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Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 15

by Paige Cameron

  Cad leaned over her. “Are you all right, baby?”

  “I’ll let you know in a few hours.”

  Garth raised on one elbow. “Now, wasn’t that much better than just one of us?” He grinned.

  “It was spectacular, but I like the one-on-one also.”

  “Certainly, that’s good. But with the two of us you can have twice the pleasure.” Garth grinned.

  “We’ll see.” She was still too overwhelmed by her body’s response to make any sudden decisions.

  “Perhaps we’re too much for her, Cad.”

  “Might be. While she’s considering her decision we can rethink ours,” Cad said.

  Garth got up, took his jeans, and headed to the bathroom. Cad pulled on his pants.

  “Rest. We’ll see you in a few hours. I’m sure Mitch will want to leave early.” Cad left, and a few minutes later Garth waved on his way out.

  Well, they hadn’t even put up an argument to try to change her mind. Good. She needed to think things through. But why did she feel like crying instead?

  * * * *

  She didn’t sleep. After showering, she dressed in jeans, a green shirt, and her boots. Her bag had hardly been unpacked. She threw in the few items she’d used and was ready to leave when Mitch knocked on her door.

  “I’ll walk with you to breakfast. We’re leaving within the hour for the airport.”

  “Have you talked to Daren this morning?”

  Mitch stopped and faced her. “I don’t want you to feel bad, but when they got there the two men were dead. We have to find some way to protect our fences.”

  Tears welled in Rae’s eyes. “I’m so sorry I had the dream too late.”

  “It wasn’t your fault. You told what you knew, when you knew it.” Mitch put his arm around her shoulders.

  Garth had walked up as Mitch was talking. “I have some theories. Let’s talk at breakfast.” He led them to the dining room. Cad and the others were already eating.

  “First,” Garth said, “we have a machine that will create an unseen boundary for you. We’ll take it with us. We use it in case we miss a climber or someone snooping around. They can’t see the fence, but it stops them.”

  “Don’t they run off and tell the authorities?” Nick asked.

  “No. When the current hits them it knocks them out. We take them miles from here. When they wake up, they have a headache and no memory of where they were or what happened. It’s only happened once. We usually catch them before they get this far,” Garth said.

  “Thanks, we can use it. What’s the theory you mentioned?” Mitch asked.

  “For some reason they’ve targeted Rae. They tried to kill her and that didn’t work. I believe one or more persons has the ability to interfere with her thoughts. They’re able to plant the information they want her to have in her dreams. They were in control last night, and wanted her to get the information too late.”

  “Did you put your shield up last night?” Mitch asked.

  “I did when I meditated, and I didn’t take it off.”

  “When we get back we’ll have Elle show you how to put a stronger shield around yourself,” Mitch said.

  Lann had entered the room. He sat at the end of the table listening to the others talk.

  “Garth, can I speak with you a moment?”

  “Sure.” Garth followed Lann out.

  “Mitch, I don’t think we can leave this tribe alone. Whoever this is will try to take them out first because of their smaller numbers,” Ethan said.

  “What do you suggest?” Mitch asked.

  “Have them start moving immediately. Nick can put up temporary buildings, tents at first, until it’s decided whether they’ll stay permanently. Then homes can be built. We’ll have more men to help so we get shelters up faster. They’ll have to rough it, but we’ll all be stronger by being together fighting this enemy.”

  “Exactly what Lann suggested to me,” Garth said as he and Lann returned. “I’d had the same thoughts.”

  “Then we’re all in agreement,” Mitch said. “Have your people start getting ready. When I get home I’ll contact an old Air Force friend. We’re going to have to share some information about this threat with the government. But only the people we’ve worked with before and trust. If I get a couple of their cargo planes I can move whatever equipment you want and your people much quicker.”

  “Let’s get busy. Garth, are you flying with us now? Mitch asked.

  “No. Cad will return with you. I’ll stay and help Lann get everyone and all our equipment ready to be moved. You better be on your way.”

  Rae took a last sip of coffee. She glanced at Garth, but he’d looked away. His mind was already on the business of taking care of his people. She admired his devotion and determination to his responsibilities. Her brothers were the same.

  But she’d miss him and she worried if whoever was in charge of these attacks could read her mind would he or she target the two men most important to her. She lingered at the back of the group as they went toward the elevator.

  Garth glanced up and strode to her side. “Don’t worry. I’ll be safe, and Lann and I will see our people are, too. Stay close to Cad and your brothers.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “No picnicking without me.”

  She nodded, waved, and hurried across the room to join the others in the elevator.

  Cad drove them to the airport, and they were headed back to the ranch soon afterward. Ethan had taken the plane up into the blue sky, to cruising speed, and they sat back to try to relax.

  Rae looked at their solemn faces, the determined set of their jaws. They were all worried about their loved ones. Rae twisted in her seat. Anxiety surged into her body. She’d put her shield around her and the plane.

  She jumped up and went to sit in the seat right behind Ethan. Her breathing increased. “Be ready to take defense maneuvers.”

  “What is it? Mitch asked. He stood behind her looking out the plane’s windshield.

