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Pierced (Love like Yours Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Nicole S. Goodin

  I’d told him as much and he’d just smiled and nodded his head in agreement. “That’s because I was.”


  “The sooner you admit it the better baby.” Lawson chuckled, a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Okay fine.” I conceded. “The play house was a great idea.”

  I had been right on the money when I’d said that Stella would be spoilt rotten. But even I had underestimated just what our families were capable of. Stella had been given a wooden rocking horse, a dolls house, a ride on tractor, a tricycle, a play kitchen complete with table and chairs and even a blow up ball pit. And those were just the big items, there were books, blocks, clothes, shoes... if you could name it, Stella now owned it.

  Lawson and I had given her a simple handmade bird mobile that I’d seen at a local craft market, and of course her play house. We’d also picked out a pretty, antique rose gold locket that was going to be put away for her to have when she turned twenty one years old. I’d placed a small picture of Michael and Cassandra holding Stella on one side, and a photo of Lawson, Stella and I sat opposite it. I hoped it would be something she would cherish one day.

  I was glad we hadn’t gone overboard like everyone else. There literally wasn’t space in here for all of this stuff.

  “I knew it.” Lawson teased as we carried the play kitchen, table and chairs and a variety of other things out to the play house at the back of the house.

  “God this is a lot of stuff.” I panted as I maneuvered the dollhouse through the door of the play house.

  Lawson swiftly took it from me and easily slipped it through the door.

  “Stupid big muscles.” I grumbled to myself as I ducked in the door frame. I gasped as Lawson pressed me up against the wall, the ceiling only an inch above his head.

  “What was that baby?” He breathed, deep and husky against my ear before trailing kisses over the skin just below.

  Oh god…

  I shuddered under his touch. “Nothing.” I murmured.

  “Are you sure?” He taunted, still kissing my skin, his stubble lightly scraping and tickling in a delicious way. “I thought I heard you call my muscles stupid?”

  “These?” I gripped his biceps and felt the thick strong muscles flex. “Don’t be ridiculous.” I panted, his mouth making me feel lightheaded and breathless.

  He pulled back suddenly and stepped away from me. “Oh, well, my mistake then.” He ducked out of the low door and I watched in disbelief as he made his way across the lawn, heading towards the porch.

  Like hell…

  “Oh no you don’t cowboy.” I yelled before taking off after him, full sprint. He looked over his shoulder and saw me coming, turning the moment before I lunged at him. He caught me effortlessly and held me tight against his chest.

  “What’s the matter baby?” He asked innocently. I could see the hint of a grin in the corners of his mouth.

  “Shut up you smug little shit.”

  He chuckled and opened his mouth, I already knew he was going to crack a joke about being anything but little so I stopped him. I kissed him in a way that always led to clothes being ripped off, furniture being bumped into, toes being curled…

  “Fuck.” He moaned against my mouth.

  “What’s the matter baby?” I teased.

  “What’s the matter?” He growled. “How about the fact that you’ve got me so worked up I want to fuck you right now and I can’t, because our entire family is inside that house.”

  His words had me squirming. “You started it.” I accused, humor evident in my voice.

  He shook his head, a massive grin on his face. “I’m completely out of my depth here aren’t I pretty girl?”

  I laughed and mimicked his earlier smack talk. “The sooner you admit it the better baby.”

  “I am nothing special, of this I am sure. I am a common man with common thoughts and I’ve led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I’ve loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, that has always been enough.

  - Nicholas Sparks

  15. Lawson

  I snuck out of bed to get Stella up before she woke El. Today would be a massive day for her and she could do with a sleep in. I was lucky; all I had to do was shower and put on my tux. El on the other hand, was willingly subjecting herself to a hell of a lot more than that, not that she needed any of it anyway.

  Stella shrieked when she spotted me through the bars of her cot. She loved standing up against the sides and shaking the crap out the thing. I chuckled to myself as she started doing exactly that, her excitement was infectious.

  “Good morning baby girl.”

  “Dadada… da!” She cried.

  I scooped her out of her cot and carried her down stairs. I sat her down on her play mat and she watched me stoke the fire up so it was roaring again.

  “Well I guess we better change that stinky butt of yours, right baby?”

  She squirmed and fought me as I changed her nappy. I still had no idea how El made it look so easy.

  Becoming an overnight dad had been a shock to the system, even though Stella slept well at nights, everything was still different. Gone were the days of lying around on the couch watching a movie on a lazy Sunday afternoon. We’d tried that just the other week, and twenty minutes into the movie, Stella had woken from her nap, screaming bloody murder. I still had no idea what happened in the rest of that movie, we’d never got back to it.

  Grocery shops were like a race now, we’d figured out that Stella tolerated it for exactly thirty five minutes before she started grizzling and moaning to get down and crawl. I suggested once that we let her crawl around the store, but the look on Ellerslie’s face had told me that it wasn’t such a great idea.

