her pussy pulsed with need.

  Her voice was almost a whimper. “More.” But she didn’t beg.

  Holt gave her exactly what she asked for. Hard, delicious slaps against her ass and pussy until her body began to quiver. She moaned and writhed beneath the onslaught. Turning her face into his shirt, she breathed in his scent, reveled in the maleness of it and the heat of his hand against her ass over and over again. Until she imploded with the sheer immensity of the pleasure he gave her, her body shuddering with release. She wasn’t sure if he was still spanking her, yet that orgasm went on, seemingly forever.

  Finally, there was silence. The wood edge of the desk cut into the tops of her thighs, and her pubic bone began to ache, but the orgasmic aftershocks were staggering.

  Then Ruby remembered that she was dressed in only bra, panties, and high heels. And the man hugged close to her side was her boss.

  She thrust away from desk in a surprise move he hadn’t expected.

  A moment later, she stood in the middle of his office—still in nothing more than bra, panties, and heels, because Ruby was neither modest nor ashamed of her figure—and glared at him. “How dare you?”

  She knew exactly why he’d dared. Because he’d conspired with Clay to punish her. She wasn’t about to lay down for that kind of manipulation, yet she was completely amazed. Holt. That he was exceptionally handsome had never escaped her, but despite the fact that Clay thought there were no lines Ruby wouldn’t cross, she did have a few. The most important one was never to screw her boss. In all the tales she’d heard, there’d never been a happy resolution for a girl on that one. It was always messy.

  Yet she’d never experienced the like. Incredible was too mild a word to describe that orgasm. Her body was still quaking. And she was wet. If he’d unzipped his pants and taken her, she certainly wouldn’t have argued. In fact, she wouldn’t argue if he did it now—at least not on anything more than the principal of the thing.

  Holt rose indolently from the desk, straightened his jacket and tie.

  “That was only the beginning,” he promised. Then he smiled. Like a magnificent lion who planned to take several bites out of her ass.

  * * * * *

  In her barely there lavender lingerie, Ruby was gorgeous as she pointed one red-tipped finger at him. “No man spanks me.” Her bosom heaved with righteous indignation.

  “No woman has ever climaxed for me like that when I’ve spanked her.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him but didn’t deny the orgasm. “That was sexual harassment.”

  “I told you it’s not a condition of employment.”

  She could fight him all she wanted, but Holt wasn’t going to fire her. Now that he’d let the genie out of the bottle, he wasn’t going to deny himself the pleasure of making her submit. Ruby, as with any employee, had always been out of bounds, but her behavior of the last couple of weeks had given him an opening. Once he’d obtained Clay’s permission, he was stepping right through. He could think of no greater delight than bringing Ruby Williams to heel. She would fight; he didn’t care. He actually relished the battles to come. In the end, she would be his to command.

  He waited for Ruby to say she’d quit if he didn’t stop, but that also wasn’t Ruby’s style.

  “I will never let you spank me again,” she said.

  He stepped closer, until he could smell her arousal. He breathed deeply, letting his nostrils flare. “You shivered with ecstasy in my arms.”

  It had been all he could do to maintain control as he’d taken command of her ass. He’d wanted her, and how easy it would have been to pull aside her delicate thong and slide deep inside her. He wanted her now, too, his cock aching in his suit pants, but he’d carefully planned each step to her ultimate capitulation and taking her at this point wasn’t part of his strategy.

  “What you don’t realize,” he added softly, “is that you’ll be begging for it.”

  She snorted. “Not on your life.”

  Holt smiled. “I give you permission to get dressed now.”

  “I don’t need your permission for anything.” Her voice rose, and her lips thinned.

  Slowly, with an elegant dipping of her knees, she picked up her skirt. Stepping into it and pulling it up, she arched slightly as she reached behind for the back zip. She held his eyes as her breasts plumped with the action. He caught a glimpse of delicious nipple above the brassiere cup, but though his mouth watered, he gave no outward sign of his desire. Ruby already knew full well her effect on men. She retrieved her jacket and slipped it on, all with graceful, seductive movements. As the lavender bra disappeared beneath the buttons, he fleetingly wished he’d tasted those nipples when he’d had the chance. But that wasn’t in the plan. Yet.

  With her mouth set mutinously, she headed toward the door.

  “This is far from over, Ruby,” he said. “I’ll have you in my office every day like this until you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “Well maybe I just won’t show up for any more of your little punishments.” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  Holt merely smiled. “Do you really think you’ll win a battle of will
s, my sweet?”