  “I’m not sure. But I got a flash of a thought. They want to take us down. It would rid them of many of our best warriors and me.”

  “Suicidal birds,” Ethan said. “I see them.” His special sight let him recognize the black spots coming their way. “Everyone, fasten your seat belts. This is going to be a tough ride.”

  Cad took Rae back to sit by him. Mitch sat in the other seat beside her.

  “I’m going to let them get very close. If I time the dive right, the ones coming from behind will hit the forward ones. They’re on a suicide mission.” Ethan gave a harsh laugh. “We might as well let them kill themselves. Good thing they don’t know we reinforced this baby for such an occurrence. When I say now, lean over and brace yourselves.”

  No one spoke. Tension simmered in the air around them. Men who usually were part of the action had to sit quietly and depend on one warrior with special vision and reflexes.

  The huge birds coming toward the front of the plane could be seen through the windows. Cad had taken hold of Rae’s hand. She squeezed his fingers tight.

  “Now,” Ethan yelled.

  Cad and Mitch bent their bodies toward hers, and she leaned over as Ethan had told them to do. The plane dove straight down for what seemed minutes, but Rae realized the time was much shorter. When he leveled off, they sat straight.

  “Look behind you,” Ethan said. He turned the plane slightly left to give them a better view. Large black birds were falling from the sky. “My evaluation was right. They’re completely focused on their orders. Since I let them get close they didn’t expect a dive at the last minute. They’d spread out expecting me to turn one way or the other. When I disappeared they were going too fast and hit each other.”

  “Do you expect another attack?” Cad asked.

  “I doubt it. They’ll want to reserve their special warriors. But ask Rae. She’s the one who really saved us.”

  Rae shook her head. “My thoughts are clear, no darkness. I’m going to try and put a shield around us again.
It might have protected us, but it was best to take evasive action.”

  Their arrival home was anticlimactic compared to what had occurred in flight. Daren met them. Most of the men were anxious to get home and see their families. Mitch ordered them to headquarters in an hour for planning meetings. He, Cad, and Rae went with Daren.

  “Any other problems since we talked?” Mitch asked.

  “No. But every available man is riding the range. Others are guarding the home area. I’ve ordered all families to return to the main area of the ranch until this is over.” He grinned. “We had to bring Nanna by helicopter. She does love to ride in that copter. She wasn’t afraid of being attacked. Said she’d already seen herself safe at headquarters. I’m sure that made our pilot feel better.”

  “Luckily most of our people have small cabins in this area or family they can bunk with. But Nick was right when he talked us into building barracks underground as an extension to our underground work areas,” Mitch said. “Although I never visualized this threat.”

  “Can I stay in my house?” Rae asked.

  “I’d rather have you closer,” Mitch said, and Daren nodded agreement.

  “If whoever this is has me as a target, we don’t want to put everyone at headquarters at risk.”

  “I’ll stay with her, and Garth will, too, when he arrives,” Cad said.

  “All right, but if things worsen, you’re coming to headquarters. Understand?” Mitch asked Rae.

  “Yes, and I agree. Please drop us off at my house. We’ll join you in an hour. I want to change clothes.”

  Daren slowed the truck and stopped in her driveway. Cad helped her out and got their suitcases while Rae unlocked the door. She glanced back and waved at Daren and Mitch as they drove off toward their house. Rae stepped inside and found a note on the table from Jewel.

  “Jewel’s gone to stay with her parents. I’m not surprised she’d want to be with them during all this.”

  “Then we have the whole place to ourselves.” Cad put down the bags, locked the door, and took firm steps in her direction.

  Rae stepped back and put out her hands. “We don’t have time.”

  “Honey, we almost died getting here. If my number’s up soon, I want to love you every second I get.”

  “We’re not going to die.”

  Cad picked her up and walked toward her bedroom door. “Probably not. We’re strong fighters. But it was a good excuse to get you naked and under my body.”

  He sat her down beside the bed and quickly undressed her. He flung his own clothes off and put a condom on his hard cock.

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  Mesmerized by his handsome body and the glow in his eyes, Rae did as he said. He lifted her legs, and she put them around his lean hips. In two steps he had her back against the wall and his cock pushing into her tight pussy. His mouth covered her breast and sucked on her puckered nipple. Her womb jerked in response. Moisture flooded out her pussy opening. The scent of their arousal surrounded them.

  Cad’s hands cupped her ass as he pounded into her tight inner walls. Her pussy clenched around his dick and pulsed with desire.

  He held his head back and stared into her eyes. “You are mine and Garth’s forever. You can keep fooling yourself that you don’t want us both, but your body can’t deny us.

  “We’ll protect you, love you, be there for you, but we’re strong men. You won’t always have your way, nor will we. If it’s a matter of your safety though, we’re in charge.”

  Cad began to move again, slow at first. His smooth glides sent shivers of delight through her.

  She kissed his lips, nipped at his jaw, and ran her tongue along his neck to the juncture of his shoulder. She found the spot where his pulse raced and laid her lips against his skin at that spot. His heart beat against her lips, and his dick pulsed deep inside her pussy. A throbbing ache spread like wildfire, demanding more.

  “Take me faster,” she whispered against his skin.

