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Pierced (Love like Yours Series Book 2)

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by Nicole S. Goodin

  Table of Contents



  Book #3 – Love like Yours Series

  1. Lawson

  2. Ellerslie

  3. Lawson

  4. Ellerslie

  5. Lawson

  6. Ellerslie

  7. Quinn

  8. Lawson

  9. Ellerslie

  10. Lawson

  11. Ellerslie

  12. Quinn

  13. Lawson

  14. Ellerslie

  15. Lawson

  16. Ellerslie

  17. Lawson

  18. Ellerslie

  19. Quinn

  Other books by N. S Goodin



  About the Author

  Upcoming titles by N. S Goodin



  Love like Yours Series – Book #2

  Published by Nicole S. Goodin

  Digital edition

  ISBN: 978-0-473-39697-8

  Copyright 2016 by Nicole S. Goodin

  All rights reserved. ©

  This ebook is for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  First published August 2016

  All rights reserved. ©

  Cover design by Nicole Goodin

  Images purchased from Shutterstock


  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to events, places, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges all song titles, song lyrics, film titles, film characters, trademarked statuses and brands mentioned in this book are the property of, and belong to, their respective owners.

  Nicole Goodin is in no way affiliated with any of the brands, songs, musicians or artists mentioned in this book.


  I would like to dedicate this to every person who took a chance and spent their time reading ‘Rushed’. You’re all stars and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and encouragement.

  Author’s note

  ‘Pierced’ is book #2 in the Love like Yours Series

  It is a novella, tying up some of the loose ends for Ellerslie and Lawson and opening the door to Quinn’s future.

  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Nicole x

  Table of Contents


  1. Lawson

  2. Ellerslie

  3. Lawson

  4. Ellerslie

  5. Lawson

  6. Ellerslie

  7. Quinn

  8. Lawson

  9. Ellerslie

  10. Lawson

  11. Ellerslie

  12. Quinn

  13. Lawson

  14. Ellerslie

  15. Lawson

  16. Ellerslie

  17. Lawson

  18. Ellerslie

  19. Quinn


  Other books by N. S Goodin


  Book #3 – Love like Yours Series


  About the Author

  Upcoming titles by N. S Goodin


  It was strange to think that such a short time ago it was just me… and then I found El… or maybe she found me – and I had something I never even knew I was looking for.

  I thought I had everything.

  As per usual life had other plans.

  One event would alter our entire course…

  We hadn’t even made it down the aisle yet and already there was a baby in the picture. I knew she was going to turn my whole fucking life upside down. How I would run a business, care for a family and still cherish El… I had no clue.

  I wasn’t sure I had what it took to be a good father, I knew Ells would be a great mother, and Aunty Quinn had promised she would be there to help in any way we needed.

  I was determined to try my hardest. I wanted to be the best I could be for her when she arrived. She was part of my family… her, El and I… we were a family now.

  If I was really being honest with myself, just being a new father was not my main concern – learning to be a father to a child that wasn’t mine? Yeah… that was up there on the list.

  “Someday, someone might come into your life and love you the way you’ve always wanted.”

  - Author unknown

  1. Lawson

  Six months…

  I had six more fucking months until she was my wife. It had already been three months since the day I’d proposed and every single day I’d had to wage the war within myself, to drag her away and make her mine immediately.

  It was going to be a bloody long six months.

  El and I, mainly El, were planning a small ceremony for our closest family and friends. We had been to Jemma and Connor’s wedding reception a month ago and it was absolute chaos. I think they carried a bit of guilt for everyone missing their quickie Vegas wedding, so they’d invited absolutely everyone they knew and had a huge party. It was a great night, but it wasn’t mine or El’s style. We were going for small and intimate.

  The truth was, I would have given her whatever she wanted. I just wanted the day to be perfect for her, if she’d wanted a big wedding, then she would have gotten one. Thankfully, she hadn’t been the least bit interested.

  Just another reason I love that woman.

  I glanced at the calendar on my desk. October fifth. Tomorrow was my thirty-third birthday. El hadn’t said a word about it. I knew her well enough to know she was up to something, but I also knew her well enough to know that she liked to surprise me, so I hadn’t asked a single question about what she was planning.

  I packed up my desk, flicked off the lights and headed up to El’s floor.

  The favorite part of my work day.

  I was the luckiest bastard in this building – I knew it, and so did everyone else. Ellerslie was as rare as a unicorn. Smart, sweet, kind, beautiful…

  God she’s so beautiful.

  Six more months…

  It was getting late for a Friday evening, and West had gone home. I knocked on her door and waited before entering, just in case she was in a late phone meeting.

  “Come in.” She called out in her sweet voice. Just hearing the sound of her voice had my heart beating faster.