  She turned on him. “I’m not your sweet, and I don’t know how my relationship with Clay becomes your business, or where he gets off thinking he can give you permission to punish me. I’m not playing this game with you.”

  He was on her in a flash, pushing her flush against the door, holding her there with his much bigger body. “You’ll play,” he whispered, lips to her ear, “because you want to make up for what you did.” He licked her earlobe, felt her answering shiver pulsing straight through his own body. His cock was rigid between them, the fit perfect with her height in those heels. “And this is the only way.”

  Her body heated against his, and her scent rose to cloud his mind. She moved against him, sinuously. A sound escaped her throat. It could have been a moan.

  Then she pushed her hands between them and shoved. Holt gave way.

  “I’ll come into your office when you call,” she said, her tone biting, “but only to do my job.” She got in the last word as she yanked on the knob. Ruby always made sure to get the last word.

  He smiled as the door slammed behind her. She would come when he called because she was dying to know what her next punishment would be and hoping it proved even better than the spanking.

  * * * * *

  The man’s nerve. Ruby practically threw herself into the driver’s seat of her sporty little BMW. How dare he?

  But oh, her pussy was still singing. She wanted more. For a moment, when he had her pinned to the door, his cock pressed into her skirt at just the right spot, she’d thought he’d take her. She wouldn’t have stopped him. She’d have castigated him afterward, but she would have let him give her what her body craved.

  Though she might enjoy whatever he had planned for her so-called punishment, she would have to turn the tables on him. Right now, however, she had other fish to fry. Clay. He’d granted Holt permission to punish her?

  She started the engine, and the tires squealed as she pulled out of the lot.

  All right, Clay had kicked her out and maybe she’d deserved that. She’d broken his rules. In retrospect, she fully admitted she’d gone too far. Things had gotten a little boring. She’d tried to spice them up, but she hadn’t been prudent in her method. In her defense, Clay loved having her come home to him after she’d been with another man. That’s what their relationship was all about. She was his hotwife—even if they weren’t married—and he got off on the scent of another man’s come on her. He went wild when she told him all the dirty details. The problem: Bradley Palmer was not the right man and Clay’s desk was not the right place. But to simply give her to Holt? Like she was a thing he could pass around?

  Ruby’s blood boiled. She did the choosing, not the man.

  A faint tremor passed through her, a little aftershock of that sublime orgasm. Okay, she’d enjoyed it. No, she’d loved it. Under different circumstances, she never would have stalked out of Holt’s office. Even if he was her boss. But she couldn’t let him think she was giving an inch. And she was going to give Clay Blackwell a piece of her mind.

  West Coast’s headquarters wasn’t far from the house she’d formerly lived in. She was about to pull into the driveway, but there was another car there. Ruby rolled to a stop at the curb. She knew that car.

  Jessica Murphy’s car.

  Her heart flipped over, then started to pound in her chest. She actually felt the prick of tears at the corners of her eyes.

  He’d really turned to that woman. He’d tossed Ruby out on her hind end and invited that woman in. Jessica Murphy, or, as Ruby liked to think of her, Little Miss Muffet. It wasn’t fair.

  In her heart of hearts, though, she had to admit the truth to herself. She’d practically thrown Clay into Little Miss Muffet’s arms. Then he’d blithely given Ruby to Holt. Could things be any more unfair?

  Well, screw him. How would he feel if he saw how much she loved being with Holt? How she did everything Holt told her to? That would be a fine payback.

  Clay thought Holt was punishing her? Well, let him think she absolutely adored the punishment. And wanted more of it. Yes, it was perfect. She wouldn’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing she hated it. That didn’t mean she couldn’t give a rash of crap to Holt at the same time. Ruby was very good at playing both sides of the fence.

  Yes, she’d show them both.

  If everything else Holt did to her was as good as that orgasm in his office, she couldn’t lose.

  Chapter Three

  Holt was ignoring her. Well, not ignoring, but he was all business Friday morning, as if he hadn’t done a thing to her in his office the night before.

  What’s up with that?

  Ruby didn’t like being ignored by a man who had so recently given her such a powerful orgasm. Worse, it was Holt. He’d changed all the rules on her last night. She’d actually dreamed about the man, waking in the night to touch herself in the darkness of her lonely hotel room.