  All in all, we were doing bloody well. Neither of us really had a clue about what to do, but, like all new parents, we were figuring it out as we went.

  Stella was happy. That was the most important thing.


  “Is this the part where I call a stripper and we get you shit faced? Make up for you being a pussy and bowing out of having a bachelor party?” Roman’s booming voice filled the room.

  I just chuckled and took another swig of my beer. He’d been laying the guilt on thick all day.

  “No strippers.” Logan piped in. “He’s a married man now. Let’s just get him wasted.”

  “El would have his balls.” Josh smiled a shit eating grin as he taunted me.

  I shook my head at my so-called friends. “She’d have all of your balls actually. And I’d buy her a nice handbag to carry them around in you bastards.”

  Roman barked out a laugh.

  I pointed at him. “Just wait until it’s your turn man, I’ll remember this.”

  “Nah… no woman is that stupid.” Josh goaded Rome. It worked too; Rome lunged for him just as Josh darted out of his reach.

  “Now boys… let’s not do anything silly.”

  I turned at the sound of Q’s voice and found her standing just inside the door, already dressed and ready.

  “Jesus Pierce, you look good.” Rome added a wolf whistle as he looked my sister up and down like a drooling dog.

  Quinn rolled her eyes. “Charming as always Roman.”

  “Seriously though, what have I gotta do to get a piece of that a–”

  “I’m not afraid to knock your head in… even wearing this tux.” I interrupted him.

  Rome just laughed. He was always trying to rattle me.

  “Give the guy one day off from your shit would you? It’s practically his wedding day.” Josh joked with Rome.

  I shook my head.

  I don’t know why I do this to myself.

  “You look beautiful Quinn.” I told her.

  “Thanks, those professionals can work wonders.”

  Quinn, El, Brooke, Stacey and Jemma had all been getting styled and plucked and painted and god knows what else upstairs, a team of hair stylists and makeup
artists had been up there for hours. Lexie wasn’t able to make it, and even though El was crushed, she understood – Lexie had her dream job, it was demanding, but she loved it and she couldn’t risk upsetting things by asking for the busy season off.

  It was just the nine of us here. Even Stella and the dogs were out for the night. Kaylie had picked Stella up a few hours ago and she’d been more than happy to go with her favorite teacher. Ellerslie’s parents were staying with Reeve, and my mom was staying at Q and Logan’s place. All our other family members had rented hotel rooms close to the restaurant for the night. I’d offered for them to stay here, since the place would be empty. I had plans to surprise El with a sweet little bed and breakfast for the night, I’d organized for us to be driven there after the party tonight. I’d sworn everyone to secrecy; I hadn’t wanted to risk El finding out about it.

  “Anyway, I’ve come for a reason. We’ve decided she needs a grand entrance. Can you come and wait at the bottom of the stairs?” Quinn asked.

  I couldn’t explain the butterflies I felt racing around in my stomach. We were already married for Christ sakes, I’d seen her in her dress, I knew how beautiful she’d look, but the nerves didn’t fade as I nodded and followed Q to the bottom of the staircase.

  “I’ll be right back.” She called over her shoulder as she raced upstairs.

  I felt the guy’s crowd around me.

  “I’m not sure you three need to greet my wife with me.” I joked.

  “Are you kidding?” Rome shoved me with his shoulder. “She might see me first and realize she’s made the wrong choice.”

  I glanced at Rome, who was wearing a massive, smart ass grin.

  “You are such a moron.” Josh muttered. “They’re already married.” He shook his head, unable to believe the stupidity of our friend.

  “You’re a moron too, if you think that’s the only problem with his scenario.” Logan chuckled. “That girl won’t even see us standing here.”

  I barely registered their jibes backwards and forwards. I heard the click of the photographer’s camera and I knew El was on her way down.

  The girls descended one by one, Jemma first, followed by Stacey, then Brooke and finally Quinn. They were all wearing navy blue to match Quinn, but they each had chosen a different style of dress.

  They all looked beautiful, which of course Rome told them, in his usual tactless manner.

  Guy has always got his mouth open…

  He feel silent the moment El appeared at the top of the platform. Her long blonde curls were smooth and silky, tamed and pined to the side, the lengths over her shoulder. She had on more makeup than I was used to seeing and her skin was almost glowing.

  I tried to swallow, my throat suddenly feeling dry.

  Logan was right. She only saw me.

  It gave me chills.

  I looked into her eyes and she froze, both of us staring at one another, drinking each other in. We stayed like that, unmoving, for what felt like forever.

  I looked at the distance between us and knew there was no fucking way I could wait that long to feel the warmth of her body against mine.

  I looked at her again and stepped forward. Her mouth curled up into a smile. She knew I was coming for her.

  I held her gaze as I climbed the stairs stopping only when I was one step below her, our faces level.

  “You look so handsome.” She whispered, running her fingers gently through my hair, pushing it back from my face. “So handsome.” She murmured again as her finger lightly traced the planes of my face.