  She was sitting at her desk, busy as usual. I couldn’t even begin to imagine how she managed to get through the amount of work that passed over her desk. Her workload put mine to shame.

  “Hey pretty girl.” I went straight to her and kissed her on the forehead.

  “Hey cowboy.” She pulled me back in for a quick peck on the lips. “Thanks for waiting for me. I’m sorry I’m taking so long, I’m just snowed under.” She grabbed my hand and gave it a grateful squeeze. The zing of energy that raced up my arm still took me by surprise, even after all these months with her.

  “No worries, I was busy too.” I lied. I’d actually done sweet fuck all for the last hour and a half, but I knew how busy she was, so I’d waited.

  “I’m about done now anyway. Is Q still in?” She asked as she typed.

  “I’ll check.” I told her as I
dropped my bag into a spare seat. I walked out the door and down the hall to my sister’s office. I knocked loudly on the door and heard rustling and whispering from inside.

  “Quinn? Are you in there?” I called as I knocked again.

  “Just a minute.” She yelled back.

  I frowned. I could hear her giggling like a school girl in there. The door opened a crack.

  “Hey Law, ah… did you want something?” Q was a mess, her clothes were in disarray and she was all flustered.

  Oh you little shit…

  “Yeah I thought I might come in and have a coffee with you while I wait for El.” I told her, ignoring the noise I could still hear behind her.

  “Now isn’t really a good time sorry, I’m just kinda busy.”

  Oh I bet you are.

  “Okay, no worries. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I told her as I turned to walk away. I grinned to myself “Catch ya later Colt.” I called out before she’d had a chance to close the door.

  “Cya man.” I heard Colt call back just as Quinn pushed the door shut.

  “Dammit Colt, I told you to be quiet.” Quinn’s muffled voice came from behind the door.

  I chuckled and left them alone.

  So much for not seeing him anymore…

  I went back to El’s office; she was still sitting at her desk, clicking away on her laptop. She was twirling a strand of long blonde hair around her finger as she worked. She startled as she noticed me watching her and a smile appeared on her full lips.

  “Was she there?” She asked as she closed down her laptop and slid it into her bag.

  I walked over and took it from her. “Oh yeah, she was there alright.” I chuckled.

  El looked at me quizzically. “So… did she want a ride home?”

  I shook my head and chuckled again. “Na baby, I don’t think she’s quite finished in there yet.”

  El raised one eyebrow at me and waited.

  “She’s got company in there... if you know what I mean?”

  El gaped. “Who? Not Colt?”

  “Yeap.” I replied, popping the p.

  “No?” El asked, disbelieving. “She said she was finished with him?”

  I shrugged. “I’m guessing that didn’t go quite to plan.”

  El rolled her eyes. “Those two are useless. Someone’s gonna get hurt.”

  “Quinn’s a big girl. She’ll be fine.” I told her as we walked towards the elevators.

  “It’s not Q I’m concerned about.” She muttered.

  She was right. Colt was in way over his head with my sister. I knew Quinn had tried to stop seeing him a couple of times in the last few months, but he always seemed to claw his way back in. I had to give it to the guy; he was persistent when he wanted something.

  We rode the elevator down to the car park, I opened El’s door for her – she was finally getting used to it, and put our bags in the back seat of the truck. I loved that nearly every day I got to drive my girl to work and home again after. I still had to steady my breathing sometimes when I thought about it being our home. I could imagine us there together for many, many years. I could imagine us having our children there.

  “When do you want to have a family?” I asked El suddenly.

  El stopped singing and snapped her head around to look at me. “A family?” She asked in a squeaky voice.

  “Yeah.” I tapped the steering wheel nervously. “A family. You want one right?”

  Why the hell have we never talked about this before?

  I’d never been overly concerned about having children. My life had always been career driven, but since I’d met El, everything was different. I wanted children with her more than just about anything in the world. I wanted to watch her stomach grow, I wanted to see her hold our baby for the first time… I couldn’t wait to navigate our way through parenting together.

  “Of course I do.” She breathed. “I just didn’t realize it was on your radar.” She reached out for my hand and entwined our fingers. “When do you want to have a family?”

  “Whenever you’re ready.” I told her with certainty. “We could start trying as soon as we get home if you want?” I grinned at her.

  She squeezed my hand and laughed at my teasing. “I’m not sure that I’m ready to share you just yet… can we have this conversation again after the wedding?” She asked shyly.

  “Sure baby.” I pulled her hand towards me and kissed it softly. “We’ll just keep practicing until then.”


  I yawned as I woke. It had been a long night of practicing indeed. I stretched out, searching for El, but I came up empty handed. Her side of the bed was cold. I glanced at the clock on my bedside.


