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The Billionaire From Boston_A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 18

by Simply BWWM

  “Wait! Are you saying what I think you are saying?”

  “And what would that be?” I replied, knowing all too well what he meant.

  “Are you saying you’ll marry me?”

  “Well, as long as I can do the cooking. I can only eat so much mac and cheese in a lifetime.”

  He rolled on top of me, pinning me down on the bed. He was dripping excitement. It was infectious.

  “You know, I make a mean piece of toast, too.” I started to giggle and squirm under him. He calmed this with a passionate kiss. It started out heated, but then melted into something so much more. It was as if both of us were putting all of our love for each other into that one kiss. He pulled back just enough so that the tips of our noses were touching. It was just a split second, but I saw my future in his eyes at that moment.

  Just as fast as he was pinning me, he was once again off and climbing out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” I asked. Though I had to admit, I didn’t mind the view of my future husband’s behind walking away from me.

  “I have something for you.”

  He came back with a small, teal-blue bag. Inside was a velvet case. He had gotten a ring? How did he even know I would agree? I looked at him questioningly.

  “What, I like to be prepared,” he said simply. I could tell, though he was trying to hide it, he was nervous for me to open it. I did to find a stunning marquise diamond. Flanking it were two matching, princess-cut yellow diamonds in a platinum setting. It was beautiful, classy, and in every way perfect. He was still waiting nervously for my response.

  “Well, are you going to make me put it on myself?” Relief washed across him at this. He reached over and, pulling it out of its case, gingerly put it on my finger. Perfect fit.

  He put the bag and case aside and snuggled up next to me again. Leaning on one arm, he looked down at me. “I’ll be good for you Vay. I promise. This might not be the ideal start to a marriage, but I want you to know, baby or not, I have always wanted this.”

  “Me too,” I said simply.

  This brought satisfaction to his face and he lowered down to kiss me again. It quickly got heated. Looks like we wouldn’t be waiting twenty four hours today.


  “And tell me why I’m moving in with you again?” I asked Edward as he drove us to my apartment the next morning. “Why can’t you move in with me?”

  “Uh, I don’t mind either way, I just figured you would want to move in with me,” he said as gently as he could. I knew what he meant, because he was rich and had a big place to show for it.

  “Well, maybe I like my cozy little apartment. Maybe I don’t want to leave it.”

  “Okay. If that’s what you want. I don’t really care either way.”

  “Good,” I said, satisfied. I don’t think I really cared either way, also. I guess I just wanted to see if he was willing to make sacrifices to make this work. He passed with flying colors. “It may not have a gym or library, but I think you’ll like it.”

  “Baby, with you, I’ll like anything,” he said it giving me a quick glance from the road and a dashing smile. Yeah, he definitely passed with flying colors!

  I could tell as we were walking around my place, he was trying hard to adjust to it. My whole apartment could probably fit in his kitchen. He was poking his head around into the bathroom, master bedroom, and closet. I couldn’t figure out what he was looking for.

  “Uh, is it just one bedroom?”

  Oh yeah, I had forgotten about that for some stupid reason. Where would the baby sleep? “Um, yeah.”

  “I guess we could make it work. Put the crib or whatever in the room with us.”

  “You would do that?”

  “Well, if you are really set on staying at your place, then, yeah. We got to make it work, right?”

  “Yeah, right,” I got up on my tip toes to give him a chaste kiss. “Come on, come help me pack.”

  “What? Pack?”

  “I’m moving in with you silly,” I said it like wasn’t that obvious? Though I knew it wasn’t.

  “I think I’m going to need a handbook with you,” he retorted as he followed me into the bedroom to pack up some of my belongings.


  It hadn’t taken me long to pack up what I needed. We had taken my few boxes back to his place, leaving them downstairs to be brought up in the service elevator. We were too busy christening our new place together, again, to deal with the boxes. We were stretched out in bed next to each other just enjoying the moment.

  “So,” I started, “we got living arrangements down, now what about dates?”

  “It’s up to you. You tell me when and I’ll make sure I’m there for it.”

  “We’ll have to work around Rebecca’s wedding. I don’t want to steal her thunder or anything.”

  “Please. Rebecca and her tool will be engaged for a while. They have at least a year before they tie the knot. I don’t want to wait till after them.”

  “Well, I guess it really just comes down to if we want a belly wedding or a baby wedding.”

  “Let’s go belly. That way we can have fun on the honeymoon,” he said with a wicked grin.

  “The only family I have to attend the wedding will be my mom and, though I’m sure it’s not her first choice, I also know she won’t have a problem with it. I don’t know if that’s true for yours, though.”

  “I’m not going to lie, my parents will most likely be horrible either way.”

  “Oh, good, at least we got that out of the way,” I said with a sarcastic laugh.

  “Hey,” he sat up and looked deep into my eyes, “I don’t care what they think or what they say. And trust me, they won’t keep their mouths shut. It was always you for me. I have never cared for anyone else like I care about you. Plus, it’s not like their relationship is some picnic so why even bother caring what they think?”

  “What do you mean, about the picnic thing, I mean?” I wanted to steer the conversation away from how much they were most likely going to hate me. I didn’t want to think about dealing with that just yet.

