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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 22

by James Jackson

  The session goes on for a long time. George does not get too exasperated by the idiocy of some of the questions. Eventually, he is able to leave, though being treated like a criminal has not been a very good experience for him. As he heads back to his room to find Lisa, he wonders about the one detail he missed telling them. The translator is a very small unit, and fits so well inside his ear that a casual observer cannot see it. He did mention both of his trips to the Regent’s command ship, which caused the man questioning George to raise his eyebrows in disbelief.

  George can still recall the look on the man's face when he replied. “Just ask the President, he was there!” He grins cheekily as he makes his way through the complex.


  Planetary Orbit


  Sharz looks around the bridge of his spacecraft with pride. The last few days have seen the installation of many extra components. Once-empty weapon ports now bristle with armaments. Shuttles and ground vehicles line the main cargo area. All aboard have continued to work with greater diligence than normal, as they are running below optimum crew levels.

  Once assembled, the fleet of twenty-four spacecraft, banks away from Earth. Orbital thrusters are soon replaced by the glow of sub light engines as the fleet accelerates farther away. Far below, many telescopes watch the departing fleet. Barbara's team is just one of those that watch with trepidation. Will they destroy us as they leave? Or just go, leaving us alone?

  “Twenty-three, twenty-four, and they are all moving off, not really in any formation either, just as a group.” The man seated at his powerful telescope turns to Barbara with a curious expression. “Well, now that they have gone, what the heck do we do?” Barbara is not sure what to say right now, so she just gives him a warm smile.

  Regent Voknor looks around at not only his own bridge, but at the fleet with him. He is pleased by the addition of a new ship and its prime, Sharz. Though he did want to replace the ships they lost from the fateful trap they fell in to, he is still pleased with the results to date. Looking at the main screen, he watches Earth until it is just a small speck. The planet was quiet cooperative, and has been a fine restocking and repairing stop for the fleet. With a single glance to one of his bridge operators, the screen changes to that of the view ahead. His bridge crew knows him well, as they should.

  The Regent issues the orders his crew have been waiting for. “Instruct Sharz to test his ship’s weapons on the asteroid field as we pass.”

  Twenty minutes after breaking Earth's orbit, the fleet approaches the fringe of the asteroid belt. One ship breaks off, and heads directly for the asteroids, while the rest of the fleet continues on a safer route, well clear of the field.

  Sharz stands from his command chair and struts to the main view screen. He takes a deep breath, and then commands. “Weapon’s stations. Fire each pounder until acquisition scanners are perfectly aligned. Once all seventeen pounders have cycled through, fire each particle beam until all three are aligned. Once done, fire all weapons simultaneously. Begin.”

  The two-mile long spacecraft starts firing each weapon at various asteroids. The final crescendo looks like a great fireworks show, as seventeen projectiles and three beam weapons lash out, simultaneously blasting twenty asteroids into smaller pieces.

  Sharz bares his teeth in approval, and then orders. “Pilot, return us to the fleet. Inform Regent Voknor that all systems are ready.”

  As Sharz's ship rejoins the fleet, the glow of main engines engaging is visible on the ships ahead. With only one system left to test, Sharz retires to his centrally raised chair, and sits down. Though he does not show it, he is quite excited as he commands. “Pilot, engage main engines, pursuit plot.”

  The ultimate shakedown cruise is always the main engine test. Just one mistake during construction, and all aboard will die. There is a perceptible hum throughout the ship as the main engines power up. In an instant, the ship is propelled beyond the speed of light. Sharz is pleased as his ship follows the fleet far off into space. He considers the planet behind, with its varied inhabitants, one more time.

  Chapter Ten - Aftermath


  KGB Headquarters

  Minsk, Russia

  The Russian President strides into the meeting room to find Igor and Pavel highly animated, debating some minor issue. The many other advisors are engaged on one side or the other as the debate rages on. The huge, centrally placed table within the room has seen many such meetings, especially lately. He glances over to the far wall, where half a dozen huge windows stand majestically. Heavy drapes, with accents of red throughout, line these windows. Today is the first time he has really noticed the details of the room. It is an old room, and is chock-full of history. How many meetings has he had here, never really being aware of the Persian rugs or the priceless paintings that line the walls? As those present become aware of their unusually pensive leader, they stop the debate and wait. Looking at those around the room, he considers his actions and words carefully.

  Gathering their attention, the President breathes deeply and begins. “My comrades, we have faced a powerful adversary; our enemy is fear. These aliens, the Gamin, could have easily killed all of us. Instead, they let us bicker and fight amongst ourselves. They gave the French medical knowledge, and gifted the Chinese with a power source. They made sure we were so focused on each other that we were distracted from what they were doing. Our own paranoia got the best of us. Look at how many cities around the world suffered major chaos as people panicked. I am pleased to say that our people conducted themselves well during these difficult times. Well, now, we have some important decisions to make.”