  El was definitely up to something, she never got up this early on a Saturday morning.

  “El?” I called out.


  “El?” I tried again, more loudly – still no answer. I threw on a pair of sweats and went downstairs to look for her. Ellerslie wasn’t there, neither was Zef. Now I was confused. Her Jeep was still parked in the garage, but her trainers were gone.

  She’s gone for a walk?

  I smirked to myself. I was getting years of credit for this one… El had forgotten my birthday.

  I went back upstairs to shower and dress for the day. If I was honest, I was a little disappointed. The best part of my day was waking up next to her, and I’d been sure she had something planned for today. My instincts were losing their touch.

  I heard El the minute I shut the shower off. I rubbed the towel quickly through my hair and wrapped it around my waist. She was in the bedroom singing softly along to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Photograph’, I paused in the doorway to listen, I knew she’d stop as soon as she saw me. El didn’t think she could sing. She wasn’t wrong about much, but she was dead wrong about that. She had a beautiful voice.

  She stopped singing and I heard her rummaging around in a drawer. “Are you coming out of there today birthday boy?” She called out to me. I could tell by the way her voice sounded that she was sporting a huge smile.

  I couldn’t’ help the grin that spread across my face as I stepped into the bedroom. My eyes landed on her immediately, she was stripped down to her underwear. Her sports bra was light blue and made her eyes look even bluer than usual. I’d barely glanced at her, but her sexy as fuck curves already had me hard.

  “Happy birthday handsome.” Her voice caught as she saw me standing there, nearly naked.

  We both stood still, not saying a word, just appreciating one another from afar. It didn’t seem to matter how often I had her, I could never get enough. El didn’t seem to be able to resist me when I was shirtless, so that was pretty much how I rolled these days. I watched her trace the lines of my tattoo with her eyes and then lick her lips.

  I lost it.

  I strode towards her and scooped her up under her perky ass. She shrieked as I chucked her onto the bed. “I want to unwrap my present.” I growled in between placing kisses on her neck and jaw.

  “Your present is downstairs.” Her voice was a borderline moan.

  “My present is right here.” I unsnapped the front of her sports bra as I spoke.

  Her breasts sprang free and this time she did moan. “Lawson.”

  I rolled onto my back and pulled her with me so she was straddling me.

  Her big blue eyes were sparkling as she looked down at me. “You are so fucking hot.” She panted. She rose up and tugged my towel so it opened loosely around my hips. She made an appreciative noise that sounded like a purr.

  “Fuck baby. I need you.” I tugged her down to me and sighed in contentment at the feeling of her skin on mine, she was so soft, so warm. She fit perfectly against my big body.

  She wiggled her hips against my erection and moaned again. “I want you now.” She whispered as she began to shimmy her underwear down her legs. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Her breasts were bouncing in my face, her hips grinding against mine.

she’s so sexy.

  “Ride me.” I commanded in a voice I knew she wouldn’t argue with. El loved it as much as I did when I was in charge. It strengthened our trust – our bond.

  I grabbed my dick in my hand, I knew El was ready, she was so wet already. She hovered above me and slid down slowly, taking me in all the way to the base.

  “Oh god.” She whimpered as she slowly moved side to side, adjusting to the fullness.

  I pushed my hips up and thrust into her gently. Fuck she felt so good. Sex without a condom was about the best feeling in the world.

  El began to grind on me, rocking backwards and forwards. She looked so sexy sitting up on me, her breasts bouncing with every pump of her hips. I knew she was close already, I could feel the tremors beginning to race through her body, El was a grinder, she knew exactly how to get the right amount of friction, it never took long when she was in control.

  Seeing her get off was the biggest turn on for me. Knowing that our bodies together gave her that pleasure.


  She quickened her pace.

  “Come for me Ellerslie.” Authority rang clear in my voice. I watched her tip over the edge, she fell forward onto my chest, shuddering and moaning.

  I thrust up into her rapidly and she cried out my name. “Lawson, oh fuck.”

  I flipped her in one motion onto her back and took control. I drove into her without mercy, my pace fierce and dominating. El was completely gone; she was a shuddering, writhing ball of nerves beneath me. “Now baby.” I choked out as I chased my release to the end. I spurted hot and hard inside of her, claiming her again, in the most primal way. I rode it out until her body stilled underneath me and I felt her muscles relax.

  “Oh god.” El whispered as she ran a hand softly through my hair. “That was… wow.”

  I chuckled and kissed her nose. “That was something alright. I should have a birthday more often.”

  “Happy birthday Lawson.” She told me softly as she looked deep into my eyes. She saw me for exactly what I was, and loved me because of it.


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