  “Well,” he said lying back down next to me, “they had the marriage they want me and my sister to have. An acquisition of mutual funds. Sounds romantic, right?”

  I half-heartedly laughed, “So, like, arranged marriage?”

  “No, not really, but I don’t know if they ever really did have any feelings for each other. I know my dad was banging the nanny as long as I can remember.”

  “That’s terrible! Your poor mother.”

  “Oh please, she’s had her own share.”

  “So, why stay together then?”

  “They didn’t marry each other for love they did it for the increase of wealth. It was mostly a contractual arrangement.”

  “It sounds awful.”

  “Yes, and it has been ingrained in Rebecca’s and my head that it’s the only way to get married, or don’t get married at all. So we can secure our financial stability.”

  “Man, they’re really going to hate it when they see what I have to bring to the table then. Nothing but student loans!”

  “You know,” Edward said tentatively looking my direction, “If I never worked another day in my life, I’d have more than enough for the both of us.”

  “You know. I don’t want your money. That’s not what I was saying.”

  “I know, and I know you’re not like that. I’m just saying you don’t have to worry about things like student loans or whatever,, anymore. In fact, if you didn’t want to work, you could stay home with the baby.”

  “I can’t do that. I need some independence. I need to work. To feel like I’m contributing.”

  “I know, it’s whatever you want. Just know the option is there if you want it.”

  “Please! Could you imagine the fuel to the fire that would cause with your parents if I quit and stayed home?!”

  “I don’t care what they think. I don’t want you to care, either. Plus they’re going to be pissed
enough when I tell them no prenup.”

  “What? Edward! We’re getting a prenup! We are marriage attorneys, after all! It’s for you, how could you not want one?”

  “Nope, no way. I don’t care when we get married, I don’t care how, I don’t care if you make everyone wear hot pink pajamas, but I refuse to get a prenup. That’s not how I want to start a marriage.”

  “And what if I’ve been playing you this whole time? What if I just plan to take all your money?”

  He gave me an “I seriously doubt that” look. “Then you can have it. It’s just money. I can always get more.”

  “You are like the only rich person in the world I’ve ever heard say that.”

  “What can I say, I’m like the best guy in the whole wide world. You’re a lucky girl to end up with this-”

  Before he could continue congratulating himself on how amazing he was, I smacked him in the face with a pillow.

  He grabbed a pillow of his own, “Oh, game on!”

  Chapter 7

  I took a deep breath. “Do I look okay?” I asked Edward for the thousandth time, smoothing my hair down. Only this time, we were walking up to his parents’ door. Of course, his parents’ house had been a sickeningly huge mansion north of Seattle. I already knew they weren’t happy with the situation. If Edward’s warnings hadn’t been enough, listening to him tell his mom on the phone the next day had been pretty painful.

  Rebecca had warmed up to me nicely. I still couldn’t decide if she was just happy for the lime light to be off her recent engagement. Carlos, her fiancé, met the paycheck requirement, but apparently came from the wrong political party, whatever that means. I guess he was working his way up to state Senator. This is also why Edward thought he was a tool; Edward hated politics.

  Tonight I would be meeting Carlos and Mr. and Mrs. Kinkade for the first time. I was terrified, to say the least. I was holding onto my last ditch hope that high society would at least keep them from grabbing pitchforks and chasing me down the driveway.

  “Baby, for the millionth time, you look beautiful.” Edward gave me a loving kiss on my forehead. “Don’t stress about this.”

  “Why, because nothing I do will make a difference?”

  “Pretty much,” he said this with an apologetic look before opening the door.

  The Kinkades were at the door waiting for us when we walked in the huge marble foyer. Apparently Rebecca and Carlos hadn’t been that far ahead of us. They were all polite in meeting me. I thanked my lucky stars that Mrs. Kinkade’s eyes weren’t equipped with death rays. I’m pretty sure if that was the case, I would have been a pile of crispy Nevaeh on the floor.

  Rebecca was warm in her welcome. I could see the two of us becoming close friends over time. Carlos seemed nice enough to me, a bit like a car salesman, but still nice. Edward was just as politely cold to Carlos as his parents were to me. I made a mental note to tell him to ease up. I had a feeling it was less to do with Carlos the person, and more to do with Rebecca the baby sister.

  “Nevaeh, tell me what plans you have for your future,” Mrs. Kinkade asked over dinner. “Well, I mean what plans you did have before this little mishap. I can’t imagine you planned this. Or did you?”

  Cut right to the heart of it in no time. I put my hand on Edward’s thigh before he could interject. I was going to have to learn to fight my own battles with this one.

  “Of course it wasn’t planned.”

  “Oh, good. I suppose that’s worth something then.”

  “I had future plans, and I still do. I’ve always wanted a family. Obviously we’re not doing it the most orthodox way, but I don’t see any reason why it would prevent Edward or me from reaching any of our other goals.”

  “And what goals are that, my dear?” I don’t think it would be possible for her to drip with more disdain in those few words.

  “Well, I was working my way up in my firm. I had just been given my own case recently. Actually that’s how Edward and I reconnected. But since the baby and other stuff, I have given my notice to come over and work at the same firm as Edward.”