  The President gets up from his chair and walks with purpose around the room. He makes eye contact with each and every person in the room before proceeding. “What I am about to propose would have, up until very recently, been considered a treasonous act, or, at the very least, an action that would ensure the end of my political career.”

  With these words, there is a rustling in the room as Russia's senior advisors cannot help but be curious and disturbed at the same time.

  The President continues his statement. “We must open the forum for a world government. Russia cannot stand alone any longer, nor should any country. This would start with a few nations at first, and then expand. We must get the Americans along with Europeans to concur for this to work.” Standing with his hands clasped behind his back, he awaits the repercussions.

  “Mr. President.” Igor interjects. “You cannot expect the Russian people to have an American leader. That is preposterous! Sir?” Igor looks steadfastly at the President, the idea stunning him.

  “Igor, not at all. I propose that Germany leads this new world power.” The President maintains a steady gaze back at Igor, he is very serious.

  Even Pavel, the pacifist, blanches as the President paces the room, continuing on, “Must I remind you of recent events? Everyone on this planet was at the mercy of alien conquerors. No matter how you gloss it over, we are alive only because it suits them.”

  The President points up as he begins to rant. “We launched every nuclear missile we had at the asteroids, and it did nothing. Do you think we could damage their ships, let alone destroy them?”

  Walking around the room again, the President lowers his head a little as he requests. “At least consider the idea, my fellow countrymen. I understand this cannot happen overnight, but I feel that our differences must be set aside if we are to prevail next time they, or another alien race, comes visiting. Now that we have been discovered, I am sure they will be back.”

  Igor shakes his head in disbelief, “Why do you say that with such surety?” He is feeling quite confrontational today.

  The President smiles, a knowing smile, as he paces the room. After a brief pause he replies. “Our own history guides us. These aliens have found a place where they can acquire resources easily. Hell, we even mine the resources they want, and provide delivery. I feel they are not too unlik
e us, my friends. Yes, I believe they will be back. When that happens, we must either fight them, or bow to their superior technology.” Standing with his hands clasped behind his back once more, he turns and gazes out the window before him.

  The men at the table take advantage of the brief respite and start to whisper back and forth.

  Pavel looks up and down the row of men in the room, gauging them carefully. He stands up to present his point of view. “Though I am well known for my peaceful initiatives, I, too, would support fighting. That is, I’d support fighting if we had even the slightest chance of winning. But we do not have any chance, do we? We cannot win such a war; thus, we should consider the idea of a world government. As a united planet, we could boost our technology and perhaps even partner with these aliens someday.”

  Scoffs emanate from some of those seated, but only one has the courage to speak. Igor shakes his head as he slowly stands. Staring Pavel down, he begins his condescending barrage. “These aliens have technology so far above us, we would never be their equals. We are no better than slaves or servants to them. Fighting them though, is an option, and would probably be suicidal, perhaps even genocidal. Who knows what they would do if we resisted? On one more point, however, I will not only agree with Pavel, I will support the initiative.” He pauses, either for effect, or because there is no going back from his next statement.

  The President’s eyebrows raise as all eyes look to Pavel, then back at Igor. Everyone in the room leans in to listen to this historic moment. Igor and Pavel both in support of an issue? Unheard of. Pavel tilts his head in surprise as Igor pauses.

  Igor makes eye contact with most of his fellow countryman, and then continues. “We should support the President and pursue the idea of a world government. However, we should consider carefully who we approach as the figurehead.” He nods to the President then even looks at Pavel, and also nods to him in respect. Pavel gulps, and then sits down.

  The President, now with his back to the window, smiles a little. Having Pavel and Igor in support means the others will follow. It is just a matter of time. With a widening grin, he states, “I thank you both for your support. Now, we must all decide how to proceed.”

  The talks continue on for a while, as those present work on the many nuances involved. At the end of the talks, the President retires to set plans in motion. Sitting down in his private chamber, he looks at the Russian doll resting on his desk. Such a short time ago he was boasting to himself about plans within plans. These Gamin surprised him. Even when he, and the Americans, were caught red handed with their submarines hiding out under the ice, all their leader did was capture the crews and have them go to his flagship. The leader put on a great show of force, with his fleet hovering over Earth. He then let the sailors go, at the supposed insistence of the civilian that was present. Yet, for all their care, they killed hundreds of thousands in their initial attack. Was this an accident, or part of their plan?


  White House

  Washington DC

  The President of America is seated in the oval office, with the joint chiefs. Also present are quite a few more people than normal, making this room rather crowded. Barbara looks around the room at the many well-dressed people, civilians and military men alike, and wonders how she came to be included in this meeting.

  An impeccably dressed man starts the proceedings from his chair. His powerful voice fills the room, “I am the Speaker of the House, and have been instructed to run today's proceedings. We are gathered here today to discern what we really know of the Gamin. We will be discussing various technical and social aspects as we know them. I remind you all that this meeting is classified top secret.” The man pauses for a moment, and gazes around the room to let his words sink in. Satisfied that everyone understands the significance of the planned discussion, he reviews his notes, and then continues. “We understand that twenty-three spacecraft entered orbit shortly after the...”