  “In a minute. I want to feel the link inside us beating together.” Silence fell as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  Something inside her shifted. Her mind opened to bring him in. Without a spoken word, their bond forged tighter. No marriage would bind them any closer.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Cad started the slow rhythm again, in and out, stoking her fire higher and higher. She moved with him, and the beat quickened. Her whole world narrowed to this man and this moment. Heat, desire, pleasure, all wrapped together, making her body supersensitive. When Cad plunged in hard, kissed her, and his finger placed pressure on her clit, her body exploded with raptures of almost-painful pleasure shaking her body. She heard his shout as he reached his peak right after her.

  He carried her to the bed. Cad put her down gently and slid in beside her. Her head rested on his shoulder as they both gasped for breath. Gradually, the trembling receded and the shaking stopped.

  “We’d best shower and dress or be late.”

  “Ah, now you worry about the time,” Rae teased. She nipped at his jaw.

  He rolled her on her back and covered her body. “Don’t start something you don’t intend to finish. If we’re late I’ll let you explain.”

  His teasing grin made her wish there was time, but Mitch didn’t like for people to be late to meetings. She glanced at the clock and jumped out of bed. “You can use the shower down the hall. We have fifteen minutes.”

  She heard him chuckle as she closed the bathroom door.

  * * * *

  Garth was directing the packing of equipment when his cell rang. He walked out in the hall to find a spot where he could hear.

  “This is Mitch. We were attacked on our way home by the birds. Daren managed to maneuver the plane out of danger. But those heavy cargo planes wouldn’t have a chance. We’ll need to change our plans.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “I’ve arranged to have a number of large trucks move your equipment. They’ll arrive late tonight. Be ready to help get them loaded so they can make a quick turnaround. They’ll have guards with them. In each truck send some of your people. The trailers are specially heavy plated and air-conditioned. Have several armed men inside with them. Each will take a different route to get here.”

  “What did Daren do to get your plane away safely?”

  Mitch told him.

  “Smart move. You’re right that heavy aircraft wouldn’t have a chance. It’ll take us longer but we should get there safely this way.

  “I need to have a meeting with you and Daren when I arrive.”

  “Whatever you’re hiding, it’s too late to worry about it now. We need you and you need us until we defeat our mutual enemy.”

  “Still, we’ll need to meet after I talk with Rae first.”

  “All right.”

  “I’ll arrive in the first truck.” Garth flipped his cell shut. He and his men would need to be able to shape-shift as necessary during their struggles with their opponents. It was too late to worry about Mitch’s and Daren’s reactions. They were needed. They’d have to accept them temporarily. But he worried about Rae. How would she react when she discovered one of the men determined to wed her was also a white leopard?

  His animal stirred. Down, boy. Soon we’ll be able to change more often. Not yet.

  Restless to get to Rae, Garth decided to drive his sports car. Lann urged him to go on ahead.

  “This way I’ll get there earlier, and we’ll have our talk regarding our shape-shifting before the first truck arrives. I’m going to take the scrolls with me, too.”

  “I agree. I’ll leave with the last of our people who are coming with us,” Lann said.

  Garth went to his bedroom and got his two suitcases. He stopped by the central area where luggage and equipment were being arranged for transport. Garth waved his lieutenant over.

  “I’m leaving for Wyoming. We’re transporting in trucks for safety. You ride with the equipment. I’ll see you there.”

>   “Yes, sir.”

  Garth took the elevator to the top floor and got the scrolls. Then he stopped by to see his mother.

  “I’m leaving now. Do you want to ride with me?”

  “No. I’ll wait and go with Lann and the rest of the tribe.” She smiled and kissed his cheek. “I’m sure you’ll be driving hard and fast. My old heart might not be able to stand the excitement. Be safe. I’ll see you soon.”

  Garth hugged her and then took the elevator to the bottom floor where they kept a number of vehicles. He threw his suitcases in the trunk of his favorite sports car and drove toward the inside of the mountain wall. When he hit a button, the wall separated just wide enough for him to race through before it closed back. No one was around. If humans were in the vicinity, the mechanism wouldn’t open. His ancestors were brilliant and had worked for years to secure a home for their people.

  Would they be happy somewhere else? Or would the third tribe return home after the enemy was defeated? Time would tell, but if he wanted Rae he’d have to at least split his time between places.

  Traffic became sparser when night fell. Garth put his foot down and let the car fly. He only stopped at service stations for gas, coffee, and to walk around a bit before continuing his trip. During the night he utilized his special vision to see far in front of him and adjust his speed accordingly.

  Once, just before sunrise, he stopped at a secluded spot and slept. The least noise would wake him. He could drive straight through, but he needed to be alert when he confronted Rae and her brothers with his secret. He was close to his destination.

  An hour later he woke refreshed. Luckily his body was able to go for several days on little sleep. One more pit stop to splash his face, get coffee, and he’d drive on in.

  Around ten, he parked beside Rae’s house. He got out, stretched, and knocked on her door.

  Rae looked surprised. “You’re here already. Mitch said you’d be driving.” She glanced at the black sports car. “It fits you. No wonder it didn’t take you long.”


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