  “Oh, really?” she asked, looking from her husband to her son. Mr. Kinkade couldn’t care less about our marriage situation. He was all too happy to steal me from the other firm. I had won him over with that. I guess, in his mind, it made up for the less then desirable match if it improved his business in the process. I was even allowed to call him Hank. Mrs. Kinkade was certainly not Vivian though.

  Edward chimed in, “she is an amazing lawyer. It didn’t take much to convince dad to take her on as a partner.”

  “And a partner too?” Mrs. Kinkade asked, really narrowing her eyes on her husband now. He gave a non-committal shrug, most likely meaning “I don’t answer to you.”

  “Well, isn’t that a nice break for you?” Mrs. Kinkade turned her attention back to me.

  I looked up at Rebecca and Carlos just then. Their heads were spinning back and forth like a tennis match. I had to choke down a little giggle. This was all just ridiculous.

  “Yeah,” I said clearing my giggle with a little cough, “I guess I just got lucky.” I looked at Edward. He knew what I meant by my luck.

  Edward kissed my hand and looking into my eyes mouthed, “Me too.”

  “Ugh,” Rebecca interjected, “I may not be the pregnant one, but I will defiantly barf all over this table if you two keep up all that mushy crap.” We all laughed at this, well, all but one. It had lightened the mood. Rebecca spent the rest of the dinner drilling me on wedding arrangements.

  Luckily, Mrs. Kinkade kept mostly silent for the rest of the meal. She only interjected now and then to clarify what was appropriate for a wedding in such a situation. By the end of dinner, Rebecca had given me the number to her wedding planner and insisted that I allow her to take care of everything.

  All-in-all, the night hadn’t been too terrible. If I ignored Edward’s mother, I could almost enjoy myself. It was at the end as everyone was getting ready to go that it all turned into a disaster. I was on my way to the bathroom before the car ride home, which was becoming a more frequent and irritating occurrence, when she accosted me in the hallway.

  “I know what you’re up to, you little slut, and I’ll be damned if I let someone like you come in here and ruin all my son’s hard work.”

  “What?” I was so shocked I couldn’t speak.

  “I don’t care what it takes, but I’m going to find a way to show Edward the kind of person you really are. Don’t think for a second I’m going to let you marry my son. And you can bet I will be getting a paternity test before I let you weasel a dime out of this family.”

  “You don’t even know me.” It was all I could think of to say. I was never good at having good comebacks in the heat of the moment.

  “I may not know you, but I know your kind. Enjoy it while you can. It won’t last long.”

  Of course I told Edward in the car on the way home. Maybe not such a good idea; he was furious. I don’t know if I was feeding off his anger, but the more I thought about it, the more it upset me too. What right did she have to say that kind of stuff to me? The whole way home, I could think of nothing else but the things I wished I said to her.

  I couldn’t even imagine what it was going to be like when I saw her again. Was she going to make a big scene at the wedding? Is that what she had meant? What was worse was how was this going to affect our little one? Would she show her own grandchild the same contempt she had for me? That was too heartbreaking for me to think about.


  Two months later, I was beginning to show a little bit of a belly. We were a week away from finding out if it was a boy or a girl. Edward was going on and on about something big he was planning for me after we found out. I was learning that he really enjoyed giving me surprises.

  We were also a month out from my baby shower that was graciously being put on by his mother and sister. If it was going to be anything like our family dinner together, I wasn’t sure if I was going to s
urvive it. Try as I might to forget that horrible night, I swear I was uncontrollably furious when I thought about how Mrs. Kinkade had cornered me in the hall.

  I hadn’t seen her since then. I was dreading the baby shower. Rebecca was hosting it. I was sure it would be top notch, but it also was going to be at the Kinkade family home. Sadly, all the Kinkade ladies would be in attendance.

  My mother, on the other hand, had been excited from the moment we told her the news. She had warmed right up to Edward. She was coming over at least once a week for dinner. Edward didn’t seem to mind having her around. He knew she was one of the most important people in my life and honestly, they got along great. I was glad at least one thing was going right.

  Julia and I were at our new favorite place for lunch, Tulio’s, since sushi was officially off the list, at least for the remainder of the pregnancy. I didn’t have my morning sickness, let’s face it, all day sickness, as much anymore, but there were still some things that would set me off. That fishy smell was one of them.

  We didn’t get to see much of each other anymore now that I had switched firms. So the first half of the meal was spent catching me up on office gossip.

  “So, there was something I wanted to ask you,” I said after I was all caught up on Melissa’s whirlwind saga with the hot temp. “Rebecca is throwing me a baby shower next month. I was hoping you would come.”

  “And protect you from Edward’s evil mom.”

  “Yeah, something like that. I don’t think she will start a rumble or anything, but I could use some muscle just in case.”

  “I don’t know about muscles, but I just got my nails done so I can at least claw her eyes out.”

  “If only it were that easy.”

  “Enough about evil mother-in-law, tell me, how things are going between you and Edward. Hot?”

  “Things are good,” I said hesitantly. I was used to hearing her gossip, not dishing my own.


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