  The speaker stops and glares at Barbara, who has her hand up. “Yes.” He says, motioning to her in annoyance.

  Barbara states with conviction. “I know the Aussies said there were twenty-three spaceships, but we distinctly counted twenty-four departing. They must have missed one.”

  The speaker looks to the President, who simply nods.

  “We will have to obtain the data from the Australians to verify the numbers.” The Speaker states, and then requests. “Barbara, will you contact the Australians, and get us some definitive answers?”

  “Yes, Mr. Speaker.” She responds, and then continues to follow the proceedings intently. As she listens, she discovers many aspects about the Gamin of which she was unaware. The medical and technical information they shared with the French, for instance, is fascinating all by itself.

  The Speaker’s voice fills the room once more. “We are still unclear about how the Chinese secured a functioning power unit from the Gamin. The Chinese, as usual, are not cooperating with us in this matter. They claim that with three more of these power units, they will meet all of their energy needs. This is an amazing and unsubstantiated claim.”

  The Speaker hesitates as he looks at his notes. He glances at the President, who nods once more, indicating for him to continue. “This next piece of information is an insight into Gamin psychology, and is deemed as sensitive information.”

  He pauses once more, and then continues guardedly. “The American Ballistic Submarine fleet met up with the Russian’s equivalent under the northern polar ice pack.”

  There is a minor disruption as some of the people in the room are surprised by this revelation.

  The Speaker continues on undeterred. “This was done to counter any further hostile actions by the Gamin. The Gamin discovered the submarines, and either captured or destroyed them all. The Gamin released the survivors after a short period. They were not interrogated or questioned, merely held captive.”

  Barbara considers this information, almost missing what would become a pivotal moment in history as the Speaker continues.

  The Speaker continues reading his notes. “It would seem that the Regent uses aides to do his bidding. One of these aides developed a relationship with an ordinary citizen, who we now hold, with his family and others, in the Cheyenne Mountain facility, NORAD.”

  The President stands up as he angrily shakes his fist. “This man seemed to have the run of their command ship. I saw no guards with him. He even had a pilot assigned to him. We must assume that he is a collaborator. There can be no coincidence that he was not at home when the asteroid hit Manhattan. He must have been in contact with them from the very start. This George Stanton is a spy for them...” Realizing that he is ranting, he adjusts his suit and sits down, his facial muscles still twitching.

  Barbara doubts this view is accurate, but is intrigued enough that she adds George Stanton to the list of people she wants to talk to. I wonder what his view on all this is...

  While she ponders this quietly to herself, a young woman wearing a white coat walks up to the President. “Mr. President, would you please come with me?” He glances at her with a blank expression, and then quietly complies.

  Once he has left the room, the Speaker of the House continues in a sympathetic tone. “The President is not feeling well after his traumatic experience at the hands of the Gamin. George is being debriefed at the NORAD facility with all the others who had direct contact with the aliens.”

  As the Speaker drones on, Barbara looks at her list one more time. Andrew and Joe of ASKAP may have more information about the alien fleet. Hopefully, they can resolve the issue of the discrepancy in numbers. John, the forgotten shuttle pilot, and hero to the crew of the ISS, perhaps he saw something, anything during his daring rescue. Then this civilian, George, who we know had direct contact with the Gamin, we must find out what he knows. She sighs as she looks at one more name on the list, Demetri. Well, he is the best Russia has. She detests him, just about as much as he detests her. While she can't stand his air of superiori
ty, he finds her attitude condescending.


  Kangbashi District


  The Chinese government is quite busy handling numerous issues. The new power unit given to them by the Gamin has caused quite a stir. Many countries want to study it. Requests for access are turned down, while demands to see it are simply ignored. Another pressing dilemma is the recent Korean War. Though brief, it has created a staggering number of refugees, and they are still crossing the border in droves. Looking to secure China’s future, the leadership has not only opened the borders, but is going one step further.

  The modern bullet train pulls to a stop at this nearly new train station. The numerous passengers look at each other with a mixture of bewilderment and disbelief. Many had heard of the fabled Chinese ghost cities, but no one could have imagined they really existed. One thousand passengers and three hundred members of the People’s Liberation Army of China disembark. Each of the passengers is directed in turn to present documentation to an official, who sends them toward awaiting buses. Each bus, once full, takes these passengers to a residential area where they are assigned housing. The process is extremely efficient.

  Each day that passes finds more trains arriving, each with their load of one thousand passengers and three hundred soldiers. Within days, these new arrivals have work assignments and food rations.

  Though most of the early arrivals are young, single men, later trains include women and children. It does not take long for the once quiet area to become a bustling community. Either due to the heavy military presence, or the newcomers’ own willpower, crime is virtually nonexistent. Children play in the streets safely, homes that are left open are undisturbed. The local prison stands virtually empty, the police force spends most of their time attending issues such as cats trapped in trees, and the like.


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