  And now? She was simply his admin again.

  “Ruby,” he called from his office. “Can you bring me the Gorton file, please?”

  See, he was like normal—asking instead of demanding, saying please and thank you instead of issuing orders. As if last night had never happened.

  She retrieved the file, stalked into his office, and slapped the folder on his desk. He raised an eyebrow, but all he did was thank her.

  He didn’t even look at her—at least not below the neck. She’d worn a tight sweater with four buttons left undone to show off her cleavage, not to mention the slacks that fit as if they were suction-cupped to her derriere. But did Holt even bother to look? No.

  She stormed from the office and sat down so quickly her chair almost slid out from under her. Wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake, falling flat on her ass?

  Men. She’d thought she knew them inside and out, always able to tell what they were thinking and anticipating how best to use that to her advantage. Holt managed to throw her off her stride. Come to think of it, he’d always had that effect on her, but she’d viewed him only as her boss so it hadn’t mattered.

  “Ruby,” he called again. She felt her hackles rise. “Would you get Gorton on the phone for me?”

  He could easily have dialed the number himself since he had the file. But she had to look the number up in her contacts folder. On the East Coast, it was close to three in the afternoon, and Gorton’s admin answered promptly. Ruby exchanged brief pleasantries and necessities, then punched a button while the woman transferred the call. “Line three,” she called out to Holt.

  Gorton was a potential customer for their Liquid Crystal instant window blinds—that’s how Ruby thought of the product, though it was actually referred to as privacy glass. Utilizing a Liquid Crystal film similar to that employed in touch screens, the push of a button effectively turned clear glass to opaque. The application was particularly useful for offices and conference rooms where instant privacy was required.

  Five minutes later, her intercom buzzed. “Ruby, come in here.”

  Oh, for God’s sake. Had they changed the plan for the plant tour yet again? Gorton was flying out a week from Monday, but the date had already been rescheduled three times.

  She carried a steno pad. “What day did he change it to now?” she asked.

  Seated behind his desk, Holt snapped the folder closed. “He’s arriving on the Saturday, staying at the Westin in San Francisco, and he’d like an evening tour of the City. Arrange for a limousine to pick me up at home in time to get to his hotel by eight.” He stared at her expressionlessly. “And I will require your attendance.”

  She was already irritated, and his order made her blood start to boil over. “I don’t work on weekends.”

  His expression didn’t give an inch. “You’ve always attended my weekend meetings. And you will do so again next weekend.”

  “Since you’ve already said you won’t fire me, what are you going to do if I don’t show up?” Never before would she have allowed herself such temerity, not with Holt. He was
special, unlike most other men in her life, because he was her boss.

  “Then your next punishment will be even greater.”

  Little did he know that what he proposed didn’t sound like punishment at all. She egged him on. “Then I want to be paid overtime.” She was salaried and didn’t receive overtime pay.

  There was a hint of evil in Holt’s smile. “Done. I believe you should be paid for every service you perform for me.”

  That sounded ominous, but she’d gotten what she asked for. “If there’s nothing else...” She trailed off, pointing back toward the door and her lunch hour.

  “Close it and lock it.”

  Ruby’s skin began to heat. “What for?”

  Holt made a slight tick of his head. “Because I told you to.”

  Punishment. It was what she’d been waiting for all morning, not the punishment itself, but the attention. With anyone else, she would have called the need pathetic. Yet she wanted it from Holt. She wanted the sensations—both physical and emotional—that he’d evoked in her yesterday.

  “Do it,” he said in the midst of her hesitation, “or you won’t like the consequences.”

  Ruby had the feeling she’d love the consequences. That alone was rather scary. Which was why she snapped at him—“Fine, whatever”—and stalked to the door, closed it just short of slamming it, then clicked the lock. “Now what?”

  “Close the blinds.” He was isolating them in his office just as he had last night. Ruby’s body grew damp with desire as she crossed to the window. Hmm, maybe he should have the privacy film installed here, except that office gossip would run rampant if he did.

  She turned after executing his order. “And?”

  He pushed his chair back, swiveled, spread his legs, and pointed between them. “Stand here.”

  Ruby smirked, then rolled her eyes. She had to keep up the front of indifference, but inside she was trembling, her pussy wet, her skin flushed. She stopped in front of him, not quite between his legs, and looked down. Most men wouldn’t have liked being looked down on, but Holt was never really in the one-down position with anyone.


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