  I could hear the photographer clicking away like crazy, but there wasn’t anything that could make me turn away from her in this moment.

  I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. She literally had me speechless. I shook my head and tried again… nothing.

  She giggled at my reaction and leaned into my body. “Thank you.” She whispered in my ear.

  “I didn’t even say anything.” I finally choked out.

  “I know.” She replied quietly. “You couldn’t… so thank you, for the compliment.”


  Quinn and El had done an amazing job in here. The restaurant was almost unrecognizable and the night was flowing without a hitch.

  We’d had the speeches, I’d kept mine what I thought was reasonably simple, but when I’d looked up, there wasn’t a female in the house with dry eyes. Logan had given a heartfelt speech, wishing El and I all the love in the world, and Rome and Logan had taken the piss out of me and attempted to hit on my wife. So all in all, it went well.

  Quinn had spoken beautifully on behalf of the girls and had El in tears before she even finished speaking. Those two were more like sisters than friends and it warmed my heart to witness the bond they shared.

  El’s father had even spoken, welcoming me warmly to their family – a sentiment that was both unexpected and incredibly humbling.

  I reached for El’s hand under the table. “It’s nearly time pretty girl.”

  I was nervous as shit. El thought I was worried about dancing in front of everyone. She’d managed to twist my arm and we’d taken a few lessons since we were officially married. I knew how to move, but ballroom had never been my style. It turned out to actually be pretty easy, but I’d let El think that I wasn’t feeling confident about it.

  “I know.” Her eyes sparkled.

  I knew she was excited. We’d chosen to dedicate a song to one another. El’s choice was up first.

  “What have you got for me Els?” I stood and held a hand out for her.

  “Let’s find out shall we?” She smiled shyly.

  Quinn, seeing us heading to the makeshift dance floor we’d set up at the restaurant, grabbed the microphone. “Excuse me everyone, it’s time for the first dance. If I could introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce.”

  The crowd cheered around us and El blushed, still not thrilled about being the centre of attention.

  I took her in my arms and held her close as the music began to fill the room.

  I listened carefully, not wanting to miss a word of the gift she was giving me. I smiled as I recognized the song. ‘The Book of Love’ by Gavin James.

  “I love you Lawson.”

  “The book of love has music in it, in fact that's where music comes from. Some of it is just transcendental, some of it is just really dumb.”

  I kissed her softly and held her tight against my chest, swaying and moving only slightly – the dance lessons forgotten. Thankfully El didn’t seem to mind.

  “But I, I love it when you sing to me. And you, you can sing me anything. You can sing me anything.”

  I almost laughed at the irony of the words. El was in for a surprise.

  “But I, I love it when you give me things. And you, you ought to give me wedding rings. You give me things You ought to give me wedding rings.”

  “It was perfect pretty girl.” I whispered as the song came to an end.

  “Did you like it?” She asked nervously.

  “I loved it.”

  I looked away from El and caught Q’s eye. I gave her a nod and she jiggled with excitement.

  I loosened myself from El’s arms. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  Quinn and the girls appeared behind El and pulled her gently backwards. I could see the confusion on her face and I just chuckled. I ran my hand through my hair, my nerves suddenly front and centre again.

  The minute I saw that El’s eyes were covered by the blindfold, I turned looked for Logan. He emerged through the crowd of our family and friends, passing me a chair and my guitar – the one and only secret I’d ever intentionally kept from Ellerslie.

  Quinn pushed down gently on El’s shoulders until she was sitting on a seat in the middle of the dance floor. I quietly placed my chair in front of her as the boys joined El’s friends. I gave them a nod – I’d asked for their help on this one and I was hoping like hell they’d been practicing.

  Q loosened El’s blindfold and it fell into her lap.
She blinked twice and her mouth fell open in shock as she realized what was happening.

  I lightly strummed the guitar.

  Show time.

  16. Ellerslie

  No way… no fucking way.

  He couldn’t play the guitar… could he?

  He strummed once and behind me I heard a group clap in unison.

  The girls? The guys?

  I couldn’t take my eyes off Lawson to check. I had no choice, I was completely fixated on him. He hummed lightly to the tune.

  The strums of his guitar and their timed claps created a chilling melody that I recognized instantly. ‘Work Song’ by Hozier. I loved this song.

  The whole room was silent as Lawson opened his mouth.

  “Boys workin' on empty

  Is that the kinda way to face the burning heat?

  I just think about my baby

  I'm so full of love I could barely eat

  There's nothing sweeter than my baby

  I'd never want once from the cherry tree

  'Cause my baby's sweet as can be

  She give me toothaches just from kissin' me”

  His voice was deep, but somehow soft as he sang into the microphone in front of him. His eyes were focused on mine and I had goose bumps covering my skin from his intensity. His voice moved through my entire body, his foot tapping to the beat he created.

  “When, my, time comes around

  Lay me gently in the cold dark earth

  No grave can hold my body down

  I'll crawl home to her

  That's when my baby found me

  I was three days on a drunken sin


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